1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 101 Ruan Lingyu’s Crisis (Third update, please subscribe and vote monthly!! A beautiful phot

Ye Luo was a little tired after a busy day, so he called Ding Li to drive, while he sat alone in the back seat to rest.

He planned to stay at No. 32 Xiafei Road tonight and not return to Ye Mansion.

The Ford V8 drove smoothly into Xiafei Fang. Now many celebrities living in Xiafei Fang have become accustomed to dialing 40,000 to reserve a Chevrolet 490 from Ye's Motor Company. Ye Luo also deliberately lowered some car rental prices to benefit the people and himself.

Ding Li, who originally planned to park the car at the door of the bungalow, suddenly braked suddenly!

Ye Luo, who had almost fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly woke up. Shi Jianqiao, who was sitting in the front row, felt very sorry for the disturbed Ye Luo and opened the car door first and got out of the car.

"What's going on?" Ye Luo rolled down the window.

Ding Li quickly explained: "I'm sorry, Second Young Master! A young man suddenly jumped out in front of me, so I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him."

"Okay." Ye Luo nodded helplessly.

During the Republic of China, there were too many people who did not understand traffic rules. Sometimes a person suddenly appeared in the blind spot, which could easily cause traffic accidents. Especially when driving at night and the lighting conditions were not good, car accidents often occurred and drivers killed people. If they escape, it will be difficult to hunt them down.

Ye Luo planned to roll up the window and get out of the car, but suddenly he heard a familiar quarrel.

"Ah Ruan, Ah Ruan, you are finally back! Give me a few hundred dollars for urgent needs!"

"Emergency need? Why do you need so much money in the middle of the night?"

"I want to do business. You know, I have a lot of entertainment at night, and I don't have any cash." The one who spoke was the young man who suddenly jumped out to block Ye Luo's car. He looked quite handsome, but his body was thin and thin, and his cheekbones were It is high and raised, and the black smoke ring is extremely obvious. It looks like it has been smoked for many years, and the body has been hollowed out.

"Doing business? Didn't I just give you 5,000 yuan last month? You gambled it all away in less than a month?!" Ruan Lingyu was shaking with anger and pointed at him, "You are like this, how can you get these few hundred yuan?" You want to use it for smoking, right?"

"Ah Ruan, we will get married in one week. At that time, I inherited my father's fortune of 200,000 yuan. Are you still worried that you won't have the money to pay you back?" The young man was obviously addicted to cigarettes, and his body was shaking strangely. Twisting, he took a few steps forward and shouted sternly, "Quick, quick, just a few hundred dollars. Aren't you a big star now? Can't you afford a few hundred dollars?"

"I won't give it! You kept asking me for tens of thousands of yuan! Are you trying to force me to death?" Ruan Lingyu held the handbag in her arms and looked at him with disgust, "Zhang Damin, you keep doing this , I won’t marry you next week either! You went there by yourself!”

"Bitch! Do you have the final say on whether to get married or not?!" Seeing that she refused to give money, Zhang Damin immediately showed his true colors and roared, "Ruan Lingyu, you bitch, do you really think you are some kind of big star? In the past, you and your mother were just a servant and a servant's daughter in my Zhang family, vile bitches! No money, right, no marriage, right, OK, OK, then I'll make you 16 years old and go to bed with me now Tell those pornographic tabloid reporters the details, maybe tomorrow."


Zhang Damin was stunned by the sudden slap.

The one who hit him was a beautiful woman, with a tall figure and handsome appearance. She was not much inferior to Ruan Lingyu.

The key is that the slap was so powerful that it caused him to stumble and fall, and several teeth came out of his mouth!

"If you can't speak, I will teach you how to talk to girls today." Shi Jianqiao no longer wanted to tolerate him.

Just now, he suddenly jumped out from the middle of the road, causing the second young master to wake up. Now he is gushing sweet things to his fiancée. Compared with the second young master, he is not a man at all!

She stepped forward step by step, flexing her wrists and ankles to teach Zhang Damin a lesson.

"Chuna Niangze B, do you know who I am? I am from the Zhang family." Zhang Damin crawled back and vomited fragrance in dialect. He backed away in horror, but bumped into someone's thigh.

The second half of his sentence was not spoken.

Because he was slapped in the face more than ten times in a row.

Ye Luo was holding back his anger. When he found out that it was this scumbag young master of the Zhang family, he naturally lost his temper. He picked up his collar and gave him a hard slap in the face.

After a dozen strokes, Zhang Damin suddenly looked like a pig, his cheeks swollen, he covered his mouth, cursed, and opened his mouth to hug Ye Luo's thigh and bite it.

"You'd better think carefully before biting." Ye Luo grabbed his hair, lowered his head and said lightly, "My name is Ye Luo, the second young master of the Ye family."

"The second young master of the Ye family?" Zhang Damin, who had lost his temper and was addicted to smoking, had already disowned his relatives, but when he heard the name, his body shook violently, and he immediately let go of Ye Luo's trouser legs and crawled away.

Avoiding Ye Luo is like avoiding the plague god.

There is no way, Young Master Ye Luo's name is too loud.

