13 Mink Street

Chapter 18 Dear

"Yes, my husband went out to visit a friend on purpose yesterday, but unfortunately that friend is not at home, it must be you?"

"Yes ma'am, you can call me Karen."

"Please come in."

Linda opened the courtyard door and invited Karen to come in.

Karen handed the box of hardcover macarons to Linda.

He specially chose it in the dim sum shop. It is the most high-end one in the shop, and it costs 500 rupiah a box.

At the same time, the clerk also presented some small cakes, which were given to the driver by Karen, regardless of whether his birthday is really today, it is purely because Karen doesn't like to eat too sweet things.

Buying a box of snacks for 500 rupees is indeed a little extravagant, but because the family of the people I visited is very good, the corresponding gifts should not be too shabby;

You can't let yourself come to the door with a big bag of egg cakes for 50 rupees.

Anyway, they once gave me 20,000 rupees of consulting fees.

"You are too polite to bring a gift."

"It should."

"Mr. Cullen, did you and my husband meet while fishing? Are you fishing friends?"

Your husband and I met when you were burning.

"Yes, your husband taught me a lot about fishing."

"I see."

Linda led Karen into the living room;

"Would you like coffee or tea?"

"Coffee." After a pause, Karen added, "Add more sugar."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After a while, Linda brought coffee and a plate of pastries.

Karen took a sip of coffee,

His brows were slightly wrinkled by bitterness,

He wanted to ask if there was really added sugar?

Because of eating habits, Karen has never had a special interest in coffee. When he was young in his previous life, he worked hard for his career and liked to use coffee to refresh himself. Later, when the conditions improved, he had the energy to improve the conditions. He also tried a lot of better coffee. But they are not used to drinking.

The same is true for drinking tea. I am used to brewing in a large vat, and then I am not in the mood to pursue any fineness.

"Need something to eat for your two pets?" Linda asked.

"You are welcome, no need."

"My husband is taking a nap at the moment. I'll go up and wake him up to let you talk. I'm sorry, it may take a while."

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda went upstairs.

Karen got up and walked around the living room, where a large oil painting of Linda and Piaget hung above the fireplace.

In addition, I also saw some photo frames on the small coffee table, which are also travel photos of the husband and wife. Looking at the background, the two have visited many countries.

"The two of them look like husband and wife, and they are a good match."

In addition, the Adams family is really rich, and it is also a detached villa. The price of this house is twice that of the Inmeles family. After all, this area belongs to the rich area in the true sense of Luojia City.

"Linda, Linda?"

There was a shout from outside, and the voice was somewhat familiar.

Karen walked out of the living room and saw Mrs. Seymour standing outside the courtyard gate.

"Oh my God."

Seeing Karen, Mrs. Seymour blushed and covered her mouth.

She lost control of her emotions yesterday, so she did a lot of impulsive things. She didn't pay much attention to the expensive package for her husband's funeral and the shopping in a luxury store in a hearse. Although she lived a simple life, her family was actually quite rich. Her husband After leaving, she became the sole heir of her husband's estate, and she had money.

What made her go home and lie in bed last night was extremely embarrassing,

She actually asked the young guy to sleep with her,


Am I crazy!

She spent the whole second half of the night in shame and self-blame, and she didn't fall asleep until dawn.

It turned out that in the dream she really had sex with that handsome guy.

after waking up,

She slapped herself twice first,

Then laughed again.

But who would have thought that at this time the neighbors saw that guy again.

"Mrs. Seymour, hello." Karen greeted proactively.

"Mr. Cullen, I didn't expect you to be here too. Oh, I forgot. Last night you said that you and Mr. Adams were friends."

"Yes, I'm visiting him today."

"I originally came here to discuss with Linda about the disposal of my husband's belongings at home. I wanted to donate those clothes and shoes to charity."

"You are so kind."

"Since there are guests at home, I'll go back first."

When guests come to the house, the hostess must entertain them.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Cullen, can you come to my house later?"

Karen didn't show any resistance,

Because it is extremely cruel and impolite to a lady, no, to a woman.

At the same time, he also knew that Mrs. Seymour, who had come to her senses, would not do anything out of line again, not to mention that she was still the big customer of the family.

"Of course, I'd be happy to call on you."

Mrs. Seymour smiled and said, "My husband has a watch. I think it suits your temperament very well. I want to give it to you. I found that you don't have a watch on your wrist."

In fact, Mrs. Hughes gave herself a piece.

But because of the habit of Karen in his previous life, he actually doesn't like to wear a watch, and he doesn't go out much.

"Then I'll come over and admire that watch later."


Mrs. Seymour laughed and left.

Karen walked back to the living room just in time to see Piaget, who was sleepy and disheveled, coming down the stairs.

"Oh, Karen, it's a great honor to have you here."

Piaget walked down the stairs and gave Karen a big hug with open arms.


He looked at the coffee on the table,

Sorry to say:

"I'm sorry, but you have to make your own coffee when you're here."

"Your wife made it for me," Karen said.

"My wife? Who?" Piaget looked puzzled, "My God, Linda has already left, have you forgotten Karen, you sent her urn to me."

