"Asshole, these assholes! Do they think I'm a fool?" Although it was late at night, the general's angry roar came from inside General Jiulei's tent.

"And you, you idiots, do you believe in what they say? I can add courage if you eat it. If you eat it, you can make the temporarily recruited troops fight fearlessly like elites. Maru'? You believe in this too? You read those third-rate knight novels too much, right? Damn it!"

"General, we..." an officer tried to defend.

At this time, General Jiule, who vented a bit, calmed down a bit, so he glanced at the officer and said, "What are you doing, let's talk about it."

"General, this is the case. We interrogated the prisoners captured by the cavalry separately, but in the first interrogation, the confessions of all the prisoners were the same, so..."

"So you all believed it? You guys, you are so naive and naive! Do you know the Duke of Wellington of England? That is a role model for a real soldier, much better than you. I was talking and laughing with him back then, Duke Tell me, the French sometimes prepare for the lies after being captured before the war, so even if the prisoners are interrogated separately, the confessions obtained are consistent and not necessarily reliable. The Sardinians have always hooked up with the French Yes, it's normal to learn this trick." General Jiulai put on a tireless look. And those subordinates naturally showed the appearance of listening attentively.

"Thank you for the general's teaching, it turns out that there is such a cunning trick." The officer said quickly, "If it weren't for the general's teaching, we would almost have been deceived by them."

"The young man is inexperienced, hahaha...well, why don't you go back and ask for another question, why are you staying here?"

"General, those, those Sardinians are in good condition and it's not right," an officer replied.

"What's wrong?"

"They are extremely slow to respond, even to whipping or something, they seem to be sluggish, and their attention status is also very poor, as if they haven't slept for several days. Even during the process of questioning, they seem to be at any time I can forget that I am being asked by us. It is because of these abnormalities that we will..."

"Let the military doctor see it?" General Guiule asked.

"Yes, General, the military doctor went to see it. According to him, the heart rate of these people is high and low, and their pupils respond to bright light more slowly than normal. As for why this happens, he doesn't know the reason."

"Damn it, isn't there such a drug? What else did those guys explain? Tell me about the whole interrogation!"

According to the officer in charge of the interrogation, when they saw these prisoners, their mood was very depressed. However, this is also normal, and being a prisoner can still be full of emotions, that is definitely a problem. But soon they discovered that these captives actually cooperated, and they would answer whatever they asked them. It's just that sometimes, they act too absent-minded, and they can't even hear the problem.

After getting an unbelievable answer, some interrogating officers thought that the prisoners were resisting, so they used the whip, but even the stimulation of the whip did not allow them to concentrate. So the officer in charge of the interrogation discovered that there was indeed a problem with the state of these guys, and as a result, he was a little convinced of the answer they started.

In fact, a similar situation occurred in Scrooge's original time and space. In the Pacific, the Japanese army was not afraid to die when fighting with the US army, but once they became a prisoner, they were very depressed and extremely depressed. Moreover, they either did not pay attention to the US army's inquiries at all, or asked nothing. Whatever you say, be absolutely honest and never lie. So much so that people in United States feel that the Japanese nation is really contradictory to make people understand it. Of course, there is a reason why the Japanese army’s counter-interrogation training for soldiers is almost zero, but even if Zhang Gazi, who has not received any such training, after being caught by the devils, the devils will not appear to ask him who is the eight road. Tell the devil who is the eight-way problem. In this strange performance, there is also the effect of methamphetamine.

"Where did they say that drug came from?" General Guiule asked.

"It's from United States. One guy still has an empty pill box on him." The officer said as he handed the pill box with Popeye and the slogan "Strong for a miracle" to General Guiulei. .

"Making a miracle with great effort?" General Giulet read the slogan above, and then took a closer look. He saw a little under the box, with its producer printed in small print: "McDonald Chemicals and medical company".

"Macdonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company? Isn't this the company that produces the magic drug sulfa?"

Baron Franz, a French officer, is now serving as an observer in the Sardinian army under the orders of Emperor Napoleon III. His father once fought under the Emperor Napoleon and died in Waterloo, leaving only his wife and one-year-old son with an inheritance of 200 francs and a baron title by the Emperor Napoleon. However, with the defeat of Emperor Napoleon, the title of "Baron" was naturally not recognized by the restored Bourbon. Even as the son of a follower of dangerous Bonaparte, Franz was bullied a lot when he was a child. Fortunately, the Republic finally came back, and then the Empire came back. His "Baron" status was also recognized, and he was able to enter the army to serve the new Majesty Napoleon.

