1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 30: A One-sided Game

A month later, the first "McDonald Cup" shooting competition was held at the Royal Rose Racetrack in New York.

Bob sat in a chair and waited for the game. The stands not far from him were full of spectators who came to watch the game.

"Bob, why are there so many people?" asked his teammate Iverson.

Bob also found it strange that most events like shooting games are actually not suitable for a large audience to watch, because the target is far away and the player hits how many rings, unless the audience has their own binoculars, otherwise it is absolutely Can't see clearly. At most, they saw a burst of white smoke and heard bursts of gunfire. For events such as horse racing, this kind of competition is much less enjoyable, so there shouldn't be so many spectators in theory.

"Because these spectators enter the venue with complimentary tickets," said a person next to him. Bob turned his head and recognized that this was their leader, Captain Robson.

Captain Robertson was originally a riding instructor, but after the crisis came, the business of the riding club fell a lot. As a result, Robertson was layoffs after only one month of work, so he also became one of the unemployed. member. At this time, Scrooge found him, hoping that he could be the leader of the shooting team. Of course he would not refuse this kind of pie in the sky. Moreover, this matter is also very suitable for him. Is it the same as bringing a group of recruits?

"Gift ticket?" Bob asked.

"Yes, you should also be aware that the boss is not holding this game for ticket money at all, he is just advertising." Captain Robson said, "but to say, our gun is really good, better than I have used it. Any one of them is strong."

Speaking of the rifle he used, Bob couldn’t help but exclaimed: “That’s right. This gun is better than the Springfield 1816 I used when I was fighting the Mexicans. I don’t know how it is better. It’s totally a heaven and an underground."

"Missing guns like 1816 are not to be mentioned. They are not of the same age at all. They are not comparable at all. When I served in the National Guard and fought with Indians, I used Springfield 1855-this is The best gun in the army now, but in terms of performance, it is far inferior to the one I have now. I think using this gun to compete in the competition is like cheating. Those guys will definitely be stupid. Eyes." It was Bob's teammate Mason who was speaking. He is a madman who loves shooting. After he went to the McDonald shooting team and saw the McDonald's 1857 rifle, he fell in love with this rifle enthusiastically, and even carried it in his arms while sleeping.

"Don't be too busy bragging. The wind is not small today, and the bullets are easy to flutter. Don't miss the target and make people laugh." Captain Robson smiled.

"Captain, Mason will not miss the target, he will only accidentally hit someone else's target." Another player named Michael interjected, and the following laughed.

"No this time, absolutely not, a good gunman will not make two mistakes that he wants to hear!" Mason blushed in defense. Obviously, Mason must have made such a mistake during training.

At this time, the audience was already seated, and the referees began to let the contestants draw numbers to determine the order of the game. The first is the precise shooting of the rifle. The targets are at one end of the runway, and the shooting position is 100 meters away from the target. In the first round of the competition, a total of 5 groups of contestants participated in the competition. Each contestant will fire ten bullets, and then more than half of the contestants will be eliminated based on their results, leaving only the best mission contestants to enter the finals.

Bob was drawn to play in the first group. A total of five players from the McDonald Shooting Team will participate in this event. They will be assigned to each group. Scrooge hopes that they can win the first place in all groups. .

Captain Robson patted Bob's shoulder lightly and said, "Be good, it's up to you!" Bob didn't speak, but looked at Captain Robson and nodded, then he mentioned own MacDonald. The 1857 rifle went out.

Bob stood still at the shooting position, and beside him was a target reporter with a telescope. These people were hired by Scrooge temporarily. Although they have been trained for a period of time, their professional qualities may not be reliable. So if the players have objections to their reported results, they can also suspend the game and go forward to check the target.

Seeing that all the players have entered the game position and are ready, the chief referee announced the start of the game.

"Bang!" As soon as the referee gave the order, someone couldn't help but fired a shot. Several other players were affected by him, and they shot one after another, and the gunshots suddenly rang, and the shooting point was covered with a white smoke.

Bob didn't shoot the shot immediately, he was still aiming the gun while carefully adjusting the rhythm of his breathing. After a while, in this kind of competition, there is no need to compete for the rate of fire, and he can shoot when he can coordinate with the gun better.

"Bang!" Bob fired his bullet after the smoke from other people's shooting slowly dissipated. Without waiting for the target reporter to report the number of rings, he sat down to adjust his own state.

"10 rings!" The target reporter reported Bob's results.

This result was within Bob's expectation. At a distance of 100 meters, without limiting the rate of fire, it was unexpected to hit such a large target and not reach ten rings. But the other players around him didn't look at it that way. Although they all used rifled guns with Mini bullets, it was not easy to ensure that every shot hits the target at a distance of 100 meters. Nowadays, someone hit ten rings with a single shot, and everyone couldn't help but sigh his good luck.

