1980 My literary era

Chapter 173 Betrayal of G’s life

After work that day, Lin Weimin met Wang Shuo, who had not been seen for a long time. He came to Lin Weimin specifically.

"Hey, isn't this Master Shuo? I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you died in the south." Lin Weimin said sarcastically.

Wang Shuo retorted unwillingly. After joking for a few times, he finally expressed his intention.

This kid followed Xie Jingnan to sell electronic watches last year and made some serious money. He plans to open a restaurant recently.

The hotel will open tomorrow, and I plan to invite Lin Weimin to support it.

"I asked you, why do you keep going back? Opening a restaurant is hard work!" Lin Weimin said.

"Why isn't it hard work? Turning around electronic watches is not a long-term solution after all. Aren't I also looking for a regular business?"

"That's right, we haven't seen each other for so long, and we've made progress!" Lin Weimin patted Wang Shuo on the shoulder.

"Get out of here, uncle. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, the restaurant will be in Shawo'er, called Tianfu Restaurant."

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow."

After agreeing to Wang Shuo, Lin Weimin rode his motorcycle at around eight o'clock the next morning and bought two flower baskets before heading to Wang Shuo's hotel.

The sand nest is not far from Wukesong, and it belongs to the West Fourth Ring Road in later generations.

Lin Weimin searched along both sides of the road for a long time, and finally found the Tianfu Restaurant that Wang Shuo mentioned.

The building is a very ordinary street house these days, which has been converted into a hotel. The decoration is in line with the characteristics of this era.

The first private restaurant in Yanjing City started operating in the 1980s, so it is now a legal business for individuals to operate restaurants.

Lin Weimin came in with a flower basket. Wang Shuo and Xie Jing were already busy in the store. They were very enthusiastic when they saw Lin Weimin. He was the first one to come today.

The restaurant has just opened its doors now and has hired a Sichuan chef and two waiters, including Wang Shuo and Xie Jing, that's all.

Wang Shuo and Xie Jing were partners in the restaurant, and they didn't take over the electronic watch business. Now the two of them work together in a division of labor. One is looking after the store, while the other is going to Yangcheng to purchase goods. In this exchange, neither of them is wasted.

The Happy 250 parked at the door was also bought by the two of them, which shows the relationship between Wang Shuo and Xie Jing.

While they were chatting, many friends came to Tianfu Restaurant. They were all friends of Wang Shuo and Xie Jing who grew up in the compound.

Lin Weimin, the so-called "big boss in the Beijing circle" who would be familiar to later generations, was not seen. At this time, Wang Shuo was not the ruffian writer who was famous all over the world.

Lin Weimin was the biggest celebrity he could invite today. He introduced Lin Weimin to this group of friends who had grown up together, and received enthusiastic support from everyone. Wang Shuo couldn't help but feel a little proud.

After setting off the firecrackers, a group of people crowded in front of the hotel to take photos. Lin Weimin was placed in the middle by Wang Shuo.

The fact that he can come today can be regarded as supporting Wang Shuo's situation.

After taking photos, Tianfu Restaurant was officially opened.

Xie Jing arranged tables for everyone, while Wang Shuo went to help in the kitchen. On the first day of the restaurant's opening, it had to be lively and busy, so everyone helped to make the restaurant popular.

After a long time, the food and drinks were served one after another. Wang Shuo and the two waiters kept passing the dishes around. Lin Weimin joked: "When someone opens a restaurant, he will be the manager after all when he prints business cards. Why did he become a waiter when he came to your place?"

Wang Shuo was beaming today, "We don't care about that, it's our own business, why are we pretending to be grandsons?"

"Come on, come on, eat quickly! Eat quickly! Don't be polite, everyone!"

Wang Shuo worked hard to get everyone to eat and drink, and to liven up the atmosphere. It was the first day of the opening, so he had to trick a few tables of customers.

As a result, the store was quite lively, and the shouts of these young men could be heard on the street, but no one dared to come in to eat.

It's said to be a restaurant, but it sounds like a human meat bun shop. Who dares to enter?

Lin Weimin was not familiar with everyone, so he said goodbye to Wang Shuo and Xie Jing after eating. Wang Shuo sent him out, and Lin Weimin gave him a big unity card, but Wang Shuo insisted not to accept it.

"How can you do business like this? You are open to do business. Even if your own father comes, you have to pay, otherwise you will lose all your underwear."

Wang Shuo disagreed, "We are all friends. You help me and I will help you. To accept money would hurt our feelings."

Lin Weimin didn't insist anymore, but patted him on the shoulder, "Come to me on the day when you lose all your underwear, and I'll treat you to a meal!"

"Get out of here, uncle!" Wang Shuo cursed with a smile and waved goodbye to Lin Weimin.

Time flies to May. The third issue of "Contemporary" this year has just been released, and the atmosphere in the editorial office is relaxed.

