108 Maidens of Destiny

Vol 2 Chapter 367: This is the female Liangshan star

"Ah, Qin Ming, can you only do this step?" Lin Yingmei held a gun with one arm and pointed his finger at Qin Mingyue, a little cold snow, with a trace of provocation.

Qin Mingyue smiled and bite a tiger's tooth, and the wolf's teeth smashed the fire dragon, and the surrounding ice and snow melted all the way. The cold snow of Lin Yingmei and the bonfire of Qin Mingyue confronted each other, forming a completely opposite contrast.

"Sister, look great!!"

Spikes are fired out.

The huge mace was so dark that Lin Yingmei greeted the gun, and the ultimate ice and fire suddenly suffocated.

Wu Xin retired a few steps and left to the safe range. His eyes were aimed at the dark frown of Jin Qiongyu who showed the state of hostile alert.

In the distance, the tower.

Huangfu Tianyi slaps, overlooking the battle between the two people is hot and cold, and snorted: "It's so powerful, there is such a powerful force star will be there, we have no chance of winning, is it, if it is snow?"

The evil star has no face, Jiao Ruo Xue can not see the expression with a mask, but the coldness of the eyes and the thought of Huangfu Tianyi are almost the same.

"Although the fourth stage also has the key to defeating the stars, but the opportunity is too ethereal." Huangfu Tianyi touched his chin and saw that the two men fought so fiercely, and their hearts were so eager to move, it was rare to encounter the fighting star of the Five Tigers. If both sides are hurt, it will make him pick up cheap, but now it seems that this kind of thing is very difficult to happen.

Huangfu Tianyi doesn't want to look at it like this. It's a pity that this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity doesn't do anything.

"Less master, still want to deal with Lin Chong?" Jiao Ruoxue feels that his lack of courage is too great.

"Well..." Huangfu Tianyi suddenly snorted: "Tianxiongxing and Zilei Devil signed a contract, no one knows, but I haven't seen it for so long. The two big five tigers will all come out, he still hides in the dark. Is it too? Is it too strange to set your own star?"

"Maybe not necessarily here."

"Not here, where will it be? It is impossible to let Lin Chong go to the Buddha country alone?" Huangfu Tianyi asked.

"Maybe ran to the seven-level floating tower..." Jiao Ruoxue said casually.

"Is it not possible to bring a star to the Seventh-level Futian Tower?" Huangfu Tianyi thought that the battle between the two men was incomprehensible, and it became more and more hot. Even Huangfu Tianyi himself was very excited.

Jiao Ruoxue thinks with his own master, no matter what the man wants to do, he really wants to take a shot on Tianxiongxing or just leave it. As long as it is his decision, the evil star will not say no words.

The shameless side is blackmail, and Jiao Ruoxue has no reason not to believe in this cunning star-dropper.

"If this is the case... hahahaha" Huangfu Tianyi suddenly screamed and laughed, his blood was boiling more and more difficult to control.

"Little Lord?"

"Ha ha ha ha, really help me!!" The face of Huangfu Tianyi reproduces the familiarity of Jiao Ruoxue.

Obviously there is an idea.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, if snow, I am going to kill this day and the stars, this opportunity, I will accept it -" Huangfu Tianyi laughed.



The muscles of the whole body expand and bulge in an instant, and the sacred Buddha's print is clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The exposed skin presents a golden color, and the golden enamel appears.

These golden lines are like living, and they are as terrible as the hills of Aroto's strong body. They are extremely horrible. The six arms are better than all the sharp weapons. Arodo suddenly lifts up and wants to catch the heavens and the earth. In the hands.

Dharma law! !

It is no wonder that this kind of strength is one of the six ancestors of Aroto.

The eyes are full of Buddha-like majesty, and the attack of Aroto's attack brings a solemn skull and face, six arms or fists, or a knife, or a palm, or a stick, or a rifle, or a knotless mark, faint There is an invincible **** of majesty.

"Yan Qing, mad at you!!"

This kind of momentum has changed to other people, and it has long been a shackle. There is no resistance, but Yan Yi really does not have the slightest panic on his face. Instead, he has a bit of irony and indifference.

The heart was slightly shocked, and Aroto had a strange fear of the deep indifference of Yan Yi.

But then there is no chance to look back.

Mutations have already taken place.

The delicate figure of the Tian Qiaoxing maid brought the wild leaping of the sky, and instantly appeared in front of him. His palms suddenly slammed on his heavy punches, the yin and yang, and the yin and yang. The light in the palm is radiant.

The two forces of cold and warmness instantly passed straight into the bone marrow, and Aroto was incomparably surprised, and found that the power of his own law was contained.

impossible! !

Looking at it in horror, this time it is reflected in the eyes of Alotuo...

It is a pair of blood-red eyes, indifferent to the six ancestors of the Buddha, the starry monk's heart is cold.

Aroto's heart has a dangerous premonition, but it seems that the hunch is more than the speed of Yan B. The former is still slow.

There was a blue-red entanglement in the finger joints, and Yan Bie really had a low drink.


A suddenly vigorous pull of Aro Tuo is a hard meal in the air, Yan Yizhenzhang is like a wild grass, dazzling.

Arodo tried his best to fight back, but he couldn’t find Yan Yi’s attack.

Each palm hit, a sacred Buddha's seal on Aroto's face immediately shattered, and Arodo felt terrified that his attacking and defending the powerful Dharma scorpion seemed to become in the face of the attack of Tian Qiaoxing. A vain illusion.