However, everyone was dumbfounded right after that, because Bob made five ten rings in a row.

"It's impossible! You must be cheating!" A contestant next to him was angry, "How is it possible that the guns are all ten rings at such a distance? I want to check the target!"

"That's right! That's right!" The players next to him also booed, and even the audience in the stands yelled.

"Okay." The chief referee did not object. So everyone ran to Bob's target to check.

There is a clear bullet hole in the bullseye, and there is no problem with Bob's gun being ten rings.

"A few shots in front of him, let's take a look too!" The gunman who first questioned him shouted unwillingly.

Prior to this, every time a shot was fired, a waiter would change a target paper to facilitate the reporter to report the target. So the staff hurriedly took out the target papers of Bob's first few shots and showed them to everyone-indeed, every shot was ten rings.

"This...this... these must be fake! You changed the real target paper, you dropped the bag!"

"If you are not convinced, with a few shots behind me, you can come as a target reporter." Bob was not angry when he saw the guy's hysterical noise, but he sympathized with this guy. Well, if she hadn't contacted Mike before. Downer's 1857 rifle was estimated to have killed him. He would not believe that anyone could achieve such results.

"Okay! I won't fight today, and I have to see what's going on!"

"No, I will shoot after you, you have time to get the telescope." Bob smiled disapprovingly.

... Obviously, this incident disrupted that guy's rhythm, and he even missed the target continuously for the next few shots. And Bob really waited for him to finish firing the gun every time, holding up his binoculars, and then shooting leisurely, and then hitting the bullseye one by one.

Ten bullets were finished. Except for one bullet that was deflected to the 9th ring due to the protruding wind, all the other bullets were within the 10th ring!

"There must be a problem with your gun!" Now, there is no way to talk about the opponent's cheating, but the guy who got into trouble in the first place is still not convinced, "It must be that your gun is much better than mine."

"The guns used in the game are all self-provided. This is legal." Bob did not deny that the own gun was "problematic." In fact, the boss paid for such a thing instead of giving the gun. Do you advertise?

Yes, it's just completely legal. After understanding this, the guy became more and more frustrated. However, he still asked: "Can you tell me the name of this gun? I want to buy one too!"

"McDonald's 1857 rifle." Bob replied.

The five rounds of preliminaries quickly ended, ten players entered the finals, five of whom used McDonald's 1857 rifles.

The finals have begun, and now the player standing next to Bob has been replaced by a Fatty. He was holding a very weird rifle, the muzzle of that rifle was actually hexagonal.

Bob didn’t know that this rifle was called the Whitworth rifle. It was a masterpiece of Sir Joseph Whitworth, a famous British engineer and entrepreneur. To expand and close the barrel, fast-burning gunpowder must be used. As a result, the bullet has a short action time in the barrel and cannot achieve uniform acceleration, which affects the penetration force and accuracy of the rifle. Based on this problem, Sir Whitworth conducted some research and pioneered the design of a new type of rifling barrel. This rifling is not a traditional round rifle, but a diagonally arranged hexagon. The special hexagonal bullets are used, and the bullets close to the plane and rotate at a constant speed when shooting, ensuring flight stability, which greatly Ascension the accuracy and range of the bullets.

The special rifle makes this rifle have amazing accuracy. In terms of accuracy, it is not inferior to the bolt-action rifle that will only appear after more than ten years. However, this gun has not been promoted because it has many fatal flaws.

First of all, its reliability and productivity are too poor. The processing of hexagonal rifling and special bullets is very difficult and expensive. Its cost and selling price are more than 4 times higher than Enfield. It was sold to Whitworth in United States in 1860. The average price of a rifle is as high as US$100, while an Enfield 1853 rifle can only be sold for around US$25.

Due to the special rifling, it is more difficult to load this bullet. It must fill the bullet diagonally into the chamber, and then slowly compact it with a probe. The rate of fire is very low. This defect was caused by the face-to-face platoon tactics at the time. Devastating. More importantly, the Whitworth rifle must be maintained at all times. The gunpowder residue needs to be cleaned up after each shot, and it is extremely difficult to clean up due to the particularity of the rifling.

This series of issues determines that the Whitworth rifle is not a military rifle suitable for equipping an army. But under today's game rules, all the defects of this gun are gone. In the original history, this gun did not come to the United States immediately after its appearance in 1857, but it is not known if it was due to the influence of butterfly wings. Here at Scrooge, it appeared on the North American continent ahead of time. Now, Scrooge's MacDonald in 1857 is facing real challenges.

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