1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 32 Our Social Responsibility

Scrooge and Terry, who is in charge of cost accounting, are walking in the workshop of the factory. The workers are busy with their work-now the company's business is so good that all the horrible machines are running 24 hours a day. Most of the employees who had been fired by Strou before returned to the factory, and the factory also recruited some other workers. Sometimes, some workers raised their heads from work, and when they saw Scrooge walking by, they would smile and greet him.

"Mr. Scrooge, hello!"

"Ah, Mr. Cole, how are you!" Scrooge responded to him with the same smile, and he could even call out every worker's name. Of course, Scrooge wouldn't say that he remembered the list for a long time. And the reason why he did this was completely imitating His Majesty Napoleon who could call most of the soldiers of the old guard.

After the workers greeted them, they sat down and continued to work, while Scrooge and Terry were discussing something as they walked.

"Mr. Scrooge, are you planning to hire workers again?" Terry said to Scrooge, "In fact, the problem with our production speed is not a shortage of manpower. After running 24 hours a day, even if more workers are added, there will be no higher production speed."

"Of course I know this." Scrooge said, "but our workers work twelve hours a day, which is too tired. So I plan to recruit another group of workers so that they only need to work 8 hours a day. NS."

"So..." Terry was silent for a moment. "Sir, do you plan to cut their wages? Now they work 12 hours a day. If it is reduced to 8 hours, they will get a third of their wages. I think More workers are willing to work for 12 hours."

"Oh, Mr. Terry, you got it wrong. I don't intend to cut their wages. In fact, we have enough profits now. It should be possible for the workers to share a little bit. After all, they are also members of the company. , You know, the current economic situation is not very good, and many people have no food to eat. We must work hard to make more people have food. This is also our responsibility to this society." Scrooge put forward A picture of the Virgin.

"Mr. Scrooge, you are really...please let me pay tribute to you." The contact time with Scrooge is not too long, and Terry, who doesn't know much about him, is really leisurely moved. To be honest, Mr. Scrooge and the former Mr. Stroop are completely different. Mr. Stroop doesn’t take the working hours of the workers at heart. When he was the boss, the workers worked 16 times a day. Hours are also the norm. And he has money, in addition to selling more machines, it is for his own enjoyment. He bought himself a private carriage. At the time when the business was at its best, he also made a plan to buy a yacht for himself, because, Because he thinks he is rich if he owns a yacht.

As for Mr. Scrooge, he is not only good at inventing and creating, but also good at managing-look at the competition he planned. What an excellent advertisement this is. More importantly, Mr. Scrooge is a truly pious person. As for a benevolent gentleman, he will prepare drinking water and towels for the workers at work, spend time teaching workers safety knowledge, equip them with various labor insurance materials, and pay higher wages than outsiders. In the case of a bad economic situation, many companies have lowered their workers’ wages and even fired a lot of workers. Even some companies with very good operating conditions will take advantage of the fire to rob, lower workers’ wages, and extend workers’ wages. Labor time, for example, Mr. Strouh does this. But Mr. Scrooge would not be like this. Now that the company's business is good, even the workers can share more profits... Mr. Scrooge is really a good man.

In all fairness, compared to some of the tycoons of this era who "dropped blood and dirty things in every pore", Scrooge is now as clean as an angel, but Scrooge knew it himself, he did this. It's not really because of social responsibilities. But because of the following reasons:

First of all, in the industrial production of this era, the manual components are still very large, which makes the impact of the working conditions of the workers on the quality of the products very obvious. In particular, rear-loading bolt-action rifles like the MacDonald 1857 have much higher requirements for production accuracy than those front-loading rifles. However, Scrooge has not had time to get the big killer assembly line out, and does not plan to move it out immediately in the short term-although the assembly line is very important to increase production speed and ensure stable product quality, the current demand It’s not the time to go to the assembly line, and there is no way for the assembly line to engage in patent protection. Once it is taken out, the bigwigs in other industries will immediately learn from the past. This will instead allow Scrooge to enter these industries in the future. Encountered a higher threshold.

