1980 My literary era

Chapter 158 Male and Female Leading Role

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there is no telling when the snow will fall, and winter in Yanjing will arrive.

Lin Weimin was reviewing manuscripts in the office that day, and Rong Shihui threw a magazine on his desk.

"What's this?"

"Let's take a look. Your precious kid has published something in "Yanjing Literature"."

Lin Weimin checked the catalog and saw Yu Hua's name, which was a short story "Bamboo Girl".

"He had submitted this article to me before, but I felt it was a bit unsatisfying, so I sent it back to him."

Rong Shihui asked: "Can't this kid change his mind and vote again?"

"You don't know him. This kid is very naughty. How can he listen to our training so honestly?"

Rong Shihui could tell from Lin Weimin's words that the two of them must be having a battle of wits, and said with a smile: "Little guy, you are so cunning!"

"Young man!"

While chatting, Lin Weimin finished reading the manuscripts and sorted out the manuscripts that he thought were good. He wrote review comments and put them on Rong Shihui's desk.

Then he put the selected manuscripts in another pile and stuffed rejection letters into them.

After working for a while, Lin Weimin got up and went to the wall next to the door to get another pile of submission letters.

The submission letters for "Contemporary", or the submission letters for most first-tier literary magazines these days, are endless. This work seems to have no end, and it is always waiting for the editors to come.

"Alas, there haven't been any decent works recently!"

Like him, Yao Shuzhi is also looking for writers and works with talent and attitude in this vast pile of letters, but the probability is like finding a needle in a haystack, which always makes people feel a little desperate at a certain point in time.

"It's not that it's not decent, it just didn't meet our requirements."

Lin Weimin was talking and looking at the envelope of a letter, as if there was some important information on it.

Seeing his serious look, Yao Shuzhi asked, "Have you found any good seeds again?"

"No." Lin Weimin shook his head, "This person's handwriting is really ugly!"

Yao Shuzhi smiled and said: "How can yours be better than others?"

"It's better than the one written by our Zheng Guo."

While bickering, Lin Weimin tore open the envelope, which contained a submission letter and manuscript.

The person who wrote the letter introduced himself as a student at Liaodong University. He claimed that he had read more than 2,000 domestic and foreign novels over the years and had his own unique insights into literary creation.

During this period, he read through most of the works published in the country's first-tier literary journals, and found them to be very old-school. The writing had neither new ideas nor connotation. It was like a dying old man, and the works exuded the smell of decay.

The tone of the letter was surprisingly loud, and Lin Weimin smiled a little while reading it.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

Lin Weimin unfolded his manuscript, read it once and then put it down.

The young man has a good idea, but he is still not mature enough and needs the guidance of Teacher Lin.

He first filled the manuscript with dense comments, then spread out a piece of paper and wrote a reply to the loud-mouthed classmate Ma Yuan.

This kid has a very high opinion of himself. If you don't get rid of his arrogance first, you can't control him. Teacher Lin once again used the KTV technique.

Don’t you read a lot of novels? Then let’s not talk about novels, Maugham or Hawthorne. The more familiar they are to you, the less I will talk about them. Let’s talk about some philosophy and history, and we will talk about them in unfamiliar places. This is called asymmetric attack.

After chatting for several pages, Lin Weimin felt a little sorry for himself when he looked back.

This is all money!

Ma Yuan, if you don’t write a few works for me a year from now on, you will not be sorry for Teacher Lin’s devotion to you.

In the afternoon, the work unit issues coal stamps. After receiving the coal stamps, you get off work.

While riding a bicycle on the road, the cold wind blew by, and Lin Weimin missed the four-wheeled car a little bit.

I don’t know when we can open it!

Han Zhuangzhuang made an appointment with his colleagues to watch a movie tonight. He didn't know whether his colleagues were male or female. Lin Weimin had nothing to do and came to Muxidi.

"Hello, teacher! Hello, mistress!"

You can smell the aroma of food as soon as you enter the door, which is very good at this time.

Mr. Wan was watching TV on the sofa and waiting for dinner. When Lin Weimin came, he asked him to sit down and chat, "I haven't seen you for a long time recently."

"Hey, I've been busy all day."

When you get to Mr. Wan, it is inevitable to report on your work and life.

Hearing that "Cliff" was to be adapted into a TV series, Mr. Wan was a little happy, "This format is very good. Your novel was first broadcast on the radio and now on TV, which has a very big impact on the spread of the work. .”

