1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 48 The Big Sale (2)

Robert Ferrari told Scrooge that he needed 1,000 McDonald’s 1857 rifles in the first order. If the performance satisfies the Kingdom of Sardinia and its allies, they will continue to purchase more Macdonald 1857 rifles, the final quantity may be as high as tens of thousands.

This is really a big deal, and if it is done, Scrooge will become a millionaire with this business. But Robert Ferrari's various things made Scrooge suspicious. So he said to Robert Ferrari:

"My dear friend, do not know when you need to deliver?"

"Of course, the sooner the better. If you get the goods one day earlier, you can train the army one day earlier." Ferrari said, "If your company is fully producing, how long will it take for delivery?"

"This..." Scrooge made a deliberately embarrassed look, "You may not know that our rifle is very popular, and the current production capacity has been completely saturated. Now the company's orders have been scheduled for a year, so It is difficult for me to provide you with so many rifles in a short time."

"Can't your company think of ways to increase production capacity?" Ferrari said disapprovingly. "I heard that your company's workers only work 8 hours a day, while other companies work at least 14 hours a day. Above. So if your company is willing to slightly increase labor intensity and extend labor hours, your company should still have room to increase production capacity."

"Well, Mr. really knows our company very well. It's just that Mr. is not very clear about some situations. You know, the reason why our rifles are selling well depends on its unparalleled rate of fire and precision, and the realization of these, It all depends on the delicate work of workers, especially technology workers. I know that workers in most companies have to work for 14 hours, and some factories even let workers work for 16 hours. But in this state of work The workers underneath are so exhausted that they will fall asleep even standing. In this state, how can they make the most reliable and accurate rifle in the world? In fact, according to our experience, a technology worker , 8 hours of concentrated work is already the limit. Continued extension of working hours will only bring rapid ascending to the defective rate. And the workers who make the accurate version of MacDonald 1857 can only work for 5 hours. Moreover, Our equipment is also running at full speed. Our workers are resting, but our machines never rest. Therefore, it is impossible to increase production capacity by extending working hours at least in our company. In fact, The last boss of this company had to sell the company to me because he extended his working hours at will and caused a series of serious quality accidents.” Scrooge put on a look of helplessness. .

"But it is really difficult for me to accept that this batch of guns can only be obtained after a year." Ferrari said.

"It is not a year to deliver, but a year from now to start producing rifles for you, and it will take another two months to complete your order. Unless..." Scrooge said.

"Unless what?" Ferrari asked eagerly.

"Unless you can give me the full payment first, so that I can use it to buy new equipment, recruit more workers, and then produce these guns specifically for you." Scrooge replied.

"If so, how soon can I get the goods?" Ferrari asked.

"Half a month prepares the production line and workers, and in two months, that is, two and a half months later, I will be able to provide you with 1,000 rifles." Scrooge replied.

"I can agree to this condition, but I also have some special requirements. First of all, I ask you to give me a discount on the price. I know that the price of each Macdonald 1857 is now fifty dollars. I request that the price be changed. Reduced to $40. Because, giving you the full payment in advance is equivalent to providing you with a loan, and logically I should have income in interest. Second, I request that after this, all my orders should be regarded as the most Priority order processing. Of course, as an equivalent condition, I can pay 50% of the purchase price in advance for each subsequent order."

"Seventy percent." Scrooge said, "and the price of guns can only be lowered to $47. Otherwise, I might as well go directly to the bank for a loan."

"We will let it all. I agree to pay 60% of the purchase price in advance each time, and you agree to lower the price of each gun to 44 yuan, how about it?"

"Okay. Let's make a deal!" Scrooge said.

"Okay, tomorrow morning, I will send the first payment to your account. I hope that our future cooperation can be so enjoyable." Ferrari also smiled.

"Scrooge, I heard that you have done a big deal in the past few days when I was away?" In Scrooge's office, Rockefeller, who had just arrived back from New York, said to Scrooge.

"Yes, so we have to buy more equipment and recruit more workers." Scrooge replied, "There is a formal contract here. You are an investor in the company. Come and see if there is any problem. No...oh, by the way, how did you gain this time in New York?"