Since there is no plan to go on a standardized assembly line immediately, it has become an inevitable choice to ensure quality, control labor intensity, and avoid excessive fatigue of workers. Now, the reputation of MacDonald's rifle has just started. If there is any quality defect at this time, the loss can be great.

At the same time, a good reputation can also become a talisman when some incidents occur. The former owner of this factory, Stru, has almost no ability to fight back after being accused and attacked. A very important reason for this is that his previous reputation was not very good. When Scrooge was studying in his previous life, he heard such a joke. It was said that it was in a school. One day the teacher was in class and saw that Wang XX fell asleep again, so he was furious and criticized him and said: "How do you know to sleep all the time? You go to bed as soon as you read? Someone Li XX..." Then the teacher turned around and found that Li XX was asleep with his face buried in the book. So the teacher said: "Look, people are reading books when they sleep."

When he first heard this joke, Scrooge just regarded it as unfair to laugh at the teacher, but now that I think about it, this kind of thing is actually normal. If you are a teacher and a student who is late and absent from class twice in three days, then any reason he said about why absenteeism will definitely be taken as an excuse by you. Even if this time he really has any good reason. On the contrary, a student who has been studying hard, almost never being late for class, and occasionally being late, even if he has not explained, you will explain to him in your heart that there must be a legitimate reason for this. To use Tai Shigong's words, that is, "It is because of its own establishment."

If Stru, the former owner of this factory, had a good reputation before then, even if someone slandered him and attacked him, it would be much more difficult than it is now. Therefore, when the foundation of own is not very solid, it is sometimes necessary to brush up reputation.

"When the news of recruitment is in the newspaper, we must mention that this is our own social responsibility. It is best to find a gunman to write a long piece of "On Corporate Social Responsibility", and then write "own". It would be perfect if the name was published."

After going around the factory twice and saying hello to almost all the workers, I returned to the own office. Called Haig who was in charge of sales.

"Does the sales figures for this month come out? Show them to me."

Just when Scrooge seriously studied the changes in sales figures. Joyce has just returned to his hometown in Mississippi. Dragging a big bag off the train, I saw that the butler Duer had been waiting there with two black slaves leading the horse. Joyce greeted Doer, and two black slaves cleverly came up and took the big bag in his hand.

"Joyce Young Master, I'm so glad that you are finally back." Durr led a maroon tall horse over, "Master and Madam and Alice Miss are all looking forward to your return."

"Are they all okay?" Joyce took the rein and turned on his horse.

"All are good, Master, Madam, and Alice Miss are all good." Durr also stepped on his horse. The two people rode horses and ran slowly towards the manor, while the two black slaves carried Duer's bag and trot behind them all the way.

The manor of the Joyce family is called "Doolin", which is said to be named in memory of their ancestors' home in Ireland. When he went to Europe, Joyce went to Doolin in Ireland to take a look, but there was no similarity to his grandfather's description.

Joyce rode a horse and approached the white painted gate of the "Doolin" manor. At this moment, an old black slave shouted from afar: "Joyce Young Master, it is Joyce Young Master who is back. !" Then he turned his head again and shouted at the nigger who was napping by the door: "Fool! Open the door, Joyce Young Master is back."

Entering the manor, with a wide drive, both sides are planted with tall Bodhi Trees. At the end of the road is their dark red two-story building. At this time, a window on the second floor had been opened, and a man was waving his handkerchief frantically. Joyce smiled. It was his Little Sister, Alice.

Joyce got off the horse before the steps, handed the reins to a nigger, and the nigger lowered his head and led the horse to the stables without making a sound. At this time the door opened, and Alice rushed out of the house carrying her skirt.

"Big Brother, Big Brother!" Alice flew over like a bird, stretched out her hand, and took Joyce's arm. "It'll be fine if you come back. I'm still worried that you won't be able to catch up with Turner's dance party. It's fine now... By the way, is Europe fun? Also, what does Du Lin look like over there? Lilith too Going to the Turner's dance party, what do you say I wear to match Lilith?"

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