13 Mink Street

Chapter 725 Immelais family tradition!

One step, one step, one step...

Every step Karen took was accompanied by a roar and roar from below.

Here is Mount Allah.

The God of Eternity once led the gods here to lift the torch and ignited the prologue of "modern civilization".

“Modern civilization” here refers to a narrative that can be clearly and completely recorded by church historical materials, that is, an era that later historians can trace back with relatively complete materials.

Although many other legends have been circulating in this world, some ancient ruins will be unearthed from time to time, and even the inheritance of the predecessors of some special families and churches can be traced back to three eras ago.

But for the era before the Eternal God, the mainstream records are fragmented, disconnected, and messy.

Ordinary people listen to the stories in the church circle as if they are listening to myths, so the things in the era before the eternal God are the mythical stories that people in the church circle listen to today.

Under each step of Mount Allah is sealed a demon that once brought trouble to the world. The God of Eternity used them to lay the foundation for mountain climbing. Anyone who wants to climb the mountain must step on their bodies to experience eternity. achievements.

Later, the God of Eternity was lost, and the Eternal Camp failed in the war with the Light Camp. The God of Light entered Allahhad Mountain and personally used light to eliminate the demons sealed under the steps one by one.

But the demon soul marks were inevitably left on the steps, so now that I step on them, their roars can still be heard in my ears.

On both sides of the steps up the mountain were hot golden divine blood and broken divine bodies, and the broken artifact fragments reflected streaks of miserable light.

It's just that because of the special nature of Allah Mud Mountain, the fallen gods and other powerful creatures here will not cause pollution to overflow, because the steps can automatically absorb new residents nearby.

Their remaining souls will be locked up here, and will be wasted away until nothing remains in the endless years of confinement.

Karen "continued to go up the mountain". He didn't look much at the "scenery" on both sides of the road, as if he was completely uninterested.


He reached the top of the mountain.

Here is a platform, the top of which is connected to the stars, its north and south are connected to the ocean and the continent, and its east and west are connected to the light and darkness.

The one who built this place was the Eternal God, who had the power to turn things that seemed unimaginable to the gods into reality.

The God of Light once held a banquet of the gods here to celebrate the defeat of the old gods and the official rise of the new gods.

Today, the original fine decorations still exist, and the God's banquet table still strictly abides by its proper regulations from all sides to the top of the main seat.

But the seats below are empty;

But there was someone in the main seat above.

He wore the Crown of Holy Light and the Robe of the Rising Sun, with profound eyes and the same kind smile as always on his lips.

Karen "slowly rotated her body" and "observed" her surroundings again.

Compared with the road up the mountain, this platform looks particularly clean. It must have been cleaned specially.

Karen "walked up" to the main seat and stood in front of that person.

He is his teacher, he is his comrade, he is his partner, he is his...best friend.

Even now, he has led the gods who are willing to follow him to separate the light camp, but he will never deny that for a long time, the man in front of him was his leader.

He is...the God of light.

Karen "stretched out his hand" and grabbed the edge of the Robe of the Rising Sun. Hot flames immediately rose from his fingers, which was the high temperature of the sun.

It hurts a little, like touching a match that has just been extinguished with your hand. There will be a little burnt blackness that can be easily wiped off.


The robe of the rising sun was uncovered, and the God of Light, who was originally sitting on the main seat, was actually empty inside his robe.

A black sword stood upright here, with his head on top.

As for the other parts of the body, they have not been found here, and I don’t know where they went.

This sword, Karen "knows", has appeared countless times in the murals of the Cult of Kosmos - the Sword of Amorgana, also known as the Sword of Chaos.

Amorgana - the God of Chaos, a powerful main god in the eternal camp.

In the long war of gods, he had led three internal strife in the light camp, and even defeated the light camp several times on the battlefield.

Later, he was beheaded by the God of Order, and his sword fell into the hands of the God of Order.

Unlike other ordinary gods who each have a famous artifact, it is difficult for the powerful main god to remind people of his exclusive artifact. This does not mean that they do not need the power of the artifact, but because in their hands, powerful There are many artifacts.

However, many images of the God of Order are accompanied by the Sword of Chaos.

The mythological narrative of "Symmetra" records that before the God of Order defeated Amorgana and prepared to execute her, Amorgana questioned the God of Order:

"Do you really think you can bring any changes to this world?"

The God of Order replied:

"I will let you witness with your own eyes the order I have brought to this world."

Later generations of theologians believed that the God of Order later wore the Sword of Chaos on many formal occasions just to demonstrate his special achievements.

The official statement of the Cult of Kosmos explains this: The God of Order ended the world of chaos and brought order.

