1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 111 The second young master is very fast?

Yip's Film Company, the filming location of "The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple".

When they heard that Tianyi Film Company was going to compete with their own company, Zhang Shichuan, Zheng Zhengqiu and others immediately became motivated. This was the first film they filmed after joining the Yip family, and they strived to become an instant hit.

For this reason, the Ye family also spent a lot of money. Just to build the large-scale Honglian Temple, it cost more than 5,000 yuan.

At this time, the film cost 4.5 cents per foot, and the pay for the film was 2 cents per foot, and a set of developed copies cost about 300 oceans. The salary of the directors, directors and actors of ordinary movies was not high. The heroine's daily salary was 4-7 oceans, or monthly. After all, the monthly salary of NT$200, like the movie queen Hu Die’s NT$1,800, is very rare, so it only costs about NT$4,000 to make a movie!

It can be seen that the filming cost of "The Burning of Red Lotus Temple" was extremely high, which is rare in the world.

Under Ye Luo's instruction, they also decided to film it into a series instead of a single film.

In fact, the concept of current Republican films is different from that of later generations.

Later movies and TV series were completely separated because of the existence of television.

At this time, even radios were still luxury goods. The so-called movies were simply TV series, which were only played in movie theaters episode by episode.

This time Zhang Shichuan and others are planning to shoot 3 episodes to test the waters.

Ye Luo, who came to the shooting scene with Hu Die, smiled and watched the process. Seeing that the big bosses were here, the actors worked harder to perform, and Zhang Shichuan and others did not dare to slack off.

However, Zhang Shichuan had already called to stop this scene more than ten times, but he still felt unsatisfied.

Taking advantage of the break, Ye Luo pulled Hu Die forward and asked, "Manager Zhang, why do you keep reshooting?"

"Oh, Second Young Master, I..." Zhang Shichuan was sweating profusely. The worst scene happened to be seen by Ye Luo, which made him a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he still said it, "I don't think Miss Xuan Jinglin Suitable for the role of Gan Lianzhu."

It has been a long time since the filming of the movie, and now we have to propose changing the heroine. Isn’t this the one-spoken system of directors and screenwriters that Ye Luo doesn’t advocate the most?

Moreover, Xuan Jinglin is an actress strongly recommended by screenwriter Zheng Zhengqiu. To replace her rashly would be a slap in the face to her old partner.

Speaking of Xuan Jinglin, there are a few anecdotes.

She was born in 1907. In 1925, Mingxing Company was preparing to shoot its last drama "The Last Conscience", and it still lacked a supporting actress.

Zhang Shichuan happened to see a smiling woman riding a donkey in a scenery pictorial. She was beautiful, not as youthful as Xiaojiabiyu, and her expression and temperament were very consistent with the missing character.

Actor Wang Jiting happened to recognize her and introduced her to the star company. Zheng Zhengqiu, who was deeply short-sighted, took a closer look at Miss Jin Ling. Seeing her beauty, he expressed his approval and asked Miss Jin Ling if she was willing to sign a contract.

Jin Ling looked troubled, and after an in-depth exchange with Zheng Zhengqiu, she revealed the truth.

It turned out that she was a prostitute in Huile Lane on Fourth Avenue, which is the famous Yanliu Lane in Shanghai. When she was 15 years old, her parents passed away and her brother fell ill, so she had to work as a prostitute to support her family. Seeing this opportunity, she both I don’t want to give up, but I am also worried about being excluded due to identity issues.

At this time, there were even anecdotes about women guest starring on the screen as male actors, but this was the first time that a prostitute had participated in a film. Zheng Zhengqiu did not dare to announce her identity rashly, so he thought of the homophonic word "Jinglin" for her. .

Her original surname was Tian. In order to commemorate a close sister named Xuan, she changed her surname to Xuan and was called Xuan Jinglin from then on.

Xuan Jinglin also had a confidante, the sixth son of the Wang family, but the Wang family refused to let a prostitute enter their home. After many twists and turns, it was Zheng Zhengqiu who acted as a matchmaker and took her to propose marriage, and the marriage was reluctantly completed.

Xuan Jinglin, who is 21 years old this year, is in her prime, but her aura of fireworks and dust cannot be changed, and it is very inappropriate for the heroine character of Gan Lianzhu. This role just needs an innocent and pure girl with the opposite temperament to her.

Ye Luo also understood these little things. He glanced at Zheng Zhengqiu and then at Xuan Jinglin, who was close to him, and then smiled and waved to them.

When the two saw the big boss calling, they immediately ran over.

