1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 671 Worry and Joy

When Zhang Hanqing was preparing to regroup and continue to shift the focus of his career to Ancheng, Ye Luo and others had already boarded the train back to Shanghai.

On the train, Kong Lingjun, who had finally escaped from the business course, excitedly observed the scenery along the way. There are many ancient cities and ancient buildings in the north. She had been imprisoned in Jinling before. Seeing this unprecedented building, she cheered and danced like a child.

Shi Jianqiao frowned. This time on the trip to Tianjin City, she resisted looking for Sun Chuanfang, the murderer of her father. At this time, she knew that she must not cause trouble for Ye Luo, but the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. Even though Ye Luo asked Zhang Hanqing to "take care" of Sun Chuanfang before leaving, she still ignored Ye Luo for several days.

When the train entered the central and southern regions, the fields and backward rural areas made Kong Lingjun, who was very excited, calm down. Her little head was on the windowsill, and she felt inexplicably sad when she saw some children younger than her working in the fields, and even carrying a baby in a basket on their backs.

Ye Luo was reading the newspaper, and the headlines were all "Resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Russia".

Previously, due to the Middle East Railway incident, the two countries had a bad relationship on the border, and Zhang Hanqing's Northern Army was severely punished. After that, even if the Nanjing National Government came forward to coordinate, the relationship between China and Russia was always very tense.

Moreover, the principal himself was pro-American, so he naturally didn't get along well with the big bear.

Mr. Sun's son Sun Ke stood up again to call for the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and also fought a war of words with the Kuomintang's court writers who opposed him. In the past few months, it has been known throughout the country and is very grand.

It is the general trend for the two countries to restore diplomatic relations, but the bear's actions are a bit excessive, which makes many Chinese people uncomfortable.

The attitude of the Mao Bear is very subtle now. At the beginning, they were very wary of the Japanese, fearing that they would capture the north and then continue to invade their territory.

Therefore, when the north fell, they immediately went to the Nanjing National Government and called on the two countries to restore diplomatic relations.

But as the Japanese invaders gradually moved south, they changed their attitude and began to make friends with the Japanese invaders' Kwantung Army.

Now they have begun to agree to the Japanese invaders' Kwantung Army's transportation to the Chinese Eastern Railway. Isn't this a disguised assistance to the Japanese invaders to continue to invade the north?

Secondly, they are still actively rescuing Japanese expatriates and signed a non-aggression treaty with Japan.

The most shameless thing is that they allow the "national flag" of the puppet Manchukuo to be hung on the Chinese Eastern Railway, completely ignoring the strong opposition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nanjing National Government, and openly supporting the puppet army.

This two-faced style naturally caused dissatisfaction among a large number of Chinese. If diplomatic relations were really restored with them at this time, the first to speak out would be the literati group.

Originally, this issue had been in a stalemate, and Sun Ke was the only one waving the flag and shouting. Although his voice was loud, his power was small and he could not influence the situation at all.

But no one expected that the relationship between the United States and the Mao Bear was recovering.

The principal changed his mind again and began to actively promote the negotiation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the bear.

After all, if diplomatic relations were really restored, it would be like attacking the Japanese invaders in the north from both sides, which would be good for both countries.

Now the two countries have entered the actual negotiation stage, and the current deadlock is the ownership of Outer Mongolia and the ownership of the Chinese Eastern Railway.

"This matter is getting more and more complicated." Ye Luo put down the newspaper in his hand. The other people were also very concerned about the situation, but Chen Zhen and Huo Tingen were all warriors and could not understand the intrigues between politicians. They just saw Ye Luo sighing and couldn't help but sigh.

This time when he returned to Shanghai, Ye Luo still had a lot of things to do. As the Japanese invaders gradually withdrew from Shanghai, all industries would slowly recover, and homes would be rebuilt from the ruins. Most importantly, with the unremitting efforts of the business group headed by him, the principal finally agreed to start a comprehensive boycott of Japanese goods.

When he returned, he would give the Japanese businessmen who were still teasing in Shanghai a good warning.


The second week after Ye Luo returned home, Meng Xiaodong, who went to participate in the Jinling City Quyi Exchange Conference, returned with a full load.

Hu Die, who came back with her, hadn't seen her children for a long time. She held one in each hand and was reluctant to put them down.

Ruan Lingyu, whose belly was already quite big, was still very active and insisted on going with them. Li Shuzhen persuaded her to calm down and promised to go out again after giving birth at the beginning of next year.

At this time, Ruan Lingyu held several vinyl records brought back by Meng Xiaodong and couldn't let them go: "I didn't expect that Wang Ji, the black cat singer, would also attend the Quyi Conference. Oh, it's such a pity that she didn't go!"

"What's a pity? You are so pregnant, running around everywhere. What if something happens? If you really like Wang Ji, I can ask her to come home and sing with you."

Ye Luo glared at her. Since she officially entered the Ye family, this girl has regained her former agility, jumping up and down, making Li Shuzhen frightened every day, fearing that she would have a miscarriage.

"Well, if you don't want to go, then don't go. You're scolding me again." Ruan Lingyu pouted. She seemed aggrieved, but in fact, she was very happy. For some reason, after getting along with Ye Luo for a long time, she gradually enjoyed the feeling of being scolded and taught. Sometimes she even felt that she was a little abnormal.

"Dad, hold me!" The three-year-old Ye Zhuohua ran very fast and rushed into Ye Luo's arms.

Xiao Aqiao and Bai Xiuzhu followed behind, one holding a handkerchief and the other holding a hand basin. Because Ye Zhuohua was the eldest son, Bai Xiuzhu took care of him half of the time. Bai Xiuzhu was quite strict with the child, so when she saw the eldest mother running over, Ye Zhuohua immediately became timid and grabbed Ye Luo's trouser legs.

"Dad, the eldest mother is going to beat me! Dad, save me, woo woo woo"

"Cry again for me to see?" Bai Xiuzhu opened her beautiful eyes and glared at him fiercely, "Come and wash your face quickly, your tears and snot have all been wiped on your father, isn't it dirty?"

"Oh~" Ye Zhuohua was forced to walk over reluctantly under her tyranny.

Ye Luo was amused, he didn't expect that the willful and capricious young lady would one day become such a fierce mother who frightened the little guy.

"Brother Luo, this time I come back, the teacher said that I can officially come out." Meng Xiaodong came and sat next to him.

In order to fulfill Meng Xiaodong's dream, Ye Luo arranged a global tour for her, and at the same time invited Yu Shuyan, an old senior, to be her teacher to continue her studies.

"Okay, then I will arrange for you to go to the United States in a while. How is Teacher Yu's health?" Ye Luo stretched out his hand to hold her, looking at Xiao Aqiao and others, enjoying this rare and pleasant time.

"The teacher's health is not very good. Western doctors said that he needs surgery to treat both kidneys, but he just wants to delay. He wants to take Chinese medicine to regulate his body, and no matter how he persuades, it's useless." Meng Xiaodong sighed.

Yeh's United Hospital is recognized as the top hospital in Shanghai, but many people still insist on TCM treatment. It's not that TCM is bad, but that both Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths. Yu Shuyan's problem is most likely cancer, and it shouldn't be delayed like this.

"Then arrange some good TCM for the teacher later." Ye Luo had no choice but to say, "When do you plan to leave for the United States?"

"This... It seems that it won't work in the near future." Meng Xiaodong's cheeks suddenly turned red.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm pregnant." (End of this chapter)

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