1979 Golden Age

Chapter 383: Fake Phoenix


On Xizhimenwai Street, there is a hotel built in 1954. It was formerly called the Soviet Exhibition Hall Guest House and is now called Xiyuan Hotel. It is also where Li Hanxiang's crew stayed.

Liang Jiahui got up early, had dinner, went downstairs and rode on a 28-inch sedan.

That's right, it was the broken car that Chen Qi abandoned in the capital.

He walked slowly and leisurely towards the Forbidden City. The distance was not close, only 8 kilometers. This was the fun he had recently discovered. He loved riding a bicycle to visit the streets and alleys of the capital. Autumn was the perfect time.

All the way to Di'anmen West Street, he should have gone south, but instead he went north, heading to Lechunfang in Shichahai.

When they arrived at No. 6 Lechunfang, Dai Hanhan had just opened the door and was sweeping the floor. When she saw him, she smiled and said, "Brother Jiahui, here we go again! Come in and sit down. We are making breakfast. The soy milk is warm."


When it came to soy milk, Liang Jiahui vomited and waved his hands: "No, no, will Mr. Chen arrive today? What time is it?"

"It's afternoon!"

"When he comes back, please tell me that we are filming in the Forbidden City."

"no problem!"

Liang Jiahui said hello and then rode south to the Forbidden City.

There are almost no tourists, and the entrance is deserted. "The Burning of the Old Summer Palace" and "The Government Behind the Curtain" are the first time that the Forbidden City has opened its real-life movie scenes, and even the dragon's chair is real. It was opened several times after that, but was closed after "The Last Emperor" due to damage to cultural relics.

His face looked familiar and he rode straight in.

Why ride a bike?

Driving is not allowed in the Forbidden City.

At this moment, the square in front of the Palace of Supreme Harmony has become the place where the crew is stationed. The staff are busy, various equipment and props can be seen everywhere, and eunuchs, maids, and ministers in plain clothes are walking around...


Liang Jiahui went to put on makeup, but Liu Xiaoqing was already sitting there, forcing a smile.

"Well, morning!"

He nodded and never said much.

Liu Xiaoqing was so emaciated that she was raped while going to her vagina. The Beijing Film Studio held a meeting to criticize her and publicly reviewed her. Not to mention, the Ministry of Culture punished her by directly depriving her of the money she earned, which meant that her work was in vain and she got a bad reputation.

Acupuncture can be big or small. To put it seriously, she abandoned the crew and went out to make money without telling the work. Her nature was very bad...

Even her exuberant personality like a weed is a bit too much to bear.

But he was indeed honest and filmed peacefully every day, and Li Hanxiang was satisfied.

After Liang Jiahui put on his makeup and put on the emperor's costume, he first found Li Hanxiang and whispered: "Director, Mr. Chen will be here today."

"He returned to the capital?"

"Say something happened."

"What could be wrong with him? Isn't it just for you?"

Li Hanxiang consciously saw through Chen Qi and hummed: "One code is the same. I will never allow half-heartedness in filming. He dares to come and ask for someone. See how I defend him and make him speechless!"


Chen Qi arrived in the afternoon.

After resting for a while and having dinner, he took Zhang Yi, He Qun, He Ping, and Zhang Junzhao to the Forbidden City. Most of the scenes of "Life is Beautiful" have been completed, and Li Wenhua and others are doing the final work in Shanghai. ending.

"For what?"

“It’s past the visiting time and it’s closed!”

Several people were stopped at the entrance, and Chen Qi had to get his ID before he was allowed to go.

He had been to the Forbidden City several times in his previous life, and every time it was always crowded. He had never experienced such a quiet entrance at night.

There is a bright moon above the head, the moonlight blends into the night, covering the palace city hundreds of years ago. The lights and figures in the Square of the Hall of Supreme Harmony seem to have erased the ravines of time and space, like people in ancient times looking at the ancient times. moon.

"I will definitely photograph the Forbidden City at night once in my lifetime!"

“It’s artistic, so artistic!”

"It's mysterious and scary, but I actually hope a ghost comes out of it."

The four literary young people expressed their emotions one after another.

Chen Qi was too lazy to care. He was very busy when he came back this time. He couldn't waste a second. He strode over, grabbed a big speaker and shouted directly: "Director Li Hanxiang! Director Li! I'm here, come out for a while!" "


The staff looked at each other, where did the mountain cannon come from?