Xuan Jinglin's charming features are exposed, and her big eyes seem to have feelings wandering in them even if they are not deliberately conveying affection.

"Lin'er, this is our big boss, the second young master Ye Luo." Zheng Zhengqiu was a packaged employee from Mingxing Film Company, but Ye Luo valued him very much and gave him a monthly salary increase of 100 oceans. He smiled. Pull Xuan Jinglin and Ye Luo to say hello.

"Hello, Second Young Master~" Xuan Jinglin pulled the hem of her skirt and smiled slightly, but her big eyes couldn't help but look at Ye Luo secretly.

Mr. Wang Liu is also quite famous in Shanghai. His father, Wang Shi, is a famous gentry in the concession and can be considered a wealthy aristocrat.

But compared to Ye Luo, it's a world of difference.

"Lin'er, come with me. I have something to tell you." Ye Luo let go of Hu Die and pulled her up towards the changing room inside.

Hu Die and Xuan Jinglin have a good relationship. She knows Ye Luo well and doesn't take it seriously.

The other people on the set looked strange. When they saw the big boss taking the heroine away to the cloakroom alone, the atmosphere of ambiguity suddenly became intense. However, no one dared to stop or peep, and continued to work separately.

"Lin'er has a family." Zheng Zhengqiu didn't know Ye Luo well and asked Zhang Shichuan in a low voice, "Second Young Master."

"Don't ask, don't listen, don't look, don't think, don't think." Zhang Shichuan shook his head at his friend, as if he meant "I'm not your wife."

In the cloakroom.

Xuan Jinglin followed suit and her mind was very confused.

This is too direct and exaggerated!

She pinched the hem of her skirt tightly, wondering what she would do if the second young master really wanted it.

She came out of Yanliu Lane and relied on the 2,000 yuan ransom given by the star company. Now her monthly salary is 150 yuan. After excluding expenses, it is estimated that she will be able to completely pay off the ransom this year. She also relies on filming to make a living, and she has annoyed the big boss here. Then Just waiting to die.

"Lin'er, sit down." Ye Luo nodded on the stool and looked at her with a smile.

Sitting and playing?

Xuan Jinglin hesitated, then spread her legs and sat down.

"I think you are not suitable for this heroine."


She felt a chill in her heart, and her hands tightened on her skirt harder.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to replace you completely." Ye Luo saw that she was very nervous and explained with a smile, "Gan Lianzhu needs a smart and innocent girl to perform. I originally wanted Ah Ruan to play the role, but she still has As for the follow-up arrangements, the schedule will be heavy, so I won't care about it. I watched the shooting several times today, and Manager Zhang and I agree that your temperament is not suitable for this role, so I plan to let you be the female supporting role, that of the seductress. Role."

"As for the heroine, I have thought of a candidate. Miss Xia Peizhen seems to be very familiar with you? She is not very old and has a background in martial arts. I heard that there is no film to be filmed now. Please talk to screenwriter Zheng and ask her to be the heroine. Lord, just say it's what I mean. Of course, your pay is the same, how about I give you 200 oceans?"

Ye Luo only remembered Xia Peizhen after seeing Xuan Jinglin. This earliest Chinese martial arts actress was less than 20 years old this year. Ye Luo suddenly forgot about her.

And she is the final confirmed heroine of "The Burning Red Lotus Temple". It is estimated that even if Ye Luo doesn't say anything, Zhang Shichuan and the others will eventually replace her.

With this role, Xia Peizhen became as famous as the actresses such as Hu Die and Xuan Jinglin.

When I heard that the salary had been increased, the boss was justified. The key was that he was reasonable and not overbearing.

Xuan Jinglin felt much better, stood up and said happily: "Lin'er listens to the second young master's arrangements."

"Go out. When the sound equipment is introduced, I have also thought of a new video tailored for you. You don't have to worry."

These are the cash cows needed for your own industry, and they must be treated well.

Ye Luo smiled and pulled her up and walked outside.

After the two came out, Zheng Zhengqiu was anxious. He was stunned at first, then looked at his watch and murmured: "Five minutes."

"Okay, you continue shooting, Hu Die and I are going to Suzhou." Ye Luo waved to them, indicating that work would start.

Over there, Xuan Jinglin also pulled Zheng Zhengqiu and whispered a few words. Only then did Zheng Zhengqiu realize that she was asking her to talk and change the heroine!

When they heard it was Xia Peizhen, several of the main creators were startled for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, in terms of temperament, this one is more suitable, but she is not well-known and has no drama now, so everyone has forgotten about her.

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