1980 My literary era

Chapter 149 Autumn nostalgia

After Ren Hao returned to Qindao for several days, news came that the "Cliff" TV series was officially launched and 20 episodes were planned to be filmed.

Qindao TV plans to release a large satellite this time. No domestic TV station has ever produced a 20-episode TV series. This should be regarded as the first full-length TV series in China. "Eighteen Years in the Enemy Camp" was broadcast on CCTV at the beginning of this year. 9 episodes.

As agreed in advance, Lin Weimin, the original author, will be responsible for adapting the script, and it is tentatively scheduled to take three months.

This time is not too easy for Lin Weimin. He is familiar with the story of "Cliff". He originally adapted it through the TV series version of "Cliff" and the movie version of "Above the Cliff". He adapted the script to make it smooth and smooth, and only spent a lot of money. Two episodes were released in just one day.

If he didn't still have work, Lin Weimin would really like to take another "creative leave".

It's a pity that he didn't dare, for fear of being torn alive by Comrade Lao Meng.

Anyway, three months is plenty of time.

The review process of "The Wind" was much smoother than that of "Farewell My Concubine". There was no sensitive content at all and it was completely upright.

Xie Mingqing reported that there was no problem in the initial review and re-examination, and they will wait for a meeting to make a final decision.

During this time, Lin Weimin had some free time again and occasionally went to Renyi.

The actor Cheng Dieyi in "Farewell My Concubine" has finally been cast. The A role is Yang Lixin, a young actor who has just entered the entertainment industry for a short time. He is quite famous in later generations. His son later also became an actor and developed well. His name is Yang Le.

Lin Weimin specially came to see his appearance that day. His impression of Zhang Guorong's soft temperament was a bit more tough. It was still a matter of appearance, but generally he had a bit of Cheng Dieyi's charm.

Lin Weimin remembers that Zhang Guorong's dubbing in "Farewell My Concubine" was completed by Yang Lixin. This can be regarded as a kind of fate.

After Yang Lixin took off his makeup, Ouyang Shanzun called him over and asked, "Teacher Lin, what do you think of Xiao Yang's appearance?"

Lin Weimin nodded, "Not bad, I don't have any objections."

Yang Lixin was overjoyed. Although director Ouyang Shanzun and screenwriter Lan Yinhai had previously expressed approval for him, with the approval of Lin Weimin, the original screenwriter, his role became more secure.

He was admitted to the People's Arts in 1975, similar to Li Guangfu. In recent years, he has only played small roles.


Lin Weimin pondered and said, "Xiao Yang!"

"Teacher Lin, do you have any advice?" Yang Lixin asked quickly.

"It's not about giving advice. I just want to tell you that the character Cheng Dieyi has his own special characteristics, that kind of energy that can't be lived without being crazy. If you can't act it out, not only will the charm of this character be greatly reduced, You might even be disgusted by the audience. So, you have to work hard.”

Yang Lixin felt the pressure from Lin Weimin. He nodded vigorously and said, "Teacher Lin, I will definitely work hard to play this role well."

Ouyang Shanzun said with a smile: "Our B character is a male dancer seconded from the Peking Opera Company. The hospital has coordinated with the Peking Opera Company and plans to let some of our protagonists go there to learn three Month. This play involves a large number of Peking Opera scenes. Without training, it will be difficult for them to perform the essence of the role."

Lin Weimin recognizes this serious attitude towards human art. Only with such a spirit and attitude can he produce good works.

Over the weekend, Lin Weimin came to the small courtyard at No. 26 Yonghegong Street again, and this time he was followed by a tail.

"Tiesheng! Tiesheng!"

Lin Weimin shouted in the courtyard, and Han Zhuangzhuang also shouted from behind: "Uncle Shi! Uncle Shi!"

When Shi Tiesheng came out of the house in a wheelchair, he saw Lin Weimin carrying a piece of meat and Han Zhuangzhuang holding a few cabbage in his arms.

"What are you two doing?"

Lin Weimin asked: "Where is my uncle?"

"I went out to do some errands. I'll be back later."

Lin Weimin picked up the pork and shook it, "The tip of my newly cut buttocks is craving for dumplings. Let my uncle make some for me."

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said: "Okay, the food has been improved tonight. But is it a bit too much?"

Lin Weimin glanced back and said, "Not much, not much at all."

Shi Tiesheng laughed tacitly.

When it was almost noon, Father Shi came back. Hearing that Lin Weimin wanted to make dumplings, he hurriedly started cooking.

Lin Weimin and Han Zhuangzhuang helped him, chopping stuffing, kneading dough, and rolling dough. The three of them divided the work, and the scene was very lively.

Shi Tiesheng was sitting in a wheelchair making dumplings. It looked like he had practiced his skills, which was much better than Lin Weimin's.

Han Zhuangzhuang laughed and said, "Uncle, your bag is too ugly!"

Lin Weimin gave him a look, and Han Zhuangzhuang shut up knowingly.

"Why didn't you see Shi Lan today?" Lin Weimin asked.

"Isn't it summer vacation? I run out to play with my classmates every day, and I don't come back until it's dark." Shi's father said.

Lin Weimin kneaded a dumpling and placed it on the curtain, "Have you started high school again?"

"Yes, it's really fast!" Shi Tiesheng's tone was filled with sighs.

The four people worked very quickly and made several dumplings in more than an hour.

