1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 109 Love and the future

When they heard that the female lead was the famous movie queen Hu Die, everyone had no idea.

Li Minwei smiled and asked: "Second Young Master, I really like the film "Blood and Tears of Yellow Flowers". Can we Minxin be the producer? I just wonder if Miss Hu Die is really willing to appear in the film?"

"Don't worry, Hu Die is also a member of the Ye family, and she will agree. Since Minxin wants the film "Yellow Flowers of Blood and Tears", then "The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple" will be made by Manager Zhang." Ye Luo looked at Zhang Shichuan.

These two people are now his few right-hand men in the film industry, so he cannot favor one over the other.

Zhang Shichuan was filled with joy and agreed with a smile.

"The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple" tells the story of the heroine Gan Lianzhu and others who defeated the adulterous monk, rescued the imprisoned women from good families in the Red Lotus Temple, and set fire to the Red Lotus Temple.

The plot begins with Lu Xiaoqing, who has been sick since childhood, returning to his hometown after studying. After his parents died, he left home again to travel in search of a teacher.

One day, Lu Xiaoqing went to Honglian Ancient Temple to stay overnight and found many ghostly figures worshiping the Buddha statue in the temple. When he got closer, he saw that there was a deep cave behind the rosette with an overwhelming stench.

When the Zhike monk in the temple saw that Lu Xiaoqing had discovered his secret, he threatened him to submit to the temple and be ordained as a monk.

This leads to the story of Honglian Temple.

The overall framework has a strong color of gods and ghosts, and also has a strong flavor of Xiangxi folk customs. It is unique and is a type that Zhang Shichuan likes very much.

After the discussion was over, Zhang Shichuan treated the guests to a meal in the hotel next door. After they were full, they went back to their respective homes.

Ding Li drove Lin Ruxian and others back to Xiafei Fang, the French Concession.

Lin Ruxian couldn't help but invite Ye Luo to stay overnight at her home in front of Ding Li and Shi Jianqiao, so she could only reluctantly watch him return to No. 32 Xiafei Road.

Ye Luo slept alone at No. 32 Xiafei Road for one night, while Shi Jianqiao stayed with him on the first floor.

Early the next morning, Ye Luo was woken up by a phone ring. The caller was Ruide Chen. After a night of intense discussion, Citibank's New York headquarters agreed to his three requests.

Obviously, Chen Ruide was driven crazy by this matter. He was so busy that he didn't sleep all night, but he finally got it all done.

After congratulating Ye Luo for being appointed as the Chinese director of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau and the Chinese consul of the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai, he hung up the phone and ran to catch up on his sleep.

Ye Luo got up to wash up, and called to arrange for little Ah Qiao to go to the Ministry of Industry Bureau to help him register Ye's United Industrial Company. This was his first step into industry.

Automobiles and entertainment are just trivial matters. They are basic industries that he got involved in in order to save enough capital. If we want to talk about saving the country through industry and rejuvenating the country through industry, it must be light industry and heavy industry!

However, these two things require too much capital and technology. Before the US economic crisis in 1929, he would not be able to profit from it.

After washing up, he came to the balcony and heard Ruan Lingyu's smiling voice early in the morning. He looked across the balcony and said hello to her: "Good morning, Ah Ruan."

Ah Ruan is a nickname, but the two of them were already very familiar with each other at this time. Ruan Lingyu also smiled and waved to him: "Good morning, Second Young Master, have you had breakfast? How about asking Sister Hu Die to cook an extra serving for you?"

"Then I'll trouble you." Ye Luo nodded, "I'll be right over."

Ruan Lingyu ran back to the house with a smile, shouting as she ran: "Sister Hu Die, Sister Hu Die, the second young master wants to have breakfast with us~"

It was the first time to officially enter their home.

Ye Luo was sitting in the living room on the first floor, and Ruan Lingyu quickly served tea and water, trying to serve this big benefactor well.

He gave them both a sky-high salary of 1,500 yuan a month!

Moreover, Ye Luo also spent 70,000 yuan to buy Ruan Lingyu, which was more expensive than the package price of the two major film companies of Star and Minxin. According to the customs of the old times, this was almost equivalent to buying the rest of Ruan Lingyu's life.

However, there was Zhang Damin before and harassment from various newspapers later. Seeing that Ye Luo had no reaction, Ruan Lingyu also knew that Hu Die had a crush on him, so she didn't mention it and pretended not to understand.

