1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 632 Industries spread across Japan and the United States

Jin Bihui stayed, Wanrong stayed, and they appeared openly and openly in the bustling streets of Shanghai.

Not long after the September 18th attack, the Japanese, who were so arrogant, could no longer sit still.

The Japanese Consul General in Shanghai, Yata Nanitaro, jumped out and shouted that four Japanese expatriates were murdered by employees of Ye's Security Company in the public concession. He claimed that this was Ye Luo's retaliatory incident against the Japanese and demanded that Zhang Qun and the Jinling National Government Give an explanation.

The principal has not stepped down yet. Although he has adopted a policy of advance non-resistance towards Japan, it does not mean that he will support the Japanese invaders in supporting Puyi to establish the puppet Manchukuo.

China is a taboo among taboos, and no warlord would agree with it.

The Japanese invaders forced Zhang Xueming away in Tianjin City. The newly appointed Zhou Guanglong was too timid to provoke anyone. He could only watch helplessly as the underground security team reorganized by Ye Luo continued to quietly maintain order in Tianjin City.

After all, it was still Zhang Hanqing's territory, and the Japanese invaders could not be too blatant, so they could only secretly organize various sabotage activities by Doihara Kenji.

After successfully transferring Puyi, Wanrong was intercepted by Ye Luo, and her spy leader was revealed to be Ye Luo's mistress.

Kenji Doihara couldn't sit still anymore and called the principal many times, asking for an explanation from the principal.

The principal was still asking Ye Luo to do something, and Ye Luo's actions had solidly damaged the momentum of the Japanese, which was also a good thing for him, so he kept being vague and said that it would be solved. In fact, he had already called Shanghai Tang. City Hall, let Zhang Qun ignore this.

In early November, Feng Yong and others who came to Jinling to petition returned home in vain and disbanded the Northern Anti-Japanese Salvation Association in Jinling.

The principal breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Luo was still reliable and capable.

Song Ziwen was still wrangling in Jiangcheng, but Ye Luo had already completed the first thing he told him.

Anyway, no matter what method Ye Luo used, Feng Yong and others did leave honestly and dissolved the National Salvation Association on the spot, which was enough.

On the other side, Dai Li was watching, breaking out in a cold sweat.

He was glad that he had held back. If Feng Yong, Zhang Xueming and others had caused trouble for Ye Luo back then, it would have become a boomerang hitting him on the head now.

When he was about to leave the field, the principal called him specifically to remind him not to cause trouble for Ye Luo in the near future, otherwise he would be sent back to Jinling with a transfer order!

Without the various obstructions from the Kuomintang, Huixin's business was getting better and better. She came to the Republic of China to take charge of various foreign trade businesses. Originally, the money would fall into the pockets of Song Ziwen and Kong Xiangxi.

Now Ye Luo has replaced Kong Xiangxi and become a popular figure in front of the principal, and Huixin has the dual identity of an American chaebol and a senior politician. The two succeeded the Song family and the Kong family. The Ye family investment hidden in the United States suddenly became the Jinling National Government during the Republic of China. largest partner.

Don't underestimate these foreign trade businesses.

During the Republic of China, many equipment and resources of the Jinling National Government were imported from the United States, including the various material and military resource assistance provided by the US military during subsequent wars. In fact, they basically came from the major domestic chaebols.

This is an invisible business chain. As long as you control one link, you can create several multi-millionaires in the 1930s and 1940s!

Not to mention a businessman like Ye Luo who controls the entire business chain.

From weapons and ammunition to daily necessities, matches and cigarettes, everything is money!

Because they did not know that the war was approaching, financial groups such as Morgan and Rockefeller did not pay attention to their business with the East——

They are now busy dealing with various domestic economic affairs. The Great Depression has just begun. If there is no savior to save the American economy, they will be finished!

Where do you have the energy to take care of such a small foreign trade business?

Hidden in the United States, Ye's Investment relies on the Livermore Group to aggressively acquire various small and medium-sized industries with the money earned from the U.S. stock market. The total scale now exceeds US$4 billion and is still rising.

Even if Hoover and others are unwilling to admit it, Yip's investment has still become the largest overseas capital outside the local consortium, and it has a deep-rooted trend in the United States.

The only thing they are lucky about now is that Ye Luo seems not to be interested in politics. Ye's investment is only involved in commercial capital and rarely involves military industry.

The same expansion is happening in Japan.

After Hamaguchi's death, the deal with Ye Luo was naturally terminated. The militarists in the Army Department would not be as amiable as politicians and consortiums.

They wanted to seal down many of Ye Luo's industries and companies in Japan, but as soon as they came to the door, they found that things were not as easy to handle as they thought.

Ye's investment mainly does two things in Japan. The first is investment. After collecting 300 tons of gold from the sheep, Ye Luo followed their wishes and bought shares in many consortiums, becoming the second or third or fourth largest shareholder.

With the penetration of Ye's investment capital, in less than a year, many consortiums headed by Mitsubishi are inseparable from Ye's investment capital.

These consortiums are the purse strings of the Army Department.

They found that if they really cut off Ye's investment, it would be equivalent to killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

But if he left it alone, Ye Luo would continue to secretly inject capital, deploy people, and squeeze out the local conglomerates and families, and his infiltration became more and more powerful.

Just the infiltration of capital is not terrible, but after such infiltration, no one dares to say whether the military department is someone from Ye Luo!

Although Ye Luo doesn't play politics, when they play casually, they find that all of them together are not enough for him to play alone.

The second business that Ye invested was various entertainment industries and emerging industries.

Yip's Film Company has made a name for itself in Hollywood, and now it has many celebrities, naturally leading Japan in this area.

The invasion of culture and entertainment is even more terrifying and difficult to guard against.

In order to get sponsorship and support, a group of them did not hesitate to agree to Ye Luo's various outrageous requests, but now they are trapped in a cocoon.

There are only two roads before the military headquarters.

Either we must endure the pain and let the economy return to the Great Depression, or even worse, the country may collapse before the war is fought.

Or just watch Ye's investment take root and sprout, try to curb it as much as possible, but you can't stop it.

Many times, the money bags in the hands of businessmen are basically no match for the pens in the hands of politicians or the guns in the hands of warlords.

But in this period of chaos, when the majority of the people have no clothes to eat and no food to eat, and the people at the bottom of various countries are suffering, businessmen who are willing to spend money are very powerful.

Ye Luo's business and life are connected with thousands of ordinary people.

After Ye's investment left, the first people who disagreed were the ordinary Japanese people, and the second people who disagreed were the local politicians.

This alone is enough to give the military members a headache.

The situation in the Republic of China is the same.

Qing City and Shandong Province are the best examples.

They just opened a hole for Ye Luo to get in, and found that they couldn't do without him.

This is also a major feature and benefit of doing business in the Republic of China.

During this period, even if the domestic warlords had a sense of monopoly, they still could not monopolize people's livelihood and basic industries such as transportation, finance, medical care, and education.

Even highly confidential industries such as military factories must be entrusted to businessmen, not to mention other industries.

The rise of the Japanese and Korean conglomerates was due to the upcoming World War II and their ability to develop some industries that only the government could originally do.

In China, these were later called state-owned enterprises. (End of chapter)

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