1980 My literary era

Chapter 163 1982 is coming

Not only these two novels, Teacher Lin also prepared no less than ten novels of various types for Ma Yuan. Basically, they were all works of high quality and not well-known, or they were not well-known in the country.

On the one hand, this can knock off Ma Yuan's unruliness and self-confidence. On the other hand, even if he is dissatisfied and reads it later, he will not be disappointed or prejudiced against himself.

A few simple words knocked away Ma Yuan's unruly and self-confidence, and the next thing became easier to talk about.

Before Ma Yuan could finish his long speech, they were all talking about the family's shortcomings. Lin Weimin spent more than half an hour and basically got to know this kid, and even found out all the bad things he did in school.

Of course, in the end, Teacher Lin inevitably encouraged and encouraged Ma Yuan.

"Your previous novel still has many merits. It can be seen that you have talent in writing. But talent cannot be wasted, and you must keep writing."

Ma Yuan said sincerely: "Thanks to Teacher Lin for the comments you wrote for me last time. I read those comments carefully and feel that I learned a lot."

"Have you come to bring the manuscript this time?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Ma Yuan's face.

He came here mainly because he wanted to have a good debate with Lin Weimin. As a result, he was still thinking about his manuscript, and Ma Yuan couldn't help but feel ashamed of his petty thoughts.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Weimin already had the answer in his heart. He patted Ma Yuan on the shoulder nonchalantly and said, "It doesn't matter. You can write it down anytime. You are welcome to continue to contribute to our "Contemporary"."

Ma Yuan nodded heavily and made up his mind. From now on, he would submit to "Contemporary" and Mr. Lin.

After chatting about the manuscript, Lin Weimin smiled and asked: "How many days are you planning to visit Yanjing this time? Where will you stay?"

Ma Yuan said sheepishly: "I'm not planning to play, I just plan to visit the editorial office and then go back."

"So you don't have a place to live yet?"

Ma Yuan nodded.

Lin Weimin thought for a while and said: "It's hard to come to Yanjing, how can we leave without staying for two days? Let's stay in our guest house upstairs first, and have a good time in Yanjing for these two days, and then leave!"

Ma Yuan suddenly became happy. Of course he came to Yanjing not because he didn't want to have fun, but because he came to Yanjing on a temporary basis. He didn't even have a letter of introduction and couldn't stay in a guest house.

Lin Weimin's arrangement simply warmed his heart and filled him with gratitude.

"It's been cold lately, so I'd like to treat you to a Dong Lai Shun dinner tonight, as a way of helping you catch the wind!" Lin Weimin patted Ma Yuan on the shoulder and said.

Ma Yuan was excited, good guy, this includes food and accommodation.

He really regretted that he didn't bring a piece of work to "Contemporary". Even if he was editing it, he would edit it.

How embarrassing it is to eat and drink like this!

Ma Yuan's heart was filled with respect and love for Teacher Lin.

From now on, Teacher Lin will be my guiding light in the literary world.

A few days later, Ma Yuan, who was happy and unhappy, was sent away, and it was already halfway through the twelfth lunar month.

When I was chatting with my colleagues at work, I realized that the new year is coming.

At this time, the work of all agencies and factories has entered a state of laziness, and the same is true for the Chinese Literature Society.

During this period, Lin Weimin has basically been following a three-point cycle of family, Chinese literary society, and people's art. The rehearsals for "Farewell My Concubine" are going on in an orderly manner, and people's art plans to strive for a public performance in the first half of this year.

Comparing the preparation and rehearsal time of "The Intouchables", "Farewell My Concubine" took much more time, which shows that Renyi attaches great importance to this play.

It’s no wonder Renyi attaches so much importance to "Farewell My Concubine". The sales volume of the April issue of "People's Literature" where "Farewell My Concubine" was published at the beginning of the year has already exceeded one million copies. In September, the single volume of "Farewell My Concubine" was launched, with three first printings. The 100,000 copies were sold out in less than two months, and an additional 500,000 copies were printed, with a trend of being sold out by the end of the year.

The nationwide popularity of "Farewell My Concubine" is shocking. Looking at the domestic literary world in 1981, the only one that can rival it is probably Lu Yao's "Life".

Compared with Lin Weimin, who has developed steadily in the past two years and accumulated a lot of experience, Lu Yao, an originally unknown writer, is more like a model of overnight fame.

His real appearance in front of readers across the country was probably when he published the novel "Thrilling Scene" in "Contemporary", which received some praise. Qin Chaoyang, the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary", even wrote a special article to encourage Lu Yao.

Then "Life" was published in "Contemporary", which was like a breakthrough. In just a few months, readers across the country remembered this writer named Lu Yao and his novel "Life".

The current issue of "Contemporary" that published "Life" also achieved astonishing sales, even greater than the addition of "Farewell My Concubine" to "People's Literature". The same seems to be true in terms of influence among the people.

The reason for this gap is mainly reflected in the closeness of the subject matter and content.

Lin Weimin's treatment of his works may be very popular, but in terms of subject matter, "Farewell My Concubine" has an inherent disadvantage compared to "Life".

"Life" is set in the urban and rural life of the northern Shaanxi Plateau. The protagonist Gao Jialin returns to the land, leaves the land, and returns to the land again. This is the process of life changes. The emotional entanglement between Gao Jialin, rural girl Liu Qiaozhen, and urban girl Huang Yaping is the main contradiction in the development of the story, and it also reflects the tragedy of that difficult choice.

