13 Mink Street

Chapter 825 The First Order

Of course, the content of the meeting was not just about personnel appointments, although it was the most important; in addition, the meeting made new arrangements for the Whip of Order’s next work direction and focus, and also assigned specific tasks.

Number three presided over the meeting, and the whip holder kept his eyes closed the whole time. When the meeting was about to end, he seemed to have just woken up and said to Karen sitting next to him:

"I'll go first."

Meaning, Karen has to stay.

Karen nodded and said: "Yes, the whip bearer."

At the end of the meeting, the whip bearer stood up and left while everyone saluted.

Watching his leaving figure, Karen suddenly thought of the conversation the whipmaster had with him when he entered the room before the meeting.

I plan to promote Leon to the position of mayor of York City Region, which is similar to the promotion of myself by the current whip holder to a certain extent.

Although this time I got a resume and a lot of military honors on the front line, these were actually only enough to support me to achieve a class leap within the system and become a person sitting on the rostrum.

But under the control of the whip holder, he has now become the number two in this system, surpassing a series of seniors who were ranked ahead. There is actually a shortcoming in this.

The shortfall has to be made up by other things. Just like Leon's shortfall is made up by his current status and influence as Karen, he has to make up for it by relying on the authority of the whip holder in this system.

The Dhammakaya at the celebration banquet, the series of preparations before the start of the meeting, the standing and sitting down when the meeting officially begins, and the special laughter of the whip holder are actually stamping and confirming over and over again.

The most direct way to decentralize authority is to tell other people in the system who this person is.

This kind of powerful platform can save Karen several years of layout and management time, and sometimes even if the preparations are in place, it is not that simple to break through the position on the rostrum. The whip holder has given this series of foreshadowing to skipped.

Therefore, Karen's current position in this system is somewhat erratic and distorted. He has merit, qualifications and talent, and is not among the lucky ones. He can stand on his own merits, but in terms of special treatment, he It also exceeds the limit that so-called "connected households" can enjoy.

How should I put it? I was used to struggling step by step at the grassroots level, but suddenly I got the best treatment here, which made Karen feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Karen wouldn't refuse.

Next, he first communicated with the big guys on the rostrum, and then interacted with the district chiefs below, showing great patience.

At the same time, Karen also agreed to stay and attend tonight's small dinner for senior executives. The whip holder will not attend. However, in terms of seating arrangements and treatment at the dinner, Karen is dominated by the former No. 2 and now No. 3 figure.

Now that we have achieved practical benefits, we should be as humble as possible in other aspects and create fewer conflicts, which will also be more conducive to united work.

Personage No. 3 has a good attitude and behaved very kindly and friendly at the banquet.

After the banquet was over, he invited Karen and Numbers 4 and 5 to his home and introduced his family to Karen.

At the conference, the few people closest to the whip holder had a late-night snack at the house of No. 3.

During the dinner, Karen also took the initiative to show his optimism for the grandson and granddaughter of No. 3, and made it clear that such young talents should not be buried, but should be transferred to the Discipline Department of his York City Region for good training.

At the same time, Karen also expressed her approval for one of the grandchildren of No. 4 and No. 5, and these two were also named by Karen to leave.

In fact, their grandfather has already sat in this position, and it is really difficult for them to be buried.

But this is an exchange of political interests, or in other words, an exchange of political attitudes.

Since I have taken your current interests, I will compensate you with future interests.

Because of the strong intervention and promotion of the whip holders, the power structure changed too quickly, and the intervention of Karen's team was too blunt. Therefore, the political tacit understanding that should be more artistic, technical, and advanced can only be developed in a hurry. Time has become a "livestock market" as well as a "trading of human beings".

Fortunately, everyone is tacitly aware of this and is consciously promoting cooperation. Otherwise, you would not be able to explain why No. 4 and No. 5 would call their children here as guests late at night.

Although it's a little rushed, at least things are done.

However, to be on the safe side, Karen agreed to sleep one night at No. 3's house. Everyone hoped to share the high-level atmosphere of unity and friendship with the entire system.

The next morning, after having breakfast with Figure 3, Karen took his carriage to the teleportation circle hall.

The things outside are all over for the time being, and now it's time for me to go home.

Murray held a stack of invitations in his hand and said, "Minister, there is also an invitation from Andi Lao."

Karen, who was sitting in the carriage, shook his head: "Forget it, it's too late to cover everything."

"Yes, Minister."

The carriage did not stop outside the teleportation circle hall, but was allowed to go straight inside. Karen did not have to get out of the car the whole time. The teleportation circle was prepared, and the carriage drove into the teleportation aperture, preparing to teleport both people and the vehicle.

The last time I enjoyed this kind of treatment, I was in the whipman's carriage.