Other religious religions would not call the Age of Gods "chaos". Only the Cult of Order does not shy away from this. As the largest religious religion in the world, the Cult of Order naturally believes that the current world structure is the most consistent with the aesthetics of order. .

At this moment, Karen witnessed with his own eyes the head of the God of Light inserted into this sword.

Therefore, the God of Light is not missing, he is... fallen.

His body even experienced disintegration. No wonder the finger of light was finally left in the hands of the Allen family, that is, Pu'er.

So, did the God of Order kill the God of Light?

Otherwise, how to explain that this sword appears here?

Cullen "raised" the Sword of Chaos, and he placed the head of the God of Light before him.

Karen "reached out" and gently touched the face of the God of Light. Even after death, his body was still warm and peaceful.

Karen "turned around" and walked down.

On the way down the mountain, powerful auras appeared in the distance, which was a powerful main god from the light camp.

Karen didn't seem to be worried about anything, let alone scruple about anything. He was still "holding" the big sword against the head of the God of Light and walking down, like a brave man showing off his military exploits.

The change of overlord is often accompanied by blood and violence, because the former will not allow their position to be handed over, and the latter is even less likely to tolerate the former's suppression of themselves.

The contradiction between the old and new overlords is natural and irreconcilable. There is no way to take a step back, because no one can afford to lose as long as they reach that position.

Above, the thoughts of the Lord God were not responded to by Karen walking below.

The winner-takes-all rule is not reflected here either.

Because the new overlord seems to have no interest in accepting the legacy of the old overlord.


Karen came to the foot of the mountain and stepped on the last step. He "raised" his head and glanced above. There was undisguised disgust in his eyes, and his breath showed a look of provocation.

In all the mythological narratives of orthodox religious religions in later generations, there is no record of today's Mount Allah, so the disappearance of the God of Light is defined as a disappearance.

In fact, on that day, the thoughts of many powerful gods came here and "witnessed" the Divine Sword of Order piercing Guangming's head down the mountain.

But this record is impossible to appear, because once it appears, the viewer will ask questions:

Why, our Lord God saw it but didn’t take action?


This scene of experience was very long for Karen to read, although in reality it was only a short moment.

But based on this scene alone, Karen couldn't determine how the God of Light died. Although there were various signs that it was the God of Order who moved his hand, he still felt that something was wrong.

It's that kind of emotion... It's not like the emotion of a victor at all, but it's filled with a kind of regret.

The God of Order is definitely not the kind of person who kills someone and then cries bitterly while holding the person he killed with his own hands.

Karen opened his eyes and looked around. He could finally move now, but he was still not in reality, because there was a black ring around his body. It was delicate, mysterious, and carried a special kind of majesty. .

You can't help but want to reach out and touch it, but you feel that your touch is an unforgivable blasphemy. For such a perfect existence, even a little bit of dust on its body is an intolerable blasphemy!

Looking further, Karen saw the second ring, wrapping the first ring, and they were all spinning, followed by the third, fourth, fifth...

The exquisite and orderly rings are like the most sophisticated instruments in the world, ignoring all resistance and only performing the most primitive yet pure operation according to their rules.

What's this?

Are there rules of order?

Karen turned around, and in an instant, a huge eye appeared. Its eyelashes were like tall buildings in Karen's eyes.

As it went further and further away, Karen finally saw its full picture. It was a person, a majestic being wearing a black divine robe.

He walked on the orderly and regular road with his eyes closed. As he walked, he moved his hands gently, causing pieces of starlight to fall.

The God of Order... meets again.

During his last purification, Karen had seen almost the same scene. Later, after reading the books of the Principle of God, he learned that this was a mechanical inertia of gods.

However, the last time I was standing far away below, looking at the statue of the God of Order above me crossing the Milky Way, with my eyes closed and the stars shining down;

This time, although I was very small, so small that even comparing myself to an ant would be an exaggeration, what I stepped on were actual rules of order.

Suddenly, Karen discovered that the figure of the God of Order, which had been walking an unknown distance, had disappeared.

Karen slowly raised her head,

Look above yourself,

He saw a huge and majestic figure in front of him, and he was like a speck of dust at his feet, but his eyes that were originally closed were now open, looking down at him.

In an instant, the black ring on his side suddenly shrank, but it did not strangle him, but integrated into his body.


At this time, the sculpture of order deep in Karen's soul space is gradually undergoing transformation. Everything on the sculpture has become more delicate and glossier. You can clearly feel that there is some kind of activity running in its body.

