1979 Golden Age

Chapter 73 Aqi and Aguai

"Young friends, we came to meet each other and were sent to the crematorium. We were all burned to ashes. You were piled on top of me. No one knew anyone. We were all taken to the countryside to be used as fertilizer..."

After the New Year, Chen Qi returned to his loyal Beijing Film Studio singing youthful songs.

He rode to the door, flicked his tail gracefully, and shouted into the reception room: "Master? Master?"

"Why are you back again?"

"We have to stay for a while, please!"

Chen Qi handed a big bag into the front door, waved his hand and left. The uncle pouted, "This kid is okay, he knows how to respect the elderly." As the saying goes, he is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, but he is the concierge of Beijing Film Studio. The second-generation people in the factory don't respect him enough.

Speaking of which, New Year's Eve is on the 15th of next month, and the second-generation film school students are about to go on winter vacation.

Chen Qi arrived at the guest house and 302 was fine.

He made a pot of hot water, brewed some rice cakes in an enamel jar, took a chair and sat in front of the radiator, took off his cotton shoes, and put his feet on the radiator to bake. After a while, the heat penetrated the socks and the body became warm.

He was drinking tea from a large pot and looking at a sample magazine of the latest issue of "Story Club", which was shaking uncomfortably.


This guest house is as warm as home.

The "Kapok Kasaya" was published in the "Story Club" in September and November, and the upper part of "The Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" was published in the January issue. He looked at it and found a tofu article that read:

"Since the restoration of the title of "Story Club" at the beginning of last year, it has received more and more support from readers and friends, and the results are gratifying. With the arrival of the new year, this magazine will hold a small New Year tea party, inviting Some authors and reader friends gathered together..."

whispering sound!

Chen Qi was invited to this tea party. He didn't have so much capitalist time, so he naturally declined. "Story Club" was published openly in the magazine, and there was a sense of pride in becoming bigger and stronger.

"It seems the sales are good!"

He touched his chin, and his desire to start a magazine became stronger and stronger. What he meant by running a magazine was to find an organization to affiliate with, not to start it privately - private individuals would definitely not allow it.

In the early 1980s, publishing magazines was a hot trend, and the process was relatively easy.

"How about hanging it under the Beijing Film Studio?"

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone calling him downstairs. When he opened the window, he saw a guy raising his neck and shouting: "There is someone looking for you at the door! Door!"

"I know, thank you!"

Chen Qi put on his cotton shoes, wrapped himself in a cotton-padded jacket, and wandered downstairs.

He thought it was Huang Zhanying, but when he arrived at the door, it was an unexpected guy.

"Lao He?"

"Xiao Chen, I finally see you. Farewell to Lushan is like three autumns!"

The person who came was none other than He Chengwei, the editor of "Story Club". He was dressed in dusty clothes and as cold as a grandson, and he was carrying a big bag.

"Come in, come in!"

Chen Qi dragged him into the hospital and shouted into the reception room: "Uncle, this is my friend, come and see me!"


The old man snorted as the cigarette's buff took effect.

"You guys are really strict here. You won't be allowed in no matter what you say."

"Nonsense, this is the Beijing Film Studio. You can just enter the Shanghai Film Studio? Why are you coming to the capital? On a business trip?"

"Looking specifically at you!"

As he arrived at the guest house and entered the room, He Chengwei smiled and said: "Your Excellency is busy and can't attend the tea party, so the magazine sent me to express condolences. Isn't it the Spring Festival next month? I brought you some local specialties. dislike."

He opened the big bag and turned it over one bag after another.

"This is White Rabbit candy!"

“This is the spiced beans from the Old Town God’s Temple!”

"This is a Tiaotou cake. It's so crowded that it's deformed."

"This is good, this is called Chongming cake..."

He Chengwei held a box of pastries as if he were offering a treasure and said: "It is divided into sponge cakes and hard cakes. The sponge cakes are eaten cold, and the hard cakes have to be steamed."

"That's too polite of you. You traveled thousands of miles just to bring me something."

Chen Qi was a little moved, but it dissipated like smoke in an instant, hum! It's nothing more than a way to win over myself and continue working for "Story Club".

Qidian also sends big gift packages to writers.

He made tea for He Chengwei, kept him warm, and asked, "Do you have a place to stay? If not, just stay here and squeeze in with me."

"Yes! Fortunately, I asked before I came here. They said it is difficult to find accommodation in the capital and it is almost impossible to find a hotel. The editor-in-chief helped me contact a friend. I stayed at his house and went back the day after tomorrow."

"There's not much to do in winter. You can go to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall."

"Well, actually we have always wanted to invite you to Shanghai and treat you well, but unfortunately you are too busy."

"I really don't have time, and I have a new script in my hand..."

Chen Qi paused and said with a smile: "Just think I'm being vain. Don't you have a film studio to ask about "Kapok Kasaya" and "Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs"? Adaptation or something."


He Chengwei went over how to answer in his mind, and decisively took the responsibility, saying: "Maybe the distribution range of "Story Club" is not wide enough and the dissemination is not strong enough. Your story is so exciting, and it will definitely be put on the big screen in time."

Haha, you are really good at talking!

Chen Qi actually thinks that it is because martial arts films have not yet emerged and film studios are unwilling to make them, so they can just wait until "Tai Chi" comes out.

After chatting for a while, he took out the second half of "The Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" and said: "I am working on a new script. This is a collaboration between me and a friend. You just happened to be here, take a look first."


He Chengwei felt a sudden change in his heart, so he read it carefully, read a few pages, felt slightly relieved, and turned to the end. After reading it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He doesn't care about cooperation or not, that's the writer's business, he only cares about quality. This "ghostwriter" has good skills, and the style of oral storytelling is also very similar, so that's enough.

"How do I sign my signature?"

"His pen name is Aqi and Aqi. We are a combination of 'Aqi and Aqi'. From now on, whenever we sign under two names, it will be our collaboration."


He Chengwei twitched the corners of his mouth, okay.

He stayed for a long time, Chen Qi invited him to have a meal, and then went to the friend's house.

Chen Qi walked around the room, looking at the pile of things, and suddenly picked a little of each item, put it into a bag, stuffed another page of manuscript paper into it, and carried it out.


Nowadays, there are suburbs outside the Second Ring Road.

The Beijing Film Studio is located on the North Third Ring Road, surrounded by farmland and pig-raising areas. Going west, there is a small theater near North Road A of the West Third Ring Road, connected to a courtyard. This is the location of the General Political Repertory Theater.

The small theater was where they rehearsed. It was later renovated and renamed the Bayi Theater.

Gong Xue had just had lunch and was resting with everyone.

After she came back, she was immediately arranged to rehearse. She was still in her previous role, a health worker with few roles. From the heroine of "Lushan Love" to a health worker, there is naturally a psychological gap.

"Gong Xue, there is someone looking for you at the door!"


Who is looking for me?

She left the rehearsal venue confused, and when she saw the familiar figure at the door, she felt nervous instantly for some reason.

"Xiao Chen, why are you here?"

"I have something to do with you."

Chen Qi opened the bag and said with a smile: "The editor of "Story Club" came to see me today and brought a lot of Shanghai specialties. I thought you were from Shanghai, so I brought some for you."

"No, no, no, I brought it for you. It's not appropriate for you to give it to me."

Gong Xue waved her hands quickly.

"I've brought it all, you can't let me carry it back, right? Besides, I have something to ask you."

He took out the page of manuscript paper and said, "You can draw, can you draw a few pictures for me? I wrote some descriptions, can you take a look first?"

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