1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 121 Their box office is only a fraction of mine

"23,750 oceans! Mr. Shu, please tell the second young master that the total box office on the day of the premiere reached 23,750 oceans! It's simply a miracle!"

"So much?!" Xiao Aqiao's sleepiness was completely gone. She looked down at Ye Luo, who was still in a daze and had not forgotten to do it. She was both funny and angry. She leaned over gently, bit his ear and repeated it. Seeing that he didn't Without the slightest reaction, he stood up and continued dialing the phone.

She wanted to inform Wu Liande as soon as possible, and then let Liangyou Pictorial use this as a selling point to write a big book about it, so as to beat Tianyi and Lianhua to a pulp!

Although the second young master doesn't care about this, Xiao Aqiao considers herself a little woman. If anyone makes her man unhappy, then she will make him unhappy for the rest of his life!

Yesterday's premiere was late, and because other films had to be scheduled, "The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple" was only screened five times, otherwise the box office should have been higher!

After saying this, she remembered to ask about the box office of the other two films, and immediately called back.

Zhang Shichuan also realized that he was too excited and forgot to mention this, and quickly informed that the box office of "The King of Fighters" was 1,820 yuan, while the box office of "Yi Yan Qing Yuan" was 1,240 yuan.

The key is that about one-third of their box office comes from Yip's Guangming Cinema!

The theater opened yesterday and attracted a large number of audiences. Coupled with the popularity of "Burning the Red Lotus Temple", these two movies released at Yip's Guangming Cinema have indirectly achieved results that exceeded their level, even if they were screened at Yip's Guangming Cinema There is only one schedule for each game.

In fact, the box office of these two movies is not low, and they are quite high quality.

The production cost of movies during the Republic of China was generally less than 5,000 yuan (excluding actors' salaries, but actors' salaries were generally low, and a few yuan for a supporting role. The men and women were mainly unknown, and the daily salary was only about ten yuan). These two films It's a lot more expensive, but it only costs just over 10,000 yuan.

This figure on the first day basically paid back within a month. During the Republic of China, there were very few domestic films and they would be played on a loop for nearly half a year. It was not a problem for their films to make thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

It will be broadcast in other cities later, and the overall revenue will be considerable.

But compare goods with others.

A total of five performances of "Burning Red Lotus Temple" were arranged, with 1,900 people in each venue, and all seats were packed.

The average unit price of Yip's Guangming Cinema is high. When it is full, the average ticket price can reach 2.5 yuan, which naturally generates amazing profits.

The three episodes were filmed at a total cost of NT$23,000, which is considered a masterpiece. The other actors' remuneration totaled NT$3,000. The heroine Xia Peizhen signed a contract with a monthly salary of NT$200, which is already the highest-paid actor on the crew!

The cost was almost recouped on the day of the premiere, which shows how incredibly popular it is.

The box office premiere of "Burning the Red Lotus Temple" quickly spread throughout Shanghai, which gave all the staff of Yip's Film Company a reassurance and gave the filming team of "Blood and Tears of Yellow Flowers" more motivation.

Last night, in addition to studying the upper and lower structure of the Chinese character Kun for a long time with Xiao Aqiao, Ye Luo also thought about many problems after the opening of the Great World Amusement Park. Many plans were changed again and again, which made him feel dizzy, and then he fell asleep. so late.

At around 10 o'clock, he was washing up in the bathroom and took the toothbrush filled with toothpaste from Xiao Aqiao. Then he saw her happily dancing in circles while wearing a nightgown and holding a dinner plate with Ye Luo's brunch on it. , very happy.

"Are you so happy?" Ye Luo asked while brushing his teeth.

After hearing the box office data, he felt a sense of relief. This was similar to what he expected. It also depends on future box office trends and overall revenue, so he didn't feel happy at all.

After all, later generations are accustomed to hearing about the amazing achievements of billions in box office, but now his cash flow is six to seven million, with a mere twenty or thirty thousand, which makes no sense at all.

"Of course! Second Young Master! Brother Luo~ Husband! As soon as this data comes out, the challenge between Tianyi and Lianhua is just like a joke. Do they dare to say that your Ye's Film Company is just an illusion and doomed to failure?" Xiao Aqing Putting down the dinner plate, she ran over and hugged him, tapping her little head on his back, her eyes full of admiration and admiration, "I'm so happy~ In my heart, you are an invincible man."

