1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 608 The sky in Qingshi has changed

After the grand opening ceremony, that night, Ye Luo held a banquet in the newly acquired Qingshi Hotel and invited all the warlords who came to watch the ceremony to have dinner.

These people also wanted to discuss business with him, so they happily went to the appointment, drank and chatted together until late in the morning, and the banquet was not over yet.

This banquet was actually a cover for Liu Fangwu and others to annihilate the mountain goods gang.

No one expected that on the night Liu Fangwu and the others arrived in Qingshi, Ye Luo issued an order to annihilate the Shanhuo Gang.

Huang Yunye had never thought that Ye Luo would be so direct. He also felt that there was room for easing things. After all, he occupied most of the business world, and with the mountain gang in hand, even if Thomson was inexplicably screwed up, he would still have the capital to raise the price.

But this time, he miscalculated.

He underestimated Ye Luo's determination to clean up Qing City's business community, and also underestimated Ye Luo's strength.

In his opinion, although the Shanhuo Gang left by Luo Shengzhi could not challenge the warlords who had large armies, as long as they mingled with the people of Qing City, they were just local snakes and there was nothing anyone could do about them.

His seventh master is still the king of Qing City’s business community.

But today, tonight is going to change.

Liu Fangwu, who had received accurate information from Ah Qiao and Uncle Jiang, that night, together with Shi Jianqiao, led a thousand elite soldiers from the suburbs of Jiacheng, divided into dozens of teams, and stormed into Qingqing with thunderous momentum. City residential area.

Those to be executed were placed on a death list.

As for those ordinary gangsters who collaborated in the crime, they were arrested first and sent to the prison of the Qing City Police Department. They will wait until the second young master comes tomorrow to make a decision.

Late at night.

Group after group of well-equipped soldiers with serious expressions swept through the neighborhood like dragons. The people thought that the warlords from outside were coming in. They were so frightened that they closed their doors and windows, praying not to be broken in by this group of soldiers. .

These days, the troops of local warlords are not much more civilized than the Japanese invaders.

Even with guns in their hands, they still raped women, killed people, and robbed people of their property!

Regarding this point, Ye Luo emphatically mentioned it to Wen Yingxing and others.

The Tax Police Corps is an elite force that he finally snatched from Song Ziwen. The soldiers who can join this force must also have clean financial status and be more capable than the top soldiers of ordinary miscellaneous troops.

Anyone who does evil things and is caught must be shot to enforce military discipline.

Therefore, these soldiers brought from Jiacheng were more disciplined and acted more decisively.

That night, Huang Yunye, who was still drifting into sleep, was suddenly picked up from the bed!

He was resting in a lover's home. Logically, no one could find him, but he was caught in a daze.

Huang Yunye, who was only wearing a pair of shorts, was slapped with a lot of big ears. He opened his bloated eyes and felt a surge of anger. He was about to lose his "Seventh Master" temper, but was frightened by the dark barrel of a gun that was handed to him. go back.

The anger just returned to the body and disappeared.

"Brothers, what's going on? I'm Huang Yunye." Huang Yunye's heart skipped a beat, but he couldn't believe that Ye Luo's methods were so rough, so he asked tentatively, but his mouth was blocked by the barrel of a gun.

"Huang Yunyi, right? Then you have arrested the wrong person, come with me." Liu Fangwu's previous highest position was the company commander of the National Guard Special Agent Battalion, but after joining the 30,000-person tax police corps, he rose through the ranks. As the commander in charge of more than 2,000 elite soldiers.

He only graduated from Huangpu in 1929 and has never been on the battlefield since then. Logically speaking, he cannot be promoted so quickly.

Liu Fangwu knew that he was attracted by the second young master and planned to train him to become his direct descendant. Therefore, he was very focused on the work assigned by the second young master and needed a performance to prove himself.

This time, he personally annihilated the mountain goods gang and arrested Huang Yunye, just because he was worried that if things went wrong, the second young master would be dissatisfied.

He wants to do things beautifully.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo for of of of a pee for Huang Yunye.

He really didn't understand why these bastards with guns could walk around in the streets with such arrogance.

He even broke into his own home and arrested someone!

Are Pan Wenhua and his people vegetarians?

Has Liu Xiang fallen? How can he actually tolerate someone gathering a crowd with a gun to attack people under his nose?

Is it possible that Qing City has been replaced by a different warlord?

Huang Yunye was confused. He saw his lover being taken away together. After getting into the military jeep, a black hood suddenly came down, and then several gun butts hit him in the back of the head, causing him to faint immediately.

"If you ask me, he should be killed directly." Shi Jianqiao was the only woman in the car, but other soldiers did not dare to underestimate this eldest lady.

Shi Jianqiao had taught martial arts as an instructor during a previous tax police corps drill. When a woman came to teach the men how to box, she was obviously severely mocked.

Then Shi Jianqiao taught the ignorant big-headed soldiers one by one.

One-on-one, she can compete with good players like Chen Zhen and Huo Ting'en, let alone these big-headed soldiers who know nothing about martial arts.

However, women are still inherently weak in physical fitness, which is a physiological factor that cannot be changed. Therefore, in the later stages, Shi Jianqiao understood that he would never be able to kill Sun Chuanfang, the enemy who killed his father, just by practicing martial arts.

Although she was disdainful, she recognized Ye Luo's concept of "American-style residence".

And be consistent in the subsequent life.

As a result, Shi Jianqiao, who was proficient in firearms and martial arts, was sincerely called an instructor by these big soldiers.

She was the one who knocked Huang Yunye unconscious with the butt of her gun just now. Liu Fangwu who was standing by her didn't believe it when she said that there was no personal grudge.

"The second young master said it's still useful to keep it. Sister Shi, please calm down." Liu Fangwu replied with a smile.

He knew why Shi Jianqiao didn't want to see Huang Yunyi so much.

The information previously sent from the Intelligence Department listed the things Huang Yunye had committed in Qing City over the years. Bullying of men and domination of women occurred almost every day.

Huang Yunye was also particularly lustful, and he had harmed as many as eighty girls.

In later generations, Shi Jianqiao is a real "female boxer" who can punch one punch at a time. How could he give a good look to a scumbag like Huang Yunye?

"I know, otherwise his head would have been moved." Shi Jian nodded angrily.

Tonight's operation was extremely smooth. Those Shanhuo gang members were usually ruthless and would indeed fight with their lives at risk, but that was only if their opponents were ordinary people.

No matter how brave you are, you hold a gun to their heads and no one dares to move.

For those who dare to move, the grass on their graves is so tall now.

Military jeeps left the neighborhood one after another in the darkness, and the people quietly poked their heads out. Some were confused, some were excited, and some were terrified.

They can feel that Qing City will undergo earth-shaking changes in the future.

And this change seems to be for the better! (End of chapter)

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