1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 21 Direction in Crisis (2)

Faced with Rockefeller's praise of "You should be president", Scrooge just smiled and didn't take him to heart. Being a president seems to many people to be beautiful, but Scrooge knows that the president is just the ruler on the table. Since entering the industrial age, the consortium that has truly ruled the world has always been. Moreover, the president has a term, but the head of a large consortium has no term limit.

"My interest in politics is limited to how to use it to make money. The people of United States will regret it if they choose me." Scrooge laughed, "Besides, it will take many years before I can be president. I can Can't wait."

Clark and Rockefeller also laughed.

"Okay, after clarifying the whole situation, we can consider how to get through the crisis, and even use it to make a fortune." Scrooge said, "A great man once said,'Re...The most important issue in trading is: Who is our friend and who is our enemy.” So we must first understand what path we can take and who will be our friend and enemy after we make this choice."

"At present, there are a lot of chaotic forces in the country, but I think in the final analysis, there are only two big systems." Rockefeller said, "According to Scrooge's previous analysis, United States has two possible directions in the future. One is to lead in the South. The next is planting, exporting agricultural products to Europe and purchasing industrial products. Sooner or later, our industry will be over, and United States will embark on the road of South America. Another is to destroy the South and make the South our raw material source. And the sales market. For justice and the motherland, we should prepare for the defeat of the South."

Scrooge glanced at Rockefeller and watched him say "justice and the motherland" sternly. He couldn't help but want to laugh. However, he immediately followed Rockefeller's "justice and the motherland" and continued:

"Yes, the direction of the south is the direction of traitorousness and it is unjust. There is no doubt that with God's blessing, justice will prevail! Moreover, the current balance of power is very clear. It is not the same as when it was just independent. At that time The southern states have larger populations and are more prosperous. But now, the situation is completely different. Industry can provide much more jobs than plantation, so the north can accept much more immigrants than the south. What's more, the South doesn’t really need white immigrants. All they need are niggers. In this way, the North now has a clear upper hand in population. Moreover, in modern warfare, the amount of material power will play a more important role. The greater the role of the coming. Although the manufacturing industry in the North is suppressed by Europe, it is still much stronger than the South. Now, under the blessing of God, regardless of human and material resources, the North has an overwhelming advantage. I believe in the power of justice. Victory is inevitable. And we will definitely stand by the side of the winner."

"The British are now using troops in India and China, which will inevitably reduce the power they can use to support the South. Therefore, the South has no foreign aid. The South's economy is extremely dependent on Europe. As long as the coast is blocked, the South is a dead end. "Rockefeller interrupted.

"Do you really think that the war is imminent?" Clark frowned and looked very hesitant. "If, I mean, if things don't get to this point, do we just... I think our measures We should not be too radical. We should take safer actions. On the one hand, we have to be psychologically prepared for war, but on the other hand, I don’t think we can put all our treasures on war."

"Then it should be a good idea for us to point the investment direction to those dual-use directions." Rockefeller said, "The company's current operating direction-food is good. If there is a war, food is an important strategic material."

"In addition, even if there is no war, the further development of the west by United States is unstoppable. The business for the westward advancement is also good." Scrooge added, "We have to care about this type of enterprise when their market value drops to At the lowest point, we can take down these companies. I have drawn up an inspection catalog." Scrooge said, while drawing out a memo, "This is all in line with our goal and direction, and the current situation does not count. Very good company. I suggest that we counter-compensate for the following goals and focus on these companies separately. Every once in a while, we will study together to see if there are any goals worth doing."

"Okay, but Scrooge, I have invested more time in the company's operations, so I don't have that much energy to invest in it, and the task assigned to me can't be too much." Clark frowned. Say.

"Well, I agree." Scrooge said.

"I agree too." Rockefeller said.

After making a lot of money, Rockefeller and Clark both added additional investments in the company. Now they have become the company's largest shareholder, and their equity has surpassed Scrooge.

After the meeting ended, Scrooge left the venue first, while Rockefeller and Clark stayed behind.

"John, I have something to tell you." Seeing Scrooge leave, Clark stopped Rockefeller.

"What's the matter?" Rockefeller asked.

"Ah, it's about Scrooge." Clark lowered his voice. "Don't you think he was a little bit overwhelmed by the recent victory? I suspect that all he is thinking about now is just like last time. You see, he made a lot of money last time, but he didn’t invest even one cent in the company. He must want to keep that money and play another. Scrooge is really smart, I I have never seen a child his age who can consider issues so far-reachingly, but there are still too many surprises in the business field. Even if he is smart, it is impossible to predict the first opportunity anywhere. I think he is too aggressive. He may be able to make a lot of money at once, just like last time, but he may also lose money at a time. I don’t think this is a good way to do business. At least, my heart can’t bear it. If he likes to take risks like this, he’d better not get involved in the company. Maybe you should persuade him, you and him are good friends, and you speak better than me."

