From the birth to the present twenty-one years ago, Tang Haosi sat on such a wonderful snake-shaped high-speed rail. This experience is no one. He can’t take care of Cao Huan’s words in his ear, and he is holding people’s faces in the other side. In the chest, I didn’t make a sound when I bite my teeth.

They are all big men. Why is he Cao Huan sitting in a stable position like Taishan?

I am afraid that it is not the gas field!

Tang Haosi still thinks about whether he is sitting in this position, is it a bit too gay, and the "high-speed rail" under the **** has been crushed all the way, getting closer and closer to the destination.

Cao Huan patted his shoulder, Tang Haosi turned his head and couldn't help but pull back a hand and rubbed his eyes.

Although the visibility in the forest at night is extremely low, the group of biochemical animals with tens of meters of white hair is white, and the body is huge, and it is extremely dazzling in the moonlight. Tang Haosi recognizes what animal it is at a glance.


Big rabbit with more than two meters tall!

Long-haired rabbits that have never been seen in this life, bigger than people!

After meeting a few tens of meters long and erecting a black Mamba snake that was taller than two people, Tang Haosi was once again shocked.

Slytherin slammed his tail on the ground and made a loud bang, like a screaming scream:

Tang Haosi: "..." Slytherin, who is pure blood in the magic world, why do you still believe in God?

The big rabbit in front seemed to have found threats from their side. The rabbits screamed and screamed, and turned all the way to the east.

Tang Haosi suddenly pointed at them: "Wait a minute, I seem to see a rabbit in the mouth licking a person?"

"More than that, the other one is still sitting on the back." Cao Huan left his hand on his waist and tightened, while whispering, "Hey, there is a snake behind the mountain forest."

Tang Haosi looked toward the western mountains, but the light was too dark. The black Mamba snake was different from the group of rabbits. The whole body was dark and black. He did not have a searchlight on his hand. He looked at it for a long time and found nothing. I can faintly hear a few whispers that drifted with the night wind.

Tang Haosi suddenly realized: These estimates are the companions that Slytherin mentioned before, who fell asleep in the waterhole.

Slytherin wanted to go to the direction of the rabbits at this time. Cao Huan took a snake head. The gun was still on the top of his head. Slytherin didn’t bother to scream twice, but stopped.

Tang Haosi pointed his finger at the direction of the sound and whispered: "Where."

Cao Huan’s lips arrived in his ear and asked at the same volume: “What have you heard?”

Tang Haosi turned his head off, and some were uncomfortable: "There is no difference with what I have seen before, but it is..."

He hesitated for a while, or said: "It’s the few rabbits I just saw. I always feel that there is a voice there, but I’m too far away. I can’t tell whether it’s a vocal or a rabbit talking.”

Cao Huan estimated that the shadow of the former glimpse of the shadow is the missing Chi Yan and Sun Xuezhi, he indulged for a few seconds, the chin still reached the shoulder of Tang Haosi, gently said: "I see they seem to get along very harmonious, and we sit in the giant On the hoe, the rabbits are eager to avoid harm, and they are extremely good at escaping. Seeing that we will only hide farther. The mutant rabbit will be handed over to Adenis. His ability is suitable for catching rabbits. Let’s go see it first. A few snakes."

Tang Haosi still did not speak, and suddenly there was a male voice floating over his head: "I know, I use Huahua dialect now, called a light bulb."

Tang Haosi looked up and saw that there was only a dark branch at the top of his head, and there was no half-personal shadow.

Cao Huan lived on his waist: "It has already gone."

Tang Haosi took back his gaze: "You... can you let your hands go?"

Cao Huan looked down at him: "What happened?"

Tang Haosi also turned his head to look at him: "...I am uncomfortable."

The two men looked at each other in the darkness of the mountain with a little moonlight.

Cao Huan did not let go, but he held his waist and pinched it twice. He asked like "Is you itch?"

Tang Haosi: "..."

He grabbed the hand on his waist and stretched his mouth: "Yes. I, itchy."

Cao Huan was moved by him and only smiled: "I am going to scratch for you?"

Tang Haosi: "You, you, you..."

He was squatted by a tall man, only feeling uncomfortable. After a long while, he finally said: "I am a straight man! You are like this... you, are you gay?"

Cao Huan raised his eyebrows: "Straight man?"

Tang Haosi: "I have a girlfriend, you are so troubled by you... you don't harass me anymore..." Although the girlfriend stepped on six boats and gave him five green hats, he also broke hands last week.

The man behind him didn't answer, and Tang Haosi said this sentence, and he also sighed.

He felt regret after he finished speaking.

Cao Huan’s actions are very embarrassing, but at this time the mountain is full of biochemical beasts. It’s really not a time to break the window paper. Moreover, if Cao Huan is just playing with him, he is aggrieved by his words...