Is this the strength of the legendary comet?

I only heard that Yan Yi’s real hand came out of his unimaginable notes.

It seems that every palm is full of temperament.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yan Yi really does not like playing the guzheng instrument like the palm.

How could Arotuo, who was suppressed by death and death, be willing, three heads and six arms coming together, but found that he could not lift his strength.


As if the end of the stroke, Yan Yi really palms together, Starpower penetrated the Aro Tuo's chest, the Buddha King Kong hit a palm, at the same time, the three heads and six arms collapsed.

String broken Mulan words! !

Xuanjie palm method!

The master of the empty silence is empty and reveals nine empty white lotuses. The lotus opens and closes, releasing the white light and letting the empty master seem to be in the fog, unable to see through. This is the powerful magical power of "empty mountains concealed" "Nine Indias Lotus", the blue white lotus body, which is inferior to the powerful defenses of the Canglong world.

If you change to a monk in the Canglong world, the master of the empty silence is almost unbeaten.

It’s just that the empty master is facing the star, and it’s the top star, and the result is completely different.

The radiant flow of Qinglong has been hit on the empty white lotus. The white lotus blossom can no longer withstand this endless attack. Without a moment, the white lotus has withered, the plain light is getting more and more bleak, and the empty master’s expression is quite ugly, but there is no way. Feel a gap.

The glamorous walker is dying and suffocating him.

This is the star of the female Liangshan?

The master of the empty silence waved out.

The cold light is fierce, and the magic wand is awkward.

This is the star of the female Liangshan?

The master of the empty silence changed his face, and the knot was printed, and then the magical power was passed.

"Changyun Qinglong turn!"

Gongsun Huang suddenly thought of it, but actually made the star law, Xiaguang Baojian, the Qinglong dawn, and successively smashed the master of empty silence.

It is comparable to the lotus flower of the Hongyin Star Treasure.

This is the star of the female Liangshan?

The master of empty silence is stunned.

The black demon lotus snow suddenly blooms under his nose.

not good! !

Wu Si is in front of his eyes, suddenly his sword is falling, and Han Mang is tearing open the void.


White Lotus is dying.

The powerful supernatural master of the emptiness finally broke, and the portal of the master’s chest was wide open. The devil of the demon was straight down, and a deep visible bone wound almost cut the empty master into two halves.

The master of the empty silence retired a hundred steps, vomiting blood and screaming to death. At this time, it was just that the Aro Tuo was beaten by Yan Yi. The two ancestors of the Buddha State were defeated, and the master of empty silence could not believe it.

This is the star of the female Liangshan!

"Aura distracted!!"

Ansu asked to show the magic method, and the aura continued to be supplemented.

The martial arts secluded and squatted, and squatted down, and saw that the empty masters would be killed. Seeing a seven-pound lotus plant flying quickly, the lotus platform released five colors of light directly blocking the attack of Wu Siyou, the lotus platform and the martial arts The flash of the spirit instantly moved to the rear.

"There is no problem, nothing happens, no hindrance, no hindrance. Everything is sentimental, but it is because of sorrow and dedication." Lang Lang sang, step by step, seven products Liantai forced the retreat of Yan Yi, and then flew back. An old man stepped out from the void.

"How many donors must be so attached to my sacred objects, Amitabha!"

The master of God Hui smiled kindly.

Starry period?

"Another one is looking for death." Wu Siyou sneered.


Zen heart lotus seeds continue to absorb the light of the Wulong glazed lamp. The lotus seeds sprout in the sea, and they look at the sputum, but after that, let Su Xing irrigate the buddha light in the lotus seeds, and see the Zen heart lotus flower out of China. Light has no signs of regrowth.

"How do you feel less?"

After experiencing the third robbery, Su Xing has already entered himself into the realm of four major cities. According to the truth, he is close to Buddhism Avenue, but nothing is missing. Zen Xinlian is unable to break through.

The Zen heart lotus seed is the secret law of Buddhism. It is a collection of infinite Buddhist Buddhism. It is the general of the lotus and the Buddha.

Su Xing thought about the requirements of Zen Lotus.

In fact, it is very simple, only six words.

Nothing, no phase, no living.

And these six words are also the highest realm of Buddhism.

The so-called no-nothing is no mourning, in everything, from all things, that is, no phase, no living means the meaning of living without. The law has no self-sufficiency, no self-sufficiency, and nowhere to live ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ born with the fate.

Su Xing's state of mind has reached the limit of water, no problem is no problem, and the infinite bright light of Wulong glazed lamp is no phase, but no living is boundless Dharma, to open this Zen heart lotus and then have no thoughts. The state of mind, the mana of no phase, and the boundless Dharma, this Dharma is a combination of three thousand Buddhas.

Su Xing has supplemented many Buddhist scriptures and listened to various Buddhist scriptures in the third robbery. However, it is expected that the Zen Buddhism lotus is powerful beyond imagination, and the Dharma method of injecting the Zen Buddhism into the lotus is not enough.

Feeling that the outside is in jeopardy, Su Xing constantly poured the Dharma into the lotus seeds and spared no effort.


The five dragons glazed lanterns were made by the dragons, and the light was released. The seven-level floating tower showed a lotus flower, and the Buddhists worshipped.

Wu Xinjie raised his gaze and revealed a mysterious smile.

"It seems that the Buddhist Dharma of the Zen Heart is not enough... The Wanfo Dazong should be enough."

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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