"Not bad." Rockefeller picked up a glass of water that Scrooge had placed on his desk and drank it. After drinking the water, Rockefeller put down the cup and touched his mouth with his hand, "Thenardier company's old set of hollow macaroni equipment is in good condition. Although some things need to be replaced, the overall situation is good."

"How much did you spend to negotiate?" Scrooge asked.

"Guess?" Rockefeller said triumphantly.

"Looking at your virtue, you must have found it cheap. $2500?" Scrooge, who had made a big deal, was in a good mood, and he began to speculate with a smile. Scrooge knew that a complete set of brand-new equipment would cost about $4,000, not including shipping. The equipment mentioned by Rockefeller has been practical for less than 4 years.

"2000 USD, including shipping!"

"You are amazing! Great!" Scrooge gave Rockefeller a thumbs up sincerely. When it comes to doing this, he is much better than himself. "If you were there two days ago, maybe we could make more."

At this time Rockefeller had already sat down on the sofa and began to look at the big contract signed by Scrooge.

"Scrooge, you hit me." Rockefeller said, "I was so tired that I saved five or six hundred dollars, and you stayed in the office and made tens of thousands of dollars in the blink of an eye. This world is too big It's not fair. Wait, there is something wrong with the guy who bought the guns. He especially emphasized that he will determine what this means for the ships that transport these guns?"

"That guy claimed that this was for confidentiality, lest the Austrian guys knew about our deal. But I think this is completely nonsense. The Austrian maritime power is simply not enough to interfere with Sardinia's trade. Although the guy claims to be Italian, but I think this guy is a Southerner out of ten. Under the guise of an Italian, he is mostly secretly stocking arms for the South. If we were to prepare ships, it would be easy to reveal the secret. In addition, I observe By the way, this guy has thick calluses on the second joint of his index finger. This is obviously the result of long-term use of guns. I deliberately gave him an accurate version of 1957 and invited him to test fire. By the way, I deliberately mentioned if In the war with the Mexicans, what would happen if there was something like this in the Lone Star Republic. Here I deliberately misplaced the names of the generals on both sides. Although he did not correct my mistakes, I can see from his expression, He found these mistakes. It is impossible for an Italian to be so familiar with this war... To say that the Southerners are more serious about preparing for the war than we are." Scrooge said.

"That's because the current federal government is under the control of the southerners." Rockefeller said, "and it is not a bad thing for the South to be more prepared. Otherwise, the war begins today, and tomorrow we will completely defeat the South, then we What do you use to make money?" Rockefeller laughed, "However, Scrooge, there is a limit to arming the South, but don't let the Southerners' first stick directly knock us down."

"I will naturally pay attention to this." Scrooge said.

Scrooge, Rockefeller, and Gardner have studied together many times about what will happen after the war is fought. In the end, their conclusion is that as long as the war continues, the South will have no chance of winning. Therefore, the only chance for the South is to attack as soon as a war begins, and defeat the North before the North has completed its mobilization.

"We discussed these issues together again, didn't we? I have also shown you that kind of cheap defense. In times of crisis, with this, plus our reserve of guns, we can definitely help the North get some respite. Scrooge paused and continued.

"Oh, by the way, didn't representatives of the federal government come to investigate that afternoon? How did they react?" Rockefeller remembered another thing.

"How can the Democrats strengthen the Federal Army? It's just a formality-for both of us. But the representative sent by the Federal Army is really interesting." Scrooge smiled and replied.

"Oh, who did they send?" Rockefeller immediately became interested.

"They commissioned a retired major who is now a faculty member at the Virginia Military Academy to investigate. It is said that this minor was going to take his new wife out on a trip. He heard about this while chatting with his old colleagues, so he volunteered. Come and have a look. Well, the Army also entrusted this thing to this person very casually. From this you can see that the Army did not take this seriously. It is the retired major, which is really interesting. Character."

"What's that major's name?" Rockefeller asked.

"Thomas Jackson," Scrooge replied.

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