1980 My literary era

Chapter 175 New Story

Lin Weimin observed Yan Wenjing's expression and eliminated him from the list of suspicions in his heart.

He thought in his mind that whether it was something caused by Random House or someone in China who was causing trouble, Lin Weimin would never agree to let him hand over the publishing rights to "Farewell My Concubine" in such a cheap way.

"Leader, please ask the agency to give you a reply. It is absolutely impossible for me to accept the price of 5,000 meters. If they are sincere, let them re-quote a price according to the American manuscript fee standards, otherwise There’s no need to talk about it.”

Yan Wenjing frowned when he heard this. Lin Weimin's performance was a bit young and energetic, but he could understand Lin Weimin's current mood by comparing his feelings with his own.

This matter must not be communicated as bluntly as Lin Weimin said. The tone should be more tactful and the meaning of the Chinese Literature Society and Lin Weimin, the author, should be expressed in place.

"Okay, I understand this matter. Let's communicate with them later and try to get them to offer a reasonable price. It's best if this matter can be accomplished."

Lin Weimin nodded, "I think so too, but we have to show sincerity from Random House!"

Yan Wenjing glanced at him angrily, "I know, don't weigh me with your words."

Lin Weimin laughed twice.

Not long after he came out of Yan Wenjing's office, Lin Weimin was surrounded by his colleagues in the office. Everyone looked at Lin Weimin like a rare protected animal.

"For the people, is Farewell My Concubine really going to be published in the United States?"

Lin Weimin was speechless. Did this gossip spread too quickly?

Facing everyone's expectant (gua) eyes, Lin Weimin said: "I haven't even written my horoscope yet, I just have this intention."

The matter has not yet been decided, and Lin Weimin feels that he should keep a low profile.

"If you are interested, wouldn't it be faster?" Yao Shuzhi said excitedly.

For this reading comprehension, I would believe it if you said you scored 100 points in primary school Chinese.

"Not really."

Lin Weimin's categorical denial did not interrupt the gossip among his colleagues. On the contrary, everyone became more interested. When the conversation got more exciting, they even put aside Lin Weimin as the protagonist of the incident and started to have various imaginations.

There are two focuses of attention. One is the impact of the publication of "Farewell My Concubine", and the other is the royalties that the publication will bring to Lin Weimin.

You must know that since before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been very few writers or scholars in China who can actually publish their works abroad, and even fewer of them are popular.

Therefore, once Lin Weimin's "Farewell My Concubine" can be successfully published in the United States, it will definitely set off a storm in the domestic literary world. Even if it does not have much impact abroad after publication, it will only rely on the four "American publishing" Big characters, these four characters are like golden signs, which can firmly put Lin Weimin on the throne of the first new generation writer in China, which is unshakable.

Let’s talk about royalties. Since the establishment of a certain system, the rice knife has become the world’s common currency in just a few decades, and its strength is comparable to gold.

Although everyone has never been to the United States, they have all heard of it. It is said that even ordinary workers there can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Not to mention the exchange rate, according to the current private market price, it is about 8 yuan per meter.

Everyone dares not to think that Lin Weimin's "Farewell My Concubine" has more than 100,000 words. Even if the publisher pays 10,000 yuan, it would still cost 80,000 yuan in RMB!

Eighty thousand yuan!

In 1982, this was an astronomical figure. Workers in state-owned factories only earned thirty or forty yuan a month. This kind of wealth was beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime.

But now, the money is indeed within reach for Lin Weimin.

Everyone was silent until the end of the analysis.

Although they were all educated people, they were not free from vulgar tastes. Faced with such huge wealth, they couldn't help but turn their attention to Lin Weimin.

At this moment, he was looking down at the manuscript calmly, as if the huge manuscript fee at his fingertips was as light as a feather to him.

Even Yao Shuzhi, who usually likes to quarrel with Lin Weimin, can't help but look at Lin Weimin with admiration.

"Hey, do you think he is just pretending to serve the people, or does he really not care?" Liu Yin asked everyone.

Everyone looked at Lin Weimin.

He Qizhi said: "If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to pretend. That's tens of thousands of yuan. I can spend it even if I don't go to work in my life."

"That's right." Yao Shuzhi couldn't help but think about it, "If you give me this 80,000 yuan and deposit it in the bank every year, the interest alone will be almost six or seven times my salary. What kind of job will I have to do!"

"You're so beautiful!" Liu Yin teased her.

Everyone discussed it for a long time and finally came to only one conclusion.

Weimin is indeed rich now, and he doesn't even care about tens of thousands of dollars.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Lin Weimin received an email from Shanghai.

When I opened it, it was a sample booklet of the "1982 National Excellent Novella Selection Award-winning Works Collection".

Every year, the National Outstanding Short Story Award will be published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House after the award ceremony. This year is no exception. The royalties are symbolic, not much, and Lin Weimin doesn't care.

