1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 627 The principal asks for help

"Sir, we're here!" The rickshaw driver parked the car on the lawn outside the hut.

Further inside was the principal's office, and he didn't dare to move forward in the face of the vicious gazes of the guards.

"Sorry for the trouble." Ye Luo paid the fare and rewarded him with a few copper coins. While the rickshaw driver couldn't stop thanking him, he and Hui Xin entered the Qilu.

The guards along the way all knew him. When they saw Ye Luo approaching, they all stepped aside and bowed to say hello.

The principal had been waiting in the office for a long time. When Deng Wenyi led Ye Luo and the two of them, he quickly stopped pacing back and forth and greeted him with a smile: "Arlo, Mrs. Livermore, you made it easy for me to wait!"

"The party leader is looking for me urgently. Is there something important?" Ye Luo and Huixin sat down. After Deng Wenyi served tea, she retreated outside and quietly closed the door.

Huixin still pretended not to understand Chinese, sipping her tea and watching them chat with a smile.

Ye Luo acted as a translator, "explaining" to Hui Xin while talking to the principal.

"Mother Xipi! This Han Qing has made such a big mistake, and now he is throwing the blame on me! Now there are Yan Xishan, Wang and others inside, and there are Japanese invaders outside, and he is the unreliable commander-in-chief of the north. ! It’s hard for me.”

The principal beat his chest and complained, and then he revealed that he was about to step down.

Ye Luo pretended to be surprised: "Party seat, is there really no room for maneuver?"

"Now the whole country is staring at me. If I don't go out, things will be even worse." The principal sighed. He didn't want to go out, but the matter has come to this. This is the best solution.

"I came to you this time to discuss some business matters after leaving office."

"Please tell me from the party seat." Ye Luo raised his eyebrows. This time the principal was out of office for only a month, and the most important military power was not handed over. It was like going back to his hometown to have fun.

Therefore, if you want to cheat him at this time, or make profits from it, you will definitely be severely punished by the principal who will come back at the speed of light later.

Of course, the principal at this time did not know that his comeback would be so soon.

"At that time, I will send a call to Zhang Hanqing and others to formally resign from the positions of head of the National Government in Jinling and president of the Executive Yuan. The affairs of the National Government will be handed over to those old people, and the post of Executive Yuan will be entrusted to someone Wang."

The principal held the tea cup and smiled,

"But at that time, Ziwen and Xiangxi will temporarily take over the duties of vice presidents, coordinate among them, and isolate someone from Wang. You don't have to worry about being targeted by someone because of this."

"I have asked Ziwen and the others to arrange many matters after I leave the field. It's nothing important. There are just a few things I'm worried about."

Something that has always been a thorn in the principal's throat is the current business world in the South.

There was a loud call to go out, and those businessmen who were just like grass on the street all leaned towards Mr. Wang in Jiangcheng. The principal and Zhang Hanqing had been very vocal before, but now they have become street rats that everyone wants to beat.

Especially the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortium that used to support the principal, these businessmen began to have various connections, inquire about information, and prepare to move closer to other warlords.

This kind of behavior touched the bottom line of the principal. If it weren't for the current internal and external troubles, the principal would have wanted to rectify this group of people immediately.

Another major headache for him was the Northern People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Association initiated by Lu Guangji, one of the seven standing committee members of the "All-China Chamber of Commerce".

The Northern People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Association was just established some time ago. Zhang Hanqing personally donated 300,000 yuan for operating expenses. Then these businessmen traveled across the country calling on local governments and warlords to unite to resist Japan.

Participants in this National Salvation Association were all patriotic and progressive people from the north. They not only called for resistance to Japan and national salvation, but also often rescued members of underground organizations in the north.

As we all know, the principal's number one enemy is the "Red Bandits" who have been guerrillas underground all year round.

"I've heard about Mrs. Livermore's business. Before leaving the field, I will help her remove all obstacles and make the trade between China and the United States smooth." The principal glanced at Ye Luo and Huixin, and said with his viciousness like an old fox With his eyes, he could naturally see some clues between the two of them.

Giving convenience to Huixin means giving convenience to Ye Luo.

This kind of thing is not a big deal in upper class society.

I don’t know how many high-ranking members of the Kuomintang Party have chaotic relationships between men and women, and the principal himself is also known to be “fun-loving.”

The other party is an out-and-out American, young and beautiful, and it is perfectly normal to see eye-to-eye with such a young talent.

The relationship between men and women among foreigners is even more messy, and the principal knows this very well.

Ye Luo understood clearly and said with a smile: "That's good. But now that tariffs are independent, import and export trade is not very friendly to American companies."

"Haha, what are you worried about? The agreement is for most companies, but there are exceptions for everything." The principal patted his thigh and smiled, "These are all trivial matters. A Luo, you helped me solve the silver problem, but I have always been Keep it in mind.”

"The party leader made a serious statement. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people." Ye Luo said with a smile, "I don't know what the party leader wants me to do."

"First, when I was out of office, I beat the businessmen of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang conglomerates. If they want to defect to the northern warlords, they have to see if I agree with them! Second, the Northern Salvation Congress is trying to find ways to help me become corrupt."

The principal lowered his voice and said coldly,

"With your status and strength in the business world, it shouldn't be difficult."

"The Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium is mainly dominated by Yu Qiaqing and others. They control all walks of life, especially the financial industry. If they really want to take action, I can't guarantee that things will not get serious."

Ye Luo said truthfully,

"As for Lu Guangji and the others, this is easy to handle and I guarantee your satisfaction."

"Haha, that's fine, that's fine." The principal laughed, "It's okay if the matter gets out of hand, just don't cause too many deaths, I can help you settle it."

"Your words are enough." Ye Luo chuckled, and the matter was settled.

Hui Xin sat aside, watching the man she liked chatting and laughing with such a big shot, and felt that the scene was pleasing to the eye. She propped her chin with her hand and looked at him, saying nothing.

Leaving the rest house.

Under Deng Wenyi's arrangement, Ye Luo took Hui Xin for a tour of Jinling City.

Thinking of the tragic events that would happen here in a few years, the desire to play faded a lot.

This is an ancient city with a thousand-year history, and the people living here have never encountered such terrible and abominable things for generations.

"Is there really a possibility of his comeback?" Hui Xin saw that Ye Luo was not in a good mood, so she suggested going back to the hotel with him to rest. Before returning to the car, she couldn't help asking a question.

Indeed, from the perspective of an observer, the principal was unlucky this time, and there was no room for resistance at all, so he could only step down sadly.

And his mortal enemies, one by one, are in a good situation and can make a comeback.

Many people are doubting whether the principal has the possibility of a comeback.

After Huixin became a senator, she gradually gained political understanding and sensitivity. From her perspective, it is very difficult for the principal to make a comeback.

And her man seems to be planning to invest in this bald man.

If the investment fails, it will be a complete loss.

She can't control herself from worrying about these things.

"Yes, and it won't be long before he will make a comeback." Ye Luo nodded and said firmly, "So for this cooperation, we must try our best to satisfy him and not try to gain some improper benefits from it."

"I understand." Huixin hugged his arm and nodded.

Huixin is very good in this respect.

No matter what decision or idea Ye Luo makes, she will fully support and obey.

This is also an important reason why Ye Luo finally decided to keep her by his side.

Women who know how to measure are rare in any era. (End of this chapter)

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