1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 152 The Progress of the Case

For the rest of the day, Scrooge took Dorothea and ran various government agencies everywhere. In fact, with Scrooge's influence, he only needs to wink and let his subordinates run around, and this can be done easily. But things in the world are like this, any result that comes easily will not be cherished by others. For example, if a pregnant woman goes to the hospital to have a baby, everything went smoothly to give birth to the baby. Although the family members are happy, they don't particularly appreciate the doctor. On the contrary, as soon as I entered, I found dystocia, and then had amniotic fluid embolism. In the end, the doctor came back to rescue and the mother and child were safe. Most of the family members would be grateful to the doctor.

Similarly, Dorothea is now grateful to Scrooge. She followed Scrooge, watching Scrooge spend money like running water in order to save those people, and even made Dorothea feel painful (of course, if a woman sees you and her My friend feels distressed for spending money. I don’t need to say what that means. But what makes Dorothea distressed is that every time when Scrooge used bribes and other means, he corrupted government officials. After achieving the purpose of owning, and then walking out, he would have a gloomy face, and sometimes he didn't speak very much for a long time. At first, Dorothea thought Scrooge was as distressed about the money as she did. So he said to him euphemistically: "Southerners are very trustworthy, and they will definitely not let him spend money in vain. They will definitely compensate."

At this time, Scrooge told Dorothea with a look of grief: "Bribery, bribery, corruption, these are the things I hate the most! Dorothea, I never dreamed that one day, I actually Will take the money to do what I hate the most, to tempt, to corrupt those government officials, if it were not for my temptation, many of them might have maintained their own integrity until they could stand up to God with a clear conscience. In front of him, accept his fair verdict. But now, Dorothea, I think I am the devil who escaped from The Underworld, the viper who got into the Garden of Eden... Dorothea, I..."

Scrooge choked, and tears filled his open and sincere eyes. He seemed unwilling to show his weak side too much in front of women, so he raised his head and breathed a long breath into the sky. Then, he bowed his head and said to Dorothea with a strong smile: "Dorothea, let's go and tell this news to the ladies and children who are terrified."

"Scrooge..." Dorothea was very moved. A noble person like Scrooge would actually do it for herself, yes, absolutely for herself. After all, he and those who were caught Unfamiliar, if it wasn't for himself, how could he go against his own will and do these things? Thinking of this, Dorothea couldn't help it anymore. She hugged Scrooge, hid her head in Scrooge's arms, and cried in a low voice: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Scrooge If it weren't for me..."

"Silly girl, stop talking stupid. You're going to get my clothes wet again." Scrooge gently stroked her golden hair, "Besides, for you, even The Underworld..."

Before Scrooge could finish her words, Dorothea's slender hand extended her mouth and her mouth was sealed. Dorothea raised her tear-stained face, looked at Scrooge, and said firmly, "Scrooge, don't say it, we're going to go to The Underworld, let's go together!" Then she released her cover in history. With the hand on Gao Zhi's mouth, he stretched his hand upwards, hooked Scrooge's neck, and at the same time gently raised his toes, and gently kissed Scrooge's mouth.

"For us, to successfully exonerate your loved ones, these are the most important tasks." Attorney Romax explained the case to a group of ladies whose husbands are still in prison. "First of all. Let’s take a look at the composition of the jury. If the jury is all Republicans, then your husband’s murder charges will definitely be found guilty. If they are all Southern Democrats, then they may be acquitted. It will be very big. In theory, the selection of jury members is random, but in practice, there are still many loopholes that the federal government can exploit. In order to support the Republican Party, the federal government will probably not let this opportunity pass, so , I estimate that the number of Republicans in the jury will certainly not be small. Therefore, to be honest with you, the possibility that all of them will be acquitted is basically non-existent.

However, this does not mean that we are at a loss. The court hearing is like a sports game, the prosecutor is one party, and the defendant is one party. The outcome is determined by the jury, and the score is determined by the judge. In order to influence the game and get the result we need, it is very important to buy off referees and opponents.

