1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 90 The Second Young Master Fengshenruyu

Before Ye Luo could explain to Ye Yuqiao and Ye Hao what the entertainment industry was, he received a call from Bai Gongguan. Since the establishment of the new General Chamber of Commerce Committee, Bai Xiongqi was obviously very interested in Ye Luo and often invited him to Bai Gongguan. While having dinner and chatting at the mansion, they told him to date Bai Xiuzhu more often and not to neglect his fiancée.

After the banquet at Fengming House a few nights ago, he went to Bai Mansion according to Zhang Dingyao's wishes, only to learn that it had become a regular gathering place for their group of military and political dignitaries. Bai Xiong had risen from the powerless and unknown Minister of Finance. He became the Minister of Military and Political Affairs who held real power and infiltrated into the core group.

He knew that he was where he was today only because of the persuasion of his wife and sister, and he followed Zhang Dingyao, who was optimistic about Ye Luo, to fight to the death!

Sure enough, he became very successful.

He called suddenly. At such a sensitive moment, he said that he had an important guest to introduce to Ye Luo. It was not convenient to say it over the phone, so it was mysterious.

Ye Luo knew that his brother-in-law was now focused on him and was so anxious. He must be a big shot closely related to the business. He smiled and agreed. He turned to greet Ye Yuqiao and waved to Shi Jianqiao.

Shi Jianqiao was at the table preparing to kill everyone in the card game. He sighed and gave way to Bi Yunxia, ​​letting her accompany Ye Qingqing, Zhang Anyi and Xiao Aqiao to fight while he went back to his room and changed into a smart outfit. , take your weapons and follow Ye Luo.

"Nanny, please be careful when you go out~" Li Shuzhen accepted Shi Jianqiao as her adopted daughter, and she was so precious. "Do you want to bring more money?"

"Auntie, isn't there the second young master here?" The heroic Shi Jianqiao's cheeks were slightly red, and he couldn't say the words "second brother".

"Amnon is biased." Ye Luo took another pear, pulled it into two halves, put it to his mouth and started chewing, "Don't you want me to be careful?"

"You are so clever, what do you have to worry about?" Li Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him, "Take good care of my daughter."

"I know, I know, I'm going to Bai Mansion." Ye Luo waved his hand, took the car key from Xiaoli, and came to the parking lot with Shi Jianqiao.

"It's time to change cars." Ye Luo finished eating the pear and threw it away, then handed the remaining half to Shi Jianqiao, "Here you go, I'll drive."

"I" Shi Jianqiao wanted to refuse, but he couldn't drive, so he had to take the pear and put it in the palm of his hand and sat in the passenger seat, "Second Young Master, are you going to change your car? Why?"

"This car is not stylish enough. I have long wanted to change to a better car, but this Ford V8 was a gift from my grandma, and I have never parted with it." Ye Luo started the car, asked her to sit firmly and fasten her seat belt. When Shi Jianqiao was clumsy and couldn't do it, he turned around and helped her button up the buttons.

Shi Jianqiao smelled the man's scent, and the two of them were close to each other for a moment, making her whole body feel a little soft. She fiddled with the seat belt gently, and had to shyly turn her head away, enduring the discomfort and not daring to move. .

Ye Luo glanced at her secretly and realized that his cheap sister was very promising!

Well, judging from the size, Lin Ruxian should be slightly larger than Xiao Aqiao and Shi Jianqiao, larger than Hu Die, and larger than Bai Xiuzhu and Ruan Lingyu.

"Is this car expensive?" Shi Jianqiao used to be a eldest lady, but her father Shi Congbin lived a simple and simple life and was particularly strict with his children. Therefore, she did not enjoy the wealthy life much before his father passed away.

"It costs 5,000 oceans to land, and the annual vehicle, boat, tax, and gas expenses are also a few hundred oceans less." Ye Luo said casually, "Since you replace Yongzhen as my bodyguard, you have to learn to drive. Only Ali can drive. Sometimes it's a turnaround." Don’t come here.”

"Is 5,000 just a small amount in front of a rich man like you, Second Young Master?" Shi Jianqiao didn't know what he was thinking. He took a bite of a pear and looked down at his hands, "No wonder you want to do business in the entertainment industry. In your opinion, Enjoyment is important, right?”

"Of course. But that's not why I want to be in the entertainment industry now." Ye Luo turned the steering wheel and drove out.

After the gang eradication operation was carried out, there were significantly fewer pedestrians on the streets in the concession and county areas. Many shops were temporarily closed, and it was difficult to see the rickshaw pullers sitting around and gathering together to brag and spank.

