1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 675 I want you to help me

"Second Young Master, what are you talking about?" Minglou pretended to be calm, took a sip of tea, and carefully observed Ye Luo's expression.

Was it really exposed?

Or maybe someone from the top leadership of the Kuomintang commissioned him to test me?


Given the character of a senior member of the Kuomintang Party, once it is confirmed that he may be related to the underground organization, he will definitely send agents to investigate closely, and will never just let Ye Luolai test him without any pain.

So, it is most likely that the Ye family’s intelligence network has uncovered some clues?

Judging from Ye Luo's demeanor and expression, he seemed very determined, but he didn't want to expose himself.

"Minglou, you are Mr. Wang's financial advisor, an agent of the Secret Service, a disciple of the Qinggang Hongmen, and a member of the underground organization. These four identities are integrated, but you can handle it so well. I really admire you. ”

Ye Luo's words came from the heart, and Minglou held many positions and had a prominent family background. He could have taken the route of a businessman in troubled times, or the Kuomintang party's political climb to high places, but he resolutely chose to work for an underground organization. To obtain information, he has been working with the Kuomintang, the Japanese and puppets, etc. for more than ten years.

This "invisible guardian" deserves admiration.

"." Minglou looked into his eyes, feeling that everything about him had been seen through, and he suddenly felt a strong sense of frustration.

He felt that he had disguised himself so well that he had no idea where to reveal his secrets, and was detected by the Ye family's intelligence network.

Minglou was well aware of the horror of Ye's investment, so he deliberately avoided areas such as the public concession where Ye Luo was located, and concentrated on taking a different path. Even when the Kuomintang was in politics, he did not have much interaction with Zhang Qun, Bai Xiongqi, etc. .

Speaking of which, this time because someone Wang lost power, he was promoted openly and secretly. If Bai Xiongqi hadn't come to help, this matter might have been very troublesome.

Could it be that at that time, Ye Luo began to doubt his identity?

"Minglou, there is no need to look for the crux of the problem. The intelligence network of our Ye family investment is much more developed than you think." Ye Luo can use any excuse to explain it away. You can't tell him that I understand you. Historical prototype, have you watched "The Pretender"!

"The second young master is worthy of being the number one tycoon in Shanghai. Even though I have taken every precaution, I still can't guard against the pervasive intelligence agents of your Ye Investments."

Now that things have come to this, Minglou stopped pretending, and simply showed off his carriage and horses, and opened the skylight to talk to Ye Luo.

"The second young master didn't go directly to Director Dai and the principal. It seems that he wants something, but it doesn't matter."

"Then I'll tell you directly. Minglou, I hope you can join our Ye Investments, and I am willing to appoint you as the head of our intelligence system."

Ye Luo now urgently needs a confidant to help lead the huge intelligence network. As soon as Jin Bihui went to France, the operation of this network became very rigid. He had to find an expert who understood this aspect to take over.

There is no doubt that in Shanghai, Minglou is the best choice.

The entire Ming family is doing this kind of work. If nothing happens, Dai Li, who has begun to secretly contact Mingtai, will let him join the secret service and train him to become a top agent.

".I don't seem to have the right to refuse." Minglou said with a bitter smile.

"Yes. I understand that forceful melons are not sweet, so you can come in first and get familiar with it. I believe that after a period of running in, you will have a great change in Ye's investment."

Ye Luo was quite confident in persuading Minglou. He was not a traitor, and he was also famous for not dealing with the Japanese. He was completely consistent with Minglou's actual position.

Moreover, relying on Minglou, a multi-faceted spy, he could "inadvertently" reveal some of the "secrets" of Ye's investment to underground organizations.

"Ye's Investment is a huge enterprise that saves the country through industry. There is no doubt about this." Minglou nodded and said, "I am well aware of your character, Second Young Master. But there is one thing I must explain to you clearly. I am not Possibly betraying the organization."

This is very sincere.

Minglou bluntly stated his true position, which also meant that he had a certain amount of trust in Ye Luo.

"Don't worry. We must have the same position on fighting the Japanese. I came to you this time because I hope you can do something for me."

Ye Luo smiled and said,

"You know that I have been planning to acquire the Hongkou Dojo recently, right?"

"I've heard a little bit about it. I heard that a new talkie cinema is going to be built there?" Minglou nodded. He didn't believe this excuse.

"Yes, but that's just a superficial reason. My real goal is to get some confidential documents from the Hongkou Dojo. There may be something important to me in them."

Ye Luo nodded and said, if he remembered correctly, in addition to some government documents, it also contained Japan's Ministry of Finance's plans for the future economy and the secrets of the chaebol family.

In terms of business, he has allowed Ye's investment to quietly penetrate into Japan. Then he will take advantage of the start of World War II to lay the foundation first, and then create a super consortium controlled by the Chinese in Japan.

"There are confidential documents in the Hongkou Dojo? Do you mean that there are Japanese spies there?" Minglou frowned. He really didn't know the true situation of the Hongkou Dojo.

Since the friction between the two countries began to increase, the Japanese concession has become more and more repulsive to the Chinese, and it is very difficult to spy on intelligence there.

"It's not just that there are spies, but there is a huge spy agency there." Ye Luo said, "Why have the Japanese been so reluctant to sell him to me? Because of the conflict between us? That's ridiculous."

"The price of 5 million dollars I offered is at least 1 million overpriced. No one can resist money. The fact that the newly arrived Okamoto Jusan could resist such a great temptation shows that there are too many secrets in it. He has to transfer them before he dares to sell them to me."

Ye Luo smiled and tapped the table with his fingers.

"I will lower the price by 1 million every day, and he will become more and more anxious, and then your chance will come."

"My chance?" Ming Lou asked doubtfully.

"Yes. Okamoto Jusan has a secretary named Iwai Eiichi, who is also one of the core figures of the secret service. I need you to get close to him as soon as possible and get the storage location of those documents from him."

Ye Luo nodded.

"I have collected the information about Iwai Eiichi. I believe that with your ability, you can easily get close to him."

"Second Young Master wants me to infiltrate the Japanese secret service?!" Ming Lou was overwhelmed.

"Yes. You already have four identities, so you don't mind having one more." Ye Luo chuckled, "Don't worry, I have prepared everything for you. If you don't believe in the ability of our intelligence organization, you should at least believe in my financial resources."

No one in the country dares to question the financial resources of the second young master.

Ming Lou paused, and before he spoke, Ye Luo added: "Ming Tai has been targeted by Dai Li. If you don't want him to be taken away by Dai Li, then promise me that I can snatch him back from the secret service." (End of this chapter)

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