In the past few decades, the wave of people moving to the mountains and countryside has affected hundreds of millions of ordinary people across the country, and these young and middle-aged people who have experienced the years of educated youth happen to be the main force in today's literary wave.

Works like "Life" are too familiar to them.

Although he is a bit suspected of being robbed of the limelight, Lin Weimin is the author of "Farewell My Concubine" and the editor of "Life". He is equally happy with the reception of these two works.

Recently, there have been some new developments in the club.

We are preparing to hold the National Outstanding Short Story Selection Conference in March.

This awards event began in the spring of 1979. It was the first national novel awards event held in China and was hosted by "People's Literature".

In the first session, a total of 25 short stories won awards, including "Scars", "The Class Teacher", and "Why the Rider Sings to His Mother".

The selection scope is for works published from September 1977 to October 1978. Generally speaking, the works are very social but poor in literary quality.

Lin Weimin's "A Penny Matter" was one of the 25 works in the second session, including many students from the Institute of Literary Studies. It was because they won the second National Outstanding Short Story Award that they were qualified for further training.

In March 1981, Lin Weimin's "The Death of Yura" once again won the third National Outstanding Short Story Award. He was the only writer to win two consecutive Outstanding Short Story Awards.

This selection is the fourth and will be the last one.

Lin Weimin has no works selected. In the past year or so, all of his works have been medium-length novels.

But it doesn’t matter. The National Outstanding Novella Award organized by the National Literary Association will also be selected after the year. Everyone agrees that Lin Weimin’s “Farewell My Concubine” is a sure thing to win.

Of course, Lu Yao's "Life" has a greater chance of winning.

A few days before the Chinese New Year, Qu Xiaowei made an appointment with Lin Weimin for dinner and also made an appointment with Zheng Guo.

It’s freezing cold in March and September, so the first choice for eating is of course Donglaishun.

A group of people took their seats, Qu Xiaowei took Liu Haiyan, Zheng Guo took Yao Shuzhi, Lin Weimin took... Han Zhuangzhuang.

Qu Xiaowei felt dazzled when he saw it, "I think it's okay for one of you uncles and nephews to come with a girlfriend! Logically speaking, our conditions are not bad!"

Han Zhuangzhuang also learned a lot and said, "If my uncle doesn't look for it, how can I look for him?"

"Zhuang Zhuang is a filial child!" Qu Xiaowei joked.

Lin Weimin said: "I don't want to be hanged by a tree early like you."

His words caused Liu Haiyan and Yao Shuzhi to roll their eyes. Yao Shuzhi said, "You have to be able to hang me if you want to hang me!"

Several people laughed, and the laughter was full of discrimination against singles.

Lin Weimin is a little depressed. When will these 83 years pass?

After joking for a while, everyone got down to business.

It’s a rare gathering of friends today, and it’s indispensable to talk about the changes and feelings this year.

Qu Xiaowei was still hanging around in the workplace waiting to die, but fortunately his girlfriend Liu Haiyan was transferred from Jinling to Yanjing. The two planned to get married in the next year, and they talked about it with such sweet faces that it made Lin Weimin cry.

Qu Xiaowei's family is in good condition. Even the wedding room has been purchased, so the couple doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Zheng Guo followed his father to Beijing, and his behavior was as low-key as ever. His relationship with Yao Shuzhi was stable, but the two had not considered getting married yet.

When it was Lin Weimin's turn, he had nothing to say. He was so absorbed in his career that he had no time to care about anything else.

Although I only completed one novel this year, "The Wind", I wrote the drama script of "Farewell My Concubine" and the TV series script of "The Cliff". I promised that Yu Zhaohuai's novel is still being written, and the writing has become It’s a long story and I’ll probably finish it after the year.

It should be said that this year, the creative achievements were still very rich, at least the royalties were so high that Qu Xiaowei and Zheng Guo were envious of them.

"The big dog owner even drives a motorcycle."

While chatting, Qu Xiaowei looked at the motorcycle parked outside the window and said viciously, his eyes full of envy and jealousy.

"It's not just a motorcycle. Have you forgotten, he also bought a second-class motorcycle, right next to the Forbidden City." Yao Shuzhi reminded.

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot." Qu Xiaowei then remembered and said to Lin Weimin, "Why don't you live in Zhongnanhai?"

Lin Weimin looked carefree, it was no time for others to laugh at him for being single.

"This is the biggest difference between you and me. You put your energy into women and wasted your years and ruined your body. I put my energy into writing and gained a career and honor."

"Bah!" Liu Haiyan spat at Lin Weimin, "What career and honor? I think it's money and fame."

Qu Xiaowei smiled and hugged Liu Haiyan, "My wife is right, he is just a common man!"

It was Han Zhuangzhuang's turn to make a summary. He said: "Thanks to my uncle, I entered the Humanities and Art Institute this year and bought a bicycle. Next year I will save money and prepare to marry a wife, and then I will bring my father to Yanjing."

Zheng Guo praised: "Zhuang Zhuang is a filial child."

Lin Weimin raised his glass at this time, "Come on, come on! It's the end of the year, and 1981 is about to pass. Let's raise our glasses together and wish us and our families good health and all the best in 82."

Everyone clinked glasses. At this moment, no one thought Lin Weimin's toast was tacky.

Good health and everything goes well is everyone's biggest wish.

The wine glasses clinked together, just like the joyful sound of firecrackers coming from outside.

1982 is coming.

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