Tang Haosi was slightly uneasy, thinking that he would simply give a step. The two men perfuse the matter, and when nothing happened, Cao Huan had already retracted his hand and sneered in his ear.

"If I am a gay, don't you bother to be with me."

Tang Haosi touched his nose: "Not..."

Cao Huan suddenly pulled his arm back and his body straightened up, no longer sticking to the person in front: "Hey, listen to what they are saying."

Tang Haosi temporarily foresaw the embarrassment in his heart and listened carefully.

For a long while, he shook his head: "Almost no wisdom."

Cao Huan did not speak, only holding the laser gun in his hand, the index finger clasped the induction slot, and slowly stored energy.

Slytherin shivered and shivered. The little bird called Miao Miao flew back to Tang Haosi’s head and became a group. Cao Huan’s gun sticked out to Tang Haosi’s cheeks. The latter held his breath and his eyes were stunned. Staring at the ice blue gun body, and the one holding the handle, the knot is distinct, and the five fingers are slender right hand.

Cao Huan said behind him: "Close your eyes."

At the same time, the left hand was already in front of him, Tang Haosi groaned, and only heard the whispering whisper in the distance, and the hand was immediately put down. Tang Haosi looked back at him.

Cao Huan: "Laser eye injury, especially so close, it is best not to look directly at it."

Tang Haosi did not seem to hear it. He only looked at him with a pair of deep black eyes. He nodded a little and licked his lips: "Well, I know."

Repeatedly asked: "Biochemical snakes are dead?"

Cao Huan: "There may be omissions. First, count the bodies. If the number is not right, then go to the water pool that Slytherin said."

Tang Haosi: "Well."

Slytherin did not need to be told by two people, and had carefully walked over. It explored the snake letter shaking a few times in the air and immediately found the position of the snake.

The giant python swam around the periphery of the body, and said:

Tang Haosi: "..." You are very skinny Slytherin.

He said the words to Cao Huan, the latter took out the flashlight from the backpack, and Tang Haosi still sat on the snake's head, and he jumped down and took the flashlight to check the body of the python that was cut into pieces by the laser gun.

Tang Haosi silently watched his movements, squatting his head and talking to the giant python: "How do I feel that you are not sad and sad at all, are these not your companions?"

Although the gun has already come down, there is only one weak chicken left on the top of the head, but Slytherin still dares not to make it easy. It shakes the long body and takes it for granted:

Tang Haosi: "..."

Slytherin is still complaining:

Tang Haosi felt that his three views began to falter again. He said: "No, I just watched those rabbits are fatter than wild boars. They are two meters tall and they are playing rabbit holes..."

It is estimated that it is not a small hole dug by ordinary bunny. It is estimated that it can catch up with the bomb shelter.

Thinking about it, he looked down at the huge back of the giant python and estimated the size of the two: "Accordingly, you should drill in."

Slytherin is also very sorry about this:

Tang Haosi: "..."

When he talked about it, he didn't feel right: "Wait, you just said, can you talk to those mutant rabbits?"


Tang Haosi pointed to the top of the bird: "What about this?"


Tang Haosi sighed, thinking in his heart: Could it be that the brains of the evolutionary biochemical beasts can communicate across species?

He didn't think for a long time, Cao Huan came back with a gun, Slytherin's dog's legs slammed his head on the ground, so that the killing **** could sit on top of his head as soon as he lifted his foot.

Cao Huan sat back to his original position, and his finger was on its scale: "Go, go to the water pond where you live."

Slytherin is attentive:

Tang Haosi turned his eyes to the sky.

The giant python re-started in the northeast direction, and Tang Haosi whispered to Cao Huan on the head of the snake.

"You mean, this snake once confronted the rabbit that I saw before?" Cao Huan frowned: "Can it communicate with other animals?"

Tang Haosi shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't. So I wonder if there are other biochemical beasts like Slytherin. If that's the case, if they get together, can all animals understand what the other is saying? ?"

Cao Huan touched his chin and gave a slight glimpse: "This is the second, but we can now be sure that at least one of the rabbits has only evolved."

The water pool is not far from where a few people meet the snake, and Slytherin is fast, and soon arrives at the destination.

This pool of water is quite large, and it seems to be bottomless. It is no wonder that it can hide more than a dozen giant monsters.

Slytherin stopped and sniffed around:

Tang Haosi immediately yelled at Cao Huan: "There is a snake underwater, but there is only one."

The companions all went ashore to prey, and this one was still sinking at the bottom of the pool, and it was really hard to sleep.

Cao Huan said nothing, a gun hole through the water pool, his arms swept, the silver-purple laser is like an artifact of the river, the water is all two, the nearby rocks are covered by lasers, collapsed, half of those stones Break into the water and splash huge splashes!

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