Below the soul space, a black liquid appeared. It didn't smell fishy, ​​it was very pure, like a clear mirror, gradually magnifying.

The order sculpture slowly sank in the liquid, and its original majestic height gradually disappeared, seeming to completely melt into the black liquid.

The soul space was gradually filled with it, but it did not burst or even overflow.

Because after reaching its maximum volume, it begins to shrink again.

Finally, a small puddle formed in the soul space.

Karen's consciousness returned to his soul space for the first time since the last time he burrowed.

He walked to the small puddle and lowered his head. He saw that what was reflected in the puddle was not his own shadow, but a black ring that was spinning.


Is it laughter?

Karen looked around. In the empty soul space, the laughter should be obvious, but he couldn't catch it.

This is not actually laughter, but an emotion of joy.

It comes from the depths of the puddle, from the rules of order.

Although no words were exchanged, Karen already understood its meaning.

The hunter slowly raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand because he found that the prey he wanted to shoot brought him a new harvest.

Hunger addiction hasn’t gone away, it’s actually gotten stronger.

But changes in the level of life have given it a more advanced "original pursuit."


But is it the hunger addiction that has parasitized oneself, or is oneself the one that has parasitized the hunger addiction?

Karen knelt down on one knee to get a closer look at the puddle.

After the last successful purification, a huge pool appeared in his body, which also laid the foundation for his future accumulation of spiritual power that was twice that of ordinary people.

Although it was just a small puddle this time, even if it was just a little bit with a finger, it was not something that ordinary priests could easily bear.


Karen noticed that another figure vaguely appeared in the reflection of the puddle. That person seemed to be kneeling on one knee, leaning his head over to observe the situation in the puddle.

Is this feeling... coming again?

Karen did not raise his head to look across from him, because he knew that there was no second person here, but he also knew very well who "that person" was. He was the previous God of Order.

Just like the person he saw kneeling with him when he was about to be swallowed by the hunger addiction sculpture in the cave.

I have "seen" more and more of his past memories, and I am getting to know him better and better through documentary records and the ideas of the Cult of Kosmos.

Only then will there be a "resonance" that only occurs at a certain moment.

Just like an archaeologist discovering a fingerprint left by a craftsman under the eye of a thousands-year-old pottery figurine, he will be moved to tears.

A smile appeared on Karen's lips,

This time,

I have to get up first!

Karen stood up immediately, and he saw the blurry figure in the puddle moving like him.

Like, the other person's thoughts are the same as mine.


Karen couldn't help but laugh. This tacit understanding made him laugh.

There seemed to be a faint laughter coming from his ears, and he was laughing too.

But gradually, Karen's laughter gradually stopped, and his eyes gradually widened, because he felt that, for him, this was a kind of resonance that future generations have for the traces of their predecessors from an era ago...

So, what does it mean to the predecessors?

If he can even resonate with laughter, what does it mean that at that time, he could look across an era and "see" himself now?

Karen suddenly recalled the scene in the cave where he and she were kneeling face to face with each other in the palm of the sculpture of Hungry Addiction.

Finally, he stood up suddenly, easily.

Is it a coincidence?

Did he finally stand up under the tremendous pressure of hunger addiction, but in the end he deliberately pretended to be relaxed?

He had no reason to do this.

But if he wasn't entertaining himself, does that mean that he was really teasing himself at that time?

Karen opened her mouth,

In an instant, a huge fear enveloped him tightly.

The God of Eternity was lost due to the power of chasing time, causing the eternal camp he established to be replaced by the light camp;

Ranedal once violated a taboo and was suppressed by the God of Order, and Ranedal’s research direction is the taboo of time;

As the overlord of the previous era, the God of Order, wouldn't he be tempted by the taboo of time?


Is there a possibility that he could return to the path of order, want to take his place, and change his church? But all this is happening an era away from him...

Watching silently?

"No, the altar is going to collapse!"

Vic yelled.

He is responsible for the operation of the altar that receives the artifact, allowing the harp of the goddess Mills to project its power and create enough high-quality holy water.

Originally, it seemed that it was going to fail, but the purification of his own minister did not seem to be successful.

However, this did not make everyone feel less mysterious about their minister. The oracle alone was enough to shock everyone.

However, as Neo grabbed his minister's arms, and then the minister stood up, and the [Eye of Order] above opened, in an instant, the sacred aura that was originally hovering around was all gone crazy. Absorbed by own ministers.

There was even a swallowing vortex visible to the naked eye.

The harp of Goddess Mills began to speed up the production of holy water, but the output was far lower than the demand. Gradually, the whirlpool disappeared and became a straight line that unilaterally absorbed... no, unilaterally plundered.