But now is not the time to stop and enjoy the achievements of struggle. Today's "Order Weekly" continuously reported on the visions of many divine religions.

In addition, there were also unusual movements in some special areas.

After all, not every god has established a church, and not all the churches they have established are still preserved to this day. There are always some gods who want to return, only to find that they have become "lonely souls and wild gods."

This also raises a question: Will the way and state of return of gods with church inheritance and those without church inheritance be greatly different?

These questions cannot be investigated by yourself. You have to ask professionals or foreign teachers.

Karen thought of her partner from Principia, who was introduced to Neo when he was hospitalized. However, for a long time in the future, his partner only became Richard's pen pal during holidays and exchanged gifts.

It seems that it is time to re-activate this partner.

Karen looked at Murry and originally wanted to tell him to do this, but thinking that he was going home soon, it would be safer to leave these things to Alfred.

The transmission was successful, but the carriage did not rush out of the Academic Affairs Building.

Now that I'm back, there are some people I must meet.

That attendant was already waiting in front of the formation circle.

In order not to cause a commotion, Karen put on a mask and got out of the carriage, took the elevator to the top floor, and the attendant helped open the office door and then left.

Karen walked in, took off his mask, and saw Chief Bishop Byrne sitting behind the desk, busy with official duties.

Bourne is old.

Originally, the hair on his head was only half white, but it looked more resolute. Now the hair on his head has become more white, and his whole body is visibly haggard.

Karen deliberately teased: "Did you know I was back, so you put on makeup on purpose?"

"I'm too lazy to do this. After all, there will be a burial treatment after death."

"I just got back, can you say something positive?"

"Okay, Karen, I'll hold a spot for you in the First Knights and wait for you to report."



Both men laughed.

Bourne brought a glass of water with ice cubes and handed it to Karen, while he stood leaning against the window sill with a glass of hot water.

In the past, every time Karen came back or met Bourne before departure, Bourne would have a lot to say. This old guy who has lived in the shadows for half his life has rich life and work experience.

But this time, Bourne seemed to have lost interest in talking.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still don't know what else to say to you. How about... Minister Karen, let me salute you."

Karen drank water and said nothing.

Bourne froze for a while and cursed angrily: "You actually want me to salute you!"

"You did it voluntarily, I didn't force it."

In the past, when Karen was the district mayor, she and Bourne were legal equals. Now, Karen's status is absolutely transcendent in the entire York City region.

"Hey, who will give you the position of district mayor?"


"So fast?"

"I talked to the whip holder, and the whip holder agreed."

Bourne nodded: "Then we have an explanation to the former chief."

"Yeah." Karen nodded.

Bourne walked to the desk, pulled out a report, and said, "Since you are back, I can submit this report on applying for early retirement."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Anyway, no matter who becomes the district mayor, there is no way to change the situation that you are now completely in control of the York City area. Before you came back, I could only help you look after your house. Now you are the master. Now that I’m back, it’s time for me to take a rest.”

"How long can you live?"

"The deterioration is beyond my imagination. It is estimated that there will be less than half a year left."

"It's still early. Just hold on a little longer and help Leon by the way."

"Listen, do you think this is human language?"

"I'm serious because I know you're not someone who wants to retire."

“My plan is that after I retire, I will visit the graves of my former subordinates or their widows, and then take care of myself before my physical condition reaches its worst point.

I'm worried that if my problem gets worse, the First Knights may not accept me. "

"It's okay. You are a technician who has changed his job. The quality of the body is not a big problem."

"Thank you for your comfort."

"Go on, Bourne, until you die."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Don't ask, you will know when the time comes."

"Now that you have hardened your wings, you actually dare to play riddles in front of me and make such a straightforward provocation?"

"Yes, the world has changed, my chief bishop of Bourne." Karen deliberately opened his arms, "I used to be very grateful to you for turning a blind eye to me. I have some secrets, which is really inconvenient. Let people know.”

"I'm curious, what kind of secret is it that makes you come to this point before you dare to say that you can keep it?"

"As I said before, you will know when the time comes. You will continue to sit in the position of chief bishop, and you must sit on this chair before you die. But before you die, you must remember to inform me in advance. It is best to support me first. Open other sights.

In this way, I can clean up and embezzle your inheritance. "

"Oh..." Bourne reached out and patted his chest, "I was so scared that I thought you were going to revive me after I died."

"How can your imagination be so rich?"

Bourne shrugged, walked behind his desk, sat down, and then patted the table with both hands:

"I'll die in this position."

"Ah, very good."

"Do you need me to make a list of your inheritance for you and put it in the mezzanine of the left-hand drawer?"

"Of course, thank you for your thoughtfulness."

"Okay, I will continue to work to the limit of my life. You ask Leon to take time to visit me. Since you are not free, then I will use the time before I die to take care of him."


