After the Spring Festival holiday, and after helping Max take his widow and children back to Shanghai to settle down, Ye Luo set off again and started a new round of business planning.

There are many major events that will happen this year, especially the September 18th Incident, which will completely change Sino-Japanese relations, as well as the structure of the military, government and business in the north.

Therefore, Ye Luo has already begun sending people to the north to stabilize the situation, and at the same time, slowly withdraws the companies and industries invested by Ye from the three eastern provinces.

It's not that he doesn't want to take root in the north, but Zhang Hanqing really doesn't listen to advice.

Every time Ye Luo talked to him on the phone about the defense issues in the north, he always had various reasons to shirk it. In the end, Ye Luo was so sad that he just let him go.

Since the fall of the North will become a fact, we can only do our best to stop the losses.

After the New Year, Ye Luo thought about it again and again, and finally decided to let Xiao Aqiao go north to be the person who coordinates the overall situation.

Since Ye Qingqing went to the United States to help Lin Yuan, the core assets of Ye's investment in the north have been controlled by Meng Xiaodong. However, Meng Xiaodong does not know how to do business and can only rely on Chen Youde for assistance.

Liu Xuenong's incident made Ye Luo a bit "fearful of being bitten by snakes for ten years." Therefore, he sent the most trusted people to lead each core industry, and then let the backbones who stood out from Ye's investment talent plan Assist from the side.

On this day, in mid-March, I was at Shanghai Tang Railway Station.

Ye's motorcade cleared the passengers near the platform in advance so that little Aqiao could board the train safely.

There have been frequent gun battles near the train station recently, and many important members of the Kuomintang military and political circles have been assassinated. Some people say that the principal caused public outrage after imprisoning Hu Hanmin, and some old Kuomintang officials hired killers to intimidate the principal.

It is also said that after the Central Plains War, the principal cleaned up the territory of the warlord leaders and turned against the underground organizations. After rounds of brutal and bloody "encirclement and suppression" rounds, they also began to fight back against the Kuomintang.

These ghosts hiding in the darkness frantically attacked the top leaders of the Kuomintang Party to express their determination to oppose the principal.

It turned out that Ye Luo and Zhang Hanqing were brothers, and he was favored by the principal openly. He also secretly rescued people from underground organizations many times and had many contacts with them.

Such people are often regarded as "house slaves with three surnames" and are not welcome.

However, Ye Luo is a special case. He has a good reputation in all walks of life. The only time he was criticized was when he held a charity dinner and was thought to be helping the principal raise military expenses under the guise of charity.

Now the truth is revealed, all the money has really gone to the disaster-stricken areas in the north. The Ye Charitable Foundation has done countless charitable things and is well-known in the north.

Ye Luo went to the United States with capital and severely damaged the U.S. stock market and capitalists, making the Chinese feel proud.

Up to now, Ye Luo is known as the "No. 1 Businessman of the Republic of China" and can be said to be perfect and impeccable.

Even though the train station was forcibly blocked for the sake of my family, which delayed many people's travels, there were still not many complaints and dissatisfactions.

In Shanghai, being able to work in Ye's investment business is a very honorable thing, and it is worthy of being talked about everywhere.

The second young master is the god of Shanghai!

At this time, Ye Luo pulled little Aqiao towards the train. Some banners and slogans could be seen along the way, and many local progressive students came to see her off.

"This is the first time I've seen this scene." Little Aqiao held Ye Zhuohua, who was one and a half years old and still staggering when walking, and turned to Ye Luo and smiled.

"I heard that you are going to the north to do charity. They all came to see you off spontaneously." Ye Luo also smiled and gently scratched the tip of her nose with his hand. "You are already the famous vice president of Ye's Investment. Don't worry. Then always put yourself in the position of the proprietress of Fengming Tower."

"I know, it's just that after staying in Fengming Building for so many years, and then helping you run a dance hall, I can't change it for a while." Little Ah Qiao said, the tip of her nose felt a little sore.

