1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 635: Uncle and Nephew Betray

Because Xu Zhimo's plane crashed, and the plane that crashed was a postal cargo plane used by AVIC to transport supplies, Lin Ruxian's investigation first focused on cargo planes taking off from Shanghai, Jinling and other southern areas.

The industries that Ye invested did not involve aviation and shipping, because in the negotiations with the American Boeing Company, the other party had the support of consortia and politicians and was determined not to sell a large number of aircraft to Ye Luo.

They won’t even sell models that have been out of use for several years.

The only plane Ye Luo still has on hand is the civilian passenger plane that Chennault used to fly him back to China.

Although she cannot work in the air transport industry for the time being, this does not affect Lin Ruxian, who goes to the Civil Aviation Management Department of the Jinling National Government to hold accountable her in the name of one of the hostesses of Ye's investment.

With the full cooperation of the black and white teams, Lin Ruxian still failed to find out the possible hidden trouble in Xu Zhimo's death.

But I found something interesting.

A few days ago, a batch of mysterious cargo from Britain, the United States and Japan arrived at Shiliupu Pier and Hongqiao Airport in the Republic of China.

The transporters are well-known transport companies in these three countries, and the labels on the goods are daily necessities.

However, after a secret inspection by the Pier Gang, they were shocked to find that the goods were actually military supplies and weapons and equipment, and even included spare parts for assembling military aircraft!

A rough estimate is that the total value of this batch of goods alone exceeds 20 million oceans!

Even before the principal left office, someone actually dared to openly transport arms into the country through the big cities in the south.

After Ye Luo learned of this, he immediately asked Jin Bihui to lead his newly formed spy team to carefully investigate the actual source and true whereabouts of this batch of arms.

The people in the Republic of China who dared to buy arms abroad and transported them through big cities with great fanfare must be well-known warlords.

Find out the situation first, so as not to flood the Dragon King Temple or cause unnecessary trouble.

Jin Bihui had just left the Japanese and entered the Ye family. She didn't dare to tell Ye Luo about her pregnancy yet. She wanted to use her ability to get the Ye family to recognize her first, and then find a way to get into the Ye family.

Therefore, she handled this matter very carefully. Within three days, everything was found out.

It turned out that Liu Wenhui, one of the two major warlords in Hunan Province, secretly spent 22 million yuan to secretly buy a batch of arms from arms manufacturers in Britain, the United States, and Japan. He also wanted to build a few military aircraft to surprise the proud Liu Wenhui. Hunan.

In order to allow this batch of goods to come in smoothly, Liu Wenhui also spent a few million dollars to manage officials at all levels in the southern city, and also asked the transportation company to obtain the concession approval document, so that he could directly bypass the local customs inspection and go straight to the mainland.

However, all this has no effect at all when faced with Ye's investment, which takes both black and white and almost monopolizes Shanghai's transportation lines.

The customs officers wanted to stop Ye Luo's people from checking the goods, but when they thought of the Jiang'an ship incident, they all became cowards and did not dare to face the danger.

This batch of goods was scheduled to leave in early December and be transported in batches to the city and county where Liu Wenhui is located via three routes: sea, land and air.

It's fine now. The goods were intercepted by Ye Luo's people even before they were loaded onto the cargo plane.

At the same time, Ye Luo sent someone to call Qilu to inform the principal and ask how to deal with it.

The principal is furious. Before he even leaves the country, these warlords are already starting to stir up trouble?

Moreover, Liu Xiang was actually on his side, while Liu Wenhui followed Wang to death and was a political enemy.

Therefore, the principal waved his hand and replied in four words, "Handle according to law."

Ye Luo felt happy, knowing that the opportunity to further control the business community in Heqing City, Hunan Province had come. He immediately called Liu Xiang personally: "Commander Liu, this is Ye Luo. Are you okay?"

"Hey, Second Young Master, why do you have time to call me, Old Liu, today? Oh, everyone has missed you since you left Qingshi! Thanks to your investment by Ye's family, the business district in Qingshi has improved. , you take the greatest credit."

After some courtesy, Ye Luo directly told Liu Wenhui everything about buying arms.

Liu Xiang's scalp felt numb after hearing this.

More than 20 million overseas arms can at least arm a regiment to the teeth.

During this period, Liu Wenhui came up with the idea of ​​taking over Hunan Province because of the precarious situation of the principal within the Kuomintang.

He repeatedly proposed to go to Sichuan to co-govern Qing City with Liu Xiang, and was willing to bear half of the civil affairs expenses of Qing City.

Qingshi is Liu Xiang's base camp. How dare he let his rival come in and refuse him again and again.

The two of them kept arguing for a long time and ignored the nationwide flood.

It turns out that this is what Liu Wenhui had in mind.

Stabilize yourself on the surface, but secretly cheat on Chen Cang!

If Ye Luo hadn't accidentally seized his arms this time, Liu Wenhui's guns might have hit Qing City without him knowing about it.

Liu Xiang thanked him repeatedly. Hearing that Ye Luo wanted to transport this batch of arms and supplies to Qing City, he hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

There are three and a half battalions invested and stationed by the Ye family in Qing City. Those people said they were returning to Jiacheng from the capital of Shandong Province, but then they returned to Qing City on the grounds of protecting the food city where Kong Lingjun's little girl lived.

Now thousands of people are stationed in the outer suburbs of Qing City, facing the garrison of Qing City from a distance, and the sound of drills is deafening and breathtaking every day.

But considering that there was really no need for Ye Luo and it was impossible to go against him, Liu Xiang agreed.

Anyway, in terms of military strength, I am far superior. If anything happens, I will not suffer any loss even if I take advantage of it.

These arms continued to stay in the south. He was worried that other warlords would take them away, or that Liu Wenhui would find a way to transfer them and take them away again.

In short, in order to prevent long nights and many dreams, Ye Luo's proposal is the safest.

Of course, in this way, Liu Xiang was tantamount to declaring war on Liu Wenhui head-on.

He had to help Ye Luo take the blame.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Luoguangshu sent someone to sort out the arms. The good ones were not sent out. They were moved directly to Ye's Industrial Park and the Tax Police Headquarters base, and they were all confiscated.

Especially aircraft spare parts, which are now rare items that even money cannot buy. With them, even if a foreigner monopolizes aircraft resources, he is confident that he can develop a manufacturing method within a few years.

The remaining ones are transported to Qingshi through various channels.

It's just time for the Ye's Charity Foundation motorcade, which came from the north and has been idle here, to move.

After the war in the north, Chen Zhen, who had to go home, finally had a job. He didn't care about Guangzi, who was newly pregnant. He ran non-stop to meet Ye Luo, and then led his troops towards the central region.

Liu Wenhui was furious when he heard the news. He and Ye Luo had no grievances, and he didn't think Ye Luo would risk offending a big warlord like himself by causing trouble like this.

After various investigations, he found out that the mastermind behind it was Liu Xiang. Liu Wenhui ignored the delicate situation the two of them were in. He took his troops and went to Qingshi to ask Liu Xiang for an explanation!

After all, he is an uncle and nephew, so why can't he recognize him even if he turns against him?

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