Rockefeller did not immediately answer after hearing this. He thought for a while before repliing: "I will convey your views to him, but I am not sure of the effect. Although Scrooge was young, he was very assertive. People, well, sometimes even a little bit stubborn."

As Clarke said, Scrooge couldn't judge everything correctly. Although he can take advantage of the factors of foreseeing history, he doesn't have everything in history books. Therefore, some things will still exceed Scrooge's expectations. For example, the "Stru" shotgun factory that Scrooge took a fancy to.

Scrooge originally thought that when the crisis came, this company would definitely experience a decline in sales and a difficult situation. Unexpectedly, at least for now, the operation of this company is still quite good. Thanks to the recent economic downturn and public security chaos, more people buy guns for self-defense.

The double-barreled shotgun produced by this factory now seems to be particularly suitable for today's needs. Although compared to a rifle with a rifled, Miner bullet, its hit accuracy is almost impossible to hit anything at a slightly longer distance, but in the city, you have no chance to shoot that far away. Even the long range is not only an advantage but a disadvantage, because it means that once a shot is fired, it is easy to accidentally injure the innocent. Speaking of a certain country in the future, the police department was once equipped with a large number of powerful military pistols, but then found that the effective range of this gun was too long, the penetrating power was too strong, and it was easy to accidentally injure the innocent. As a result, I encountered a case and used this thing. Lai always feels tied up. In the end, it replaced this high-power pistol with a "small smashing cannon" that claimed to have a much smaller power than a single magazine can kill a rhubarb.

In addition, firearms at that time were generally slow to load, and the double-barreled shotgun using deer bullets was not only powerful at close range, but the hit rate was much higher than that of any other firearms. As a result, this gun has become one of the best choices for self-defense in the city. As a result, the company's situation is even slightly better than before the crisis began.

This situation is entirely out of Scrooge's expectations. Obviously in this case, the original plan to buy this factory at a bargain-hunting price would simply not be possible under normal circumstances. But buying this company at a normal price, although it was not impossible for Scrooge, but it was too painful for him.

"What to do?" Scrooge thought, "how can the market value of this company plummet?"Generally speaking, it is not easy for a company like this with good business conditions to make its market value plummet. To do this, it is generally necessary to find a way to make its business conditions worse. In other words, you must make it impossible to sell or make no money if you sell it.

"Quality accidents may be the most effective means to hit this type of company. It would be great if some quality accidents related to this company could be produced. For example, if only a few incidents occurred, it would be enough to produce fatal effects. Yes. Well, if they are asked to invest money in expanding production first, and then cause some quality accidents, at that time, if they can’t turn their positions, they will only have to go bankrupt. The problem is how quality accidents are created. "

Scrooge couldn't help but think of the most classic manufacturing quality accident in later generations-Toyota brake doors.

Speaking of 2009, the financial crisis is still weighing on the United States economy, and international crude oil prices are moving towards the goal of $150. In order to cope with high oil prices, stimulate the development of the automobile market, and reduce air pollution incidentally, Obama passed the old car trade-in program. As long as the old car over the age or the old car with a mileage of less than 18 miles per gallon can be discounted up to 4500 The dollar is enough for a new car.

Car dealers get a quota for used car exchanges allocated by the government. Exchangers can buy a new car at a discount of $4,500 as long as they trade in the old car to the dealer. Cars in United States were not expensive. In addition to the economic crisis at the time, the price of the car was not high. After discounting 4500, it was already considered as the price of cabbage.

The United States government hopes to use this method to make United States car sales ascending, but things went beyond their expectations. After the implementation of the plan, the sales of United States cars were not ascending, but the sales of Japanese cars have risen sharply-the people of United States have bought cheap and fuel-efficient Japanese cars with government subsidies. As a result, Obama's plan turned into a subsidy for Japanese car companies by the United States government.

However, shortly after, reports of Toyota's brake failure and automatic acceleration suddenly appeared in the news media of United States. At first it was Camry, and then almost all models on sale were implicated. Various brake failures and automatic acceleration accidents have been continuously reported. The Toyota guys were dumbfounded, and they tried desperately to find out the problem. As a result, compensation, fines, apologies, and the closure of North American factories, Toyota was disgraced, its image was greatly reduced, and sales were greatly reduced, while sales of Ford and General Motors from United States increased greatly. The United States automotive industry successfully recovered at the most dangerous time.

Two years later, the United States Department of Transportation finally completed the final investigation and came to the final conclusion: Toyota was okay. Those accidents were either operating errors or simply thinking that the accident was a fraudulent insurance. And every newspaper reported in a very inconspicuous position. But the critical time has passed, and Toyota has been miserable.

"Man-made accidents and using the media to fuel the flames is definitely a good way!" Scrooge thought.

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