I should tell you this, right?

"So, you think I opened the courtyard door by myself and walked into your house?"

"Well, what else?" Piaget laughed, "I don't usually have the habit of locking the door, because the law and order in this area is very good, and the house opposite is the chief of the police station.

You are my friend, although we only met once, but I have already identified you as my friend, so isn’t it normal for a friend to open the door and enter my house to make a cup of coffee for himself?

This shows that you, Karen, treat me as a true friend and don't have to stick to those etiquette, right? "



"I have to remind you that it was indeed Linda who opened the door for me just now, and it was also Linda who helped me make coffee. Then, she went upstairs and called you who took a nap."

"are you crazy?"

Piaget looked into Karen's eyes carefully, and asked with concern: "Have you encountered anything recently that stimulated your spirit?"

"Yes, it's your business."

"Let's sit down and talk." Piaget sat down, reached for a piece of pastry, and took a bite.

Karen also sat down, and glanced at Pu'er at the same time, and found that Pu'er was crawling on the sofa, and the golden retriever was catching butterflies in the yard outside the living room, having fun.

Karen swore she would never take that stupid dog out of the house again.

Karen said, "Your wife has already left."

"I know that."

"But Mrs. Seymour next door said that she received an apple pie from your wife herself yesterday morning."

"How can this be!"

"It's true, and besides, I did see Linda just now."

"You are all crazy. Linda has already left. I held her ashes in my own hands and buried her."

Piaget took out a pack of cigarettes, handed Karen one, and Karen took it.


Piaget took the lighter and lit cigarettes for both of them.

After a moment of smoke,

Piaget suddenly scratched his hair vigorously,


"To be honest, I feel like I'm a little crazy too;

Because these days, I always have the feeling that Linda has not left but has been staying by my side to take care of me, but I think it may just be because I am used to her existence, and at the same time, I enjoy this feeling very much. "

"Mind me, go upstairs to visit?" Karen asked.

"Of course not, come, let me show you around."

Piaget led Karen up the stairs.

In fact, real wealth is not only reflected in the price of the house, but in many cases, it is reflected in the decoration.

Karen paid attention to the fine wood carvings under the railing of the stairs, and then looked at the furnishings on the walls and on the top. He felt that the decoration cost might be more expensive than the house price.

"The second floor is my bedroom and study, as well as my wife's studio. My wife is a painter and once held a solo exhibition in Luojia City.

Here is my study. "

Karen walks in and turns around.

Although it is very low-key and restrained, as long as you are not a fool, you can feel the "price" of this study room, which is much more expensive than Diss' study room.

After turning around, Karen came out.

"This is my wife's studio."

In the studio, many paintings were covered with curtains.

"Can I appreciate your wife's paintings?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want."

Karen lifted the curtain on a painting,

in the picture,

Divided into two compositions;

Below, is a piece of dry bones and dilapidated, a naked man lying on the ground, face up.

Above, there are grassy grasses, and a group of men and women are dancing around the bonfire, with happy smiles on their faces.

When seeing this painting, Karen subconsciously took a breath:

"Berry teaches?"

"Yes, Karen, do you know much about religion?" Piaget asked with a smile, "My wife likes and is good at painting religious paintings. This painting is called "God's Curtain" in Berry Church. ".

The true God believed by the Berry religion was exiled in darkness and loneliness forever, in exchange for the freedom and romance of his believers in heaven. "

Karen nodded.

And lifted the curtain of the second painting;

In this painting, there are two compositions again, but they are horizontal.

On the left is a man singing in heaven, and on the right is a man who looks exactly the same screaming in the skull mountain of hell.

In the middle, there is a black river horizontally, soaking into the feet of two identical men.

"The Church of the God of the Abyss," Karen said.

"Yes, the god of the abyss divided his body into two, half into heaven and half into hell, and finally opened up an abyss between heaven and hell. In Ruilan, there are actually very few people who know this sect."

Two, already two.

Karen reached out to touch the curtain of the third painting in sequence,

But when his hand was about to touch the curtain, he stopped again.

Is this a coincidence?

It can no longer be explained by coincidence.

And he had a hunch that this third painting might correspond to the next dead person, that is... the next artwork.

When Karen hesitated, Piaget graciously helped him lift the curtain.


is a woman,

Her body seemed to be falling into a bloody mouth, and with this fall, her body also began to separate.

If you look carefully, you can see the details, the shedding of the joints of the woman's body and the extremely small lines.

"What's this?" Karen asked. "Which church?"

"The Church of Order." Piaget said, "It's rare to meet someone you don't know, haha."

"The Church of Order?"

"Yes, the Church of Order is a church with a wide spread. They believe in the God of Order and believe that everything in the world needs to operate according to order. They are the guardians of order.

And this one is the daughter of the God of Order, and her name is Ankara.

According to legend, after the God of Order established the rules of order, the first person to make a mistake was his daughter Ankara.

To practice the laws of order,

The God of Order did not show favoritism, and punished his daughter by throwing her into the mouth of a ferocious beast, causing her body and soul to be annihilated.

her death,

Also lit the light of Symmetra.

