The distance between the two sides was only about 400 meters, which was originally within the effective range of the McDonald’s 1857 rifle. In addition, there was another volley, and the Austrians’ queue was very dense. As a result, this round of volley was Weir's subordinates knocked down more than a hundred Austrians.

"Quick! Hurry up while they are getting bullets..." A commander who looked like an Austrian was waving his commanding knife to inspire the beaten soldier. He was only halfway through his words, and a bullet that had never known it had flown directly hit him in the head. The bullet went in through the forehead, blasted a small bowl and big hole in the back of the head and flew out. The brain and blood in the officer's head sprayed out from the big hole, spilling all the faces of the people in the back row.

Jiulei saw from the telescope, almost in the blink of an eye, the officers in the more gorgeous military uniforms were knocked down one by one-this is by no means a coincidence, it must be intentional!

"These gangsters! They broke the rule of gentlemen on the battlefield not to deliberately attack officers!" General Giulei shouted angrily, and at the same time he realized with frustration that this round of tentative attacks would definitely not be able to attack. Because the army has no commander, how can it fight? Of course, the so-called gentleman's rule of not attacking officers is actually just venting that kind of anger. In previous battles, there was no large-scale attack on officers. The real reason was actually the limitation of technology. In the musket era, the bullets were almost completely doing Brownian motion after they were ejected. If they exceed 50 meters, where the bullet can fly depends entirely on God's meaning. Under such technological constraints, it is almost impossible to attack officers on a large scale. Later, the appearance of front-loaded rifled guns using Mini bullets ensured the accuracy of the rifles, but the accuracy of these rifles is still far from modern rifles. Sniper operations are still very difficult. Therefore, the practice of deliberately attacking officers is rarely seen.

Some historical inventors of later generations who had no conscience but had nothing else would often show a distressed look when they talked about this battle of the Italian War of Independence. They have accused that civilized Europeans have used the standards of the gentleman's war established over thousands of years, and they have all been destroyed by those utilitarian villains. Think about it. Before that, how civilized the European war was. When the armies of the two countries confronted each other on the battlefield, the civilized Europeans were not even willing to shoot at each other actively, but shouted in thinking of the other side: "Gentlemen on the opposite side, please shoot first!" The gentleman on the opposite side naturally didn't want to praise this bargain, so he humbly shouted: "Gentlemen over there, please shoot first!" Look at how harmonious, so friendly, so gentle, courteous and frugal! Ah, Europa! You are really a gathering of all the virtues of mankind! But is this really the case? If you really want that kind of harmony and friendship, why are you still fighting? It’s not better to have a party together, have a picnic, have a big meal, and then each dance with a rifle, and then ask the judges to make a score, use the final score to decide the winner, and then go home separately. ? The real reason is actually very simple. Because the guns at that time had low accuracy at long distances and slow reloading, if the opponent fired a volley at a long distance, there would not be a few deaths on his side, and he took advantage of the opponent’s loading of bullets. Time is getting closer, and the attack effect is much better in the counter-attack, so there will be an invitation to the opponent to shoot first. Just like Lu Buwei said, ancient and modern are different, people are the same as me, don't think the ancients are too noble or too stupid. In particular, don't teach students something that is invented by brain supplements, otherwise, if they accidentally run into something crossing, they will definitely be killed by you.

Just as General Guiule expected, the Austrian soldiers who had lost their commanders in the front were in a mess. The training they received has always been that what the commander says to do, let's do it. The commander is suddenly gone, what should I do now? We have never practiced before.

A certain Fat Dudu national treasure, who only sold cute for Sichuan and attracted attention for China, once divided the military in history into three major categories: It can be called as one-tenth of the casualties that depend on personal bravery without collapse. The feudal army, a powerful army in the world, relied on the conditioned reflex from the whip to complete the order without compromise. The modern army, which can continue to fight even with nearly half the casualties, and every soldier understand the meaning of battle and can take the initiative. In combat, even after the organizational system is destroyed, it can continue to actively attack the enemy's modern army.