The harp power of Goddess Mills is being instilled in Karen in a straight line.

This scene once again shocked everyone present.

Because there are a high proportion of people with prominent family backgrounds here, it can be said that except for Ventura, they all have extraordinary family backgrounds. Ventura was also appreciated by the principal early in the church school, and a good sacred vessel was invited to be used when people were purified. Auxiliary, as for Philomena's grandmother, Murry's Benda family, Leon's chief bishop's family and Vic's teacher, they started with a high standard when they were purifying.

But compared to what’s happening in front of me…it’s really nothing!

Have you ever seen someone who, when purified into a divine servant, almost sucked up an artifact that can create divine aura? ! !

Is this a servant of God?

Such an exaggerated scene, such a terrifying amount of high-quality sacred aura, just to create a...servant of God?

Neo had successfully controlled his personality at this time. He recovered, and then took a few steps back, because the Karen in front of him was like a huge monster waiting to be fed, and was devouring it crazily, making him... Feeling a little scared.

Immediately afterwards,


Neo slapped himself,

Why did I switch my personality back so quickly so that I could witness and become jealous?

Pu'er was still in a coma and was held in Xiao Kangna's arms. Xiao Kangna looked at Karen at this time and asked with some confusion:

"Why don't you take the medicine?"

Karen's "whale-eating" posture made little Kangna seem to see the same kind of people. Didn't it mean that if she wanted to fully develop, she had to take so many expensive pills every day?

But you... seem to eat more than me.

Little Kangna pouted: "In the future, I will have to stuff pills in your mouth when I take them. This is only fair."

The twitching Kevin had just calmed down and was about to regain his image in front of the harp spirit, but when Karen turned on the devouring mode, Kevin started twitching again, with horror in the dog's eyes.

Many people have mistaken Karen for the return of the previous God of Order. Only Kevin has never been confused. It is indeed sometimes caused by Karen's characteristics that are similar to the previous God of Order. It evoked memories of fear, but it was always clear that they were two people.

Now, it is unsure and confused, because the two figures are overlapping from its dog-eye perspective.

It suddenly wanted to move out of the kennel in Karen's bedroom. It couldn't bear to live in the same bedroom with "that person" in the future. It was too depressing!

Before, it was Alfred who was the most excited and arrogant. Now, it is Alfred who is the calmest and most elegant.

He picked up the brush and started painting, trying to bring back the image he had separated from before as much as possible.

"Alas, I want to review. To serve beside a great being, I need to maintain faith and calmness at all times."

Alfred first drew his young master at this time, and the second character he drew was not himself, but Neo.

He wanted to name the painting "Light Awakens Order."

But I also feel that simply repeating historical classics is a bit too deliberate and cliché;

The most important thing is that the light here is not like the serious light. The order here is a more advanced and sacred new order.

So, what should the painting be called?

Alfred felt that he would lose sleep tonight because of new things to think about.

Jealousy and jealousy, shock and shock, the only one who was truly "injured" was the instrument spirit of the Goddess Mills' harp.

She felt like she was being plundered and extracted. She felt like she was a squeezed well, but no one squeezed out drank quickly. The other person almost overturned her and jumped into the well.

However, pain was pain, and she did not stop it. She was willing to give her all and be open to this being who would erase her memory afterwards.

Because she knew that he was the "Brother Karen" in Luo Ya's mouth, the one who promised to take these weapon spirits out of the forbidden space in the future. The most important thing is that the aura on his body... Although she can't feel it now ;

But she felt that she should do something for that dog, that dog was on his side.


The moment before the altar was about to collapse, this crazy plundering of the sacred breath stopped.

Vic was so tired that he collapsed on his knees, sweating profusely:

"Teacher, it's such a pity that you are not here and can't see what I just witnessed as a student. But please rest assured, teacher, you will definitely be proud of my choice as a student in the future."

The Weapon Spirit woman first saluted Karen, and then in front of everyone, reached out to erase her memory of today. Then, she looked around with a puzzled expression and asked:

"Is it over? I'm so tired, I want to sleep."

"It's over." Vic replied, "You can go back."


The shadow of the harp began to rise and disappeared into the black hole above.

After she returned, the altar, which had been overwhelmed for a long time, finally collapsed.

Karen, who was standing in the center, turned his head slightly, looked around, then lowered his head and looked at his palms.

Neo had a sullen face and said nothing.

I thought: Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! You can't go up and ask how it is, you can't give him this platform, you can't give him this opportunity!

Just like after the exam, you can't ask the person with the best score in the class how he did on the exam. Once you ask, you just wait to see the performance he gives you.