This means that order and law are above human nature and emotion. "

"So that's the case." Karen suddenly felt a little tight in his chest.

Because in his mind, the murderer picked up the knife and started cutting the ribs when facing the next victim, and at the same time, the sound of chopping ribs came from his ears.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Broken bones and meat foam began to splash.

Nausea also hit.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Piaget asked with concern, while reaching out to hold Karen's arm.

Karen pushed it away,

"Do not touch me."

Immediately, Karen began to pant heavily;

a long time,

He apologized:

"I'm sorry, my heart has always had some problems, and sometimes it twitches from time to time."

"This is a problem that cannot be ignored. Linda also has heart disease, and her departure is also related to heart problems. Karen, please listen to my advice. You should go to a good hospital for examination and serious treatment.

Or you could just go to Wien, where the big hospitals are of the highest standard. "

"I know, thank you."

Karen walked out of the studio, Piaget was worried about Karen and followed him.

When passing by the bedroom, Piaget said, "Would you like to lie here for a while and rest?"

"No thanks."

He said no, but Karen still glanced into the bedroom.

But just these few glances,

He found something.

"What is that?" Karen asked.

"Which one?"

"Under the bed, the pink one."

Piaget walked over, bent down, reached under the bed, grabbed out a pink dress, continued to grope inside, and pulled out shoes and socks.

"This...this is Linda's clothes, how could it be under the bed?" Piaget dared not answer, "How could it be...how could it be..."

"Piaget, was it you who made me coffee just now?"

"I...I made you coffee?" Piaget pointed to himself.

"You're pretending to be your wife," Karen said.

"I played the role of my wife?" Piaget's chest began to rise and fall, just when Karen thought that there was going to be some physical accident, he leaned against the edge of the bed and sat down, "Karen, I think I There should be some psychological problems, I don't remember those things, but there is still warmth on this clothes.

I think I should have a split personality. In my consciousness, I split a Linda. When I fell asleep, Linda woke up, and when I woke up, Linda fell asleep. "

"Your makeup skills are really good." Karen said with emotion.

He really didn't realize that Linda was pretended by Piaget.

Of course, this is also because they are so husband and wife, so it is very convenient to pretend.

"I have studied ballet." Piaget smiled wryly. "When performing in college, I need to make up myself."

"Oh." Karen nodded.

"Sorry to scare you."

"No, nothing."

Piaget looked up at the chandelier on the top of the bedroom,

reach out,

Touched his chest:

"Actually, I took the initiative to let Linda live in my heart, and it was you, Karen, who helped me make up my mind and let me try to split my second personality. Thank you, Karen."

Don't you blame me?

"No...you're welcome."

Just don't blame me, I still feel guilty.

Piaget reached out and rubbed his already fluffy hair,


"Sorry, Karen, I want to be alone for a while. There is a wine cellar in the basement, so you can go down and have a drink."

"No, I'll come to see you another day, sorry to bother you."

"No, you didn't, nice to meet you, really."

"Me too."

Perhaps it is because both of them are psychological, so "speaking" and "accepting" are very simple and there are not so many complicated processes.


At some point, Pu'er also came to the second floor, right at Karen's feet, and seemed to be staring at the bedroom curiously.

Karen took a last look at Piaget, picked up Pu'er, and walked down the stairs.

When he walked into the yard, the golden retriever followed him.

Push open the courtyard door, walk out, and close it again.

He raised his head and looked towards the second floor, where the window sill of the studio was right there.

"Is it the second personality that he split on his own initiative?"


Karen walked to Mrs. Seymour's house next door. Before she could ring the doorbell, Mrs. Seymour, who had been waiting at the entrance, had already come out and asked enthusiastically:

"Mr. Adams and Linda, are they okay?"

"he's good."


Second floor, bedroom.

Piaget closed his eyes, with tears flowing gently from the corners of his eyes.


my linda,

I don't want to lose, and I won't lose you, no matter what, I will keep you by my side.

for you,

I am willing to deceive myself.

at this time,

The drawer of the dresser facing the bed was slowly opened, and a stack of flesh-colored clothes slowly stood up from inside.

It spread out of the drawer, spread to the floor, and spread to Piaget's side.


It began to stand up, it was very thin, and there were clear traces of folding on its body, like... a piece of paper, a piece of flesh-colored paper;

But at this moment, she gradually unfolded a human form, but this human form is too thin, without the slightest sense of three-dimensionality.

she reaches out,

Gently covering Piaget's forehead,


She began to stick to Piaget gradually,

To be precise,

is blending in.

It's like milk, poured into coffee, and turned into another color in an extremely soft way.

Piaget's face,

Becoming... Linda.

a long time,

Linda (Piaget) opened her eyes,

She put her arms around herself,


"Honey, I'll never leave you either."


I have something to do at night, I can't type, it will be gone tonight, no need to wait.

In fact, I only saved 6 chapters before publishing the book, and I have already used them up.

Ask me why I didn't save the manuscript before publishing the book, because without you, I don't have a sense of creative atmosphere, and I enjoy the joy of publishing a chapter and sharing it with you.

at last,

For the new book period, please ask for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Our position on the new book list is too low, so we are number one.

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