1855 United States Tycoon

Chapter 91 Our Union

Scrooge was shocked by the sudden emergence of trade union activities. He realized that if the danger is not extinguished in the bud, in the future, when the tentacles of trade unions and other things really penetrate into all corners of the enterprise, he will come again. The price to be paid to deal with it will be staggeringly high. Fortunately, it is still the nineteenth century. This is really a beautiful era of freedom. Capitalists can freely use various methods to deal with workers. For example, at that time, to fire a worker, almost no reason is needed. All you need to do is to settle the day’s wages. Tell him: "You won't use it for work tomorrow." That's enough. There is no messy labor protection law, and there will be no lawyers or the like with such things to trouble you. And the trade unions of that era, and the 21st century, have become the climate, and the trade unions with considerable influence and financial strength are completely incomparable. In the 21st century, the trade union has its own lawyer team and owns. Financial support, as well as own political influence. At that time, it is not impossible to expel a union member for no reason, but it would be a little troublesome. It's like now, simple, fast, and straightforward. This is really an amazing golden age.

The next day, before the workers in each shift started their work, the director of Hamilton gathered them together and told them that there were more important things to tell them. This kind of thing has never happened before, so everyone is a little surprised and worried.

"Hey, Smith, do you know why?" a worker asked.

"I don't know," have you heard something? "The worker named Smith asked.

"I'm not very clear, but I heard..." The man looked around, lowered his voice and said, "I heard that several workers were fired yesterday. I don't know if it was because of this..."

"Someone got fired? For what? Is someone trying to take medicine out?"

"I don't know, but shouldn't it? If that's the case, it's not as simple as expelling, I'm afraid it's..."

At this time, factory director Hamilton walked out of the office and boarded a few wooden boxes that were piled up and were very irregular, but said to represent the tradition of democracy, and began his preaching. .

"You may not know yet. Just yesterday when they got off work, Neil the porter, Terry the sorter, Carter and some others were fired by the company."

As soon as these words were spoken, the bottom suddenly became lively, and many people whispered to each other in whispers. Hamilton looked at the surprise and fear on the workers’ faces with satisfaction, stopped, and continued:

"Why are they expelled? Is it because they broke the machine and installed the wrong medicine? No, no! But the problem is much more serious than this! So what did they do? I tell you, they dare to fight Workers from other companies’ trade unions hooked up. This is a mistake that is more serious than a mistake at work and an intolerable mistake! So they were all expelled!"

This sentence is like throwing a big rock into a calm pond. In the entire workshop, all the workers began to whisper to each other.

"Just because of this? But what kind of organization to join? Isn't this the freedom of United States people guaranteed by the constitution? Just because of this... this way too..." a worker said.

"Actually, I want to say that they are all honest and good people, and they don't really do anything, so why are they like this..."

"That's right, some unions are on strike or something, but absolutely no one here thinks about it. This is too..."

"Just be quiet!" Hamilton shouted, seeing the workers talking.

The surrounding voices slowly calmed down, and people stared at the director of Hamilton, hoping that he could give a more detailed explanation.

"Just now I heard someone say that the freedom to join a political organization is the freedom of all United States people guaranteed by the constitution." Hamilton said slowly, "That's good, it is indeed your freedom. The company did not interfere. Power. But don’t forget that the constitution also guarantees the freedom of the company. The company’s willingness to hire you is also the freedom protected by the constitution. Just as you have the freedom to leave the company and go to other companies. The company just The exercise of own freedom does not constitute an infringement of your freedom."

Hamilton's explanation seems to be very reasonable, and it embodies the ideal of a free economy. Companies can choose employees freely, and employees can also choose companies freely. Even now, admirers of the free economy are still claiming that since everyone is free and voluntary in this two-way choice, there is naturally no so-called exploitation and oppression. On the contrary, if this freedom is interfered, whether it is a company that does not allow workers to freely choose to work, or it does not allow the company to freely select employees, it is a road to slavery.

Faced with such advanced problems, many modern people with various educations will get dizzy and turn around. What about the illiterate or semi-illiterate workers of the 19th century? Everyone is naturally speechless.