Take a closer look, damn, that boy named Chen... ah, he is Comrade Chen Qi who is good at charity, makes the poor people in the world happy, and builds buildings for us!

"What are you shouting for? What are you shouting for?"

Li Hanxiang stomped down the steps and said angrily: "This is my crew, please respect me, you are not polite like a rough man!"

"I have something to ask you. Let's talk somewhere."

"Go in and talk!"

Li Hanxiang was even more generous and went directly to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to receive it.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, commonly known as the Golden Palace!

The light inside is bright, the floor of the hall is paved with gold bricks, and there is a throne in the bright room. On both sides of the throne are six giant pillars with a diameter of 1 meter, gilded with clouds and dragons. In front of the throne, there are four pairs of furnishings: Baoxiang, Luduan, crane and incense pavilion.

"Is this the dragon chair?"

Chen Qi stared at the throne.

"I'll start shooting in twenty minutes. If you have anything to say, tell me quickly."

"Is this a dragon chair?"

"Yes, yes, do you dare to sit on the real dragon chair?" Li Hanxiang joked.

"The person who asked you this question is that the remnants of feudalism have not been cleansed. Why don't I dare to sit down as the successor to overthrow the three mountains and establish New China and socialism?"

Chen Qi sat on it as soon as he could: "I'm calling you here this time because I have something important to discuss!"

"Get up!"

Li Hanxiang stood up and said first, "If you borrow Liang Jiahui's money, there's no need to talk!"

"Who said I was borrowing Liang Jiahui, and I was looking for you for something else."

Chen Qi looked at the dragon throne with regret. He only had to sit on it once. He would never have the chance again. He said, "I have four subordinates, fresh graduates from Beijing Film Academy, who need some exercise. Can they join your crew?

It's fine if they can do odd jobs. You don't have to be used by others. You can do whatever you want. I'll pay you."


Li Hanxiang still gave him this favor.

"Hong Kong newspapers have exposed you. What are you going to do?" Chen Qi asked again.

When this was mentioned, Li Hanxiang became irritable.

In history, the rightists asked him to write a self-criticism, but he refused to write it and was banned. No one in Hong Kong asked him to make a movie. He could only bring Liang Jiahui to the mainland to make movies, but he didn't make money in the mainland.

He also had to support his family. In order to make a living, he started to make erotic films again. At that time, his erotic films were outdated and the box office was a failure. It was not until the early 1990s that Taiwan lifted the ban on him.

He died of a heart attack in 1996.

It can be said that Li Hanxiang was quite embarrassed in the later period of his life. A great director ended up with no serious movies to shoot.


Chen Qi's question just hurt his nerves, and he said angrily: "What else can I do? I can only come to the mainland to develop! Wait for poverty!"

"Director Li, don't just focus on filming, at least read some news! The leftists are not the leftists they used to be. It doesn't matter if Taiwan bans you. Come to Yindu, or come to me. I just happen to have a story for you to shoot."

He talked about the recent achievements of the leftists. Li Hanxiang widened his eyes, unbelievable, and then overjoyed.

If you can live a good life, no one wants to be poor.

"What inspiration have you got? Tell me about it?"

"This is an erotic film..."

Chen Qi startled Li Hanxiang as he spoke, and he hurriedly said, "Can the leftists make erotic films?"

"I will register a subsidiary and use Hong Kong capital to make some sensitive films, which will not be released in the leftist theaters. Please listen to me first!"

"It's probably about a rich lady with a rich dowry. A swindler pretends to pursue her in order to steal her money, and sends a maid to sneak in. After the fraudulent marriage, he plans to put the lady in a mental hospital.

As a result, the maid and the lady fell in love and did the fake phoenix and false phoenix thing..."

Chen Qi gave a general outline, but Li Hanxiang's eyes The more he listened, the more excited he became. He praised repeatedly: "Good story! Good story! My friend, you are indeed a genius in writing scripts!"

"Although this film is erotic, I want to make it into a high-quality art film and take it to Europe for exhibition. This kind of subject matter is just what the Europeans like. Maybe I can win an award and give a slap to the rightists in the face!"


Li Hanxiang liked this story so much that he said: "You must write a good script. I will take over as soon as I finish filming."

"This is difficult. I have a lot of things to do. I can't write if I don't finish them. Please lend me Liang Jiahui and I will return it to you in two months..."

(No more!

Please contact the winners as soon as possible. It takes time to mail it. It will be bad after the Mid-Autumn Festival.)

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