On the prosecution side, my plan is like this. We have already had some contact with the prosecutor. They reached a compromise with us, and they agreed to cooperate with us to some extent. They will file first-level murder charges against those who do not have enough evidence to prove that they participated in the massacre and committed crimes, and ask the court to sentence them to hang. "

Having said this, the ladies and wives all exclaimed.

"Ladies, don't be too nervous." Attorney Romes calmed them and said, "First-level murder is not so easy to convict. You have to know that one of the principles of court trials is that there is no doubt. They lack some evidence. Of people file first-level murder charges. Such charges can easily be dismissed in court. What's more, because they took our money, we even read their case files. And they Even deliberately cooperate with us, revealing flaws to us. In this case, this kind of first-level murder charge is definitely unfounded. And according to the principle of'no one guilty, two trials', since their first-level murder charges If it cannot be established, then they can only be acquitted. Therefore, they will soon bring first-level murder charges against most of the suspects. Ladies, don’t be nervous after hearing this news. This just means that your relatives will be able to go home soon. Of course, if the prosecutor makes such a thing, it will be a big blow to his professional reputation. Basically, he will never want to do this again in his life. That's it. So, we must also provide them with enough remuneration."

"Thank God! Thank you, Lawyer Romes! And the kind Mr. MacDonald! May God bless you." There was a voice of praise in the room.

"God bless me?" Romes couldn't help laughing. "If God will bless himself, then God must have changed his name to Satan."

"However, the federal government will not tolerate such a big case. Everyone was acquitted. Although those guys are greedy, they are not without a bottom line. Therefore, for some of them, they already have sufficient evidence. Even those who are sure to prosecute with first-level murder, they only agree to prosecute them with second-level murder, accusing them of passionate killing. And they demand that on our side, those who are prosecuted like this are best to plead guilty. They told me that a total of 8 people were prosecuted in this way. They were: Mr. Leonde and Mr. Leonde Jr., Mr. Dui, Mr. Victor and Mr. Victor Jr...."

"Then what happens if I plead guilty? Will he be hanged?" Mrs. Leonde asked nervously.

"No, ma'am. The death penalty is not applicable to the second-level murder. But it will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment. We have also discussed with the judge responsible for determining the sentence, and they said that because we have to explain to the above, we also consider that there is no People are sentenced to death, so they may be sentenced to more than ten years in prison. Madam, you know, they have their position, we can only bargain with them bit by bit. But I can assure you, Even if they go to jail and stay for two or three years, when the limelight passes, they can return to you through parole and other means."

"It would be great to be able to save your life, Lawyer Romes, thank you! Thank you!"

"Finally, we have to work on the jury. Although the list of the jury is confidential, we still get a part of it and do some of the work. According to the principle of unanimity of the jury, this is enough to ensure that There won’t be too many crates from the jury. Now, if you have no objections to this arrangement, we can wait for the trial.”

"Mr. MacDonald, the above means don’t suppress those Southerners too much. After all, it’s just some niggers who died. What? The war is over and North-South reconciliation is the mainstream. We don’t want to make the South. There are assailants everywhere. So, it's enough to scare them." said Diablo, the newly appointed Attorney General of Mississippi.

"Of course I know this, so, you see, I didn't ask you to hang any of them." Scrooge said leisurely, "I don't think it can scare them without punishment at all. Those few Individuals are the core figures of these southerners, and it’s only good for us to let them stay in jail for a while. And, Mr. Diablo, you are a northerner and a Republican, even if you put these The Southerners were all acquitted, but when the election resumes in the future, they will vote for you? You know that this is impossible. So your political future is not in Mississippi, but in the North. When you leave Mississippi one day and want to return to the north to show your ambitions, a supporter like me with a good reputation is very important, isn't it?"

Diablo thought for a while and replied: "You are right, Mr. MacDonald. Then we will deal with it according to your suggestion."

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