1979 Golden Age

Chapter 309 Big Pancake

"You have to look at everything from both sides..."

Xie Tieli made a smooth start, saying: "Dongfang Company's use of our factory's name to film has enhanced work vitality to a certain extent and promoted good competition. The rental fees for equipment can also be regarded as an increase in the factory's income, and personnel have higher subsidies. Some comrades Got benefits.

But from the perspective of creation and team building, I think there is a bad side.

The entertainment films produced by Oriental Company are very popular, which makes studios across the country follow suit, and our factory is no exception. Everyone is talking about how many copies have been sold, which actor is the most popular, and the creation tends to be biased towards entertainment films, ignoring the artistic quality.

And it has made people impetuous, money thoughts are spreading, and there is a phenomenon of comparing subsidies and treatment. Some people even suggested that our factory’s daily subsidy should be increased to 2 yuan..."

Xie Tieli said it very seriously.

An old director like him is meticulous about movies and insists on artistic quality. When filming, he often sets up a party style group to pay close attention to discipline and ideological construction.

He really felt that these problems had arisen at Beijing Film Studio, so he spoke out.

At the end, he said: "I have not read the script of "Life is Beautiful", and I respect Comrade Chen Qi. I just think that the current trend is not very good, and Beijing Film Studio should still use itself as the foundation to move forward... …I’m done.”


Wang Yang had a headache.

It would be easier to resolve if there were only other people making noises, but since Xie Tieli personally raised the issue, the factory must take it seriously, so it would be difficult to allocate three cameras to Chen Qi.

When others saw it, they immediately climbed up the pole.

"Director Xie is right!"

"If we allocate resources to others, we will not develop ourselves?"

"As I said before, our crew will never let the camera go!"

When several factory leaders saw this, they could not go against the opinions of the masses and kept muttering: "Lao Wang, what do you think we should do?"

Wang Yang had no choice but to pat the microphone and said in person: "What does it look like to have a noisy meeting? I asked you to come here to discuss it together. The result has not yet been decided. We already know everyone's opinions and will seriously consider them. Let's go here first. Let's break up the meeting. !”

Everyone stood up and walked out in twos and threes.

They exchanged glances with each other and showed victorious smiles. When the old factory manager said this, it meant that they had surrendered. Although we are just temporarily subdued, as long as everyone unites, there will be no good fruits surnamed Chen!

Wang Yang returned to the office and sent someone to call Chen Qi. After waiting for a while, the boy arrived.

"What's the matter, old man?"

"It's not because of you that Xie Tieli even spoke at the meeting today. He used to be the one who didn't like to get involved in these things..."

Wang Yang told the story again and said, "Can the Great Wall provide some support?"

"Part of "Life is Beautiful" was shot in Shanghai and part in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the Great Wall provided support. Why do you have the nerve to ask for it again? I want to think about how to solve it, hey? Can I pay more for the rental fee?"

"Unless you can afford tens or even millions, there's no chance."

"I'll spend hundreds or even millions of dollars to buy a camera! I'm short on money, I'll just wait until I sell out the film."

Chen Qi frowned and thought. If Dongchang had the name of Beijing Film Studio, such a contradiction would inevitably arise.

If he can give everyone a two-dollar subsidy, then everyone will definitely have no objection. If the treatment given to Zhang Yimou can be extended to the entire factory, he will be treated as an ancestor and Shichahai will be able to make a fortune immediately. The three-meter long white snake was thrown at the door of Lechunfang the next day, and Liu Xiaoqing embroidered the dragon robe overnight...

But it’s impossible!

What's more, he hates those guys and only trusts Li Wenhua and Wang Hao.

"Is there any way to expand the benefits and give those guys something to look forward to?"

He thought for a long time and suddenly clapped his hands: "Yes!"


"I have three strategies: upper, middle and lower. You have to listen..."

"Stop talking nonsense and speak up!"

So, Chen Qi whispered in Wang Yang's ear. There was no one in the room, but what he wanted was a sense of form.

"Haha, okay, okay! This is called conspiracy, you are smart!"

Wang Yang was also happy.


Just one day later, Beijing Film Studio held a meeting in the cafeteria, and Gong Xue had to go.

She was also wondering, what kind of meeting was Hao Dui Dui having? He moved a small bench and sat next to Zhang Jinling. Zhang Jinling also carried a handful of melon seeds. The two of them buried their heads in secretly eating melon seeds while Cai Ming watched from the side.

And those directors whispered:

"Why is there another meeting?"

"Are you studying resource allocation again?"

"No, this is a group meeting. It's impossible to say this in front of everyone."

"Whatever! It won't work if we ask us to let the cameras go!"

They were determined and would not give in.

After waiting for a while, the factory leaders came and sat in a row on the stage, with Wang Yang in the middle.

"I suddenly called everyone here to announce something..."

Wang Yang said slowly: "As the number of employees in the factory increases year by year, the housing problem becomes more and more prominent. There are many two or three generations crowded into one house. I heard that the offices are all occupied.

Working during the day, sleeping at night, and fighting to the death.

As the director of the factory, I feel deeply guilty, but you also know the situation in the factory. There is insufficient funds to bear the cost of new housing. We have been trying to find a solution.

Not long ago, we reached an agreement with Eastern Company.

You all know there is a fruit forest on the left side of the gate, right? We decided to make use of that land and level all the fruit trees. Dongfang Company paid for it and we provided the land. We will build two buildings first, one for each of us... Later, we may expand to six buildings, three for each of us.

The initial plan is a two-bedroom apartment, starting from 50 square meters, with a sewer pipe, the kind with indoor flush toilets..."


Everyone took a breath of septic tank.

Flush toilets!

Most people have only heard of it, but never seen it. Will we be able to poop in the house in the future? No need to prepare a urinal? No need to go to the toilet in the cold winter, with your butt frozen hard?

Wang Yang ignored his subordinates and said to himself: "In order to do this important thing most efficiently, the factory decided to set up a housing committee, and I will be the director..."

A golden cake hung high on the stage, shining on everyone's face.

These days, the masses are powerful. No one may listen to the factory director, but no one dares not to listen to the director of the housing committee!

"This is a good start! We will definitely solve the housing problem for everyone...Okay, let's adjourn! "

Wang Yang left after he finished speaking.

There was a lot of noise below.

Gong Xue knew something about the inside story and smiled. Only he could come up with such a bad idea. And she also knew that Chen Qi was short of money now and really couldn't spare any extra funds. When he became rich, he would definitely not treat everyone unfairly.

"If we divide the houses, I also want one. When my parents come to Beijing, they will have a place to live."

She also had some yearning. Who wouldn't want such a house?


The old man returned to the office and heard someone knocking on the door before he sat for ten minutes.

"Come in!"


As soon as the door opened, a director came in, righteously: "I have seriously considered it all night. Beijing Film Studio is a big studio. A big studio must have its own mind and temperament and cannot be looked down upon!

I am willing to give the equipment to those who need it more!"

"Have you thought about it?"

"I have thought about it!"

"Well, let's get back to the meeting. "

"Then I'll take my leave first, Director. You must remember that I volunteered! I volunteered!"

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