1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 642 Japanese Monk Incident

The little girl who changed her name to Zhou Xuan nodded in confusion. After a period of communication, she had become quite close to Ye Luo, her godbrother, and was willing to sit next to him obediently. She was no longer as wary as she was at first. .

Ye Luo and Wang Ji drank for a while. Rosemary's drinking capacity was very poor, so she only took a few sips and tasted it briefly.

She had gotten a lot of information from the second young master tonight. She was satisfied and began to plan to evacuate some of the financial businesses related to Sassoon Company from the suburbs.

Ye Luo never makes mistakes. The black market financial exchange rate in Shanghai is closely related to the official exchange rate. Sometimes it is easier to make money by controlling this well than doing business well.

Knowing this, he still resolutely gave up the black market in the outer areas and only focused on the concession, which shows that there is a big problem!

While Rosemary was thinking about these things, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Then Ma Yongzhen, wearing a police uniform with a serious expression and a new pistol at his waist, stepped in.

Seeing beauties of three ages and from different countries accompanying Ye Luo, Ma Yongzhen smiled awkwardly, feeling as if she had ruined the second young master's good deeds.

"What's the matter, Yongzhen?" Ye Luo put down his wine glass and looked at him with a smile, "You're not on duty tonight?"

Ye Luo could probably guess the reason for Ma Yongzhen's hurried arrival, but since there was Rosemary, a woman who was both an enemy and a friend, he pretended not to know anything.

"Second Young Master, something happened in the public concession." Ma Yongzhen glanced at the three beauties, walked over and whispered to Ye Luo, "After the group of monks from the Nichiren Sect made trouble in the afternoon, we followed Wu Tiecheng's instructions to reduce big things to small things. But the news just came out that the main factory of Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. was attacked by unknown people, and a large-scale conflict occurred. "

"Well, is anyone dead?" Ye Luo nodded and asked.

"The scene was a bit chaotic. Everyone was evacuated when we arrived, and the information we investigated was not complete. However, the Japanese Consulate General sent a telegram just now, saying that one person died and another was seriously injured on the Japanese side, and asked us to catch the murderer immediately."

Ma Yongzhen said with a gloomy expression,

"I suspect they are directing and acting on their own."

This afternoon, Japan’s newly appointed spy chief (Jin Bihui originally held this position) instigated two Japanese Nichiren sect monks and three Japanese believers to the Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. headquarters on Mayushan Road, Huajie, adjacent to the East District (Yangshupu) of the Shanghai Public Concession. Go to the factory to cause trouble.

Five Japanese people watched the workers' volunteer army drill outside the factory and threw stones to provoke them, deliberately causing conflicts.

The spy leader had already hired thugs to dress up as workers and infiltrate the crowd. During the conflict, five Japanese people were attacked by unknown persons and were stopped by patrol officers from the Ministry of Industry Bureau and officers from the Songhu Police Department who arrived in time.

Unexpectedly, tonight, this group of Japanese invaders went to the main factory of Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. to sneak attack and started a large-scale armed conflict with the workers.

There were casualties during the conflict.

Japan now blames factory pickets in Shanghai for the attack.

This is the so-called "Japanese monk incident".

This was the beginning of the January 28th Incident.

This was also a common tactic used by the Japanese invaders. They would first send their own people to cause trouble and cause conflicts. After the conflicts broke out, they would throw dirty water on the people on the Republic of China side.

During the Fengtian Incident, the Japanese invaders deliberately blew up the railway, slandering Chinese soldiers as the cause, and then took the opportunity to attack Peking University Camp. Now they are invading all the northern provinces!

The exact same routine appeared in Shanghai, which made Ma Yongzhen have doubts.

Song Ziwen was assassinated before, and Ma Yongzhen had just taken the blame. Now he is more cautious in doing things, fearing that he will cause trouble again and implicate the second young master.

He actually didn't care. If he died, the worst he could do would be to go back to the life he had before meeting the second young master, but he didn't want his affairs to affect the Ye family.

