1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 591 A little shock brought by enamel production equipment

"Haha, Mrs. Livermore is joking, please come here, let's talk while walking." Ye Luo glanced at Huixin secretly, and made a "please" gesture, and by the way, told this little woman who had not seen each other for a long time not to do anything else. thing.

Huixin gave a "good" expression, hugged her daughter, and walked towards the motorcade parked at the dock surrounded by everyone.

Seeing that she was not angry because of his wrong words, Bai Xiongqi and Yu Qiaqing looked at each other, each breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly followed her to continue flattering her.

"Since the late Qing Dynasty, I have only heard about foreigners opening companies in China to make a lot of money, and how they use special powers to influence our politics and business circles. This is the first time I have seen Chinese people serve as important political officials overseas, Mrs. Livermore, Interests!"

Zhang Qun's flattery was spot on, emphasizing Huixin's influence in American politics and not mentioning her controversial marriage and business behavior.

After all, during the U.S. stock market bubble, Huixin's Hongxing United Group was eventually sold to the Bank of New York after huge losses, and the perfect business myth became a laughing stock.

Some people still say that she decided to marry Jesse Livermore because she couldn't make money, and borrowed his money and resources to climb into politics.

It's just that the winner is the king and the loser is the loser. Now Huixin has indeed made a comeback and has become a powerful senator. Naturally, these rumors cannot continue to spread.

Anyway, Zhang Qun didn’t know how she viewed her business practices, so it would not be wrong to simply flatter her politically.

Huixin responded to the three of them one after another, but her eyes always fell on Ye Luo from time to time.

She hadn't seen him for more than a year, and she didn't even tell him that she had a child. At this time, all the lovesickness came to her heart. She just wanted to stay away from these people as soon as possible and spend some time alone with Ye Luo.

Seeing Huixin's almost uncontrollable emotions, Ye Luo signaled her not to show her weakness due to panic, and he pulled Zhang Qun and others to look at the ship.

Huixin came here mainly to discuss business cooperation matters on behalf of the Livermore Group.

The Livermore Group has amassed more than a billion dollars since the bursting of the U.S. stock market bubble and became a new American conglomerate. However, due to being squeezed out by established consortiums such as Morgan and Rockefeller, it decided to expand its market overseas.

As a senator, Huixin also has a lot of political resources and power. With the combination of politics and business, anyone who can cooperate with her will definitely make a lot of money, whether in China or the United States.

Of course, the principal would not let go of such a good opportunity. Therefore, after receiving the news, he immediately ordered the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, etc. to fully cooperate with Huixin and strive to build a foreign company in the south that can rival Sassoon Matheson!

The backers behind Sassoon Company are British, and there has always been a rift between Britain and the United States. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the principal felt that he could also make Shanghai's business community a tripartite force -

The confrontation between the British, American and Chinese Chambers of Commerce will not only make the business community more prosperous, but also provide more opportunities for Chinese businessmen.

In this way, when he harvests businessmen for military expenses in the future, he can make more profits.

But they didn’t know that behind Huixin was not the Livermore Group, but Ye Luo’s Yip Investments.

In this so-called Three Kingdoms Chamber of Commerce game, the final winner must be Ye Luo, who is hiding behind the scenes!

"These are the advanced equipment and workers brought by Mrs. Livermore from the United States. She wants to build several enamel assembly line factories in China." Ye Luo said, pointing to several freighters coming slowly.

He is the only businessman from the Republic of China who has had in-depth cooperation with Hui Xin. This time, Ye Luo became the best choice for the Republic of China to discuss business with the Livermore Group.

One cargo ship after another drove into the dock, and the coolie porters on the shore had been waiting for a long time. As soon as the ship docked, they ran over and started unloading.

Some large equipment requires the use of tripods and pulleys, and the scene is quite shocking.

"What kind of equipment are these? Does the enamel factory still need such a big machine?" Yu Qiaqing was stunned and couldn't help but ask.

Huixin glanced at Yu Qiaqing like a country bumpkin, and continued to maintain her original aloof persona, not bothering to explain his question.

Ye Luo stepped forward and acted as a translator: "These are the automatic oil-burning stoves and electric bicycles that Mrs. Livermore brought from the United States. They are the most advanced mechanical equipment in the enamel industry. If they are used, Production efficiency can be increased by at least five times with less damage to workers.”

"Can it be more efficient than Japanese enamel factories?" Yu Qiaqing asked again.

Japanese enamel factories were the largest manufacturers in the enamel industry in the Republic of China. The market was almost occupied by them because they used more advanced equipment and technology.

"Of course, it's at least twice as fast as them." Huixin rolled her eyes at Yu Qiaqing.


After hearing these words, Yu Qiaqing finally understood why Huixin chose the enamel industry.

After tariff independence, domestic enamel products will receive substantial preferential policies, because the import tax on enamel products has increased from 5% to 12.5%, which is almost a devastating blow to imported enamel products from abroad.

But as long as the Japanese enamel factory is around, Chinese businessmen will still be unable to move forward.

Now Huixin says that the production efficiency of the new factory is higher than that of Japanese factories. Coupled with the policy tilt, won't it swallow up the entire industry in an instant?

At the current stage of the Republic of China, enamel still has great market potential.

Enamel products began to be imported into the country during the Guangxu period. At that time, they were mainly produced in Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and were relatively high-end daily commodities.

During the First World War, Japan took the opportunity to squeeze out the market share of Germany and Austria and dumped a large number of enamel products to the Republic of China. Within a few years, Japan monopolized the enamel market of the Republic of China.

It is said that in just ten years, Japan earned 3 billion yuan from the Republic of China by relying on enamel products.

This shows its huge market potential!

At present, the only dozens of enamel factories in China are learning from the Japanese model, but Japan is not a good teacher.

Among them, only the Shanghai Huafeng Factory introduced a complete set of embryo-making machinery from Germany and Japan two years ago, which can be regarded as a semi-automatic assembly line production.

Other enamel factories are still run like workshops, and workers need to hammer the embryos to make them.

Especially in the pickling and degreasing process, workers are required to wear rubber gloves during the entire process to fish in and out of the pickling pool, clear water pool, and neutralizing alkali pool.

This method is not only labor-intensive, has low production efficiency, consumes a lot of energy, and has poor quality finished products, but the harmful gases emitted in the air will also seriously affect the health of workers.

It was not until the founding of New China that domestic enamel degreasing technology was revolutionized. Only improvements in automatic oil-burning furnaces and drying beds increased production by more than three times.

According to Ye Luo's instructions, Huixin used her status as a senator to purchase various bankrupt enamel factories in the United States.

Just by piecing it all together, a complete production line was built, from embryo making, degreasing, glaze making, enameling to decorative flowers, the entire process was semi-automatic.

Ye Luo estimated that the overall production efficiency of the new enamel factory will be at least 20 times higher than that of several major enamel factories in Shanghai.

The so-called five times is just a modest comment.

As for the price of these machines, taking advantage of the situation and Huixin's political status, the total is less than 100,000 US dollars, which is almost cabbage price!

Not only that, Huixin also invited back several American engineers, but the salary paid to them was pitifully low, basically just food, so they couldn't find jobs in the United States.

The cost is low enough, the equipment is good enough, and with the principal's help, Ye Luo can imagine how miserable the Japanese people will be when the Ye's Enamel Factory opens! (End of chapter)

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