1979 Golden Age

Chapter 344 New Force

"Penghu Bay, Penghu Bay, grandma's Penghu Bay...beach, waves, cacti, and an old captain..."

In the morning, in a car, Liu Xuehua looked curiously at Andy next to him. He was holding a sheet of music in his hand and singing this Taiwanese folk song softly, very seriously.

"Why do you want to sing Mandarin songs?"

"Mr. Chen told me!"

"Didn't Mr. Chen want you to learn vocal music?"

"Yes, but he first asked me to learn Mandarin songs, and then maybe asked me to sing in mainland China."

"There is no market in mainland China..."

Liu Xuehua is from Beijing and came to Hong Kong when he was 5 years old. He said: "I can't ask you to go to the mainland, but you can't enter Taiwan. Maybe I can ask you to develop in Singapore and Malaysia. There are many Chinese over there."

"Who knows, anyway, I will learn if you ask me to. You will be fine. You are not as hard as me. You Liu Xuehua and I, Andy Lau, are just one word different. We are the same person but have different fates."

"Who said I wasn't working hard? My throat was inflamed every day when I was filming those horror movies!"

Liu Xuehua also complained, looked at each other and sighed together with Andy, but at the same time he was full of hope for his acting career. The company has good momentum and the artists are also high-spirited.

While talking, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

The two got out of the car and saw a sign: The press conference is on the third floor.

Then we went up to the third floor and entered a hall. Xian Qiran was directing the layout. He originally had no sense of presence in the left wing. He was just a part-time worker. He filmed two movies and the results were not good. As a result, the left wing was about to merge and he was promoted. , working as an assistant to Fu Qi.

That's called an assistant to the general manager, someone with real power!

"You guys are here, go backstage and wait!"

He said hello, and the two walked through the hall and entered a small door. Inside was the lounge, where Li Lianjie, Liang Jiahui, and Zhong Chuhong were talking and laughing.

Li Lianlian came into contact with them for the first time. He was the youngest at 19 years old, but he was the most popular. The young people blended in easily, and they suddenly became a group of five. After a while, Qiu Shuzhen appeared jumping up and down.

"Sister Hong, you are finally here, we are in the same company!"

"Yes, yes, I was also united. Who brought you here?"

"Master, he is busy outside."

After waiting for a while, Xu Hark, Shi Nansheng, Lin Lingdong, Mou Dundi and Fang Yuping arrived together.

Mou Dundee's contract with Shaw Brothers has expired and he has officially changed jobs. He has two series including "The Turn" and "Into the Dark" and is already a well-known plasma film director.

Fang Yuping is the one who won the first Academy Award for Best Director for "Father and Son". He is a genius in making art films. All of his films were invested by the left - or in other words, in the early 1980s, only the left in Hong Kong was willing to invest in pure art. piece.

Fang Yuping didn't like to talk, so he came in and sat in the corner quietly.

At this moment, these people in the room, plus Xian Qiran outside, and non-staff member Xu Anhua, are all the new forces on the left today. Most of the personnel were brought in one by one by Chen Qi.

There are management talents, great directors, production talents, genre film directors, powerful actors, idol actors, kung fu superstars, beauties, royal sisters... This team is already quite good.

He just lacks experience and is too young.

They socialized with each other. Liang Jiahui was about to go to the mainland to film a movie. He was very curious about it. Following the topic just now, he continued: "Jie Zai, what do you think about that meal ticket? Do I have a meal ticket too?"

"We need tickets for everything we buy. You are a Hong Kong compatriot. We will usually take care of you and give you meat tickets. You will have meat to eat on the set."

"Then you have no meat to eat?"

"Who can afford it? When filming in mainland China, all we eat are steamed buns and pickles. The steamed buns are made of whole grains, and the pickles are just lumps..."

Li Lianjie felt like he was destroying his authority, so he compensated by saying, "But we are also very good. We have not suffered any hardships following Brother Qi. He is capable and is planning to build a building. He will give each of us a set."

"I know, I know! I also have a way!" Qiu Shuzhen raised her hand.

"You only get it when you go to the capital. Your set is in Hong Kong." Tsui Hark said with a smile.

"What does it mean to be in Hong Kong? Do I have it too?" Zhong Chuhong asked hurriedly.

"It's a dormitory, the kind I live in, with good conditions, two bedrooms!" Liu Dehua said in person.


Zhong Chuhong opened his mouth. It would be good to join the left. His dream of buying a house came true overnight.

While they were chatting, Xian Qiran pushed the door open and said, "It will start in a moment. I'll come and call you. You follow me up!"


Zhong Chuhong adjusted her clothes and waited for her appearance. She didn't need to wear formal clothes today. She wore a T-shirt on top and cropped pants on the bottom. It was simple and natural. She knew that today's process would be divided into three parts.

The second part is to introduce the new films in the second half of the year. I need to make an appearance and talk about "The Love of Ghosts" and so on.


The applause came clearly from outside the door, and it must have started. Fu Qi's voice was also heard, and then he yelled. Everyone was itching and didn't know what was going on outside.


"Please be quiet!"

In the hall, the press conference began. Fu Qi and Chen Qi were sitting in the middle. There were dozens of chairs below, all from various media. Centrists and rightists also came, wanting to see what the leftists were going to do after Cannes.

Reporters from the Hong Kong branch of Taiwan's Central News Agency were also there.

"I invited my friends from the press to come here today because I want to announce a few things..."

Fu Qi spoke first, saying: "As everyone knows, we are three film companies, and we have always been independent producers. Our resources are relatively scattered, and we have lost talent and aged. In today's rapid development of the Hong Kong film industry, we are increasingly unable to keep up with the times.

So with the consent of Beijing, we officially announce that Great Wall, Phoenix, Xinlian, Clearwater Bay Studios, Shuangnan Cinema Line and various commercial real estates will be integrated into a group company called Yindu Organization!"


The audience instantly became lively, and before the question-and-answer session, some reporters had raised their hands.

Fu Qi ignored him and slowly introduced the business scope and development goals of Yindu Organization. He then pointed to a person, who stood up and said, "Excuse me, is Mr. Chen employed by Yindu?"

"I will not join Yindu. I already have a position in the mainland."

Chen Qi picked up the microphone and said, "Since you asked, I will say that my company will set up a branch in Hong Kong in the second half of the year and stay there for a long time. Our goal with Yindu is to promote the development of the film and television industry in both places. We have always had a good relationship of mutual help, and it will not change in the future."

What does it mean?

The right-wing reporters stared with wide eyes. The integration of the left is bad enough, and you want to set up a Hong Kong branch. You are like a two-headed dragon, right?

This means that there will be two mainland forces in the Hong Kong film industry!

After a round of questions, Fu Qi said: "Silver Metro New Creation has also absorbed a group of new forces. Let them meet with our journalist friends today and introduce our release plan for the second half of the year."

The words fell.

Under the guidance of Xian Qiran, Tsui Hark, Shi Nansheng, Ringo Lam, Mou Dundi, Fang Yuping, Li Lianjie, Andy Lau, Liang Jiahui, Zhong Chuhong, Liu Xuehua, and Qiu Shuzhen appeared one after another!

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