Now Baron Franz is writing a letter to His Majesty the Emperor. As an observer, he will report the battle to His Majesty and put forward his own opinions."Today's battle is largely tentative. This can be seen from the fact that King Emaluel II did not invest in troops equipped with the latest rear-mounted rifles. Emalue His Majesty King Al II arranged them all on a few higher grounds a little behind. This approach is obviously to facilitate the retreat. I think his idea should be to win the arrival of our army through gradual resistance. time.

Although the overall arrangement of the Sardinians is conservative and defensive, in today's battle, the Sardinians have shown great courage. Some conscripts who have only undergone less than three months of training are like It was an elite unit that had experienced many battles and fought bravely and fearlessly. They adopted the British tactics and advanced against the opponent's volley without firing a single shot until they reached a distance of only twenty-five meters away from the opponent. On, in a standing volley, and then launched a bayonet charge. Almost instantly defeated the Austrian forces that had launched a tentative attack. However, in the ensuing battle, these troops immediately exposed their lack of training. In the process of pursuing the fleeing Austrian army, their queues were completely messed up, which caused them to suffer heavy losses when they were attacked by the Austrian cavalry... I know from the United States consultants in the Sardinian army that they are not only In addition to providing a batch of guns, the Sardinian army also provided them with a medicine called Daliwan. It is said that this medicine can make people forget fear and make cowards brave. It is precisely because of taking this drug that those Sardinians can show such bravery. I bought a box of samples from a person in United States and provided it with the letter to test the effect... Besides, because of the aid of this kind at work, I personally think that the Austrians cannot win quickly..."

"Do you think it is true that the Sardinians said that their medicines were almost depleted because of the impact of the hurricane?" General Guiule asked.

Everyone looked at Jiulai, and no one dared to say anything. In fact, most people believe it, or are willing to believe it is true. Because if the Sardinian army cannot be defeated as soon as possible, once France intervenes, Austria will be in a very disadvantaged position. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the prisoners, it seems that they are not very good at lying.

"The troops that the Sardinians were in front of yesterday should have taken this drug before the war started. Well, judging from the situation of the captives, people will be very tired after the effect of the drug has passed. So if the Sardinians were all taking the drug , And they have no inventory, then this is the time when they are most vulnerable. Now, the Sardinian’s position has been retreated about 4 miles from yesterday and lives here." General Guiule continued, " The scouts reported that there were troops here on the Sardinians and on the high ground... Do you think we should catch up now?"

"General, I suspect that the Sardinian troops deployed on these high grounds are the so-called'elite' troops that the prisoners mentioned that did not appear in yesterday's battle." An officer said, "Sardinians I hope that the war can be delayed so that the French have time to intervene. Therefore, they were not prepared for a decisive battle at all in the battle yesterday. The enemy controlled these two highlands and could ensure the safety of their retreat. Artillery was deployed here. On two high grounds, a large area can be covered. I believe that the enemy has already conducted a calibration test. The road to Turin will also pass through here. Our troops will not take these two high grounds. It is impossible to pursue the enemy." At this point, the officer raised his eyes and looked at General Jiule.

"Ah, Andrew, what you said is good, keep talking." Andrew's father is an old friend of Giule, and Giule still likes the child of his old friend very much.

"Let’s take a look again. Here, less than two miles behind where the main Sardinians are stationed, there is a high ground. If I were the commander of the Sardinians, I would let the troops go two more miles. Road, stationed here. In this way, you can alternate cover with the enemy who is still on these two high grounds, and gradually retreat. But the enemy is stationed at Zhao’s current position. This position is not as advantageous as that one. Why does the enemy be like this? I guess it is related to the extreme fatigue after the medication. The fatigue of those prisoners has not been relieved at all, so I guess that the state of their main force is not much better. Go. If we quickly capture these two highlands and then catch up, we will have a chance to defeat the Sardinians in one fell swoop."

"Very good," General Guiule said. "What do you think of Major Andrew's opinion? Who agrees and who opposes..."

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