1979 Golden Age

Chapter 15 Beijing Film Studio


The sun had just set in the west when Chen Qi pushed open the courtyard door and carried the bicycle out again.

Yu Xiuli was probably afraid that he would starve to death, so she not only brought a large bag of clothes, but also a large bag of random food. For this reason, her parents asked someone to exchange a lot of tickets and gave him thirty yuan.

Before get off work, Menzhang Hutong was rarely quiet, with only an old man watching from a short distance away.

Chen Qi looked back. He had lived here for half a month and didn't have many deep feelings. But after all, there was a little bit of melancholy. He instinctively felt a trace of melancholy. He sighed to himself: "I've finally finished the Novice Village. It's time." Changed the map!”

"Let's go!"

He no longer felt nostalgic, got on his bike and dodged people. After leaving Dashilan, his mood improved, and he even hummed a puzzle song: "Big-headed son, little-headed father, a pair of good friends, a happy father and son..."

Speaking of which, when he was a child, he always thought that the mother of the big-headed son was called "Wronged Mother", but later he found out that she was "Apron Mother", and it was all because there were no subtitles.

Their neighbor's name is Lao Wang.

Ten kilometers is not a short distance, so you have to ride for a while. These days, the countryside is just outside the Second Ring Road from Beijing, but this area in Haidian is different. There are many universities and colleges, it is very lively with people coming and going, and the buildings are also decent.

"Teacher Liang!"

When we arrived at the gate of Beijing Film Studio, Liang Xiaosheng was waiting and said hurriedly: "Be careful, be careful, bringing so many things?"

"My mother is worried."

"Actually, we have everything here. You come down first and I will briefly show you around."

Chen Qi got out of the car and pushed him inside. He glanced at the uncle in the reception room. The uncle didn't recognize that this was the guy who gave him a half-packed front door and looked at him stupidly.

The Beijing Film Studio is quite large. The first thing you see are three buildings.

In the center is the red-and-white Soviet-style main building, which has three and a half floors. The Literature Department and the "Film Creation" editorial department are on the third floor. There are also two auxiliary buildings, namely the recording and editing building and the printing building.

"Behind the main building is the studio, and the logistics facilities are over there. I'll take you to the guest house first."

Liang Xiaosheng led him around.

Chen Qi visited the Beijing Film Studio in his previous life. Many buildings do not exist yet, such as the Ming and Qing Style Street, which was built in 1981 for the filming of "Camel Xiangzi" and was later expanded into a street.

There is also the Rongning Second Mansion, which was built in 1986 when the movie "Dream of Red Mansions" was being filmed. The TV series version was also being filmed at that time. Chen Xiaoxu and Zhang Li were in love with each other...

There is also a row of bungalows against iron railings, which have not yet been built. In 1997, Feng Xiaogang lived here temporarily and filmed "Party A and Party B".

"Over there is the Tongzilou dormitory, the bathhouse and the dining hall, and to the north of the studio is the guest house."

Liang Xiaosheng took him to a seven-story building and said with a smile: "From the pre-preparation of a movie, all photography, art, costumes, props, etc. will live here.

There are eight of them in one room, guess who gets the single room? "


"The director is one of them, what else?"


"Ordinary actors also have eight-person rooms, famous actors have double rooms, and only directors and screenwriters can live in single rooms. This is the tradition in film studios across the country!"

Liang Xiaosheng suddenly felt a sense of honor, even though he was not a screenwriter, and said: "There is a saying in our literary and art circles that the director is the God of a movie, and the screenwriter is the person second only to God!"


Chen Qi acted flattered.

In the film and television industry of later generations, the financial backers in the world are the largest, and the financial backers’ boyfriends, girlfriends, godsons, goddaughters, and friends who are both male and female are the second largest. He has long been tempered and accustomed to it, and there is no fluctuation.

As soon as the two of them entered the guest house, a little girl suddenly ran down from upstairs and took the initiative to say hello:

"Teacher Liang!"

Chen Qi took a look and saw that the person was thin and small, with naturally drooped eye corners, a somewhat sad face, and a rather big nose. He was not pretty, but he had a nose and eyes, and he looked familiar.