Philomena was also very close. When others gathered around, she asked first: "Minister, how are you...?"

Neo's ears immediately perked up.

Karen smiled and replied, "Pretty good."

Immediately afterwards, Karen bent down and picked up Pu'er from little Kangna's arms. He also touched little Kangna's head and rubbed the still twitching Kevin with his feet.

The big golden retriever suddenly twitched more violently, and if he hadn't endured it, he would have almost lost control.

Because in its mind, all the images of the previous God of Order rubbing its feet were really scaring the dog to the point of peeing.

It knows that it needs to rebuild its psychological foundation and cognition, otherwise it will not be able to survive in the future.

Alfred did not step forward at this time, but continued to focus on painting, humming a country ballad.

Well, he needs to match the "pretty good" atmosphere.

Karen did not describe much about his current physical condition, but instead focused on the coffin.

Now, after successfully purifying and becoming a servant of God, he once again possesses spiritual power in his body, so he has to start giving a second life to the residents in the coffin.

I just don't know how long my current ability can keep them in the same state after charging once.

He hoped that the time could be as long as possible. Of course, he would not expect to reach the level that the God of Order had for his 12 Knights of Order in one breath.

Once Count Rekar wakes up, this manor, which has already built an advanced defensive formation, will have a truly strong man in charge.

As for old Saman, he was a "senior technician."

As long as he is awake, there will be absolutely no end to his use.

These are two great aids.

In addition, the wife who was the reserved resident in the underwater tomb also had to take time to "carry" her back. This was a promise I had made to her earlier.

As for the skeleton of the undead archmage brought back from the Crypt Cult, Karen still doesn't plan to resuscitate her in a hurry and wait until the necessary moment, because this woman was once a member of the high priest team, and her Action will bring many variables.

A new starting point has begun. When everything is going well, Karen is really unwilling to take risks.


"Yes, Master."

Alfred put down his brush and came to Karen.

"I probably need a day to rest and calm down. One day later, I will try to revive Earl Rekar and old Saman. You can take the people to make preparations."

"Yes, Master."

Karen hugged Pu'er and walked towards the exit of the performance hall.

Ventura asked doubtfully: "But, what preparations are needed?"

Because, wouldn’t it be possible for his own minister to complete the matter of awakening?

Alfred glanced at Ventura and replied: "For example, a birthday party, because one day later, it will be their new birthday."

Ventura suddenly realized: "Oh, you should really prepare yourself and make a big cake. My grandma is the best at it."

"You can bring your grandparents here." Alfred said.

"Really...is it okay?"

"This manor is safe enough. It's perfect for the elderly to take care of themselves here. You won't have anything to worry about when you work outside in the future, right?"


Alfred looked around again and said: "Everyone, remember to write down your observation experience when you go back tonight. I believe you have a deep experience this time. At the next learning exchange meeting, you will go on stage to read and share one by one. You must do it well. Oh, maybe a certain passage will be quoted from "New Symmetra"."

"Yes, Mr. Alfred."

"Okay, Mr. Alfred."

What the hell?

Dry! I just can't stand it anymore!

Neo blocked Karen's way out: "Hey, hey, you just left like that?"

Karen nodded: "I don't think we need to say thank you. You owed me a lot of secrets before, but now I owe you a lot of favors. Don't worry, I will remember them all."

"Hehehe." Neo laughed a few times, then reached out and grabbed Karen's collar, and put his face in front of Karen, "Well, I have learned a few new moves recently, and I feel that I have some skills. Itchy, do you want us to communicate and learn from each other now?”


Neo's expression changed instantly, he tilted his neck back, distanced himself from Karen, pointed at Karen's face, and said in disbelief:

"Damn, that means that in your current state of servant of God, the power you can use is already equivalent to that of the judge before you entered the cave?"

"Did I say that?"

"Haha, I don't know you. If you haven't returned to your previous level of strength, you will never agree to fight me!"

"Oh, that's how it is."

"So what level are you at now, my Servant of God?"

"Although I have lost a lot of things and haven't gotten them back yet, and even if I want to get them, I can't get them for the time being, but I feel that the spiritual power accumulated in my body and the abilities I can use... in terms of combat effectiveness, should be as good as I'm pretty much the same as me when I was a judge.

The disadvantage is that currently only order spells can be used, which is a bit monotonous. "

"What the hell!" Neo's eyes widened, "If you, the servant of God, have such power, then your future goals, damn, how fucking terrifying will they be."

Karen thought for a moment and replied: "I don't have high requirements, just enough."

"for example?"

"Following family tradition, judge."

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