The huge energy spherulites are shining, colorful, shining with various streamers, those streamers are crisscrossed and densely intertwined, as if corresponding to a vein, enough to extend to the universe.

At that moment, Qin Feng clearly felt an extremely familiar breath.

That is the breath of cosmic energy, and it is countless times more vast than any previous perception.

Obviously, this is the origin of the universe.

The foundation of one universe is also the lifeblood of one universe.

Without this origin of the universe, all universes will wither and become an eternal dead universe.

With the emergence of the origin of the universe, Qin Feng clearly felt a vast aura permeating from it, familiar, and even more refreshing.

His soul and body are nourished, and he is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

‘So this is the origin of the universe! ’

Looking at the origin of the universe, Qin Feng felt shocked and unthinkable. He was born out of the universe, can borrow the energy of the universe, can perceive the energy of the origin of the universe, but has never seen the origin of the universe with his own eyes.

Unexpectedly, the origin of the universe is in such a form.

He walked forward, and when he came to the origin of the universe, his injury was recovering extremely quickly. The next moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slowly explored the origin of the universe.

In an instant, his recovery from injury became faster, and he recovered in an instant. Not only that, he felt that he was also tempered, and his blood was undergoing transformation. That feeling made his mind addicted and difficult. Extricate yourself.

He gave birth to the most primitive and most instinctive greed and desire for the origin of the universe, and he wanted to swallow it thoroughly, absorb and refine it into a part of himself.

He can guarantee that if he can get the origin of the universe, his Tao will be greatly improved even if it cannot be transformed.

That greed and desire became stronger and stronger as his hand kept getting closer to the origin of the universe, becoming unstoppable.

At the next moment, his vigor burst out, and a thick blood flowed out, heading towards the origin of the universe, subconsciously swallowing it.

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to have lost his mind, only the most primitive greed.


Suddenly, in the deepest part of Qin Feng's heart, there seemed to be a sound, his body shook suddenly, and his blood was suddenly changed into an empty state.

His expression changed drastically, and he could not bear the greed in his heart.


At the moment when Qin Feng was sober, the origin of the universe suddenly burst into wisps of light, turning into the purest and most terrifying Taoism, like a giant net, directly trapping Qin Feng’s blood, even the light is still there. Invaded towards Qin Feng's body.

The next moment, the light bloomed, and Qin Feng's blood burst into pieces, his body was even more strongly impacted, he directly opened his mouth and vomited blood, flying upside down.

Hit hard!

Qin Feng, who tried to swallow the origin of the domain master, was instantly hit by the origin of the universe. If it were not the last moment, the only trace of reason left him sober, I was afraid that the light would trap him together and annihilate with his blood.


Qin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He thought he was stalwart, but he didn't expect to be able to withstand the temptation of the origin of the universe, and fail to curb his inner greed.

With a wry smile, Qin Feng got up and left.

His behavior made his previous words pale and weak, and what face he could continue to pry into the origin of the universe, what he can do is continue to guard his original heart, guard the dying, and die without regrets.

Originally, his injury had recovered. This was a gift from the origin of the universe, but he was too greedy and was severely injured again. He knew that it was difficult to stop the blood from passing away in this state.

And with the temptation of the origin of the universe, even if the blood died in captivity, it might not be able to curb greed, and Nirvana might be inevitable.

But he had no choice.


At this moment, the origin of the universe suddenly trembled, and the purest stream of light in the origin of the universe suddenly swelled, and then burst out, directly enveloping Qin Feng.

At that moment, Qin Feng's body trembled, but then he was relieved, without the slightest sense of resistance.

He became greedy for the origin of the universe, and even made a move. Even if the origin of the universe would instinctively counterattack, he would not complain, let alone resist.

This is his due consequence.

He relaxed his mind, let go of his blood, and let the power of the origin of the universe envelope him.

However, what surprised him was that his heavily damaged body recovered quickly. Not only that, his blood began to boil, and his body quietly evolved into a whirlpool shape.

The purest streamer slowly gathered the thousands of intertwined streamers in the origin of the universe, and then invaded the vortex state Qin Feng little by little.

This is, fusion!

Qin Feng felt his own changes and was shocked.

The origin of the universe actively merges, is this completely choosing him?

By resisting the horror in his heart, Qin Feng quickly converged all his thoughts, and cooperated with the origin of the universe to integrate the unpredictable energy into his body.

As he continues to merge with the origin of the universe, Qin Feng can clearly feel his own changes, both his body and soul are improving, the most obvious is his blood will.

Vaguely, he felt that the universe on one side had become insignificant, and under his **** swordsmanship, it seemed as small and fragile as dust.

He knew that it was overriding and detached.

Above one universe, detached from the truth.

It's just that the feeling is very illusory, it seems there is something like nothing. Obviously, he can only touch that level, but he can't stabilize at that level.

Soon, Dao consciousness merged into Qin Feng's mind.

It was the consciousness of the origin of the universe. At this moment, he seemed to be able to perceive everything about the origin of the universe, as if he was the origin of the universe.

Very mysterious, but very real.


Qin Feng suddenly shouted, because in that consciousness perception, he could feel the weakness of the origin of the universe, as if it would dissipate at any time.

It is true that he wants this energy very much, but he does not want the origin of the universe to dissipate. This is a great harm to the origin of the universe and the universe itself.


As Qin Feng's voice fell, a crisp sound followed, and the energy of the origin of the universe dispersed like a tide. Looking at the origin of the universe, it has been reduced by more than half, and it appears extremely dim.

Qin Feng wanted to say something, but the origin of the universe dissipated in an instant. I don't know where it was hidden. Only one consciousness merged into Qin Feng's mind and sounded in his mind.

‘Remember your words and guard the universe! ’

Conscious voice!

Qin Feng's expression changed drastically, and he could perceive the consciousness of the origin of the universe.

This is not the point. The most important thing is that the origin of the universe has only pure consciousness and no intelligence at all. How does it communicate?

Qin Feng froze in place.

But soon he recovered, condensed all his thoughts, turned and left.

The battlefield outside is still waiting for him!

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