1980 My literary era

Chapter 104 Blame you for being too good

The official performance date of "The Intouchables" has been determined, and it is set on the evening of March 22nd.

Lin Weimin went to the People's Art Rehearsal Field to watch their final rehearsal performance the morning before the performance, and he was full of expectations.

People in the entertainment industry also have high expectations for the drama "The Intouchables". From the initial determination of the script to the determination of actors, production of props, arrangement of stage lighting, sound effects, and rehearsals, all steps are striving for excellence.

Today is the last day before the performance. All the actors put in their best efforts to perform in order to make all the leaders and colleagues feel at ease.

The last scene on the stage ended, and the audience burst into applause. There were many leaders and colleagues from the hospital sitting in the audience today, which was equivalent to a final acceptance before the performance of "The Intouchables".

Lin Weimin said to Shi Zhi: "Teacher Yu, after reading the final performance, I have 120% confidence in the performance of our play."

So Zhi smiled and said: "It's all because of your good script writing!"

"Don't ever say that."

On the stage, the actors were taking their final call.

So Zhi took several main behind-the-scenes staff to the stage and briefly said a few words to cheer everyone up.

At the end, he did not forget to mention, "Everyone has also seen that our "Untouchable" screenwriter Lin Weimin is also at the rehearsal today. Let me tell you everything, today Teacher Lin is not only here to appreciate our last performance before the performance During a rehearsal, he also sent me his latest script.”

As he spoke, he raised the script in his hand, raised his voice and continued: "This script, I can responsibly say, will become another new classic of our art."

Everyone present was shocked when they heard what Su Zhi said.

What are the classics of human art?

"Thunderstorm", "Sunrise", "Teahouse", "Longxugou"...

So to praise Haikou like this is enough to prove that he is optimistic about this script.

"I tell you this today not to praise Teacher Lin. But I want to tell you that our art world is not short of good scripts. As long as they are actors in our theater, everyone has a chance to shine.

The most important thing is that you must seize this opportunity. The performance is the moment to test everyone's hard work and dedication.

I hope that everyone can exert all their efforts at tomorrow's performance to give our audience a wonderful performance.

Can everyone do it? "

So he finally asked loudly.

"Yes!" All the actors on the stage replied in unison.

A voice like a mountain call echoed in the rehearsal venue, and the determination of the people was shocking.

So Zhi stepped down from the stage after speaking and said with a smile: "The military morale is available!"

Before leaving, Su Zhi gave Lin Weimin five tickets to tomorrow's "Intouchables" performance. Lin Weimin accepted them happily. He had already arranged the ownership of these tickets in his heart.

He first gave Qu Xiaowei a ticket on his bicycle, and then came to Shi Tiesheng's house.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!" Lin Weimin shouted Shi Tiesheng's name when he entered the door. The neighbors next door were already used to his movements.

Shi Tiesheng was pushed out of the door by his sister Shi Lan, "Why are you here?"

Lin Weimin said with a smile: "My play will be performed tomorrow at the Capital Theater. I'm here to give you some tickets today, and you have to think about going tomorrow!"

Shi Lan asked expectantly: "Brother Lin, can I go?"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "Not only you, but also my uncle will go. Here are three tickets."

"You and your uncle usually work so hard to take care of Tiesheng, let's go see what's new tomorrow!"

The Shi family couldn't help but be extremely moved when they heard his words.

"Thank you, for the people." Father Shi said.

"Uncle, don't be polite to me."

Lin Weimin said a few more words to Shi Tiesheng, "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I have one ticket left and I have to give it to someone else. See you tomorrow."

Shi Lan pushed Shi Tiesheng to send Lin Weimin out of the gate of the courtyard.

When she pushed Shi Tiesheng back to the yard, she saw Aunt Li next door chatting with Father Shi.

"Oh, your friend Tiesheng is really a good friend. He thinks of your family no matter what." Aunt Li said enviously, "This Lin Weimin is really capable."

Shi Lan looked proud and continued what Aunt Li said: "That's right. Brother Lin is a great writer now!"

"Hey, I heard that you don't have a partner yet, right?" Aunt Li suddenly asked.

Before Shi's father could speak, Shi Lan warned: "Aunt Li, Brother Lin works in the Chinese Literature Society, and there are many good-looking lesbians in the society."

"Isn't that also suitable?"

Shi Lan puffed up his chest, "That only shows that Brother Lin has a high vision!"

Aunt Li felt bored when she saw Shi Lan's attitude of talking back and forth, and turned around and went home.

Shi Tiesheng looked at his sister's performance and couldn't help but sigh.

This friend Lin Weimin seems to be a little too good!

After leaving Shi Tiesheng's house, Lin Weimin rode a bicycle to the Chinese Literature Society.

There is no work in the club today, and the front and back buildings are empty.

Lin Weimin went to room 301 on the third floor. Yu Hua was not there, so he went to visit another room.

He happened to meet Zheng Guo and said, "For the people, I will leave tomorrow."

"Has the manuscript been revised?"

"After the correction, it's time to go home." Zheng Guo said, with a hint of melancholy in his tone.

Lin Weimin couldn't help but feel a little sad. There were always people coming and going in this back building.

"Have you booked your train tickets?"

"It's booked, for tomorrow."

"Then I'll treat you to a meal tonight."

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Zheng Guo said this, but his face was happy.

After chatting for a while, Lin Weimin waited until Yu Hua arrived and thrust a ticket into his hand.

""The Intouchables" will be performed at the Capital Theater tomorrow night, and I'm thinking of going to see it."

Yu Hua accepted the ticket excitedly, "Teacher Lin, you are so kind to me! I have never seen a play since I was a child!"

Can it be bad?

You are the first little brother I have accepted.

"You should go home in two days and see the world while you have time."

"Yes." Yu Hua nodded heavily.

He asked for a month's leave from his employer, and it has been more than 20 days.

He came to Yanjing to revise the manuscript, but what he didn't expect was that it took him only one day to revise it. The rest of the time was spent traveling around the streets and alleys of Yanjing with a subsidy of two yuan a day.

Yu Hua feels that these more than half a month have been the happiest time in his life.

Later, Teacher Lin even gave him tickets to watch a play. This trip to Yanjing was really worthwhile.

After talking about the tickets, Lin Weimin took Yu Hua and Zheng Guo out to eat together.

Hearing that Zheng Guo was leaving tomorrow, Yu Hua was still a little sad. He and Zheng Guo had become familiar with each other in the past twenty days.

Zheng Guo acted very free and easy tonight, but he drank a little too much.

Lin Weimin and Yu Hua worked together to move him back to the dormitory. After putting him on the bed, Lin Weimin heard Zheng Guo shouting in his drunken dream: "Mom, pour me some water."

Thinking of Zheng Guo's life experience, Lin Weimin shook his head and sighed helplessly.

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