Once upon a time, she was just a little girl who didn't have enough to eat at Shiliupu Pier and might be sold to a brothel soon.

It was Ye Luo, who was only twelve years old at the time, who bought himself with 100 yuan, and then gave it to Fengming Tower, then Ye's Dance Industry, and countless other properties after that.

As he said, he single-handedly made himself the richest woman in Shanghai!

Up to now, she still has their child, has officially entered the Ye family, and has become the second concubine recognized by everyone. Then she has the reputation of "Female Bodhisattva", and someone even made a golden statue of her to enshrine in the north. In the temple!

It's like a dream, and it's touching.

"Okay, okay, you are already twenty-nine years old, and you are still crying. How can you be like a brat like Zhuohua! Xiuzhu and the others are still watching."

Ye Luo stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of little Aqiao's eyes, and kissed her eyes and nose. This romantic move caused many onlookers to exclaim.

The reporters in the crowd immediately pressed the shutter and captured this classic parting scene.

"Yes!" Little Aqiao nodded heavily, then leaned over to pick up Ye Zhuohua and said affectionately, "Zhuohua, call me mother."

"Mom~" Ye Zhuohua called out obediently, which made the little Ah Qiao's heart tremble.

"Let's go to the north. Qiao'er's safety will be entrusted to you, brother Chen Zhen." Ye Luo reached out and patted Chen Zhen.

Since marrying Guangzi, Chen Zhen has gradually become less extreme and has successfully avoided the fate of dying in the Hongkou Dojo for the Jingwu Sect.

Compared with the active and outgoing Huo Tingen, Chen Zhen is taciturn, but extremely reliable. In less than two years, he has become the real number one person in Ye Sports, and his prestige in the company has already surpassed that of Huo Tingen.

He has been in charge of the fleet of the Ye's Charity Foundation, and there are many bases for Ye's Sports in the north. Therefore, during this trip, Ye Luo arranged for him to take a group of elite soldiers from the Tax Police Corps to protect little Ah Qiao as she went north.

This is also the first time the tax police regiment has been on a mission. The commander of the regiment, Wen Yingxing, attaches great importance to it and equips the one hundred soldiers who go on the mission with the best weapons and equipment, and will not let little Aqiao lose a hair.

"Second Young Master, don't worry. Anyone who wants to hurt my sister-in-law will have to step over my body." Chen Zhen rarely showed his true feelings and said a long sentence, which surprised Ding Li and Ma Yongzhen on the side.

"Baby Qiao'er, after you go to the north, you can exchange Xiaodong back, and I will start arranging for her to tour in the United States, um. Let Mei Ying and Ah Ruan accompany her." Ye Luo reminded, "Also, anything You can listen to Chen Youde's opinion first, of course, if he has different intentions."

Little Aqiao, who had just been calming down her emotions, said calmly: "Brother Luo, I know about this kind of thing."

Looking at her, Ye Luo suddenly remembered that Xiao Aqiao was a ruthless woman who dared to kill bandits and burn cigarettes even when she was about to give birth. She was already familiar with this kind of thing.

"That's good, have a nice trip. I'll wait for you to come back in Shanghai."

Ye Luo finally hugged her and kissed her hard several times, regardless of whether it was in public.

Another exclamation.

"Um, um——Brother Luo~" Xiao Aqiao also let go and responded to him with forgetfulness.

There were various applauses from the crowd. What they saw at this moment was beautiful and sincere love. Although this kind of passionate kissing in the street was still too forward in the Republic of China and made countless female students blush, this scene also became a symbol for many people in the future. A classic that will never be forgotten in my mind.

Ma Jue, who was mixed in the crowd, watched little Aqiao slowly get into the car. The rest of the Ye family rushed up to surround Ye Luo, blocking her sight. Only then did she realize that her palms were red.

The crowds were surging and the voices were boiling, but she seemed to be outside the world. (End of chapter)

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