1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 373: Stunned

The last call came from Robinson in San Francisco.

Robinson told Liang Yao that he had no intention of running for the next governor of California and hoped that Liang Yao could run for the next governor of California.

"Hasn't the Ottomans already opened the Dardanelles Strait like England and France? At this time, can the Ottoman ships be sunk by the warships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet?"

Fremont picked up a newspaper from Liang Yao's table and sat on the leather sofa nearby to read. After seeing the news that the Russian Black Sea Fleet sank an Ottoman supply ship, Fremont couldn't help but complain. .

"There's nothing surprising about this." Liang Yao said, "England and France need Russia to fight a big defeat."

Britain and France did not expect the Ottomans to be able to defeat Russia on their own.

If Russia did not win a great victory, how could those politicians in Britain and France fool Congress and their own people into going to war against the Russian Empire?

Only with a strong Russia can the Russian threat theory be convincing and demand more military spending.

But so far, both Britain and France are quite disappointed.

Britain and France originally expected that the Russian Army would give the Ottoman Army a thunderous blow after entering the lower Danube River, severely defeating the Ottoman Army and winning a beautiful victory.

Who would have thought that the gray animals of Nicholas I would be fighting inextricably with the sick men of West Asia who they regarded as weak and weak in the swamps of the lower reaches of the Danube River. The Ottoman army even repelled the Russian army several times and gained the upper hand.

On land, Russia has not had any impressive results for a while, and Britain and France can only hope that Russia's Black Sea Fleet can stand firm and win a battle so that they can have propaganda material that can be used to make a fuss.

Not only Britain and France hope that Russia can be frightened, Liang Yao also hopes that Russia can be frightened.

The longer the Crimean war drags on, the more time he will have to resolve the Mexican land purchase issue.

Fillmore must have thought so too.

"I just didn't expect that Russia, which has an army of millions and is known as the world's largest army, can't just run over the Danube River all the way, with its troops pointing directly at the city of Constantinople." Fremont said with emotion.

The Near East issue has been the hottest topic in the United States in the past six months, and Fremont himself has paid relatively high attention to this war.

"The world's number one army is just the Russian army in Nicholas I's imagination." Liang Yao said, "Such an army can only be the most deterrent in peacetime when it makes people believe that it is the world's number one army." . Once you join the war, your true colors will be revealed.”

After the Patriotic War in 1812, the Russian army has been resting on the legacy left by Kutuzov and is in decline.

The Russian army in 1853 was just pretentious and bluffing by relying on the performance of the Russian army in 1812.

In fact, even in the Russo-French War of 1812, the Russian army's battle loss ratio was ugly.

"It seems you are not optimistic about Russia." Fremont closed the newspaper.

"The equipment of the Russian army is not necessarily better than the equipment of the American militiamen during the War of Independence more than 70 years ago. Do you think a group of militiamen more than 70 years ago can win this war?" Liang Yao said with a smile.

With the poor quality of the Russian army and the indescribable logistics, let alone Britain and France joining forces. Even if they fight the French army alone, the Russian army has no chance of winning.

The current Russian army may not even be able to bully Prussia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It can only find some face to come back by going to the East to bully the Qing Dynasty and Japan.

"Our ancestors fought for independence and freedom in the past and were much stronger than the Russian army who fought fiercely on the Danube." Fremont said seriously.

Fremont's grandfather was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. When he was a child, he often heard his grandfather's stories about the Revolutionary War.

He still admires the veterans of the Revolutionary War very much. Without them, there would be no independent America today.

Liang Yao didn't have so many feelings. There was no real founding father of the United States who gave money and guns, and also sent the Bourbon French army directly to the North American continent to participate in the war.

With its own group of militiamen, it is still unclear whether the United States can become independent from Great Britain.

The train stopped briefly as it traveled to Sacramento.

After receiving Liang Yao's telegram, Sven, the president of Global Shipping Company, came to the Sacramento train station early to wait for Liang Yao.

"My big boss, our San Francisco shipyard has been able to build a dark steamer with a standard displacement of barely 1,000 tons. When can you give me a whole ship as a flagship? You have intercepted all three of my flagships. Now we don’t even have a ship that we can use.”

Liang Yao came to Siwen because he wanted Siwen to go out to sea and search for Nauru Island in the Micronesia region of the Central Pacific. However, as soon as Si Wen got on the special train, he complained to Liang Yao about the ship's problems.

The three battleships Roland, Chaoyong, and Yangwei have all served as Sven's crew. The sailors and gunners on board were either recruited by Sven or trained by him himself.

Sven still has deep feelings for these three ships.

But now these three ships, the Chaoyong, were dispatched to Nagasaki by Liang Yao.

The Roland and Yang Wei were training to prepare for combat with Mexico, and Sven Sui didn't have a single battleship left.

As for Loach Chuan who has no ocean-going ability, it is naturally impossible for an old captain like Sven to take a liking to him.

Now the only thing Sven can count on is the nearly 1,000-ton hidden ship that was relaunched for testing at the San Francisco Shipyard.

Of course, Liang Yao is also looking forward to the hidden ship built by the San Francisco Shipyard.

The Loach class was designed based on the standards of civilian inland shipping ships from the beginning, and was not a serious warship.

As for the concealed ship that took three years to be polished by the San Francisco Shipyard, at the beginning of the design, Liang Yao's instructions to the shipyard were to develop the ship based on the standards and specifications of a warship.

"Don't you have the James Day? This is a big thing with more than two thousand tons." Liang Yao said with a smile.

"No matter how big it is, it is still a civilian ship. There is no way a civilian ship can be as majestic as a warship." The gentleness is still not enough.

"The new cannon at the Sacramento Arsenal has not been built yet. Once the new cannon is installed on the ship and the test is completed, I will give you one," Liang Yao said.

"Waiting for new cannons? I don't know if I have to wait until the year of the monkey." Sven couldn't help complaining, "I have sailed warships and civilian ships, but I don't want to sail another day."

"You can do it by the beginning of next year at the latest. Stop talking nonsense and talk about business. Have you ever been to the Micronesia region in the Pacific?"

As he spoke, Liang Yao pulled out a chart of the Pacific Ocean from the bookshelf behind him and spread it on the table. Thanks to advances in surveying and navigation technology, maps of this era were already quite accurate.

Except for some small islands in the Cape that have not been discovered, and the exploration of the Antarctic and Antarctic regions is limited, most of the major landmasses and islands have been discovered.


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