"Okay, okay, my little woman, come and give me a kiss~"

"No! You still have toothpaste on your mouth!"

"What's wrong with the toothpaste? Didn't you eat a lot last night~"

"It's so annoying~"

Yip's Film Company, "Burning Red Lotus Temple" studio.

Ye Luo and Lin Ruxian just walked in, and there was a burst of cheers and applause immediately!

The success and popularity of the first episode bodes well for the series' continuation.

At the end of the third episode, the story has just opened up the world view. There is still a lot of content to be filmed in the future, and as long as this series continues to be filmed, all of them will not lose their jobs!

During the Republic of China, especially the turbulent years, capitalists were more ruthless than warlords. As long as you have no use value, he will fire you ruthlessly. There is no protection like labor law, and you can't even find a place to defend your rights.

Many men working here may be the backbone of a certain family. They have to bear the burden not only of a family of three, but also of a small family including two parents and a bunch of children.

Wage is everything these people rely on for a living.

"Second Young Master! General Manager Lin!" The call in the applause came from the heart.

Ye Luo nodded and responded one by one, then raised his hand to signal them to be quiet.

For a moment, there was silence.

"Thank you for your hard work on the filming these days. The success of the first episode is due to everyone. I hope you will work harder in the future and make further progress." Ye Luo said a few polite words for the scene, and then changed the topic, "As for me, I decided to increase the salary of the entire filming team."

"Long live!"

The crowd couldn't help but cheer again, then immediately fell silent.

"Regarding the increase in salary, I will talk to Manager Zhang alone. He will be responsible for the salary issues of the "Burning Red Lotus Temple" crew. Of course, if you have any dissatisfaction or confusion, you can consult him directly. If he cannot answer , then come to me."

Ye Luo added, and everyone laughed.

Just kidding, even if they are dissatisfied these days, they don’t dare to confront their boss. Isn’t this looking for death?

Xuan Jinglin, who was standing aside, had a complicated look on her face. She looked at Ye Luo, Zheng Zhengqiu, and Xia Peizhen for a while. She always felt that it was a great loss for not being able to play Gan Lianzhu.

Although this was the result of the big boss talking to her personally, when the movie became a hit, the 200-yuan monthly salary that she was originally very satisfied with became unsatisfactory.

The most important thing is that the cult witch she plays will probably be completed in about seven or eight episodes. Without the role, there will be no connection, which is simply a disaster.

She thought she should take action, but she didn't know whether she should go to Zheng Zhengqiu, Zhang Shichuan, or Ye Luo this time!

After seeing too much of the second young master, Xuan Jinglin suddenly felt that her husband Wang Gongzi, who was so lazy and so infatuated with her at first, was useless. She sighed and remained silent.

Twenty-year-old Xia Peizhen always felt like she was in a dream when she looked at the second young master who seemed to be shining in the crowd.

After graduating from the Star Actor Training Institute, she was once faced with the situation of having nothing to film. Unexpectedly, this time, the big boss named her to be the heroine. She cherished this opportunity very much and was even willing to cooperate with Zhang Shichuan to hang her in the film. More than five meters high in the air, she plays the role of a flying heroine who escapes from the earth!

The popularity of the first episode also indicates that she will become an instant star, but Xia Peizhen also begins to worry. Will the "instant success" incident mentioned by the little sisters happen to her?

The people below were thinking wildly, but Ye Luo didn't pay much attention.

"The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple" was just a small part of his countless careers and investments, so small that he didn't take it seriously at all. The entire preparations for the establishment of Yip's Film Company and the shooting of new movies actually already had Prince Chun's Mansion. Endorsement of 500,000 ocean property.

He is not afraid of failure at all.

But when I look down at these people, I still feel sad sometimes.

Ye Luo's focus will be on the struggle against the three tycoons of the Yongxing Company, as well as the future changes in Shanghai's business and financial circles, the pursuit of profits with the foreigners in the concession, and the light and heavy industries that he values ​​and needs most.

These are the top priorities, and they are what he is determined to do when he returns from studying abroad, and what he must do!

His goal is the stars and the sea.

But too many people live their lives just for the sake of the present.

This is the majority, the real life and helplessness.

The more he saw these things, the more Ye Luo felt that making money was not the goal, but the rise of giant businessmen was the key.

If there is one less person who does not have to struggle for survival and can have time to think about his own stars and the sea, he will have more motivation.

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