100,000 Years of Body Refining

Chapter 995: Yin Sha female

Brahma Yin understood the state of Xiaoling and this Tianxuan universe.

The Spirit King has returned, and the Profound Sky has transformed. Only the Spirit King has forcibly controlled the energy rules to prevent the entire universe from transforming.

The Spirit King controls those energy rules and concentrates them so that some people can break through the realm first.

The result of this is that it delays the complete transformation of the universe, but can quickly give birth to the Lord of Time and Space, and can use the energy rules of the Lord of Time and Space as one wishes.

But they were isolated by the energy rules, which had a great impact on combat power.

One goes and the other goes, and they are bound to be in danger.

Of course, these are not important, because the spirit king can burst out that power at this moment, and the roaring fire waves have already plunged them into danger.


Without time to think about other things, Brahma sound immediately roared, and the terrifying rhythm trembles time and space, splitting the waves of fire fiercely like an invisible blade, and the other two powerful men also roared and counterattacked.

call out!

At this moment, Xiao Ling suddenly whizzed out and rushed out like a pillar of fire. The speed was so fast that it was beyond perception. Almost the moment she disappeared in place, she heard three explosions.

Immediately afterwards, the three of Brahma Yin were shaken out.

The creaking voice sounded, and Brahma Yin's physical body chapped intensified, and it appeared to be fragmented and terrifying. The other two were still miserable and countless. The soul seemed to be completely extinguished, and the illusion seemed transparent.


The three of them could stop, and Xiao Ling whizzed up again. She waved her hands, and immediately three fire waves were like flame phoenixes, binding and wrapping the three of them.

Of course, the three of them will not wait to die, they all struggled hard without reservation.

In the field, a wave of terrifying power surged, cutting the phoenix-like fire wave continuously, but every time it was cut, the fire wave quickly recovered, and they did not give them a chance to break free.

In this way, Mo Yue lasted for a while, the fire wave finally dissipated, and Brahma Yin's body was finally unbearable, and it shattered on the spot.

The souls of the other two were illusory, until they dissipated.

It is completely dissipated, and the body and spirit are destroyed.

"I am kind, but you have to be like this, so now, pay the price." Xiao Ling walked towards Brahma Yin step by step, and flames lingered around her like a phoenix.

Immediately, she stretched out her hand, and countless flames burned toward the Brahma sound at the same time.

"Want to kill me, it's not that simple!"

The expression of Brahma's voice flashed hideously, and she pointed to her soul forehead, and in an instant, an extremely terrifying aura burst out, resisting those flames three feet away in front of her.

And this is not the end, her soul burned in vain, and the space around her suddenly seemed extremely violent.

She was actually burning her soul, resisting Xiaoling's killing at all costs.

"Since you have chosen the Profound Sky and come back from growth, sooner or later, you will not be able to suppress the transformation of the Profound Sky. By then, your advantages will be gone. The most important thing is that the power of God's Domain will soon come. Your ending, It is destined to be difficult to change." Brahma said grimly.

The energy rules of the Lord of Time and Space are cut off. At this moment, she is not in the strongest state. It is indeed difficult for Xiaoling, but this is only temporary after all.

The Profound Sky is destined to completely change, and the energy rules of the Lord of Time and Space will sooner or later permeate the entire Profound Sky. Moreover, the people of God's Domain will come quickly, and they are destined to have the last laugh.

From the beginning to the end, she never thought about running away.

"Even if my ending is destined to be difficult to change, you can't see it anymore." Xiaoling disapproved, her footsteps remained the same, as she continued to step out, the fire wave became more and more violent. Extinct.

Chi Chi Chi.

The piercing sound of burning and extinguishing sounded, and the soul of Brahma Yin was continuously attacked, and it was ignited and extinguished, emitting a dark smoke, which looked extremely terrible.

Her look was ugly.

Not only is it difficult to stop the Spirit King at this moment, but also why the Divine Lord has not yet come.

It stands to reason that with the strength of the Divine Lord, it will be soon, and the value of the Spirit King, the Divine Lord knows best, and even if there are great things, it will be set aside for the time being.

But until this moment, I haven't seen the Lord of God come. Is there an accident in God's Domain?


At this moment, there was a sudden horrible roar from the endless sea of ​​stars, Xiao Ling and Brahma Yin looked up at the same time, their deep eyes seemed to penetrate the endless void and saw beyond the sea of ​​stars.

Suddenly, Brahma smiled.

In her sight, cracks in the sea of ​​stars were everywhere, spreading quickly like a spider web. In a flash, the sea of ​​stars shattered, and a tall and graceful woman in purple armor wandered over.

She has a beautiful face, but she has a strong evil spirit, which makes people afraid to look directly at her.

The woman looked down, as if seeing the battlefield between Xiao Ling and Brahma Yin. She stretched out her hand and pointed a little, and suddenly a streamer fell sharply towards Xiao Ling.

The streamer speed was extremely fast, and it was getting bigger and bigger. When it came to the sky above the Profound Sky Cosmos, it actually blocked all the rays of light, and there was an overbearing evil spirit in it.

It was not a streamer, but a star, directly penetrating the Profound Sky, locking the little spirit and falling down fiercely, as if to bury the little spirit.

"go with!"

Xiao Ling's expression was slightly condensed, and she had to give up her lore against Brahma Yin. She raised her hand and slapped the void fiercely. Suddenly, all the fire waves condensed and turned into a fire phoenix to rise into the sky.

The fire phoenix penetrated the void, escaped from the Profound Sky, and then slammed straight into the star, blasting it in the most direct way.


The terrifying roar immediately resounded through the sea of ​​stars, and then, the endless aftermath agitated, and the vast sea of ​​stars continued to shatter. Not only that, the world of the Profound Sky was shaking, and the void seemed to rain rain of destruction, constantly annihilating this place. The universe is terrifying.


Xiao Ling stepped out, waving his hands simultaneously.

The sound fell, and an invisible but vast energy instantly diffused, like a hurricane, blowing the entire Profound Sky in an instant.

Suddenly, the terrible aftermath of destruction gradually dissipated, and soon the Profound Sky Universe returned to calm, and the vast sea of ​​stars gradually subsided.

That invisible vast energy filled the entire Profound Sky and calmed everything.

"The transformation of the universe, the energy rules of the Lord of Time and Space!" Below, Brahma's voice was overjoyed. After all, the Spirit King had transformed the universe. Otherwise, the impact of energy from outside the universe would be enough to shatter the universe.

Before he could care about it, Brahma Yin hurriedly condensed the energy rules of the Lord of Time and Space, quickly repaired the soul, reshaped the body, and then whizzed out and came to the purple armored woman.

"Hall head." Brahma Yin saluted.

This purple armored woman is indeed the first divine envoy of the temple, and also the head of the temple. She is known as the Yin Shao female. Looking at the entire divine realm, she is second only to the divine lord.

At least, on the bright side.


With the arrival of the Yin Shao female, outside the broken star sea, many more figures descended one after another, there were more than ten people, all of them are the main realm of time and space.

However, Brahma's voice is slightly restrained.

This is not all the elite of the temple, and the **** has not yet arrived.

"The purple emblem universe invaded the realm of the gods, and the **** master and the others in the temple were restrained." The Yin Sha female seemed to see Brahma's doubts and spoke softly.

Hearing this, the jade face of Brahma's tone changed suddenly.

Zihui Universe dared to be such a god's realm, and it was still at this critical moment.

Is it?

The Yin Sha female nodded lightly and confirmed Brahma Yin's guess, and then said: "The Spirit King can only be dealt with by us and talk about the situation here."

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