"We found out a long time ago. They were two Indians." Robson put down the binoculars in his hand and said to Parker. Pike is the most prestigious of these immigrants. He is more than 40 years old and an immigrant from England. According to himself, he once served as a soldier in the British Army. Although the United States’ impression of the British, especially the British soldiers, is generally not good—especially after they set fire to the Presidential Palace and Parliament Hill, on the other hand, the United States also admit that the quality of the British military is still Very good. And judging from Parker's performance, he said that he had been a soldier shouldn't be bragging.

Just now, the immigrants discovered that two guys on horseback were following behind the convoy unkindly-in fact, these two guys did not hide their own intentions at all. They seemed to deliberately want the immigrants to see To yourself. After discovering that someone was following, some disturbances inevitably occurred among the immigrants, but Mr. Parker stood up and quickly pacified everyone, and then he found Robson, informed him of the situation of the follower, and asked What countermeasures does he have.

"What do we need to do then?" Mr. Parker asked.

"We have sent Pathfinder to serve, and now we don’t need you to do anything to maintain the current speed. They may follow this way to put pressure on us so that we don’t fight ourselves. Or they may just monitor us and see. Where are we going. Oh, if a car breaks down, let the women and children do more when unloading the car. It is better for men to keep a little more energy in case of accidents." Robson replied.

The convoy continued unhurriedly along the road, and the two Indians who followed got closer and closer. Now they can see the feather headdresses on their heads clearly without using binoculars. The women in the convoy are already a little nervous, and the men have their guns in their hands.

"Captain, do you want me to kill one with one shot?" Mason saw that the two Indians were within the effective range of McDonald's 1857 rifle, and proposed to Robson.

"No." Robson shook his head and said, "No one is allowed to shoot without my order...Oh, yes, you go to Mr. Parker and ask him to emphasize to the immigrants." Obviously, the team's. The speed is limited. Even if the two Indians are killed, it is impossible to reach the settlement before the Indian squadron arrives. And if one person escapes, the secret of the effective range of the rifle in his hand will be exposed. This is obviously not worth the loss. Robson also intends to use the ultra-long effective range of the McDonald's 1857 rifle to overshadow the opponent's commander in a possible future attack. Many of the immigrants also had McDonald's 1857 rifles in their hands. It is hard to guarantee that they would not do stupid things that expose the range by shooting randomly, so Robson quickly asked Mason to notify Pike and let him control the immigrants.

It was noon, and the convoy stopped on a small high ground, ready to eat lunch. Just like when they were camping yesterday, the migrants still put the caravan in a circle, prepared for defense, and then began to prepare lunch.

"Mr. Parker, let's go this far today." Robson said to Parker. "If I were the leader of the Indians, I would definitely follow the speed of our advance yesterday, a little before we arrived at the original camping site today. Intercept us at the place. Because this is the time when we are most tired. If we don’t leave suddenly. Well, one, we can see the reaction of the two guys: if they separate one person and feel that we are going ahead, That must be to inform his large forces, which means that there are indeed Indians in front of us to intercept us; if they have no one to rush forward, it means that they are mostly just monitoring us whether they pose a threat to their tribe. The road below us will be safer.

If the Indians really intend to intercept us in front. We suddenly stop leaving now, and they will face two choices. Either they came here from the original interception point to attack us, and the situation would change from dealing with us with ease to us dealing with them with ease, or they would wait one more day in front. But this kind of waiting will only reduce morale. So, I think it should be good for us to camp here today. And as long as we don't get out of the danger zone, I think we can't walk too long every day, so as not to be too exhausted and let the Indians or gangs have a chance. "

"However, if we walk so slowly, they will have time to gather more people." Parker was still a little worried.