Especially in the opium dens and casinos in various counties and districts, everyone knew that the independent regiments from the 37th Army were raiding these places to support the second young master.

Several of Zhang Damin's favorite opium dens are owned by Yu Likui. In order to take a puff, he can kneel down and beg for mercy from the small boss there and call him grandpa, but the boss of those small bosses, Yu Likui, has to work as a coachman for the second young master. car!

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that if this happens, he will no longer have to be a human being.

"Ali, drag Master Zhang away. He is addicted to smoking and needs to quit smoking." Ye Luo winked at Ding Li.

Ding Li understood and walked away with a grin.

"Second Young Master! Let him go." Ruan Lingyu was kind-hearted and soft-hearted. After all, this was her first love, so she looked away.

"Do you really want to marry him?" Ye Luo asked her curiously.

Ruan Lingyu's cheeks turned red and she shook her head quickly, then lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

Thinking of Zhang Damin's previous threat to her, Ye Luo understood the general idea, walked over and asked in a low voice: "If it's not convenient to talk here, why don't you come and sit at my house?"

"Jianqiao, come with us." Seeing her hesitation, Ye Luo knew that she was worried that a man and a woman alone would be prone to gossip, so he asked Shi Jianqiao to take Ruan Lingyu, who was still in tears, into the bungalow.

The three of them sat down. Ruan Lingyu hesitated for a long time, completely losing her lively and cute look in the past, with a sad look on her face. In the end, she was still embarrassed and half-assedly told what happened.

Ye Luo had watched the movie "Ruan Lingyu" shot by Maggie Cheung in his previous life, and had some understanding of her experiences and encounters, which were similar to what Ruan Lingyu herself recounted now.

Her mother was a maid of the Zhang family, and Zhang Damin was the fourth son. However, she was gentle and elegant at that time and took great care of them. The young Ruan Lingyu was immediately moved by his behavior and gradually fell in love with her.

Zhang Damin coveted her beauty. In order to pursue Ruan Lingyu, he first approached Ruan's mother and behaved very politely. Ruan's mother saw that the yelling young master before became polite and answered whatever he asked. .

So Zhang Damin learned about Ruan Lingyu's interests and hobbies from Ruan's mother, and pretended to be particularly interested in her hobbies every time in front of her, and often caused encounters between the two of them in various places.

This method of pursuing beauty may seem commonplace in later generations, but it was quite advanced at the time and soon captured Ruan Lingyu's heart.

However, after this relationship was discovered by Zhang Damin's father, he looked down upon the maid and the maid's daughter and ordered them to break up. However, Zhang Damin secretly continued to date Ruan Lingyu.

Later, Ruan Lingyu was discovered and became a popular actress. However, Zhang Damin's true nature was exposed, and he was just an incompetent young master from a rich family. Coupled with his family's poor fortune and bad records, Ruan Lingyu was greatly disappointed.

After the two broke up, Zhang Damin has been entangled with each other.

A few days ago, the Zhang family's father suddenly died of a serious illness. Zhang Damin wanted to inherit his father's inheritance through marriage, so he used those words to threaten Ruan Lingyu and kept taking money from her.

This kind of bloody story was very common in later generations, but during the Republic of China, women's status was not high, and Ruan Lingyu's star status meant that she could only be blackmailed and threatened by Zhang Damin, and she could not get rid of it.

Historically, it was her second husband, the wealthy businessman Tang Jishan, who later settled Zhang Damin, but Tang Jishan was also a super scumbag, disconnected from many women, and also liked domestic violence.

Ruan Lingyu was trapped in two bad relationships and couldn't escape. Coupled with the jealous depictions in various pornographic tabloids, she finally couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide.

After hearing these words, Shi Jianqiao felt so distressed that she hugged Ruan Lingyu into her arms, and then stared straight at Ye Luo.

Obviously hoping that the second young master can come forward to settle things.

"Where's Miss Hu Die?" Ye Luo was not in a hurry to express his position. Anyway, it was not a problem for him to deal with Zhang Damin. What he wanted to see was the long-term benefits.

"Sister Hu Die went to Tianyi Film Company for an audition. She, she was also threatened." Ruan Lingyu replied in a low voice.

This is really a leaky house and it rains all night.

Hu Die's ex-boyfriends were Lin Xuehui and Pan Yousheng, both from Tianyi's side. Apparently she was also entangled in similar things.

"Second Young Master" Shi Jian looked at him eagerly, "Aren't you going to be a film company? Why not just buy Miss Ruan and Miss Hu Die?"

"Oh, this won't work! The contract I signed has a very high liquidated damages!" Ruan Lingyu waved her hands repeatedly.

Speaking of money, Ye Luo became more energetic: "How much liquidated damages?"

"Fifty to fifty thousand oceans." Ruan Lingyu's voice was as soft as a mosquito's chirping.

Her current salary is 800 oceans a month, and she only earns 10,000 oceans a year. She has not eaten or drank for five years, so she can barely save enough liquidated damages.

She can't afford it.

"Oh, I thought it was half a million." Ye Luo took a sip of tea and didn't care.

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