"Why are you going?"

"I'm going home after the meeting. Who is this?" the little girl's voice was a bit sharp.

"His name is Chen Qi, and he's here to revise the manuscript..."

Liang Xiaosheng introduced him enthusiastically and said with a smile: "This is the youngest actor in our factory. He is only 18 years old. His name is Cai Ming!"


Chen Qi almost lost control of his expression, no wonder Te Niang looked familiar, it turned out to be Cai Ming! The Cai Ming who acted in the sketch.

The 18-year-old Nanako stood in front of him, looking awkward. However, the person involved felt nothing, and took the initiative to extend his hand: "Hello, you are able to revise the manuscript at such a young age. It is amazing, but I have to leave first. We will talk another day."

She jumped away.

"Don't she live in the dormitory?"

"I am a native of Beijing. My father is a university professor and my mother is a chief physician. How can I live in a dormitory? Dormitories are reserved for singles. For example, I have a small single room."

Liang Xiaosheng was quite envious.

Chen Qi continued to ask: "Has she ever filmed a movie?"

"Three films have been filmed, and one has just been finalized recently, which is the fourth film."

"Oh, it's quite cute."

After saying that, I scratched my head. The female celebrities I saw were all Zhu Lin, He Qing, and Chen Hong, and those in the Hong Kong circle also included Brigitte Lin, Zhao Yazhi, and Guan Zhilin. Why did I see Cai Ming? I'm not Guo Da!

Room is No. 302.

About ten square meters, there is a single bed, a set of tables and chairs, a wardrobe, a thermos and teacups on the table, an oriental red mirror hanging on the wall, and an iron shelf under the mirror with an enamel washbasin.

The kind of enamel basin that every house has, with patterns of big carps or peonies.

There is a toilet on each floor, the kind of school dormitory, old-fashioned flushing, which is a long trough for the urinal, with a pipe dripping water down from it, and a trough for the toilet, separated by a baffle.

When pooping, it seems like sitting in rows and dividing the fruit.

Of course there is no private bathroom, but Chen Qi is already very satisfied. If he can live in a single room these days, what else can he choose? When you get up at night and go out, the toilet is right there, so there is no need to empty the urinal.

Chen Qi opened the big bag and packed his clothes.

Liang Xiaosheng was eager to help. Seeing that he didn't bring any books, he smiled and said, "I thought you would bring some books to read, and I wanted to communicate with you."

"The books at home are too old. I have read them countless times. I am going to buy some new books. In fact, I prefer watching movies to reading. Every one of them is a treasure."

"so smart?"

"Of course, you can just name a movie and I'll know who's starring in it?" Chen Qi said with a smile.


Liang Xiaosheng obviously didn't believe it, and said: "Do you know the movie "Long Live the Wife" (a movie from the 1940s)?"


"Who is the leading actor in it?"

"The man's name is Xiaoshuai, and the woman's name is Xiaomei!"


The Internet cultural garbage from decades later gave this intellectual a hard blow without warning. Liang Xiaosheng's brain went blank for two seconds, unable to receive the signal at all. He paused and tried to ask again. : “Where’s the star of “This is our land” (a Cuban film)?”

"The man is called Da Zhuang, and the woman is called Xiao Mei."

Get lost!

Liang Xiaosheng wanted to curse.

He gave up the communication and said instead: "As usual, we will be responsible for your food and accommodation, but apart from three meals a day, if you want to eat something, you have to take care of it yourself. Your living allowance is 2 per day. money until your mission is completed.”

"Teacher Liang, can I ask how much my remuneration is?"

"This needs to be studied. After all, it has not been finalized yet! You can go directly to the cafeteria tomorrow morning. After dinner, come to the Literature Department in the main building and we will have a meeting."

Liang Xiaosheng arranged everything, thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, there is already a crew on the third floor. The director is next door to you. He is an old man from our factory. He likes peace and quiet. You should pay attention to it."

"Which old-timer?"

"Director Chen Huaikai."

Yo! ! ! !

Chen Qi's eyes lit up, "His father is the director!"

(No more...)

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