1979 Golden Age

Chapter 53: You can make a lot of money by writing




On the wooden bed in the outer room, Chen Qi opened his eyes in a daze. Yu Xiuli patted him and said, "Get up, feel good!"

He sat up and was in a daze for a while. After returning home from the torturous train journey last night, he fell asleep. He thought Yu Xiuli had gotten off work, but when he looked outside, the sun was shining brightly.

"Why did you come back at noon?"

"Let me cook you some food. I'll be busy in a while. Your dad and I will have to come back later. Let's eat for dinner."

"Why are you going?"

"Isn't it caused by the Literary Congress? In response to the conference, our unit is planning to hold a book fair. All the Xinhua bookstores in the city are extremely busy."

Yu Xiuli prepared the rice quickly. In order to welcome her eldest son, she specially cut some meat and made stir-fried meat, as well as a radish, cabbage, and a pickle.

Eating radish and cabbage in Lushan until he vomited, Chen Qi felt nauseated. Holding the steamed bun in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand, he stared at the meat and said with a smile: "My mother will not die of hunger, so I'd better go home."

"You don't get good food on the set?"

"It's not bad, big pot rice. When will your book market open?"

"In a few days, if you have nothing to do, you can go shopping. Ye Shengtao, Bing Xin and others are here. It's at the Working People's Cultural Palace. The last book fair was in 1957 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution. There were huge crowds of people, even shoes. It’s crowded, there must be more people this time.”

"Can you just buy books at the book market? Then I'll go take a look and just make some money..."

With that said, Chen Qi took out a small book from his bag and clicked on it: "Look, your son is capable and is earning royalties again."

"Published again? Which magazine?"

Yu Xiuli was suddenly pleasantly surprised. When she saw it, three huge fonts of "Story Club" were hanging on it. She said with a click of her tongue: "I'm sorry, why don't you submit your article to People's Literature? It's worse than "Harvest" and "Ten "Month" is fine, this crappy magazine is very popular in our bookstores."

"Huh? Do you know "Story Club"?"

"Which domestic magazine do we not know about? They want to distribute it overseas. One is through the channel of Xinhua Bookstore, and the other is through the Post and Telecommunications Bureau. At the beginning of the year, "Story Club" wanted to come to Beijing, but the bookstore didn't like it... Let me take a look at what you wrote. ? Oh~ It’s still a martial arts novel!

Damn it, if you write about romance and then martial arts, you won’t get into the Writers’ Association.

You have to be profound, you have to criticize the past, the kind of release after suppressing human nature, have you heard of scar literature? The Writers Association loves to see this, you will be scarred! "

"I got a butt mark!"

Being annoyed by his mother, Chen Qi rolled his eyes, grabbed the magazine, and said, "I don't have any ambition in the Writers' Association. I just like to write popular stuff. Okay, okay, you can leave quickly!"

"I'm not done yet!"

"let's go!"

Chen Qi walked away from Yu Xiuli and took a bite of the steamed bun. A mother's child will not die of hunger, but he can be angry to death. Everyone looks down on those who write popular novels. Fortunately, this compound is still the former residence of Zhang Henshui!

This is a big house with seven inner courtyards!

He ate, washed the dishes, and put the remaining dishes in the cupboard.

Dish rack cabinet, many people born in the 90s have never heard of this thing. It is a small wooden cabinet specially used to store dishes and chopsticks.

Don’t think that there are no betrothal gifts in this era. Betrothal gifts in this era are great! The famous three turns and one sound: bicycle, watch, sewing machine, radio, in addition, there are thirty-six legs. But this is for marriage and living, and it is different from the betrothal gifts of later generations.

There is a double bed, a square table, four stools, a large wardrobe, a dressing table, a dining cupboard/cupboard, and exactly thirty-six legs.

Later, it was upgraded to forty-eight legs and seventy-two legs. It can only be said that the marriage is one and the same.

Of course, if an agreement is reached, no betrothal gift is required. Just get a thermos, a red mirror, two wedding quilts, and an enamel washbasin from Double Happiness, and you can get married...

Chen Qi's back hurt from taking the train, so he lay lazily on the bed and took out his small bankbook. Previously, I had more than 600 yuan left, but "Kapok Kasaya" gave me 350 yuan. With the subsidy from Beijing Film Studio, I officially exceeded the 1,000 yuan mark.

It's no shame to say that he's a household worth a thousand yuan. This amount of money is probably what my parents can earn in a year.

He knew that the sales of "Story Club" must have increased a lot, because before coming back, He Chengwei met with him once again and said that he should keep in touch and keep in touch when he returned to the capital. If he had time, he would definitely visit Shanghai. Walking backwards to meet each other, sleeping with feet touching each other...

The flattering attitude and disgusting words, there is no three hundred taels of silver in this place!

"Story Club" sold for 24 cents, or 24,000 yuan for 100,000 copies. Later, millions of copies were sold for each issue, which was a profit of millions. If it is changed to a monthly magazine, the annual revenue will exceed 10 million!

There was also "Reader", which was later put on the market.

A magazine is humble, but when it expands, it becomes a media group.

"Suddenly I sympathized with Zheng Yuanjie..."

Although Chen Qi likes "Story Club" and is willing to contribute to it, he cannot guarantee that he will run out of ideas as time goes by.

"The 1980s was the golden age of literature. People who wrote books could make a lot of money and build a platform. My parents were in Xinhua Bookstore, so there was no need to waste this resource. Who thinks there is too much money??"

He muttered a few words, put away his bankbook, and fell asleep again in a daze.


In October this year, the most exciting thing was not the National Day dance in the Great Hall, but a painting.

The Capital International Airport recently completed its expansion and hired several painters to create murals for the terminal. One of the murals, titled "Water Splashing Festival - Ode to Life", caused a sensation. The painter was Yuan Yunsheng.

He boldly painted several naked Dai girls. At that time, overseas media exclaimed: "For the first time, women's bodies appeared in public places in China, demonstrating the true meaning of reform and opening up!"

Of course, this was not allowed in China. Relevant personnel found Yuan Yunsheng and discussed: "Can it be changed? At least let the girls wear shorts?"

Just when the uproar was raging, the top leaders of the central government heard about it and came to watch it in person, saying: "What's controversial about this? Artistic expression is normal. I think there is no problem. We should print more and sell them to foreigners."

So it was kept.

But ordinary people love to join in the fun. My goodness, can you see naked bodies openly? You try every means to sneak in, just to see naked bodies.

The airport felt that it was not decent, so it covered it with a gauze curtain, and later a baffle. It was not until the Asian Games in 1990 that the complete mural was unveiled. It was well protected and looks as bright as new.

In this era, a painting, a book, or an individual business owner could represent the direction of the country.

Rumor has it that Ho Ying-tung once said: "At that time, when investing in the mainland, I was afraid of sudden policy changes. Every time I went to Beijing, I would first check if the painting was there. If it was, I would feel more at ease."


But Chen Qi stayed at home for a day and then went to the Beijing Film Studio.

"Love in Lushan" was still shooting slowly in the studio, waiting for the National Congress of Literature and Art to be held. Gong Xue did not return to the army and also lived in the guesthouse.

Two days later, the book fair opened.

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