1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 39: Fierce Battle

Of course Yang Tai would not really be beaten to death. With his tears in his eyes, his fighting instinct made him automatically stretch out his hand and push it, and then, um, he felt that something soft, very elastic, and very good in the hand... …

Although Yang Tai subconsciously regained his strength when he felt a different feel, his push still pushed Sophia a little bit. Yang Tai got up and was about to help Sophia up. When she saw Sophia stretched out his hand, he touched a small stool, and when he raised his hand, he smashed the small stool at himself. Yang Tai reached out and gently caught the stool. I saw Sophia climbed up from the ground, rushing towards him with a big wooden stick I didn’t know where he picked it up from...

However, the two did not really fight again, and Pike and Robson stopped them in time.

"Stop it! Give me back to my own position!" There was a burst of gunfire along with the roar.

Sophia gave Yang Tai a fierce look, dropped the stick in her hand, climbed back to the car, took the rifle handed over by the loader, and extended the muzzle from the baffle. Yang Tai jumped into the car, picked up his own gun, and started aiming.

"Miss, after firing a shot, you must squat down immediately, so as not to become the target of the enemy's fire. You must remember this." Looking at Sophia's nonchalant expression, Mason added, " Remember! If you don’t want to be pounced off the car again."

"Who wants that gangster to be nosy!" After hearing Mason's advice, Sophia naturally understood that Yang Tai didn't really want to take advantage of her by throwing her down, but she still felt very upset, so she glared at Yang Tai again. . However, at this time, Yang Tai's eyes had already turned to the Indian cavalry, and he hadn't noticed these at all.

At this time, some changes have taken place in the way the Indians attacked. The Indians discovered that because of the natural disadvantage of the carbine and the difficulty in aiming caused by the bumps of the horse when shooting on the horse, and the white people were hiding behind the baffle and the target was very small, they hit The odds of those whites are very low. If they want to improve the accuracy of their hits, they must slow down, and doing so will greatly increase the whites' hit rate when shooting them. In short, in such a situation, relying on the carbine and the whites in the car array to shoot at each other is very unfavorable for them. So the "bull" chief who was in charge of the battle decided to make a tactical change.

The first change the Indians made in tactics was the retreated position of the carbine in their Cavaliers. Now, more and more riders with guns are constantly taking the time to approach the car formation. They held the tip of the gun with a burning cloth soaked in grease, approaching the car array at a higher speed, and then at the same speed, the gun was thrown into the car array of the immigrants.The main purpose of these guns was not to kill people, but to create fire and chaos. Therefore, the person who throws the gun does not need to consider the problem of accuracy, as long as the gun can be thrown into the range of the car array. So these riders can make horses run at maximum speed. And this also makes the immigrants have a much lower hit rate on their shooting.

The shooter equipped with a carbine followed them. After the immigrants guarding behind the baffle fired a round of bullets, they swooped in, rushing to reduce the distance as much as possible before they prepared for the second round of shooting, and then prepared. The defenders in the second round of shooting fired a close range. In such a shooting, the Indians will definitely suffer a lot of deaths and injuries, but the immigrants will also pay a considerable price. Taking into account the Indians’ superiority in numbers, the "Bulls" believe that after a few rounds of exchange, the whites will have a line of defense. It will collapse across the board.

This change in tactics by the Indians did have a certain effect. The burning guns thrown by the Indians kept falling in the camp. Except for the men and women who were going out and shooting in the car, and the women who were nervously helping to load ammunition, there were not many people left in the camp. The children were all hiding under the table, and there was no need to worry about being killed by shots that suddenly fell from the sky, but the flames of these shots successfully ignited something.

In order to put out the fire, Robson had to send some women responsible for loading the bombs to do the fire fighting. And this has brought other consequences. First of all, the firepower of the convoy dropped, which made the Indians dared to rush to a closer distance to fire or throw flaming guns, which in turn increased the casualties among the immigrants. Four boys were hit, one of them was shot on the spot. They died, the two outsiders and three basically lost their combat effectiveness, and even more people are needed to take care of them. Another lady was injured in the arm by a gun falling from the air while trying to put out the fire. Fortunately, it was not fatal. What's more terrible is that the women's technology to put out fires is not good, and they often can't put out a small fire for a long time. If it hadn't been for the recent rain, many things would have been wet, I'm afraid the fire would have been difficult to control.

"These women!" Robson was anxious, turning his head abruptly, but saw that Yang Tai had just fired a shot, but he didn't hit anything, while Sophia next to him knocked down another Indian with one shot. So he shouted to Yang Tai:

"China guy, give your gun to that Miss, you go to fight the fire!"