"That's true. However, the most important thing for this type of adaptation is to be loyal to the original work. There are written works first and then film and television works. If the audience cannot accept it, it will also be harmful to the work itself."

Mr. Wan nodded and said: "Yes, you have thought very carefully. You don't need to worry too much about this. Comrade Jinshan and the comrades from the TV station will check it. There will be no problem."

Lin Weimin nodded, of course he was not worried now.

After all, the current group of film and television workers are still in the literary and art circles, and have not expanded enough to list themselves in a separate circle - the entertainment industry, but it will be hard to say in another twenty or thirty years.

Screenwriters and writers are nothing!

I am a director/producer/investor/actor. It is your honor to use your things, and I will give you a bite to eat!

The two also talked about "Farewell My Concubine" which Renyi is still preparing. The preparation progress of this play in Renyi should be considered very slow. According to the current progress, I am afraid that it will be performed very quickly next spring.

"Don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, and don't be afraid of waiting for a good show." Mr. Wan said with a smile.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to talk about "Farewell My Concubine", Lin Weimin mentioned that he had allowed his eldest nephew Han Zhuangzhuang to enter the humanities industry.

"It's okay, you didn't think of me as an old fool!"

Mr. Wan's words made Lin Weimin feel ashamed. He wanted to add a few words. At this time, Mr. Wan said: "If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the people are careful, there will be no disciples. Don't say that I am just a dean in name now, even if I couldn't completely prevent this kind of thing back then. But you are my student after all, and this kind of thing must be looked at with a magnifying glass."

"I have caused trouble to you, teacher." Lin Weimin apologized.

Mr. Wan's smile was a bit playful, "Do you know the difference between going through the back door and breaking the rules?"

Lin Weimin understood immediately and nodded to the old gentleman.

The old gentleman showed a naughty smile.

A few days later, it snowed for the first time this year in Yanjing City. Winter was coming, and getting up early to go to work every day became a chore.

It was clear that he had a lot of fun riding his bicycle to work last year, but this year it didn't work. Lin Weimin could only attribute this to Han Zhuangzhuang.

It's all because this guy is too lazy and led me astray.

Arriving at the Chinese Literature Society, Lin Weimin had just sat down when he received a registered letter.

It was sent to Lin Weimin by Ren Hao, who has now returned to Qindao from Harbin.

The crew is being prepared and the cast list has just been finalized. I would like to seek the opinions of Lin Weimin, the original author and screenwriter.

The letter not only contained a list of actors, but also attached photos of the leading actors for Lin Weimin's reference.

Lin Weimin saw two familiar names at first glance.

Tang Guoqiang and Zhu Lin are actually the male and female protagonists of the TV series "Cliff".

Of course I have heard of Tang Guoqiang’s famous name Lin Weimin, whether in later generations or now. He is now an actor in the Bayi Film Studio. He was the leading male lead when he was first electrocuted at the age of 23. In the past few years, he has acted in several well-received movies and has gained a great reputation.

Chen Xiaoer, who also belongs to the Bayi Factory, always grits his teeth every time he mentions him, as if he is a lifelong enemy.

In the 1980s, he was an idol star who was as good as the so-called "top class" in later generations. The term "cream cake" was specially invented to criticize him because he said in an interview that he loved to eat cream cakes.

Zhu Lin, the beautiful king of the daughter country, of course has not played the role of king yet. I have been exposed to Lin Weimin several times before, and his acting skills are, well, hard to describe.

Wasn't she transferred to Sichuan Film Studio to become an actress? Where did Ren Hao dig her out?

But when he thought that Ren Hao could even find Tang Guoqiang from Bayi Film Studio, it was not unusual for him to go to Sichuan Film Studio to find Zhu Lin.

If we look purely at appearance, the two of them are quite suitable.

The male and female protagonists of the novel "Cliff", Zhou Yi and Gu Qiuyan, are both middle-aged people in their thirties. The most important thing is that Zhou Yi's apparent identity in the novel is that he is an intelligence officer of the Puppet Manchukuo, and he speaks and acts with a very distinctive accent. , Gu Qiuyan, as her wife, must also have such a style.

Lin Weimin looked at the photos of the two of them. The makeup photos were very eye-catching and in line with the temperament of the novel.

Just as Lin Weimin was reading Ren Hao's letter, his call also reached the editorial department.

"Hi, Teacher Lin, hello! Did you receive the registered mail?"

