1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 214: Whose family will the flower fall on?

It is the nature of people all over the world to love watching the excitement.

The first place winner of the first Liang Yao Invention Award will compete in a competition, which has attracted the attention of countless New Yorkers.

Even citizens from surrounding cities such as Philadelphia and Boston rushed to New York to watch the game.

The United States is a young country, full of vitality.

People have great enthusiasm for new things, especially new things that can liberate productivity.

The sewing machine was such a new thing.

The first-place winner of the Liang Yao Invention Award was determined in the form of a competition. This open and fair method has won the support of the citizens.

Of course, if you want to ensure the fairness of the competition, you must choose an impartial referee.

Liang Yao invited Fish, the president of the New York Chamber of Commerce, a representative of the Whig Party, and the former governor of New York State, to serve as the referee for this competition.

Fish is a celebrity in New York's political and business circles after the founding fathers. He enjoys a very high reputation in New York and even the entire United States.

More importantly, Fish has a good reputation in New York and is one of the few governors in New York State who will be missed by New Yorkers even after he has served.

When Vanderbilt competed with its opponents in a steamboat race, Fish also served as the referee. It can be said that Fish has very rich experience as a referee.

Although the competition has not officially started yet, the sewing machines used by the three contestants are still covered with black curtains.

However, New York citizens are generally more optimistic about Ericsson and Yinsak, who have begun mass production of sewing machines.

It is believed that the $30,000 Liang Yao Invention Prize will go into the pockets of Erics and Yin Sak.

As for Walter, few people are optimistic about Walter.

Although Walter was well-known in the small circle of New York's invention community, Walter's fame was limited to this small circle.

If it weren't for the news about the Liang Yao Invention Award, many New Yorkers would have never even heard of the name Walter.

After all, in New York, where money is paramount, no one would pay attention to a poor man.

This can also be seen from the odds at the opening of the game.

Erics and Yinsak's odds are both around 2, while Walter's odds are around 8.

With $5,000 in his pocket, Coney went to the casino on Broadway that he had frequented before, and threw a stack of $5,000 in Bank of America dollar certificates on the gaming table.

"I'll buy it for $5,000! Walter wins!"

Kony has always had a reputation in the New York gambling community as a kid who makes money and always loses every time he bets.

There was even a joke on the streets of New York that Vanderbilt's biggest enemy was not his competitors, but his son Coney. As long as Coney let go of gambling, he could bankrupt the Vanderbilt family.

Seeing that Kony won by betting on Walter, the other gamblers did not hesitate to win by betting on Erics and Yinsak.

At the same time, he did not forget to ridicule Kony: "Guys, buy the opposite of Kony! You will definitely win!"


"I've seen sewing machines. The emergence of such machines will put many tailors out of work. There are thousands of professional tailors in New York."

Before the game even started, Governor Hunter of New York State looked sad.

His wife had bought a hand-operated sewing machine, which was surprisingly efficient. He was worried that this machine would take away the jobs of New York tailors, and these unemployed tailors would take to the streets to protest.

Not that they will, but have already taken to the streets to protest.

The Sewing Machine Contest took place in the plaza in front of the New York Municipal Building at the north end of Broadway.

In front of the square, there were not only citizens who came to watch the game, but also tailors holding signs to protest against sewing machines.

These tailors are shouting against sewing machines. Clothes sewn by sewing machines will not fit, clothes sewn by machines have no soul, and the traditional craft of hand sewing has been passed down for thousands of years. Ridiculous slogans such as cannot be thrown away.

But these people are only a minority after all.

Hunter withdrew his gaze from these protesting tailors. New York had finally settled down for several months, but Hunter still didn't want anything unpleasant to happen during his term.

"Mr. Liang, it seems that Governor Hunter has a lot of objections to your awarding the first place of the invention award to the sewing machine." Fish said, stroking the thick black hair that he was proud of.

"Anything new will be criticized or even opposed."

Liang Yao glanced disdainfully at the small group of people protesting, not taking these people seriously at all.

Protest marches are an American tradition, nothing to make a fuss about, and he has seen even bigger scenes in later generations.

Liang Yao doesn't have much in common with Hunter, a stubborn old diehard and conservative.

"The emergence of the steam engine did not make everyone unemployed, but it liberated productivity. Countless factories were built and more people found jobs in the factories. Humanity created far-reaching achievements in less than a hundred years after the steam engine appeared. More wealth than we had in the past thousand years.”

“Liberating productivity, I like that word.”

Fish was convinced, and he agreed with Liang Yao's point of view.