"Mr. Parker." Robson thought for a while, and said, "This is not the same as the battlefield. Whether it is an Indian or a gang, their purpose is not to kill us, but to rob. I think this The situation is more like doing business. Well, our boss said such a sentence, he said, "Decapitating business is done, and loss-making business is not done." Those guys want to rob us, the first thing they have to consider is The price they paid and the benefits they received. We must consider whether it is worthwhile to do so, and whether they will lose money. If we can make them feel that the cost of robbing us is too high and disproportionate to the benefits, then they will naturally not concentrate on making changes. Many people will come to deal with us. If we organize our defenses well along the way, then the P/E ratio for robbing us will be very low, and they will naturally be reluctant to rob us."

Wolf Howl looked at the convoy of immigrants from a distance. He didn't like these white people very much. According to the old people in the tribe, it was these white people who drove them out of the more fertile lands in the east and drove them here. Even now, the white people continue to occupy the land that originally belonged to them. Wolf Howl remembers that when he was young, the large grassland on the east side of the river still belonged to them, but now, it is already white people’s territory. . The Indians who originally lived there were either driven to more deserted so-called "reservations", or had their heads cut off, their scalps were stripped off, and they were made into long leather boots.

"Hey, how come these guys stopped." said another Indian named Daxue who was riding a horse beside him. Bell, it looks like they are going to camp here. Hell, they only left for a long time."

"Look again, if they really stop, I will continue to stare at them here, and you will inform the others in the tribe." The wolf howled for a while and replied.

"Yeah." Daxue nodded.

Robson and the immigrants dug a lot of traps around the camp. The so-called "traps" are actually very shallow, only half a foot deep. These traps are not used to trap anything, they are used to deal with charging horses. During the running, the horse's hoof suddenly falls into such a small trap, the horse will surely fall as a result, and of course the guy riding on the horse will also be thrown off. They also pulled a lot of stumbling horses nearby.

And Mason took a few guards, mounted his horses, and was responsible for driving the Indian who was still nearby to watch them farther away, lest he let him see clearly that all the traps and slings were installed in those areas—— It is enough to let them know that there are these near the camp, not let them know too clearly.

Seeing several white men approaching on horseback, Wolf Howl could only turn the horse's head and ran. Although Wolf Howl was very proud of his own combat skills, he did not think he could single-handedly challenge so many white cavalry. Fortunately, the white people didn't chase him too seriously, they just drove him away from the camp and retreated.

Wolf Howl didn't know why these white men didn't chase him directly. He knew that if these white men wanted to chase him, they would be able to catch him, because there was a horse under the hip that was obviously better than own. But Yang Tai had his own unique ideas about why he didn't catch up and kill him. In his opinion, Heishui Company is a dart board. Since ancient times, even if the skill of darts is high, who will really kill all the green forest heroes along the way? Isn’t that a part of own money?

Now that the defense of the camp is ready, the children are arranged in the very center of the camp, and the ten guards each squatting behind the caravan with a group of men with guns. The caravans on the westbound road are all specially made, and the wooden boards on their sides are extraordinarily thick enough to block ordinary firearms from shooting at close range.

The immigrants have guns in their hands, and some have more than one gun number. It's just that the models of these guns are messy. Front-loaded musket, front-loaded rifled gun, rear-loaded shotgun, revolver, front-loaded single-shot and double-shot pistols, everything is available. There are also more than twenty McDonald's 1857 rifles. In addition to the people who used MacDonald 1857, other people, especially those who used front-loaded rifled guns, Robson arranged for women to help them reload their guns (generally guys who use such low-rate guns Equipped with almost two such guns). Women generally lacked such training, but after Heishui took charge of the security work of the immigrant team, as long as they were free, the guards would urge the women to practice helping men load bullets. So although they are far from the specialized loader on the battlefield, they barely know how to load bullets.

When everything was ready, about an hour passed. It was four hours before they stopped to camp. It was almost dusk. If the Indian army hadn’t appeared yet, it should be today. I can spend it safely. However, at this moment, suppose the lookout on the roof of the caravan issued an alarm: the enemy horse team was found!

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