"Hello, Director Ren, received, received."

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Ren Hao talked about the reason for the call.

After the cast list was finalized a few days ago, he mailed it to Lin Weimin.

In the past two days, he received a call from a young man named Wang Gang, the announcer who used to broadcast "Cliff" at Liaodong People's Broadcasting Station.

I didn't know where I heard that he was preparing for "Cliff", so I called and offered myself for a role.

Because Wang Gang mentioned a few old acquaintances who worked at Liaodong TV Station on the phone, Ren Hao did not refuse directly because of his face. He called today just to ask for Lin Weimin's opinion.

"Are there any suitable roles?"

"There is room for him to play a different role."

"Then give him a role! He has also broadcast the novel "Cliff", which can be regarded as a kind of fate." Lin Weimin said.

"Okay, then I'll do what you want, Teacher Lin. By the way, Teacher Lin, do you think there are any other problems with the actors?"

"No, no, it's all good. You guys should take good pictures."

"Okay. That's it, it's settled. You'll be free when we start filming later, but you must come and guide me!"


After hanging up the phone, not long after returning to the office, Lin Weimin found that Liu Yin and Yao Shuzhi were close to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Weimin, the male protagonist of your TV series adapted from "Cliff" is Tang Guoqiang?" Liu Yin's eyes were bright.

Lin Weimin glanced at the pile of actor photos and letters spread out on his desk. Everyone should have seen it, "Yeah."

Liu Yin and Yao Shuzhi couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's really him!"

"Did I say that's all that matters to you?"

"Why not? That's Tang Guoqiang!" Yao Shuzhi said with a look of amazement.

Lin Weimin looked at the other gay men in the room, and they all looked helpless.

This is probably the love of beauty, which everyone has.

How else could so many star-chasing girls come from in future generations?

On this day, the casting of the "Cliff" TV series not only became a hot topic in the editorial department of "Contemporary", it also spread throughout the Chinese Literature Society in a short period of time.

If not for anything else, just because of the starring role of Tang Guoqiang, a popular niche actor.

Back home in the evening, Lin Weimin told Han Zhuangzhuang that Zhu Lin accidentally became the heroine of "The Cliff". Han Zhuangzhuang was also a little surprised. Zhu Lin was the first classmate in their 80-level amateur acting class to play the leading role.

When she was in school, she played the heroine of "Little Courtyard", the graduation work of her classmate of 1978. Now she has just graduated and played the heroine of a TV series, and her partner is still a popular niche student like Tang Guoqiang.

As a man, Han Zhuangzhuang was jealous.

"Uncle, why do you say she is?"

"Why?" Lin Weimin thought for a while, "Maybe...his face?"

Han Zhuangzhuang nodded after hearing this, "Don't tell me, it's true. Not to mention Zhu Lin is in our class, even if we include our entire acting department, she is the most beautiful. Even among the college students in the 78th grade, there is no one who is older than her." It’s pretty.”

Having said this, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, "Uncle, is your face so important when you are an actor?"

Lin Weimin consoled him: "You are on a different path than theirs."

"Why is it different?"

"You are a strong person."

Han Zhuangzhuang shouted: "You just said I'm ugly?"

It's over, it hurts the child's heart.

"Uncle, that's not what I meant..."

"Uncle, please stop talking. I understand. Do you know about Zhou Lijing, the 78th grader in our school?"

Lin Weimin nodded. Of course Zhou Lijing knew that, like Tang Guoqiang, a popular niche student in the 1980s who was still studying at Yanying, there were a lot of directors who wanted to star in him.

"When we were in school, we often heard that a director wanted to film with him, but the teacher always rejected it on his behalf, saying that he was still young and did not have a solid foundation, so he had to focus on his studies.

The teachers never worried that if they rejected this director or that director, Zhou Lijing would not be able to film in the future. Because teachers all know that Zhou Lijing is the kind of person who is born to eat this kind of rice, just like you, uncle, are born to eat this kind of rice. "

When Han Zhuangzhuang said this, a bit of melancholy appeared on his face, "I used to be ignorant when I was at the Shanghai Film Studio, and I was stupid when I went to school, and I didn't realize it. Now that I have entered the People's Arts, I gradually understand that this kind of It’s called talent, and it doesn’t even require effort, which is really enviable!”

Listening to Han Zhuangzhuang's soliloquy, Lin Weimin discovered for the first time that his nephew was not that stupid after all. Sometimes the child just didn't talk.

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