"Some people say that their actions did not bring losses to the company." The Hamilton factory manager raised his voice, "Yes, so far, they have not had time to cause losses to our company. But! But what is the union? A union is a group of slackers, rascals, and triads. It is a group of guys who don’t want to work honestly. They stay together all day long, not thinking about how to improve own skills, how to make own work better, and then Relying on the labor of both hands to make money, but only thinking about doing less work, or even no work, and then they can get more money. If they are not satisfied, they will strike, they will cause trouble, or even destroy the equipment of the enterprise Let those hardworking people make no money. They are a group of lazy and savage rascals! Laziness and savagery are contagious, a person who is no matter how honest and hardworking is, once mixed with such a guy It is difficult to guarantee that you will not get such a habit. There is no cure for such infectious diseases, even our sulfa and heroin are unable to deal with such infectious diseases.

If a person has the Black Death, but wants to come to your house, would you allow it? If you see a person hugs and kisses a plague patient, and then walks towards you, wouldn't you avoid him? Why? Hasn't he caused any damage to you yet? Yes, he didn't cause me any loss, but it was all because I closed the door tightly, keeping him and the deadly plague he was carrying out! It's because I will never tolerate anything that might threaten the health of my family to sneak in!

Keeping these guys who have contact with the guys carrying the deadly plague out of the door is not only responsible for the company, but also for everyone. "The director of Hamilton slowed down, put on his amiable face again, and continued:

"You all know that our company has always been very concerned about your well-being. Many of us have worked in other companies and know the situation of other companies. In our company, we only need to work every day. Eight hours is at least one-third less than other companies. And when working hours are less than others, we pay you not only not less than others, but even more. The company earns money. If there are too many, we will even take the initiative to increase your salary, search the United States, and even search the world. Where can you find a good company like this? In such a company, you don’t have to work hard to make money. But you hooked up with those rascals, do you think you should?

Finally, I repeat, the union is a shelter for hooligans. Our company is a decent company. The people who work in our company are decent people. We will never allow anyone to be involved with those rascals! I hope you can learn from it. "

The Hamilton factory director's speech is over, but the workers are still talking about it. But obviously no one intends to jump out to question the company's decision. Firstly, most of them are illiterate and semi-illiterate, and they can't refute the set of Hamilton directors at all; secondly, the Hamilton director has already said that it is no longer clear-the company has the freedom to fire any employee, does it have its own Come out and let the company show this kind of freedom again? Yes, after leaving the McDonald Chemical and Pharmaceutical Company, there are other companies in the world who may not be unemployed forever or starve to death. However, most places are worse than here. In a free market, workers and companies are not equal. In this unequal situation, no matter how many choices there are, it does not mean that there will be fairness. It is not any freedom. "Voluntary" exchanges must be fair exchanges.

"Okay, don't chirp anymore, it's time for work, work, handover!" the supervisors shouted.

Scrooge and Rockefeller stood together in Hamilton's office, watching Hamilton's performance through the window.

"This guy is not bad." Rockefeller said.

"Of course." Scrooge said, "I went to college anyway. If some illiterate and semi-illiterate can't be fooled, isn't the book for nothing?"

"Well, this kind of action should not only be done in this factory, but also in other factories." Rockefeller said, "We need to clean the companies under our hands carefully to clean out all the potential dangers."

"Yes, but John, this is not enough," Scrooge said.

"Then what do you want to do? Is it possible to send Blackwater to blow up those unions?" Rockefeller looked at Scrooge.

"Haha, are you addicted to bombing Dupont?" Scrooge laughed, "It's useless, there will be a new wave after the bombing. Besides, these unions, as long as they don't make trouble on my site. "

"Well, are you waiting for it to make trouble for others? Right?" Rockefeller laughed.

"Correct, you are really a good friend of mine, and I know I can't hide this from you."

"Scrooge, then what are your plans?"

"A great man once said that if we do not occupy any position, the enemy will occupy it." Scrooge deliberately played a mystery.

"Which great man said something like this? You made it up? Well, what you mean is that instead of guarding against the outside trade unions to infiltrate us, it is better for us to build a trade union that is completely obedient to us. "Rockefeller understood it all at once. He thought for a while, then gave a thumbs up and said to Scrooge: "High, it's really high!"

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