"My point of view is the same as yours. It is true that sewing will create many tailoring businesses, but factories that produce sewing machines will create a lot more jobs, and the sewing machines produced must be operated by people. As for those tailors, at least not all of them will Everyone has lost their jobs, and some people will choose hand-sewn clothes.”

"We are well-educated people and can understand this, but these tailors don't!" Hunter said with a frown.

"These unscrupulous people only care about whether they have something to do and how many dollars they can earn every month. I heard that workers at the Pittsburgh Steel Plant were on strike, and some workers hung the factory owner from a street lamp. These people are simply unreasonable. .

The factory owner gave them a job, but they didn't know how to be grateful and hung the person who gave them a job from a street lamp. "

"Don't you care how much money you make every day?" Liang Yao just found it funny.

He had also heard about the Pittsburgh steel workers' strike. In fact, Pittsburgh was not the only place where steel workers went on strike.

Many steel plants in Ohio and Illinois are on strike, but Pittsburgh is the most violent.

Fillmore previously went to Ohio to solve the problem of the steel workers' strike, but for now, this problem has not been resolved.

"Of course I care." Hunter touched his nose and asked Liang Yaodao, "When will the locomotive factory you opened in New York be able to produce the Pioneer? Yinli Railway Company has begun laying new rails and is waiting for your locomotive. .”

"How can it be so fast? The production line has just been laid out. It will not be until next month at the earliest before the first Pioneer is assembled and rolled off the production line." Liang Yao said.

"Okay, gentlemen, it's almost time. The game is about to begin! We can talk about these things after the game is over." Fish opened the cover of his pocket watch and checked the time.

The black curtain covering the three sewing machines was lifted, and the three sewing machines revealed their true appearance.

The sewing machines of Erics and Yinsak are similar in that they are both hand-operated sewing machines.

The basic frame structure is similar to the sewing machine Liang Yao saw at Walter's house, except for minor modifications in some details.

The appearance of the sewing machine made by Walter is very different from the hand-operated sewing machines of Erics and Yinsak. The absence of a huge runner makes this sewing machine look lighter and more flexible.

As for the in-app purchases and driving methods, they are completely different. They are two different machines.

Erics showed disdain after seeing the machine created by Walter.

"This is some weird-looking sewing machine. It's very fancy and doesn't look like a sewing machine at all!" Erics said.

In order to win this competition and win the Liang Yao Invention Award of US$30,000, he specially selected a sewing machine in the last condition from the sewing machines that had just rolled off the assembly line at the factory and made some improvements.

This makes the sewing machine sew faster, and even the workers who operate the sewing machine are carefully selected by him to be good at sewing.

The sewing machine he personally improved can now sew at least 380 stitches in one minute!

Erics was very confident in his sewing machine. He was sure of the title of winner of the first Liang Yao Invention Award and a bonus of US$30,000!

"It doesn't even have a crank handle, how is this sewing machine supposed to work? Oh? There is also a pedal, does it rely on pedaling?" Yin Sak also laughed.

"It's so new. This is the first time I've seen people sewing with their feet!"

Yinsak's attitude towards this sewing machine was similar to that of Erics. He did not believe that Walter could create a new sewing machine in just one week.

You know, in order to create a more reliable sewing machine, he bought Erics' sewing machine and studied for several months, so that the needle of the sewing machine does not move in a circular motion, but directly moves vertically, and can sew continuously.

Because of this, although his sewing machine may be slightly less efficient than Erics's sewing machine, it is more practical and reliable.

This allowed Yinsak, which missed the market opportunity, to gain a firm foothold in the emerging sewing machine market and compete with Erics.

"Gentlemen, this is the real sewing machine." Lisa Bai Yin solemnly said to the two of them.

After finishing speaking, Elizabeth Yin walked to the sewing machine, stepped on the pedal with both feet, took a deep breath, and waited for Fish to announce the start of the game.

Lisa Bai Yin's elegant and calm posture seems to be getting ready to start playing the piano rather than doing sewing.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Fish announced the start of the game.

Two sewing workers operating a hand-operated sewing machine turned the handle on the wheel as fast as possible. The needle on the sewing machine began to move at a dizzying speed as the wheel was shaken.

Compared with the two sewing workers who were racing against time, Yin Lisabai was much more calm, stepping on the pedal very rhythmically and slowly moving the cloth on the sewing machine.

"I didn't expect Miss Yin Lisabai to be so elegant in her sewing work. It is really a pleasure to watch Miss Yin Lisabai operate the sewing machine."

Walter on the side also said very calmly.

A foot-operated sewing machine can sew at least 600 stitches per minute, a speed that hand-operated sewing machines cannot achieve no matter how improved they are.

This is the reason why they are calm and calm.

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