1979 Golden Age

Chapter 365 Exchange Conditions

A Gundam was driving on the streets of Hong Kong.

Xiao Yang was not familiar with the map yet, so Xiao Mo drove the car. Shi Nansheng looked at the two of them and felt an inexplicable sense of security.

It was not easy to get into the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and there were many places where you had to pretend to be a grandson.

She had experienced it, and felt more deeply. She also saw women like Shi Hui with her own eyes, and she actually had some yearning. It turned out that strong women were not only successful at work, but also had a bigger picture...

"Hey, I also want such a bodyguard, is there any way?" She asked quietly in the back seat.

"Sure, as long as you make a contribution, the country will assign someone to protect you. Or you can hire privately, there are many veterans in the mainland."

"Private hiring is not high-end, the national assignment is so impressive!"

Shi Nansheng was experiencing the benefits of leaning on a big tree. The mainland was poor, but it was just poor.

She stood in the opposite position to the previous one, and miraculously achieved a kind of empathy: What is the mentality of Hong Kong people, the Hong Kong British government, and the right wing towards the mainland? Economic discrimination, military fear, and because of fear, it will become more discriminatory...

Without saying much, the two quickly arrived at the headquarters of Broadcasting Daoli and went up to the building.

Shi Nansheng had worked here before, and kept greeting people, and was led to the director's office.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Nansheng, you're here too!"

Li Zhuanglie saw the two. He knew Shi Nansheng, and her change of identity was a little strange. Of course, he was more interested in Chen Qi, and he was amazed at his age as usual.

After some politeness, they sat down.

Li Zhuanglie made a joke first, saying, "Mr. Chen is very successful in the film industry, and he is very famous. Why did he come to our place? You don't want to bring in a TV station, do you?"

"You want to join us? You are most welcome!"

Chen Qi was surprised.


Li Zhuanglie choked and didn't dare to continue, so he could only say: "I wonder what you can do today?"

"I came here to discuss cooperation. Can I borrow your platform to promote the movie?"

"You want to make a GG for the movie?"

He thought for a while and said: "Let's not talk about whether it will happen or not. Tell me what kind of GG format you want first? Is it a slightly longer trailer, or a few seconds of broadcast, in which time period? How many times a day, how many days?"

"Which of your programs has the highest ratings?"

"Of course it's "Tonight News", which is broadcast at 6:30 every day."

"Have you surveyed the audience?"


Li Zhuanglie glanced at him strangely and said: "Mostly middle-aged and elderly viewers."

"Mostly immigrants?" Chen Qi asked repeatedly.

"It should be."

Chen Qi also thought for a while and said decisively: "Then can it be on "Tonight News"?"

"Broadcast after the news is over?"

"No, in the news!"

"Impossible! We won't implant GG in the news!" Li Zhuanglie refused directly.

"It's not about inserting GG into the news, but about inserting news into the news!

I'll give you a piece of material, you cooperate with the interview and broadcast it as news... In the eyes of the audience, it's not GG, it's news, even the rightists can't find trouble with you!"

Chen Qi said it again.

GG is divided into hard advertising and soft advertising.

Everyone knows that hard advertising depends on the level of soft advertising. For example, if you write an article about the love story of a man and a woman, but the contradiction is centered around a certain product, which makes people remember it clearly. This is called soft advertising.

What Chen Qi is doing is 40 years ahead, and his benchmark is the later online self-media.

"This, this..."

Li Zhuanglie is a senior person in the industry, but he was confused and couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Seeing this, Chen Qi smiled and suddenly talked about another thing, saying: "Mr. Qiu has just taken over. He has invested in the mainland. I admire him very much and hope to have more cooperation in the future.

To show my sincerity, I am not overestimating my ability and have an immature idea to share with you?"

"Please speak!"

"Have you ever heard of variety shows?" Chen Qi said.

"Like the singing and dancing indoor entertainment shows in Taiwan?" Li Zhuanglie said.

"Almost. I think Hong Kong TV stations are very short of such programs, but the Taiwanese ones are not suitable for you. They need celebrities to be in the show. The ratings can only be high if the celebrities are big enough, but you have too few celebrities."

Li Zhuanglie was embarrassed when he heard this.

Indeed, TVB has many stars, while Rediffusion has few stars and they are not important enough. They have finally cultivated people like Wang Mingquan and Damian Lau, and they have jumped to TVB.

"Why not go the celebrity route and reach the masses, creating a program that everyone can participate in.

For example, an outdoor water park, a 200-meter runway, several levels, rotating balance beams, rollers like Ferris wheels, and swinging over like an orangutan by grabbing a rope. Anyway, there is water below, so falling down won't hurt.

Find some men and women to challenge, and if they pass the obstacles and reach the finish line, they will be considered successful and can get prizes or bonuses.

The name is also easy to come up with, such as "The Challenge of Wisdom and Courage", "Boys and Girls Go Forward", "National Challenge"... It doesn't matter, what we want is the participation of all Hong Kong citizens, and the theme of fitness competition, which is positive and not vulgar.

You can also divide teams into teams and genders to compete, set up various challenges, monthly champions, quarterly champions, and annual champions, once a year, to see who is the fastest, and finally gather the annual champions together for a king of kings competition!

Do you think such a program will have ratings?

As long as there are ratings, the next buyers will come. You can ask the sponsors for prizes and the GG merchants for bonuses. You don’t have to pay a penny except for the venue fee. On the contrary, you can collect registration fees from citizens...

I admire Mr. Qiu and hope to cooperate with you more. So I have this little idea. What do you think? ”


Li Zhuanglie and Shi Nansheng were dumbfounded.

His meaning was very clear. He wanted to establish friendly relations with ATV. To show his sincerity, he first offered a great plan.

Ask Boss Qiu for instructions?

Li Zhuanglie had just come up with this idea when he extinguished it. He had just taken over as the program director. If he had to ask the boss for instructions, wouldn’t it seem timid and lacking in courage?

Then swallow this idea and not cooperate with him?

He looked at Chen Qi, who had a kind face. Forget it. This man was ruthless and ruthless, and was famous in Hong Kong.

In just a few seconds, he turned several corners in his mind. As a senior media person, he couldn’t help but understand the potential of this program. Once it was done well, it could be done for several years in a row.

Water Challenge!

The cost is not high. It is a golden egg.

But the key is that the news that Chen Qi asked for has never been done before...

Li Zhuanglie struggled for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, we will promote the movie for you!"

"No, no, it's news!"

"It's all the same! If this water show gets a good response, I will also report it to Mr. Qiu. "

"That's good, I hope we have a long-lasting friendship!"

Chen Qi shook hands with him and put down a stone.

TV is a great propaganda platform. The left will have many stars in the future and needs to use the platform. The mainland does not have the conditions, and Hong Kong has a choice between 2 and 1. He still chose the future ATV instead of TVB.

And this kind of water challenge has become popular in later generations. There are even young ladies wearing sexy clothes and deliberately getting wet to attract traffic...

There is a fixed group of viewers, which was even more popular in the 1980s.

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