According to this classification, the current Austrian army is a modern army like a robot. Compared with the army of the feudal era, it can withstand much more casualties, but once it loses the command of an officer, it is like a robot computer malfunctioning, and it immediately loses all its ability to respond. Many soldiers stood there blankly, not knowing what to do. Some wanted to continue forward, some wanted to turn their heads and run back, and some wanted to kill the ambushing cannon from the side. More stood there motionless waiting for orders.At this moment, the Sardinians fired another volley, crackling and knocking down more than a hundred people. At this time, the remaining Austrians woke up. They dropped their weapons one after another and ran back.

The Sardinians did not pursue. But after another two rounds of volleys, Neville's command quickly moved from the second trench to the first trench. In this round of competition, Neville's troops didn't even have one injured, so everyone's morale was greatly boosted, the tension just now disappeared a lot, and the faces of every battalion commander also smiled.

"This battle has just begun? The enemy will come again. This time, it is estimated that they will come for real." Neville called the battalion commanders together and said to them, "After going back, just Give each soldier one of the'Dali Pills'. When the enemy is approaching, don't shoot. When they have walked to 100 meters from the first trench, they can shoot at the fastest speed. The inside fired first, followed by the second trench and the third trench. Don’t worry, our target is so small that they can’t hit us.”

"I see, captain."

"I'll go back and make arrangements."

The battalion commanders expressed their confidence in repelling the Austrians.

"These damn guys are really hiding under the ground!" General Jiulay looked at the white smoke rising from the second trench and already understood what was going on. Apparently, the Sardinians dug a trench in the ground, then hid in the trench and shot. But it seems that what the previous prisoners said is true. These ground mice are definitely elite. Look at their shooting, right? At such a long distance, their shooting is still so precise, which explains the problem. When a strong opponent is very wretched and not wanting face, then it is really a big trouble.

"These cowards! I must pull these mice out of their holes, and hang them one by one on the street light poles in Turin!" Seat tribute: The Northern Dipper boat never falls!)

After scolding the cowards and cowards in Sardinia a few words, General Guiule called the commander of the artillery and ordered him to hit the spot where the Sardinians had just shot.

"Boom out all those field mice for me!" General Jiule said.

"Yes!" the artillery commander replied concisely. He certainly knows that his cannon is not really harmful to those who are hiding under the ground, but he also understands that this is not the time to discuss this, even from the perspective of boosting morale, it is necessary to fire shells at the enemy.

Dozens of cannons readjusted their shooting targets, and then fired violently at the place where the white smoke had just risen. But they didn't know that in the original position, there was actually no one left.

"What are those Austrians fighting? If they know that all the shells they have fired are all hitting the air, they must be heartbroken." Rossi looked up at the shells flying over his head and said. "Have you counted, how many shots have you fired?"

"Who can count this clearly? When do you think they will come to die?" Tommy said.

"Hey, Tommy, did you blow up too? Really..."

"Who blew it? I saw clearly just now, I killed at least three." Tommy stretched his neck and said brightly on his forehead.

"Hahahaha..." The people around laughed.

"Stop making trouble, look, the Austrians are coming up again... my mother!"

"Attention, the medicine is being given now!"

General Jiulai had already figured it out now that the shelling had little effect on these field mice. The only way to deal with them is to rely on the superiority of the number of people, rush forward, rush to them, and solve the battle with a bayonet. So, he sent twelve divisions and 60,000 troops to the two highlands in one go. If it were not for the limited space on the battlefield, he even planned to put more troops into it.

"The victory or defeat depends on this one, and it will be successful. As long as the resistance of the enemy in front of you is broken, the army behind the enemy that has not recovered from fatigue will be the meat on the chopping board." General Jiule said. Thinking about it.

Listening to the continuous sound of cannons coming from behind, King Emaluel II frowned.

"How are the soldiers?" the king asked.

"Still very tired, far from recovering." The military medical officer replied.

"How can we make them recover quickly?"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, there is only one way." said the military medical officer.

"any solution?"

"Just give them another'strong pill.' Other than that, there is no way for them to recover quickly."

"Well, quartermaster, please note that in future combat operations,'Daliwan' must be the most important material priority guarantee, and the sequence must be placed before the ammunition for food!" King Emaluel II turned his head. , Said to the quartermaster. Then he sighed to himself:

"From now on, war will be inseparable from this thing. Look at what the army looks like now, this medicine really can't be stopped!"

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