Without waiting for all the dumplings to be wrapped, I put two curtains of dumplings into the pot first.

Father Shi made the dumplings himself and asked Lin Weimin and Shi Tiesheng to eat them first. They were not polite and started making dumplings with their bowls in hand.

“muamua, so delicious!”

Lin Weimin watched Han Zhuangzhuang eat and could always think of pigs eating.

"Can't you be a little bit cheesy?"

"Uncle, you don't understand, this is how you eat it."

The two quarreled, but there was no delay in eating.

Shi Tiesheng said: "By the way, for the people, I have written another article recently. You can help me read it after dinner."


The three of them were working hard, and the few dumplings they had made earlier were eaten by Father Shi.

Lin Weimin and Shi Tiesheng were full, but Han Zhuangzhuang was still a little short. He got up and helped Shi's father make dumplings.

Lin Weimin pushed Shi Tiesheng into his room and started reading his newly written manuscript.

"After my legs were paralyzed, my temper became violent and unpredictable. Looking at the formation of wild geese returning to the north in the sky, I would suddenly smash the glass in front of me..."

"Autumn Memories" is one of the few essays that Lin Weimin has read in its entirety and was moved to tears.

When Shi Tiesheng went to the countryside, he first suffered from back pain, then difficulty moving his legs, and finally found out that the problem was in his spine. In those years, Shi Tiesheng's father was still working in southern Yunnan, and his mother took care of his life and medical treatment.

As written in the article, Shi Tiesheng became extremely sensitive and moody in the initial stage of his illness, and his mother was always by his side to take care of him and tolerate him.

But things are unpredictable. That strong mother may be able to bear the burden of thousands of dollars in debt for her son's medical treatment, and she can bear the hardship of serving a patient for the rest of her life, but she can never bear the blow of her lively son losing his legs.

She left, leaving behind a disabled son and a minor daughter.

Before her death, her mother always talked to Shi Tiesheng about taking him to Beihai, saying that the flowers there were all blooming and she wanted to take Shi Tiesheng to see them.

But at that time, Shi Tiesheng was not the cheerful and optimistic man he is now, and he always rejected his mother rudely.

Until one day, while Shi Tiesheng was looking at the leaves falling rustlingly outside the window, he finally agreed to his mother's trip to Beihai.

His mother said that she would take him to visit Beihai to eat at Fangshan. Shi Tiesheng's favorite food there was pea yellow when he was a child. She got up happily and said that she was going to make preparations, but once she left, she never came back.

His mother left, leaving Shi Tiesheng with endless thoughts and guilt.

"It's autumn again, and my sister pushed me to go to Beihai to see the chrysanthemums. The yellow flowers are elegant, the white flowers are noble, and the purple flowers are warm and deep, splashing and blooming brilliantly in the autumn wind. I understand what my mother didn't finish. My sister also understands. When we are together, we have to work hard..."

Now these thoughts have turned into words and fallen on the manuscript paper. They have not yet been turned into type. They are filled with longing for my mother and guilt.

It was less than a thousand words long. Lin Weimin burst into tears after reading it, "It's so well written!"

He rubbed the manuscript and sighed: "Our manuscript must be published by our "Contemporary"."

Shi Tiesheng smiled, his face full of relief, "It would be great to publish it in your "Contemporary"."

He added: "Would it be too short in terms of length?"

Lin Weimin said: "What does it matter if it is short? This prose of yours is going to be included in textbooks. It is an honor for our publication to be included in "Contemporary"."

Shi Tiesheng was happy at first, and then became a little depressed, "What kind of textbook should I take?"

For a writer, it is definitely an honor for his work to be included in textbooks.

But Shi Tiesheng did not want to use this work to be used in textbooks.

Lin Weimin realized his gaffe and changed the topic.

The two chatted in the room for a while, and it was a bit stuffy. Lin Weimin planned to push Shi Tiesheng to the tree outside the courtyard.

Passing by Han Zhuangzhuang who was still stuffing dumplings into his mouth, Lin Weimin said: "Just eat it, leave some for Shi Lan."

Father Shi smiled and said, "I've left everything for that girl, so don't worry about it."

Shi Tiesheng and Lin Weimin sat and stood chatting under the tree.

Occasionally, when neighbors come back from the courtyard or go out and see Shi Tiesheng and Lin Weimin, they will always smile and say something to Shi Tiesheng, and they will also take Lin Weimin with them, "Is Writer Lin here again?"

Lin Weimin replied with a smile: "I'm busy" and "Have you eaten?"

As the two chatted, Lin Weimin talked about Qu Xiaowei. He heard that his girlfriend had been transferred to Yanjing, and Shi Tiesheng was very happy for him.

"So, they should get things done soon, right?" He was referring to getting married.

"Who knows, they didn't talk about it last time we met."

"I asked why Xiaowei doesn't come here much recently? It turns out his girlfriend is here."

Lin Weimin said: "This kid has forgotten his righteousness when he sees sex!"

Shi Tiesheng smiled and said: "When you fall in love, you have to do the same."

Lin Weimin waved his hand and said boldly: "That's impossible. How can a dignified man indulge in an affair between his children and a woman? I can't let a woman take up too much of my energy."

Shi Tiesheng looked at him for a long time before saying, "No wonder you are still a bachelor now!"

"Nonsense! I just don't want to look for it."

Shi Tiesheng said slowly: "Then you should look for it!"

Lin Weimin looked embarrassed and said, "Look for me."

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