1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 661 Can you take my blow?

In the original history, the final result of the Tianjin City tram price increase in 1932 was that the city hall compromised.

In the end, the Chinese side still agreed to the tram company's price increase, and the tram company symbolically took out tens of thousands of yuan, did charity, and perfunctorily dealt with it.

The most ridiculous thing is that in order to fight against the pickets assembled by the city hall, they used wage increases as bait to lure a large number of Chinese workers and pickets to fight each other, and also caused casualties. After the incident was over, the Belgians and the General Chamber of Commerce turned their faces and refused to recognize them, and refused to mention the wage increase again.

Then these workers who made trouble were not happy, and they went on strike one after another, demanding that the tram company fulfill its promise.

The tram company was used to being arrogant and domineering, and ignored their demands at all.

The tram workers went to Zhou Longguang again, saying that they would not start work if they did not raise their wages, so the tram price increased, but only a few trams were still running.

This matter lasted for half a year until the end of the year. The northern authorities were afraid that this matter would cause an international dispute. In the end, it was the northern government that raised funds and fulfilled the obligations that the tram company had not fulfilled.

A small European country the size of a palm could actually make the mayor of the second largest city in the Republic of China and make the northern government surrender on the territory of the Republic of China. It was a pity and indignant.

It would have been fine if Ye Luo had not encountered this matter. Since he encountered it, he really had to take care of this dragon crossing the river.

The next day.

Ye Luo first went to the Marshal's Mansion, but he was not in a hurry to meet Zhang Hanqing. Instead, he talked with Yu Fengzhi and Zhao Yidi for a long time and learned about Zhang Hanqing's current situation from them.

Since the fall of the north, he has been trapped in endless self-blame and entanglement. On the one hand, he wanted to preserve his strength and not confront the Japanese invaders head-on. On the other hand, he was deeply annoyed that he did not resist and caused millions of people to suffer from the war.

As time went by, Zhang Hanqing no longer presided over government affairs or held meetings. He stayed in his house all day smoking opium, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers.

The two women were at their wits' end, so Ye Luo agreed to wait until the tram price increase was resolved before he personally went to talk to Zhang Hanqing.

After lunch, the Ye's motorcade led by Chen Zhen and others entered Tianjin City in a mighty manner. All the black cars were the latest models of General Motors, 200 in total, and this was only the first batch.

Today, all the headlines in newspapers were dominated by Ye's Automobile's plan to open a branch in Tianjin City.

As everyone knows, the second young master started his business by doing automobile business. In the past four years, Ye's Automobile has developed into the largest automobile company in the Republic of China, and it has blossomed everywhere in the south.

Ye's Automobile also does bicycle and motorcycle business. In this area, it has raised the overall level of transportation in the Republic of China to a higher level.

However, due to the war in the north, Ye Luo never let Ye's Automobile develop northward, but often sent a team to work.

This time Ye's Automobile suddenly wanted to open a branch. Even a fool could tell that the second young master was going to attack the Belgians.

Cars were still entering the city one after another, and Ye Luo took people to visit all the celebrities he could in the urban area and concessions of Tianjin City.

Tianjin City General Chamber of Commerce was dependent on foreigners under the control of Wang Zhulin, and its members were basically compradors, while the other "Federation of Trade Unions" was a genuine Chinese business organization, and its vice president was still Chen Youde.

Business celebrities were eager to get in touch with Ye Luo. Seeing him come to visit, they were all happy and did their best to entertain him.

Ye Luo did not hide it and told them directly that he came here to solve the tram price increase incident. Which side should he stand on, he hoped that they could make a decision today.

After a round of business, he went to the military and political circles and various consulates, and finally even went to the Qing Gang and Hongmen and other gangs to meet with people from the underworld.

Wherever he went, celebrities from all walks of life in Tianjin treated him with great courtesy and treated him as a distinguished guest. Many of them even directly stated that they were willing to stand by Ye Luo's side in this dispute.

Ye Luo's purpose was very clear, which was to make the matter bigger and beat the Belgians to death with one blow, so that they could not turn over at all.

In just a few hours, all the celebrities in Tianjin were notified, and then they asked the northern newspapers to report the matter in a long series of articles. Those who were unwilling to do so were against me and Ye's newspapers.

This year, Xiao Tongzi also officially took up the position of president of the Central News Agency. He started a large-scale reform of the Central News Agency, introducing talents, updating equipment, reforming the content and methods of news reporting, and formed a strategic alliance with Ye's newspapers.

Now the Central News Agency is sweeping the northern newspapers in the name of the president. If anyone dares not to obey, a bunch of spies will rush in the next day to arrest you all.

Seeing that Ye Luo was going to play a business war with the Belgians, Xiao Tongzi, who had received his favor, immediately vacated all major sections, severely criticized the tram company, and supported Ye Luo.

These things did not happen slowly, but were suddenly triggered by Ye Luo today.

Lu Beya had a few Russian girls last night, and they were still lying in bed. When he received the urgent call in a daze, the storefront of Ye's Auto Shop was cutting the ribbon.

He was stunned for a moment.

He had seen Chinese businessmen who were rude and clamoring to make themselves look good, but this was the first time he saw someone with such terrifying action and who did what he said.

Lu Beya got up in a hurry, not caring about getting dressed, and opened the curtains, and saw a black car team slowly passing by on the street, with the Ye's Auto logo printed on it, which was very eye-catching.

There was also a loudspeaker on the side shouting loudly: "Ye's Auto Shop is open for business today, all citizens of the city, the first order is free!"

"Take a taxi five times and get one free fare!"

"Recharge 100 yuan and get a 10 yuan discount coupon!"

All kinds of marketing came in overwhelming numbers.

Lu Beiya was already dumbfounded, his head was a mess, and he only heard "first order is free".


Is he crazy?

Does he know how many people there are in Tianjin?

"Consul General, the shareholders of the domestic tram company sent a telegram, saying that you should solve the price increase problem as soon as possible." The secretary rushed in hurriedly, not caring about the sexy half-naked Russian beauty lying on the bed.

"Asshole! Prepare the car, prepare the car quickly, I want to go to the Japanese Consulate General." Lu Beiya's blood rushed to his forehead, he gritted his teeth, and his first reaction was to find an ally to make that Chinese look bad!

At the same time.

The old city of Tianjin.

A tram drove slowly past, and when it stopped at a station, seven or eight big men in security uniforms suddenly rushed out.

They wore white cuffs on their arms and shouted with iron loudspeakers: "We warn the citizens of Tianjin that the tram fare increase is an illegal act without the approval of the city hall, which seriously affects people's livelihood. We advise everyone not to buy tickets and resist the fare increase!"

"If you need it, you can go to Ye's Auto Shop to take a taxi."

"The auto shop also provides free rickshaws, please don't take the tram and resist the fare increase!"

There are actually police officers standing guard near each station, but when they see that they are those fierce security teams who dare to fight with the Japanese plainclothes team, they all bow their heads and remain silent, allowing them to persuade citizens not to buy tickets to take the tram.

Hearing that Ye's Auto Shop provides free travel tools, citizens immediately rushed out of the tram and left without looking back.

Ye's Investment is a well-known large enterprise in Tianjin City, especially Ye's Shipping. It has made such a big momentum in the port of Tianjin City. Who doesn't know that the second young master is rich and kind!

They were not willing to take the tram with the fare increase, but now someone has stepped forward, and they jumped out happily one by one, responding to the boycott slogans. (End of this chapter)

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