"These Japanese people are ill-intentioned. They directed and performed this incident on their own. Don't be impulsive first. Send someone to appease the employees of Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd.. The Japanese side will delay as long as they can. Anyway, the place where the accident happened is near the public concession. Those who should If the foreigners have a headache, just stand still.”

Ye Luo patted Ma Yongzhen and was very pleased. This stupid young man who had been following him since the beginning finally learned to be smart and knew that everything could not be solved with brute force.

"If the Japanese Consulate General sends a telegram, you should report it to the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Secret Service. It's not your concern anyway, so don't worry about it. If anyone dares to trip you up at this time and make small moves, you will kill him. Don't worry about it. Afraid of getting into trouble, I’m here.”

Ye Luo added, then stood up. Wang Ji stood up quickly and helped him pick up his coat and put it on for him.

"I will personally talk to the three bosses of Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd., and I will also contact the Japanese side through the city hall. You don't have to worry about it."

When he came to the door, he stopped again, called Ma Yongzhen, and whispered to him: "I estimate that a war may break out in the near future. Please quickly inform us of the police stationed in the Police Department, the Ministry of Industry Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, the Security Headquarters and the City Hall. Brothers, gather them all together, and the family members can move to the family building invested by Ye’s family in the concession and stop going out if nothing happens.”

"Is it so serious? Second young master." Ma Yongzhen's heart tightened. He knew that if Ye Luo talked about war, there would be a high probability of war.

Will Shanghai Beach become the second Fengtian?

He clenched his fists, feeling a little excited and a little worried.

"Don't pay too much attention to it yet, just listen to my arrangements." Ye Luo patted his back again and comforted him, "If you really want to fight like the North, you will take action, so don't worry."

"Yes! Second Young Master! I'll make arrangements right away." Ma Yongzhen stood at attention and saluted, then opened the door for Ye Luo and quickly went out.

Before leaving, Ye Luo pinched Wang Ji's cheek. He knew what this dancing queen meant, but now he really didn't have the heart to be sentimental, so he had to leave her aside for now: "You guys continue to eat, drink and play. If you are tired, take Xiaoxuan to the guest room upstairs to rest. If Miss Sassoon has any requests, you can ask the manager to satisfy them."

"Well, Second Young Master, please be careful~" Wang Ji's heart was moved by his pinch, and he lowered his head with a red face.

After bidding farewell to the three women, Ye Luo quickly left the Paramount Ballroom.

At the door, rows of black General Motors were neatly arranged on both sides.

Dozens of men in black suits stood respectfully with umbrellas, and under the leadership of Shi Jianqiao, they shouted to Ye Luo who came out: "Second Young Master."

"Second Young Master, I heard that the Japanese invaders are causing trouble again?" Shi Jianqiao was ready to fight. Since the Hongkou Dojo was destroyed by the Jingwu Athletic Association, she couldn't find any Japanese to exchange martial arts with.

During this time with Ye Luo, there was basically no chance to fight, which made this female hero very depressed.

"Well, let's go to the Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. main factory first." Ye Luo rolled his eyes at her, and then looked at the pistol on her waist and the slim cheongsam, always feeling that he was playing a game, "You, don't just put the gun on like that, it's too much."

"There's nothing I can do about the cheongsam." Shi Jianqiao stuck out her tongue.

"How about getting a strap and tying it on the inside of your thigh?" Ye Luo thought of Aunt Wang in Resident Evil and suggested with a smile.

Shi Jianqiao glared at him, then thought about it carefully, and it seemed like a feasible method!

The driver, Fatty Cao Fan, listened to all this and silently memorized it. He would find someone to make this equipment tomorrow and give it directly to Big Sister Shi Jianqiao the day after tomorrow!

As the two chatted, the car soon drove to the Sanyou Industrial Co., Ltd. main factory.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, but the lights were bright here, and dozens of workers were gathered outside, some holding banners, and some holding torches and shouting, very dissatisfied with the Municipal Council's behavior of coming to seal the factory without finding out the cause of the incident.

A group of police officers from the Municipal Council were arguing with the workers. There were also Japanese in suits and ties, and police officers who couldn't get involved.

It was a mess, and it looked like a new round of conflict could break out at any time. (End of this chapter)

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