After a while, Hu Die came out with a Western breakfast.

Bread, grilled sausages and milk, simple Western food culture was very popular in the Republic of China at this time.

The three of them were eating and chatting. Ye Luo took the opportunity to take out the script of "Blood and Tears of Yellow Flowers" and invited Hu Die to play the female lead.

This was Yip's first film after joining her, and it was also her first work after her comeback. Hu Die didn't dare to neglect it and savored it carefully.

Like Li Minwei, Hu Die and Ruan Lingyu clapped their hands and praised each other. Ruan Lingyu said with envy: "Sister Hu Die will definitely be popular if she stars in this movie!"

"Don't worry, Ruan, you'll be busy in the future." Ye Luo comforted her with a smile, "You are a cash cow that I bought for 70,000 yuan. I won't let you go until you pay off this debt. "

"I know, Second Young Master~ It's off-putting to mention this all the time." Ruan Lingyu stuck out her tongue.

"If there is no problem, Hu Die, you have to take the time to go to Suzhou Prison with me. After I meet the Huang family, I will take you to see Lu Genrong." Ye Luo looked at her.

Hu Die lowered his head slightly and said softly, "I completely obey the Second Young Master."

After breakfast, Ruan Lingyu took him around their house, and Ye Luo stood up to say goodbye. He also wanted to see the construction status of the amusement park and cinema, and also spy on the information about the New World Amusement Park.

These days, Zhang Wanlin has been making a lot of noise, inviting friends from all walks of life, and made it clear that he wants to compete with Ye Luo in the ring, eliminating the discomfort of being suppressed by him before.

Huo Tianhong and Lu Yusheng received the help of the Jinling National Government and successfully entered the public board of directors as Chinese directors. Feeling proud, they also began to think about how to bring down Shanghai, their biggest enemy.

As soon as Ye Luo left, Ruan Lingyu grabbed Hu Die and asked in a low voice, "Is the second young master also interested in you, Sister Hu Die?"

"What are you talking about? How could the second young master treat me?" Hu Die's face turned red.

Ruan Lingyu hugged her with a smile: "Look at you, if I said 'yes' and you don't object, that means you admit that you like him~"

"A Ruan, if you keep talking nonsense, I will kick you out of the house." Hu Die squeezed the soft flesh of her waist hard.

Ruan Lingyu was in pain, but she said unforgivingly: "Can't you see it yet? Look, he invited you to play the female lead in "Blood and Tears", why didn't he ask me to play the role?"

"What does this have to do with anything?" Hu Die looked at her.

Ruan Lingyu spread out the script and said with seriousness: "Look, the female lead, Miss Huang, is a lady, and the male lead, Mr. Wu, is a domestic servant. But for love, Miss Huang is willing to elope with Mr. Wu. This matter When there was a sensation in Shanghai, during the court trial, she kept defending Mr. Wu. Look, does this gender change look like you and the second young master?"

"Go, go, what are you talking about?" Hu Die pushed her, with a look of trust on his face.

But when she thought about the tragic ending of the last two people, she felt bad again.

Just when the two of them were having their own whims.

Ye Luo drove to the Big World Amusement Park.

Lin Huiyin and his wife were really helpful. They improved and processed it according to the drawings he gave them, and they have already started work with the Zhang family's engineering team.

They are not like those nominal engineers who only earn wages and do nothing, but they are still hanging around the construction site on a hot day.

Zhang Yuanbei also worked very hard. He was responsible for the land of Ye's Guangming Cinema. He was very optimistic about this project and felt that it might be a good time for him to become famous once it was completed, so he kept watch on it day and night.

Ye Luo was watching from a distance, unwilling to bother them. Seeing the Great World Amusement Park and Ye's Guangming Cinema becoming more detailed day by day, he became more and more motivated.

While the two huge projects were getting underway, the dance hall business in charge of mother and daughter Xiao Aqiao and Ivanova was also in full swing.

The Great World Amusement Park will completely replace the New World Amusement Park and many other entertainment industries. Yip's Guangming Cinema is the country's first sound cinema. It will cause a sensation across the country and will inevitably outperform Yongxing Company's new stage and big stage. And his countless Dance halls will further monopolize the entertainment industry, plus song and dance troupes that will be established later.

He wants the people on the beach to listen to his company's songs, dance in his company's ballroom, and then go to his company's cinema to watch movies. Even if it is a holiday, they must spend it in the big world!

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