This order was very humiliating. Yang Tai knew that own marksmanship was terrible, but he let him give the McDonald 1857 in his hand to a woman, and he went to do the fire-fighting work that the woman was doing. This is really... ...But...Yang Tai still handed the gun to Sophia honestly, and quickly showed her how to unload the cartridge case and load the bullet, and Sophia actually learned it right away. Finally, Yang Tai also confessed a sentence that Sofia didn't quite understand: "It is forbidden to shoot at targets above 400 meters."

"Understood, rascal, go to work!" Sophia said, her tone seemed a lot more euphemistic than before.

Yang Tai worked in the Taiping Army, and did some things like fighting fires, so after he joined, compared to those women who had to work hard to pull out burning guns, the efficiency was not a little bit higher. In addition to this situation, Heishui was not at all unprepared for this situation. The flammable products were all protected. For the places that were not easy to be hit, a lot of bags filled with soil were also prepared, so in Yang After Tai joined the fire extinguishing operation, the fire was gradually brought under control.

At this time, the battle has reached a critical moment. On the immigration side, because of the continuous increase in the number of wounded, more and more women have been sent to shoot. This has caused the shooting efficiency of the immigrants to drop a lot, because, not all Of women are as good at shooting as Sofia and have good psychological qualities. The losses on the Indian side were relatively even greater-the cavalry and the guys relying on the carts used rifles to shoot at each other, and they all suffered.

But now, because of the decline in the firepower of the defense, the Indians have a chance to take the next move-some riders waved hooks with long ropes and rushed over under the cover of others. Their task was to take these hooks. Throw it over, hang it on the carriage, and then work together to pull the carriage down and destroy the carriage array. As long as the integrity of the carriage array is destroyed, the collapse of the immigrants will be inevitable.

At first, Robson didn't find these guys in the Indian cavalry team. He didn't react until more than a dozen hooks were thrown over and then hung on the baffle.

"Shoot to cover me!" Robson yelled, and at the same time he drew his saber, risking being shot by the Indians, leaning out and swinging his knife to the rope behind these hooks. But the Indians were probably prepared for this, so behind his hook is a long piece of iron chain, it is not easy to cut it directly, and if you want to cut the rope behind the iron chain, the person on the carriage must be probing. Go out for a while, which makes this person vulnerable to attack.

With a swipe of Robson's saber, two ropes were cut off, and the Indians also started shooting at him. The first few shots didn't hit him, Robson didn't bother to evade, brandishing a knife and slashing towards the other ropes.

At this time, a few Indian cavalry rushed over quickly. They never raised their guns and fired. Instead, they drove the horses to approach Robson at high speed. It seemed that they planned to rush to Robson's side, and then use their carbine against them. Fired a shot in the chest. At the same time, the other ropes that hadn't been chopped started to be straightened. Obviously, the Indians planned to rely on them to pull the wagon.

"Bang!" With Mason's gunshot, an Indian cavalry fell to his horse.

"Bang!" Sophia shot a war horse, and an Indian fell to the ground with a horse.

"Hah! Hah!" Robson cut two more ropes.

"Bang! Bang!" A few Indian cavalry rushing very close fired at Robson.

This time the Indians rushed very close, and one of their bullets hit Robson's shoulder. Robson felt that he was going to be on the top of the list, the strength on his arm almost immediately disappeared, and the saber he was waving flew out of his hand.

Robson sat down on the carriage and yelled to Mason, "Quick! Cut off the rope!"

At this time, the remaining hooks began to exert force, and the carriage made a creaking sound, as if it would fall down in the next instant.

Mason dropped his rifle, drew his sword, and was about to learn Robson to chop rope. At this time, a man jumped into the car suddenly, waved the logging axe in his hand, and slammed it on the chain behind the hook. . In the splash of sparks, the iron chain immediately broke into two pieces, the one hooked "cang" fell on the carriage, and the other piece of the iron chain attached to the rope flew out with a whistling.

The man with the axe didn't speak, but just waved the axe in a hurry. With a burst of beans, the remaining hooks were cut off almost instantly.

"Good job! China guy! You saved us!" Robson sitting on the floor said loudly, and gave him a thumbs up with his uninjured hand. Then yelled to the other cars: "Get your axe ready! Cut the chain directly!"

Then, he tried to stand up again, watching the situation on the battlefield. He noticed that perhaps because the battle was at the most critical moment, the Indian chief with a big exaggerated headdress began to gradually approach the battlefield, and now he was only about 600 meters away from them.

Generally speaking, in that era, a distance of 600 meters was a fairly safe distance, but now...

"Mason, have you seen the chief? Are you confident to hit him?" Robson pointed at the chief and shouted to Mason.

"I'll try," Mason said, turning his gaze in that direction at the same time.

"Chief, you are too close to the enemy, in case..."

"Child, this distance is far enough. I bet that no one can hit even a bison at this distance." Chief "Bull" replied disapprovingly.

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