It seems that the entire Shanghai beach is much cleaner.

"Jianqiao, what do you think people live for?" Ye Luo suddenly asked.

Shi Jianqiao almost blurted out the words "revenge", but luckily she held it in. She peeked at Ye Luo's face, then shook her head, feeling a little confused.

"Actually, many people are just as confused as you. But one thing will not change, and that is instinct." Ye Luo said eloquently, "Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory mentions that people's needs increase step by step. Like a pyramid, oh, a pyramid is a kind of building in ancient Egypt, like a huge triangle, with the largest and widest bottom and a pointed top. The theory says that the lowest level of human beings is physiological needs, that is, food and water , sex life and clothes, followed by safety needs, which can also be understood as stability needs, probably job, stable income deposits, medical security, housing, etc., followed by social needs, love, friendship, etc., and finally respect. and self-actualization, also known as dreams.”

"According to what the second young master said, there is indeed some truth to it." Shi Jianqiao studied and almost went to college. Later, he traveled around the country, practiced martial arts and competed. His horizons were much broader than those of ordinary women in the Republic of China. Clothing, which is what we commonly call food, clothing, housing and transportation, is the lowest level and the most profitable business, as well as sex and brothels."

By the end of the sentence, her face had turned red.

"That's right, if you want to make your business bigger, you need to find the right investment direction. In the early stages of the market, before people's lives were unstable, food, clothing, housing and transportation were the simplest, crudest and most profitable businesses. But that requires a combination of It depends on the environment." Ye Luo nodded with a smile, "In Shanghai today, clothing, food, and housing are not profitable. A dozen years ago, people like Sassoon and Jing Ruishan were engaged in the construction industry, or cracking down on MSG. Mystery, the food industry, or the textile industry before the invasion of foreign goods, were very profitable businesses. But now, any businessman with some sense will reject these businesses."

"Didn't the second young master start a career in the automobile industry that no one dares to get involved in?" Shi Jianqiao pursed his lips and chuckled, using each other's spears to attack each other's shields, wanting to see Ye Luo's answer.

"Cars, whether rented or sold, are businesses rooted in middle-class families and above. If you want to make a fortune, it is difficult to do so. After all, there are millions of people in Shanghai, and most of them cannot afford to buy a car. If you want to make a fortune in Shanghai, For the development of the transportation industry, we must either make it bigger and stronger, including planes, ferries, trains and railways! Control the real transportation network! Or focus on ordinary people and make them accessible to all."

When Ye Luo said this, a tram happened to be crossing the track. He stopped and waited for the tram to go first.

Looking at the tram in front of her, Shi Jianqiao was thoughtful, but she felt that trams were not a means of transportation available to everyone.

Ordinary people can't even afford a rickshaw.

The answer lies in bicycles.

However, due to problems with technology and imported products, it cannot be realized at this stage, so Ye Luo will not mention it.

"Although the Northern Expedition has been successful and the north and south have been unified, if a few major warlords are still there, then there will be war. You know this better than I do."

Ye Luo sighed. It seemed peaceful, but that was just Shanghai in the past few years.

In the Central Plains region, a civil war between the principal and several warlords will soon occur!

At that time, the people were suffering again.

Shi Jianqiao is a tiger girl, so she naturally understands this. She nodded slightly: "Why does the second young master want to be in the entertainment industry? Since the second young master loves the country and loves the people, isn't it a bad way to save the country through industry?"

"To save the country through industry, you must first have money." Ye Luo stretched out his hand in gear and gently rubbed her head, "Fool, make money first, and then build a factory. Now we are about to enter the peaceful era of Shanghai, and everyone has basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. We are almost satisfied. If we want to date, fall in love, socialize and have fun, then of course there must be a new entertainment industry to replace the old industry."

Shi Jianqiao was a little displeased when he saw him rubbing her head like a little girl, but seeing his smiling and ambitious look, the dissatisfaction in her heart immediately disappeared.

Looking at him, she could always feel the charm of a man similar to her father, which fascinated her.

"Okay, we're here." Ye Luo unbuckled her seat belt, glanced at the pear with only one core left in her hand, and took it over with a smile, "I know you are doubting this, but remember, our Ye family We don’t pay attention to the rules of dividing pears.”

"Because I firmly believe that man can conquer nature."

Shi Jianqiao in the car looked at him blankly. She had been holding back this little question for a long time, but she didn't expect that Ye Luo had already guessed it!

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