After Karen bowed to Bourne, he put down his water glass and walked out of the office.

Bourne glanced at the "Symmetra" that would be placed on every Priest of Order's desk, and he suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly:

"Hey, what am I thinking about?"

Under the leadership of the attendant, Karen was about to take the elevator down, but after the elevator door opened, a group of cardinals walked out, led by his grandfather Delong.

Delon was not sociable, but since the Whip of Order withdrew from the front line, his popularity suddenly became better, and his colleagues were willing to surround him with nice words.

The old man spoke modestly, but he still enjoyed this feeling in his heart.

Although his daughter-in-law and daughter had their merits offset due to mistakes in the merit list, his son, son-in-law and grandson really had full qualifications in this expedition, and their bodies were covered with gold foil. Stinging to the eyes.

This means that the Guman family can continue to establish a foothold in the York City region in the next generation and the next generation, and even their own family can take a step further and be promoted from a family of judges to a family of bishops.

Of course, what makes him most proud is his grandson. Unfortunately, his grandson cannot be shown off.

When the bishops saw the chief page, they all nodded to him, and the page bowed and saluted.

After Karen saw Deron, he hesitated and simply took off his mask.

Although it was very inappropriate to meet in such a formal occasion, Karen knew that if grandpa knew that he had seen him but pretended not to know him, he would definitely be angry. Although grandpa would be angry, it would not matter, but if grandma knew, she would definitely Nagging myself again.

The bishops were collectively stunned for a moment, then immediately dispersed and saluted Karen.

"Meet the Minister!"

"Meet the Minister!"

When it comes to major personnel changes, the bishops must have learned the news yesterday. Of course, even if Karen is still the original district chief, the bishops are also his subordinates.

Mr. Delong gave the most standard salute to his grandson and shouted loudest.

Not only did he not feel aggrieved at all as a grandfather saluting his grandson, but his face was rosy, showing a sense of physical and mental comfort.

Karen nodded to them, and then asked Deron: "Is Richard home?"

"I'm back, but I'm going to work again. This kid doesn't want to rest, haha. Karen, you... Minister Karen, come home when you have time..."

Because Karen's level is too high now, Mr. Deron didn't know how to continue speaking in the official scene.

"I will. I will go to your home to visit the old lady in two days. I will never forget the old lady's care for me."

"Okay, okay, our whole family welcomes you, warmly welcome you."

Karen walked into the elevator while the bishops gathered around DeLong asking questions.

They knew that Karen had a good relationship with the Guman family, but they never expected that this relationship was so strong that a second-in-command of the Whip of Order still remembered it and wanted to explain it in public.

Mr. Delong could only explain to his colleagues over and over again:

"Hey, hey, it's purely because my wife makes soybean paste well, and Minister Karen loves this one."

The carriage drove out of the Academic Affairs Building, but its destination was not the original York City Region Whip of Order headquarters, but in the suburbs.

There, a new headquarters building has been built, but now its purpose will be changed and it will directly become the office of the Whip of Order Discipline Department.

How luxurious is this new building... When the carriage drove to an iron bridge, Mu Li went down to confirm his identity, then the carriage drove onto the iron bridge, and then entered the barrier.

Inside, there are a group of castle buildings, large areas of greenery, fountains, and sculptures. Compared with this place, Allen Manor looks too poor.


Little Kangna opened the car window and looked at the charming scenery outside.

Mu Li couldn't take his eyes off it for a moment. It's hard to feel unhappy when you can work here.

Karen's mood is not so beautiful. The Discipline Department is the whip of order among the whips of order. It is a place that everyone in the church fears. After the work is carried out, it will be filled with dungeons, torture, torture, and crying... …

So the landscape is so warm and beautiful, is it to deliberately create a sense of contrast?

The professors, teachers and students at the University of Order really didn't care about the feelings of their sponsor. They were eager to display their talents and created a lot of "little wonders" for themselves.

Don't think that people in the ivory tower are pure and clean. Many people just haven't had the opportunity before. Once the opportunity is presented to them, their behavior will often be lower and more ugly.

In order to satisfy them, he issued bonds, extorted money from forces like the Pamires Cult, Dark Moon Island, and personally dug and robbed graves on the front lines...

I got off the carriage and took a deep breath. The fresh and intoxicating air was indeed fascinating.

not far away,

Alfred, Vic, and Leon, together with a group of priests of order, lined up neatly to salute Karen:

"Meet the Minister!"

"Meet the Minister!"

Karen returned the favor solemnly.

After the two parties finished the ceremony, Alfred came over on his own initiative:

"Master, let me show you the new office space."


"Yes, Master, please give me your orders."

Karen issued his first order since taking office as Minister of Discipline:

"Immediately launch an audit investigation into the financial status of various departments during the reform process."

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