1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 580 Poor Fourth Young Master Sheng was manipulated

Various public opinions accusing textile factories of exploiting workers spread all over the streets of Shanghai. At the same time, Ye's Textile, which was founded quietly, posted various recruitment notices, from recruitment booths at train stations to advertising sections in various newspapers and magazines, and newspapers were hawked in the streets. Newsboys everywhere, and even brothels, teahouses, hotels, gambling houses and other places, can hear the information about Ye's textile recruitment.

"Art apprentices study in the factory for five years. During the apprenticeship period, they work part-time and study part-time. The factory is responsible for food, clothing and housing. Each person is given two sets of clothing per year, eats white flour steamed buns, and has a holiday every seven days. You can play as you like on holidays."

This kind of recruitment notice is not much different from the recruitment brochures published by the Rong family and the Sheng family, but at the end it has the endorsement of the famous Second Young Master. It says in black and white that if the factory's treatment is not consistent with what is written in the recruitment notice, you can leave at any time and sue the municipal government. Office, receive a mental loss payment from the trade union.

Ye Luo has been doing business in the Shanghai Bund business community for two and a half years. Ye's Investment has already established a prestigious reputation and a reputation for integrity. If it were another factory, the workers would probably not believe this description of treatment, but if it were a factory owned by Ye's Investment, they would .

After all, Ye's investment in Shanghai has more than 10,000 regular workers, and word of mouth about its benefits and benefits has spread throughout the country. Many workers from the north came here because of its reputation and stayed happily.

These days, as long as you say that you are a regular employee of a company owned by Ye's Investment in Shanghai, it is much easier to find a wife and get married, which is no worse than those of state-owned enterprises and government departments.

It's impossible to get into that kind of company without connections, but if you want to get into Yip's investment, as long as you have the ability, everything is possible.

Therefore, as Rongshi and Shengjia, the two leading local textile companies in Shanghai, frequently experienced accidents, workers began to rush towards Yeshi Textile Factory, unable to stop them.

At this time, Sheng Enyi, who rarely stayed in the office of the general manager of the factory at home, was sweating profusely. Looking at the mountains of resignation letters and letters of accusation from all walks of life, she didn't know what to do for a while.

"How could this happen? Damn Sheng Aiyi, the Sheng family has given her everything, but now she has gone out and become a traitor!" The biggest headache for Sheng Enyi is the accusations sent by the city hall. This is a real crime!

"Why does she have so many inside stories about our textile factory?!" Sheng Enyi had a lot of things happen when she was managing her family's textile factory, ranging from workers becoming disabled due to work and not being able to get paid, to a female factory worker being inexplicably pregnant and killing one and two. Life and so on.

Most of these matters can be properly resolved through the Sheng family's connections and money, and through the operation of the older generations of the family.

But now these methods don't work.

The person who grabbed his pigtails was the second young master. He couldn't compare with others in terms of money, and in terms of officialdom connections, he was even worse than others by more than ten blocks.

At this time, Sheng Enyi, who had come to his senses, sent people to make appointments with those officials. They all declined because they had something to do, and no one dared to come to the appointment.

The only life-saving straw.

Sheng Enyi held his head in frustration, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed the number of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai.

The call was quickly connected, and the person who answered the phone was not Yata Nanitaro, but Jin Bihui, who had been hanging out there all year round.

"What, Fourth Young Master Sheng has figured it out?" came Jin Bihui's charming voice.

Sheng Enyi glanced at the photos of the older generation of the Sheng family on the wall. His father, Sheng Xuanhuai, was once the richest man in the former Qing Dynasty. He was not far behind Li Hongzhang. The Sheng family's ancestors had been officials and wealthy businessmen for generations. Did he really want to fall into his own hands?

"If you don't want to understand, then hang up first." Jin Bihui said again.

Thinking of the recent series of problems in the factory and the increasingly difficult operating conditions, Sheng Enyi understood that if he did not sell to the Japanese, his good days in Shanghai would be over.

There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back. At least the Japanese will help him. Sheng Enyi gritted his teeth and said resolutely: "I have thought about it. Boss Jin, please help me tell Consul General Yata that I am willing to sell the textiles at home at the previously negotiated price." Industry-related factories, all sold to him!”

"Really? But does Fourth Young Master Sheng think the current Sheng family is still worth that price?" Jin Bihui chuckled.

"Boss Jin, what do you mean?" Sheng Enyi's heart tightened.

"There are some things that are meaningless once they are discussed. The Sheng family was targeted by the Ye family. Now Shanghai is full of news about the Sheng family exploiting and oppressing workers, and even killing people. When workers see the Sheng family's textile factory, they feel like they are seeing Tigers, stay away.”


"The price discussed before was the price it was worth before the Shengjia collapsed."

Veins popped out in Sheng Enyi's hand holding the phone receiver.

Yes, what is the essential difference between Japanese and Yeluo? Everyone is staring at their Sheng family’s property!

They are all wolfish ambitions, and their hearts can be killed!

"Besides, Consul General Yata has lost the desire to acquire the Sheng family." Jin Bihui added.

In fact, I didn’t have this idea at first.

Japan's textile industry is very prosperous. To do this business, they can open domestic textile factories to China. This has been done before.

There is absolutely no need to buy indigenous local factories like Shengjia.

From the beginning, Jin Bihui cooperated with Ye Luo to deceive Sheng Enyi in the name of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai.

Today, Japan is suffering from severe deflation and is unable to extricate itself. Domestic problems cannot be dealt with. It is unclear whether Hamaguchi Yuyuki can continue to be prime minister. These Japanese in China have no time to care about China. They are all focused on domestic power. It’s hard to extricate yourself from the struggle.

It won't take long for Yata Nanitaro to return to Tokyo - he is one of the key members of Hamaguchi Yuyuki's faction. The coach is in danger, so of course he has to go back to Qinwang to save him.

The affairs here have already been entrusted to Jin Bihui to handle temporarily.

Sheng Enyi didn't expect that she would fall out of control faster than turning over the book. She was stunned for a moment: "Keke, you asked me to provoke Ye Luo before and prevent him from entering the textile industry! You, you can't do this."

"Yes, but you failed, didn't you?" Jin Bihui's tone became more and more impatient, "Our Empire of Japan has never welcomed weaklings and losers. Does the Fourth Young Master think that losers are also qualified to negotiate terms and require remuneration?"

"You and me." Sheng Enyi was speechless for a moment. Now he suddenly became a stranger. Ye Luo wanted to reform and acquire, and he was the first to jump out to oppose it. But after the failure, even his hometown was taken away!

Now it's better, even the chance to sell the family property is gone.

Deep despair flooded into my mind and body.

"Fourth Young Master, leaving aside the Japanese Consulate General, I would like to give you a few words of advice from a personal standpoint."

Sheng Enyi held the receiver and replied quickly: "Please speak, Boss Jin."

"Although the Japanese are not willing to buy your Shengjia, there are still people in Shanghai who are willing to buy it."

"Who? You won't let me sell it to Ye Luo, right?" Sheng Enyi's molars were almost broken.

Even if he died, he would not surrender to Ye Luo.

"Me." Jin Bihui looked at some information sent by Ye's Textile on the table and said with a smile, "I am willing." (End of Chapter)

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