Lin Weimin stuffed the book into his bag and left the office.

Riding a motorcycle to the People's Art Institute, Lin Weimin entered a practice room in the building.

Han Zhuangzhuang was dubbing with Liang Guanhua when he saw Lin Weimin coming here. He put down the few pages of the script in his hand and said, "Uncle, you are here!"

"Well, let's match the words and we'll be fine soon. You'll see how we perform later." Han Zhuangzhuang looked a little excited.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Lin Weimin moved a chair and sat near the door.

He and Liang Guanhua had been rehearsing the sketch script they wrote for Han Zhuangzhuang for more than half a month. During this period, Lin Weimin asked, but Han Zhuangzhuang had been mysterious and refused to say anything. It was not until this morning that he said that he would invite Lin Weimin to the People's Art Theater to inspect their half. The results of more than a month.

Lin Weimin was also very curious about the effect of this popular work in later generations under the interpretation of the eldest nephew and the little fat man Liang Guanhua.

Han Zhuangzhuang and Liang Guanhua were almost ready and ready to start performing.

Lin Weimin asked: "Do we still need a director?"

Han Zhuangzhuang and Liang Guanhua were there from the moment they entered, but there was also a tool man in the script.

"Wait a moment. We'll start by entering the door. People are outside."

Han Zhuangzhuang said, and he and Liang Guanhua walked outside the practice room. This was equivalent to a scene within a play in a sketch. After the painting was finished, he came back later and it officially started.

Lin Weimin lowered his head and glanced at his watch, when the door of the practice room was pushed open.

He looked at the lovely beauty with director Bao Qingli in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

"Hello, audience, I am a director, and our theater is rushing to shoot "The White-Haired Girl". It is not easy to rehearse a play now, but if you have a role, who doesn't act in a TV series?

Look, I, the director, have been here for a long time, but the actors haven't arrived yet! "

Song Dandan said her lines seriously, and glanced at Lin Weimin unconsciously. This was the famous Lin Weimin, Teacher Lin. She was quite handsome, but she got distracted during the performance.

Song Dandan, like Liang Guanhua, is a student of the People's Art Actor Training Class. She is recognized by the teachers in the academy as the most talented actor in this academy.

In the sketch "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren", the director is a pure tool, and the whole scene is focused on the two male actors. If Liang Guanhua hadn't begged her and promised a meal of mutton boiling, she would not have agreed. Come to act.

To play such a role, she couldn't even use her three-point success rate, and she was distracted during the performance.

"Hey, director, director, director, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Liang Guanhua trotted in from the door, his movements hurried, but his tone was casual.

He played the role of Fan Wei in the sketch.

"Why did you go?" Song Dandan asked angrily.

"I'll go to the door and have some food."

Liang Guanhua approached Song Dandan while speaking his lines and breathed at her. Song Dandan turned his head away with disgust and held in his breath.

This girl was adding drama to herself, and Lin Weimin immediately saw Song Dandan's intention.

"Are the roles clear?"

"It's clear, it's clear, I play Yang Bailao."

"What about Huang Shiren?"

"Huang Shiren is paying for me from behind!"

This is the first laugh point in the sketch. It uses the identity exchange between Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren to create a contrasting effect. This method is also the main means of creating effects in this sketch.

Liang Guanhua and Song Dandan gave natural performances and fluent lines, which made Lin Weimin smile knowingly.


They truly deserve to be the leaders of future generations of people and arts. Their current performance capabilities alone are enough to rival many actors in the field of human arts.

"Call him!" Song Dandan shouted.

"Yang Bailao" Liang Guanhua called towards the door: "Huang Shiren! Huang Shiren!"

That tone was like calling a watchdog at home.

"Coming! Coming! Coming!"

Han Zhuangzhuang appeared at the door of the practice room. In order to create a character, he deliberately bowed his shoulders and jogged slowly into the practice room.

Coupled with his body shape, which is as strong as an ox, the contrast is noticeable.

Lin Weimin's body, which was still relaxing, unconsciously stood upright and leaned on the back of the chair.

My eldest nephew’s acting skills are improving!

With all three actors appearing, the plot of "Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren" has officially begun.

The plot is very simple to sum up. Yang Bailao, a poor man who originally owed money, turned into an uncle who owed money, while Huang Shiren, the landlord, became a poor man who couldn't get money.

It is a new story.

The structure of this novel is not complicated, and the techniques are not advanced. It completely uses the contrast of identities to create laughter.

Under the performance of the three young people, Lin Weimin discovered that the performance quality of this sketch was not inferior to that of Teacher Huang Hong.

Even my eldest nephew's acting skills have improved so much now.

He turned his attention to Liang Guanhua and Song Dandan. This change was definitely inseparable from these two extremely talented actors.

On the sixth day, take two days off. It’s up to you. The monthly ticket is 4,600 in the morning and 5,300 in the evening. Counting three updates for you, I owe another 6,000 words.

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