Liu Yin took a copy of "Zhongshan" he had just bought and threw it on Lin Weimin's desk, "Comrade Weimin, you are betraying G's destiny!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "I am breaking into the enemy, and I have asked the leader for instructions."

He is the editor of "Contemporary". To avoid suspicion, he cannot publish his works in "Contemporary". But "Contemporary" belongs to the Chinese Literature Society. Can his works be allowed to flow to outsiders?

This time the work was published in "Zhongshan". He specifically told Qin Chaoyang that "Zhongshan" had been kind to him, and he would regard it as returning the favor this time.

Opening "Zhongshan", his latest novel "If You Have Something to Say" is posted on it. It is the novel that he promised Yu Zhaohuai to write for another half a year.

Zhu Changsheng said at this time: "Weimin, I just finished reading your novel."

"How is it?" Lin Weimin asked.

"It's different from your previous novels."

"That's right. Just tell me how you feel?"

Lin Weimin modified Zhang Yimou's "Speak Well". That movie was set in the 1990s. Lin Weimin changed it to the 1980s. The plot was also greatly changed, but the core remained unchanged.

"It feels small but refined to me. It's obviously a full-length novel..." Zhu Changsheng's face showed a bit of confusion.

Yao Shuzhi interjected: "I think what you wrote this time is just average. It's just a trivial matter. It's too thoughtless to talk about it over and over again."

Lin Weimin nodded noncommittally.

At this time, Rong Shihui put down the pen in his hand and said, "I don't agree with Xiao Yao's opinion."

Several people looked at him, and he took off his reading glasses, "I think this is a very bold attempt for the people. In recent years, our literary creation seems to have fallen into a strange circle, either praising something or criticizing something. Words like "profound, soul, and thought" are all used in this way, which dazzles people. It seems profound, but in fact it is divorced from reality and only pursues vanity."

"Weimin's "If You Have Something to Say" just breaks this false inertia and returns the novel to the essence of narrative."

Yao Shuzhi said: "Teacher Rong, it is not wrong to pursue grand propositions and criticality. If you say so, you are overgeneralizing."

"This is certainly not wrong, but it ignores the essence of the novel."

"The essence of fiction? What is it?"

"The word "novel" was first seen in "Zhuangzi: Foreign Things": The husband is tired of uncovering the poles, trying to pour water and blasphemy, guarding the trout, and it is difficult to catch a big fish; the novel is decorated as a county magistrate, and it is also far away from Dada.

"Xian" is the ancient word "Xuan", which means high; "Ling" means beauty, and "Qian" means pursuit. This means that if you hold a small fishing rod and a fishing line and run between irrigation ditches, you can only catch small fish such as loaches, but it is difficult to catch big fish.

Zhuangzi's remarks at that time were naturally far-fetched when used to explain the meaning of "novel", but they just pointed out the essence of novels.

Trivial remarks and trivial meanings are exactly what a novel should mean.

I am not opposed to grand narratives, nor to so-called profundity and criticism, but these things must be built on a solid foundation, otherwise they are just superficial, a castle built on the beach, which will be exposed as soon as the sea water comes. True colors. "

When it comes to the understanding of novels, Yao Shuzhi is not as good as Rong Shihui, who has been working as an editor all his life.

Lin Weimin laughed heartily at this time and said: "Teacher Rong is still very good. He speaks allusions and taught us another lesson."

Rong Shihui smiled and said, "Why don't you sound like you are complimenting me?"

"Teacher Rong, this is because you are overthinking. I am sincere."

The two started bickering, and the atmosphere of the slightly serious discussion became more relaxed.

Regarding the evaluation of Lin Weimin's "Speak Well", the editorial board's opinions are not unanimous.

This phenomenon is similar to what Lin Weimin expected. Each type of work has its own different audience. He does not insist that his works must be widely popular.

With the popularity of "Zhongshan", "If You Have Something to Say" has received more and more attention. The style of this work is very different from Lin Weimin's previous works, which has impressed countless readers.

In the early 1980s, when scar literature was very popular in the literary world, absurd and exquisite stories like "If You Have Something to Say" were like a breath of fresh air, exuding a unique temperament.

Because of the gimmick of publishing "Lin Weimin's latest masterpiece", the sales of the latest issue of "Zhongshan" have been rising steadily, and the momentum is obviously much stronger than previous issues.

This is great news for "Zhongshan" which just underwent a revision at the beginning of this year.

In the editorial office of "Zhongshan" far away in Jinling, Yu Zhaohuai couldn't help but smile as he looked at the subscription information collected from post offices and bookstores in various places.

Editor-in-chief Hai Xiao praised: "Zhaohuai, you have made a great contribution to our editorial department this time."

"You want to thank Xie Lin Weimin. Without his burst of inspiration, I would not have achieved such good results if I had to write the short story that I promised into a full length."

"Haha, you're right!"

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