1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 666 Second Young Master, someone is trying to arrest your father!

In order to cooperate with the tram company's price increase, Lu Beiya asked Wang Zhulin to contact a large number of Chinese workers in the tram company, and asked them to go to the picket team on the grounds of promising to raise their wages.

Before Ye Luo came, the two groups had several bloody incidents, and almost all tram workers went on strike collectively. However, the final result was that the tram company resumed operations and the original price, but did not mention a word about the wage increase.

Lu Beiya thought that these Chinese workers were easy to control, so he asked Wang Zhulin and Fan Benke to negotiate, arrest a group, scare a group, and then win over a group, and everything would be solved.

However, in fact, with the assistance of the Federation of Trade Unions, these Chinese workers united and started a collective strike again. If you don't raise wages, we won't start work. Let's see who can survive.

Before the end of June, the tram company lost nearly 500,000 oceans. Because they had promised to resume tram operations, the powers in various concessions began to collect tram tolls.

Compared with the great powers, Belgium is a little brother. They dare not not pay the toll, but if the tram is not operating, paying the toll is equivalent to pure loss. Counting the funds lost before, the tram company has fallen into a financial crisis.

Lu Beya was so angry that he looked for people everywhere to contact these tram workers and their families. He used coercion and inducement, but he couldn't convince these troublemakers.

Finally, he found out that Ye Luo was the mastermind behind the scenes.

He didn't intend to let the tram company and the Belgians go!

French Consul General in Tianjin Du Shilan made peace with the mud and took the money to hand it over happily. Anyway, he only needed to solve the problem of Chinese workers causing trouble and affecting public security.

Those French foreign merchants who were originally going to leave stayed back, and the matter was considered a complete solution.

As for whether the tram company was open or not, and whether the Belgians lived well in the future, it had nothing to do with him.

Although Du Shilan didn't care, he definitely didn't want to see the two sides have another dispute.

Lu Beya knew that he couldn't ask the French for help, and there was a high probability that he would make trouble first, and Ye Luo would use the same method to disgust him.

At that time, Du Shilan would not just refuse to give him a seat.

Holding back his anger, Lu Beya considered for a long time and finally decided to personally go to Ye Luo's house to reconcile. He also called Van Benk, Wang Zhulin and others, bought gifts, and prepared silver bills, hoping that Ye Luo would show mercy and let them go.

Unexpectedly, they came up empty-handed. During this period, Ye Luo no longer lived in his own villa, but lived in the Marshal's Mansion, hanging out with Zhang Hanqing and others all day long.

Although Zhang Hanqing lost the north because of the policy of non-resistance, in Tianjin City, this was still his private territory, and no one dared to go to the Marshal's Mansion to make trouble.

Lu Beya's group of Belgians had always been at odds with Zhang Hanqing, and they didn't dare to visit him with a flattering face, so they had to leave in disgrace.

Tianjin City, Marshal's Mansion

"Let me go! Let me go!" Zhang Hanqing's beast-like roar came from the room, but no matter how he shouted, the people outside pretended to be deaf to it. Those who should chat chatted, and those who should play mahjong played mahjong.

It was as if the world inside had nothing to do with them.

"Twenty thousand, eat!" Yu Fengzhi reached out and took the twenty thousand that Ye Luo played, and said with a smile, "The second young master's luck seems not so good today."

"Sister, the second young master has won hundreds of dollars from us these days. It's time for him to be unlucky, otherwise how can we play?"

Zhao Yidi smiled like a flower, and sang the same tune with Yu Fengzhi, and it seemed that they had a good relationship.

The last partner of the four-person mahjong game was Shi Jianqiao, who didn't know much about mahjong.

At the gate, Zhang Hanqing's adjutant Hu Ruoyu looked anxious. He looked inside and observed the game. He was at a loss in his heart, but he didn't know how to say it.

Ye Luo had come here symbolically when he first arrived in Tianjin City, and then he had been dealing with the tram price increase. Now that the matter was done, he came again, but still did not see Zhang Hanqing.

A few days ago, he had an appointment with Yu Fengzhi and others for dinner, and then he carefully explained the harmfulness of opium.

Lu Xiaoman had developed a little addiction to smoking. If Ye Luo had not stopped her in time, she would have become neither human nor ghost sooner or later.

The same was true for Zhang Hanqing.

After learning about the history and horror of opium, Yu Fengzhi decided to make Zhang Hanqing quit smoking.

After several people discussed it, Ye Luo came up with a plan.

Hu Ruoyu thought that the second young master would use some good method, but he did not expect it to be so simple and crude.

Zhang Hanqing's addiction to smoking had to start many years ago.

During the battle with Guo Songling, when Yang Yuting visited Zhang Hanqing's troops, he found that he was listless and emaciated, so he reminded Zhang Hanqing: "Hanqing, although the battle situation is severe, you should not neglect your body. Don't fall down before defeating Guo's devils. Let me send someone to send you some things, you can relax."

The next day, Zhang Hanqing's camp received several sets of brand new smoking utensils and a large amount of opium, and since then he has embarked on this road of no return.

Originally, he just used it as a pastime and stopped at a light taste.

But after the fall of the north and all kinds of pressure, Zhang Hanqing couldn't resist it and started to smoke a lot.

When Ye Luo came over, his addiction to smoking was already frightening, and under the design of the Japanese invaders, he also became addicted to morphine!

At this time, his hands were covered with large and small pinholes, and he had to inject morphine every fifteen minutes!

It is not known whether Ye Luo's simple and rough treatment method is useful, but Yu Fengzhi and others are also trying their best.

In addition, Ye Luo also asked the famous doctor Miller to assist in the treatment, entrusting the matter to professionals.

Although the four of them were playing mahjong, they were happy on the surface, but they were very anxious in their hearts.

"Sister Yu, Sister Zhao Si, you don't have to worry too much, we have to trust him." Ye Luo said calmly while holding the mahjong tiles.

In the original history, Zhang Hanqing successfully quit smoking, so he believed that as long as he guided properly, it would not be a difficult task.

Almost a month after Ye Luo came to Tianjin City, the news spread to the south, and the principal became worried again, and hurriedly sent his wife directly to Ye Mansion to play mahjong with Bai Xiuzhu and Xiao Aqiao to find out the truth.

The principal's wife didn't care about these things at all. She was happy to take some pocket money from Ye's clothing, chat with several younger sisters, and then play with the third generation of the Ye family who were running around.

As everyone knows, the principal's wife has no children, but she likes children very much.

As soon as she came, she directly recognized Ye Zhuohua, Ye Hongdou, Ye He, and Ye Hao as her godsons and daughters, holding them and playing all day, and she was more like the children's mother.

At this point in time, the principal's wife hadn't left the Ye Mansion yet, but Dai Li came running over with a group of secret agents, intending to arrest Ye Yuqiao directly! (End of this chapter)

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