1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 656 The decadent Zhang Hanqing

The ownership of the Tax Police Corps was successfully negotiated, and the principal was satisfied. He specifically asked Huang Jie to try his best to meet Ye Luo's requirements. After all, he suffered a big loss this time, and he should compensate him.

Ye Luo was not polite to Huang Jie. He didn't leave any of his people to the principal. As for the pile of weapons and equipment, if Huang Jie wanted them, he could buy them with money. If he didn't want them, they would all be left at the Jiacheng Military Base and then delivered to the newly established Tax Inspection Corps.

The most uncomfortable person in this transaction was Wen Yingxing.

He was originally a direct descendant of Song Ziwen. After being sent to Shanghai, he became familiar with Ye Luo. Later, Song Ziwen transferred him to the Tax Police Corps as the head of the Corps. He never thought that before he could sit down, the Tax Police Corps was packed and given to Ye Luo.

So far, he has become a non-staff soldier with the second young master. Although he is not short of money, he is getting farther and farther away from the power center of the Nanjing National Government.

Finally, he has a chance to fight and prove himself.

Wen Yingxing worked hard and made a name for himself, but he didn't expect that Huang Jie, who was still wet behind the ears, would take the cake.

In the Battle of Songhu, he could be ranked fifth after Chen Mingshu and four others in terms of military merit, but in the end, he got nothing and was demoted from the head of the regiment to the political commissar.

Seeing that the Tax Police Corps, where he had trained for more than a year, was about to change hands, Wen Yingxing finally couldn't hold back, and he made up his mind and went to Ye Mansion with a lot of gifts.

Ye Luo was waiting for him.

Wen Yingxing didn't want to stay in the Tax Police Corps as Huang Jie's deputy, but he couldn't influence the principal's will, so he could only go to the second young master to ask for help.

Ye Luo called Huang Jie, hoping to "buy" Wen Yingxing and a group of generals back, so that they could continue to stay in the Tax Inspection Corps and not follow Huang Jie to the central and western regions.

Huang Jie readily agreed.

He was also happy.

A reorganized 30,000-man reinforced regiment was brought under his command, but more than half of the soldiers and generals in it were not his own people, so it must be difficult to operate.

He was already a lieutenant general division commander, and the most lacking thing under his command was talented middle-level generals. Wen Yingxing and others were willing to leave and vacate their positions, and he agreed with both hands and feet.

After Huang Jie took over as the general commander, he added two infantry regiments (namely the fifth and sixth regiments) and two deputy general commanders (originally there was only one deputy general commander), as well as a teaching corps.

The two newly added deputy general commanders each set up a deputy general commander headquarters, each commanding two infantry regiments, and the remaining two infantry regiments were directly under the general regiment headquarters.

The two newly added deputy general commanders by Huang Jie this time were He Shaozhou, the son of the current Minister of Military and Political Affairs He Yingqin (the prototype of Yu Xiaoqing in My Regiment, My Regiment), and Wang Gongliang of the Central Military Academy Teaching Corps introduced by Gui Yongqing.

The commanders of the two newly added infantry regiments (the fifth and sixth regiments), Qiu Zhiji and Zhong Baosheng, were also introduced by Gui Yongqing from the Central Military Academy Teaching Corps.

Among the "Whampoa" generals, Gui Yongqing was known for his boasting and ostentation. He always mentioned the word "big" when he spoke, but the real reason for his high rank was that he was subservient to Chen Cheng and followed him closely.

He relied on his eloquence to get along well in the army and had a good relationship with He Yingqin and others.

This time, the Tax Police Corps was incorporated, and these people in the Kuomintang military immediately became active and tried their best to stuff people into Huang Jie's regiment.

This is the current situation of the National Army.

Once a piece of cake is ready, I don't know how many people will come to share it, and you can't drive them away or refuse them.

The Tax Police Corps, which had been messed up, had no future, and the Tax Inspection Corps that Ye Luo had just raised had no military number and no military resource support. It was just a local self-defense tax inspection force approved by the Jinling National Government.

It could not attract those warlords at all.

In this way, in less than a month, the Tax Inspection Corps had regained a size of about 3,000 people, and the team was still growing.

The principal was very tolerant of this, saying that in the future, the Tax Inspection Corps under Ye Luo would assist the military in taking charge of the tax work of the southern provinces and cities, and the number of people would be at least 30,000 to 50,000.

Not long after the Battle of Songhu was stopped, and the Chinese and Japanese sides were still arguing about when the Japanese army would withdraw from Shanghai, the puppet Manchukuo held a founding ceremony in Chuncheng, with Puyi as the ruler and Zheng Xiaoxu as the prime minister.

The Japanese invaders' move was clearly intended to split the Republic of China, and their wolfish ambitions were known to everyone.

The North also fell one city after another under their fierce attack.

People from all walks of life began to call for resistance against Japan, but the principal proposed the square of "pacifying the country before resisting foreign aggression" at this time, and began to reorganize the national army in the name of "suppressing bandits".

In order to consolidate his position and military power, the principal issued a number of informal documents to the local areas, requiring departments at all levels to call him "Chairman" and not to call him by other names.

During this period, Zhang Hanqing, who had not contacted Ye Luo for a long time, finally sent a short telegram from the north.

But the writer of this telegram was not Zhang Hanqing, but his wife Yu Fengzhi and confidante Zhao Yidi.

These two women have been fighting for a man for many years. Zhao Yidi has gained a foothold in the Zhang family with the help of Ye Luo, while Yu Fengzhi and Bai Xiuzhu are close friends, and their relationship is extraordinary.

Both of them have a close relationship with the Ye family.

But this is the first time they have jointly sent a telegram to the Ye family.

Ye Luo immediately took it to the study to read it with Bai Xiuzhu and Xiao Aqiao.

The content of the telegram is very simple, just talking about two things.

First, after the fall of the North, a large number of anti-Japanese volunteers organized by civilian organizations were fighting against the Japanese invaders and the puppet Manchukuo army, and the situation was very difficult.

Yu Fengzhi wanted to help these anti-Japanese warriors, but because the person who caused this situation was Zhang Hanqing, if they came forward now, it would be like a weasel paying New Year's greetings to a chicken, and those warriors would not accept it.

Therefore, she wanted to use the name of the Ye Charity Foundation to transport all the materials she wanted to help to the battlefield to do her part.

Ye Luo had also heard about this newly-formed anti-Japanese army, which was very complex. There were local people in the north, former soldiers, people from all walks of life, as well as progressive people who supported the south in the past, and even overseas Chinese.

These people fought against the Japanese invaders and the puppet army in the harsh environment of the north, and achieved many results, which was not easy.

Even if Yu Fengzhi did not say this, Ye Luo would definitely support their actions.

The second thing was that Zhang Hanqing was addicted to opium and became extremely decadent.

Zhang Hanqing's smoking of opium was actually not a secret, and many people knew about it.

Moreover, many people in the upper class of the Republic of China had been poisoned by this kind of thing that brought disaster to the country and the people.

For example, Lu Xiaoman once smoked opium to relieve stomach pain, but later, after Ye Luo helped her massage, she gradually stopped.

The problem is that Zhang Hanqing is addicted to smoking, and the fall of the north was a great blow to him, so he became even more addicted to it.

Yu Fengzhi and the others had no choice but to hope that Ye Luo would take time to go north to help his sworn brother. (End of this chapter)

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